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      • Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG

        With over 120 years of experience Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG is a family owned, independent publishing company and has, as of now, 750 titles available. We specialize amongst others in the fields of psychology, education, gerontology and social work and publish an average of 45 new titles every year. Internationally known as quality research literature, our publications have been translated into over 30 languages.Reinhardt Publishing cooperates with professional institutions and associations such as the German Association for Psychology or the Association for Bodypsychotherapy and is a member of utb GmbH – a university-focused joint venture of 15 German  academic publishers.

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      • Reiser Literary Agency

        Reiser is the traveller, one who explores the world, changes perspective and observes, experiences, records. Our authors’ books are characterized by mobility of point of view, originality of approach, novelty of research. From different disciplinary perspectives, often in dialogue with each other. Today, borders are crossed in order to retrace the outline of opinions, to acquire new knowledge. Reiser helps its authors to impart their knowledge and research in the most appropriate forms and through the best qualified publishers. With a view to shared experience that will enrich both writer and reader.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Kommissar Pfote - Hier riecht doch was faul! (Band 5)

        by Katja Reider

        Inspector Paw – Something Smells Fishy (Vol. 5) WOOF,  I‘m a cop dog and I solve every case – PAWS DOWN!   • Humorous everyday life stories told from a Police Dog's perspective• Established, popular author in Early Reading• Great Story Time series: Large illustrations with witty details   If someone is up to handle all of this work, it’s no one else than Inspector Paw. Pepper is in training to become a cop dog and never budges from Paul’s side. Paul is his partner to manage all missions. That’s why he appreciates Pepper’s snuffling snout. And Pepper doesn’t only uncover exciting detective stories, he tells you about them!   What happens in Volume 5:Ghosts in the garden? That can’t be! Mrs. Hansen is at a loss. When Pepper and Paul arrive at the old lady's house, the ghosts have already disappeared. Fortunately, Pepper doesn't miss a thing: He finds a shoeprint in Mrs. Hansen's garden. Wait a minute - ghosts don't have feet! In reality, it's Mrs. Hansen's neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Adam, who dressed up as ghosts to scare the old lady so that she finally moves into a nursing home. Then the Adams could have bought the house from her and sold it at an expensive price. Fortunately, Pepper once again has the right nose and busts the scam.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        So verfliegt die Wut im Nu

        Mit praktischen Tipps für Eltern

        by Katja Reider

        That's How Anger Flies Away in a Flash About releasing anger and giving comfortThe little hedgehog is terribly angry! The sparrow has just sat down in hedgehog's little house and that belongs to the hedgehog alone! He rages and cries from all the anger. Fortunately, the other animals know what to do: Bear brings a pillow for him to punch, Deer stomps the anger into the ground and Mouse shows how to catch his breath again. So even the biggest anger is quickly gone.• Loving illustrations with practical tips, which immediately help with feelings of anger• Developed with psychological advice: Using rituals and rhymes to comfort and calm• Bestselling and innovative ’Ritual‘ concept: Over 55,000 copies sold of the series and over 200,000 copies gifted to German families by the Ministry of Education

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009

        Weil ich dich lieb hab


        by Reider, Katja

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019


        Eine Geschichte über Freundschaft und das Ehrlichsein

        by Reider, Katja

        Oje! Anton Waschbär wird gesucht! Überall im Wald hängen Steckbriefe. Nur: Was hat der kleine Waschbär bloß angestellt? Leider kann er selbst die Steckbriefe nicht lesen - und seine Freunde erzählen ihm die unglaublichsten Dinge, die da auf den Zetteln stehen. Aber stimmt das denn wirklich? Wie könnte Anton das Geheimnis nur lösen? Na klar, er muss lesen lernen! Und dann kann ihm niemand so schnell mehr was vorflunkern … Eine Bilderbuch-Geschichte über Freundschaft und das Ehrlichsein

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Kommissar Pfote - Ein haariger Fall (Band 4)

        by Katja Reider

        Inspector Paw - A Hairy Case (Vol. 4)

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Leselöwen 2. Klasse

        Geschichten aus der Tierarztpraxis

        by Katja Reider

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Voll gemein, sagt das Schwein

        Vom Ärgern und Entschuldigen

        by Katja Reider / Alexandra Langenbeck

        That's So Mean, Says the Piggy A funny picture book about arguing, getting angry and making up, which shows how important it is to ask for forgiveness. The pig is in a good mood. But then the goat is really mean and the good mood is gone. In its anger, the pig passes on the mood by insulting the rabbit, who then offends the duck, which in turn unloads its anger on the goat. Stupid duck!, thinks the goat. Until it remembers how mean it also was. Oh dear! Will it be able to make up for it?• A powerful picture book to read aloud for ages 4 and up. • Key themes: Getting angry, arguing, asking for forgiveness, apologizing, and getting along• Strengthens emotional development and helps to deal with difficult emotions

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