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      • Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama

        Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof

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      • Kampu Mera Edition

        A publisher dedicated to promote the works by Cambodian female authors. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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      • Trusted Partner

        LENGGONG - Crossroads Of The Ancient World (A Graphic History)

        by Saadon Ishak, Sabrina Sofiadin, Imran Mansur

        This illustrated Graphic Novel vividly tells the story of Malaysia's earliest prehistoric society, going back as far as 74,000 years. The Lenggong Valley is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is celebrated for its archeological significance, which demonstrates a pivotal point in human history. LENGGONG - Crossroads Of The Ancient World ( A Graphic History ) brings to life the discovery of the 'PERAK MAN' one of the oldest , most complete skeletal remains found in Southeast Asia, from the perspective of the esteemed Prof. Emeritus Datin Paduka Dr. Siti Zuraina Majid- Malaysia's first archaeologist. Her research put the Lenggong Valley on the archeological world map, proving that early humans migrated from Africa to Australia through Sundaland, a large landmass that passed through Peninsular Malaysia.

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        by Khairunnisa Hamzah, Syaari Ab Rahman, Munsya Rahman

        “Inspiration from the story of Prophet Noah AS that the unbelieving people were struck when they built the boat.” Farhan wants to build a small cottage to protect ants from rain. Farhan did a lot of efforts, but always failed. Worse, Farhan was laughed at by other children for his strange ideas. Farhan always think that he cannot manage to build a cottage for ants. Let’s follow the story of Farhan who learned to not to give-uo from the stories of Prophet Noah.

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        by Edzati Kamaluddin, Syaari Ab Rahman, Faizal Razali

        “Inspiration from the story of the Prophet Adam who begged forgiveness from God when he ate the fruit of the khuldi tree in heaven.” Farhan is busy building a castle for Farah using his toys. When Farah falls because of Farhan’s fading toys, Farhan is silent. Until then, the palace collapsed and broke Farah’s clothes. Naturally! What should Farhan do? Let’s follow the story of Farhan learning to apologize from the tale of the Prophet Adam.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Der Oktopus haut ab

        Seine aufregende Reise zurück ins Meer | Kinderbuch ab 3 Jahre

        by Maile Meloy, Felicita Sala, Stefanie Jacobs

        Glücklich wohnt der Oktopus in einer Höhle im Meer. Er schaut den bunten Fischen zu, die vorbeischwimmen, und ab und an fängt er sich einen leckeren Krebs. Doch sein beschauliches Leben hat ein jähes Ende, als ein Forschungsteam ihn gefangen nimmt und in ein Aquarium bringt. Hier soll der Tintenfisch zeigen, wie schlau er ist. Mit seinen Fähigkeiten begeistert er zwar die Menschen, nur ihm selbst ist bei all diesen öden Experimenten schrecklich langweilig. Und noch nicht einmal sein Abendessen darf er sich selbst fangen. Die Menschen merken gar nicht, wie sehr er sich nach der Freiheit und dem Meer zurücksehnt. Kein Wunder also, dass der clevere Oktopus bei der nächsten Gelegenheit ausbüxt – und sich auf den weiten Weg zurück in sein geliebtes Zuhause macht. Mit leuchtend farbenfrohen Illustrationen erzählt dieses Buch von den Abenteuern eines Oktopus, der Sehnsucht nach seinem Zuhause und dem Mut, Grenzen zu überwinden. Eine einzigartige Geschichte über eines der schlauesten und faszinierendsten Lebewesen der Erde. Empfohlen ab 3 Jahren

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Ab 18

        Was junge Menschen wirklich machen

        by Kunze, Anne; Zeug, Katrin

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        Über Macht und Ohnmacht der Gefühle nach einer Trennung (rororo Mann)

        by Schröder, Burkhard

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Marie Curie

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Frau Isa, Svenja Becker

        Die Forscherin Marie Curie schuf mit ihrer Liebe zum Wissen Unglaubliches: Sie revolutionierte den Kampf gegen Krebs, indem sie die chemischen Elemente Radium und Polonium entdeckte, und gewann den Nobelpreis – zwei Mal! Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichte einer großen Persönlichkeit: Marie Curie hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein war: mit großen Träumen. Ein Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

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        by Anis Puteri, Syaari Ab Rahman, Nabilah M Zaidi

        “Inspiration from the story of Moses who built courage to face Pharaoh” Farah has a mission. Farah wanted to sell chocolate cakes and donate money for sale to orphan homes. But the mission is more complicated than Farah imagined. Farah doesn’t feel like he can. Did Farah manage to sell all of his cakes? This story about Farah learning to be brave from the tale of Moses A.S!

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Chinese Martial Arts

        by Born in Changsha, Hunan Province, He Dun is a member of the China Writers Association, vice chairman of the Hunan Writers Association, vice chairman of the Changsha Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and a representative writer of "New Realism".

        Chinese Martial Arts is a literary work that recreates the spirit of the times and the fate of the characters with realistic creative techniques. Liu Qirong, the hero, had been ailing since childhood. In order to keep fit, he began learning martial arts at the age of eight and continued to practice throughout his life.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Ab vom Schuss

        Reisen in die internationale Provinz

        by Diener, Andrea / Fotos von Diener, Andrea

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2018

        The Flower of Evil: Illustration Art of Aubrey Beardsley

        by by Aubrey Beardsley Edited by Wei Junlin

        This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2012

        Ab jetzt ist Ruhe

        Roman meiner fabelhaften Familie

        by Brasch, Marion

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992

        Ab heute ist Krieg

        Der blutige Konflikt im ehemaligen Jugoslawien

        by Gelhard, Susanne

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        A brief history of everything that fascinates children

        by Pao Ba

        This is a brief history of all things written by a father to his children. It is lively, interesting and fun. It once fascinated the author's 8-year-old daughter. The universe, the earth, and life are all unfolded in an unprecedented and interesting way. The process of human understanding of evolution, black holes, relativity, the origin of species, and the future of mankind. These large and broad topics are all put to a height and perspective that children can understand. Telling, amazing and pleasantly surprised. It is suitable for primary school students aged 7-12 to read, and it is more suitable for parents to read to their children. Part of the knowledge is also suitable for adult readers to understand.

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