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      • Murray Books

        Murray Books has been responsible for many creative book concepts and ideas since 1983. We have crafted books and gifts for over 30 countries and in 22 languages. We specialise in creating products for the retail customer or publisher and every one of our creations is exclusive.

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      • PT Bestari Buana Murni

        Bestari Buana Murni is a publisher that has established partnerships with several countries, proven by always holding IIBF (International Indonesia Book Fair) and has 12 branches spread in Sumatra, Java and Makassar. We publish books from toddlers - adults, and from the Islamic to the general.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2009

        Jung, erfolgreich, türkisch

        Ein etwas anderes Porträt der Migranten in Deutschland

        by Arikan, Erkan; Ham, Murat

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2009

        Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 2010


        by Hans-Joachim Simm, Christian Lux

        Der Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 2010 bringt aus Anlaß des 100. Todestags von Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoj eine Auswahl aus seinem erzählerischen, essayistischen und autobiographischen Werk sowie aus seinen Briefen an Zeitgenossen wie Mahatma Gandhi und aus seinen Ehebriefen. Am 20. November 1910 starb Lew Nikolajewitsch Graf Tolstoj. Geboren wurde er 1828 auf dem Familiengut Jasnaja Poljana, wo er die meiste Zeit seines Lebens verbrachte. In jungen Jahren bereiste er Westeuropa und 1862 heiratete er die achtzehnjährige Sofia Andrejewna Behrs. Ersten Erfolg als Schriftsteller hatte er mit der autobiographischen Erzählung Kindheit. Vor allem mit seinem historischen und geschichtsphilosophischen Roman Krieg und Frieden und mit dem Eheroman Anna Karenina gilt er als einer der großen realistischen Erzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts. Seit seiner ‚Bekehrung’ (Meine Beichte, 1884) verfaßte er auch theoretische Schriften, in denen er seine religiösen und sozialen Anschauungen zum Ausdruck brachte. Mit seiner Lehre von der Gewaltlosigkeit und der Idee der Volksfrömmigkeit versuchte er ein reines Urchristentum zu leben. Scharf kritisierte er gesellschaftliche Konventionen, soziales Unrecht und technischen Fortschritt. In seiner letzten Schaffensperiode entstanden die großen Erzählungen Der Tod des Iwan Iljitsch (1886), Die Kreutzersonate (1891), Hadschi Murat (1896-1904), der Roman Auferstehung (1899), die Dramen Die Macht der Finsternis (1886), Und das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis (1896-1900), Der lebende Leichnam (1900) und Schriften wie Was ist Kunst? (1898).

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Krieg im Kaukasus

        Die kaukasische Prosa

        by Lew Tolstoj, Rosemarie Tietze, Rosemarie Tietze, Rosemarie Tietze

        Vom Leben auf dem Landgut der Familie angeödet, begleitete der junge Lew Tolstoi 1851 seinen ältesten Bruder Nikolai, der im Kaukasus dient, an seinen Einsatzort – Starogladkowskaja, eine Kosakensiedlung am Terek. Seit Jahrzehnten führte das russische Imperium in der Region Krieg. Erst 1859 gelingt es, die von Imam Schamil geeinten muslimischen Kaukasusfürstentümer zu besiegen. Doch um welchen Preis! Tolstoi, der als Fähnrich an Gefechten teilnahm und verwundet wurde, kennt den Krieg und seine Akteure aus eigener Anschauung. Er beschreibt die Tragödie aus allen Perspektiven: an der Seite russischer Soldaten, die zum Freizeitvergnügen ein tschetschenisches Dorf zerstören, und neben den untröstlichen Überlebenden, die in den Trümmern ihrer Behausungen hocken. Mit scharfer Beobachtungsgabe und ethnographischem Blick schildert er die Faszinationsgeschichte der »Kaukasier«, der russischen Abenteurer, die sich, bestrickt von der stolzen Schönheit und Unbezwingbarkeit der Bergbewohner, auf ein Leben einlassen, an dessen Fremdheit sie scheitern. Ein Werk mit dem Titel »Krieg im Kaukasus« hat Tolstoi nie geschrieben. Aber er hat sein Leben lang über den Kaukasus geschrieben. Der Band konfrontiert den frühen mit dem späten Tolstoi. Von der nüchtern protokollhaften frühen Prosa von Überfall (1852) und Holzschlag (1855) bis zu den romanhaft farbigen Kosaken (1863), dem harten mündlichen Duktus des Gefangenen im Kaukasus (1872) und dem in Montagetechnik verfassten Hadschi Murat (postum 1912) – in Rosemarie Tietzes Neuübersetzung werden sie erstmal in ihrer stilistischen Bandbreite und ihrem sprachlichen Reichtum erfahrbar.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Children's & YA

        Numbers and Animals

        by Murat Celep

        These numbers whisper something to the kids. There are so many things they want to tell! Murat Celep’s “Numbers” series are activity books on different themes introducing numbers to kids and make them enjoy mathematics with his unique, interesting, and very entertaining figures. On each spread they need to guess which animal or vehicle it might be. They can learn how to sum the numbers by counting the ones on each page. Children will also learn interesting facts on these figures.

      • The Sexuality Conundrum

        Queer Culture and Dissidence in Contemporary Turkey

        by Cüneyt Çakırlar, Serkan Delice (Eds.)

        The Sexuality Conundrum aims to challenge heteronormativity, compulsory heterosexuality and homo / transphobic violence in Turkey by investigating local historical and cultural narratives, social practices and forms of relationality in creative, dissident and queer ways.The book brings together 19 essays by activists, scholars, cultural and literary critics, two interviews with Deniz Kandiyoti and Cüneyt Türel, and the work of four artists, Taner Ceylan, Nilbar Güreş, Murat Morova and Erinç Seymen. Articles by Cihat Arınç, Nami Başer, Zeynep Direk, Tuna Erdem, Başak Ertür, Veysel Eşsiz, Özlem Güçlü, Alisa Lebow, Cenk Özbay, Fatih Özgüven, Erdal Partog, EvrenSavcı, Bülent Somay, Birkan Taş, Sibel Yardımcı, and Adnan Yıldız.

      • Romance
        October 2018

        Johanna und Vera

        Eine schicksalhafte Liebe

        by Petra Kania

        Nach der Trennung von Martin führt Johanna eine glückliche Beziehung mit Vera, ihrer großen Liebe. Alles könnte so schön sein ...Als Johanna und Vera aber nach der Hochzeit von Henning und Bernd auf dem Nachhauseweg überfallen werden, werden sie mit üblen Vorurteilen gegenüber Homosexuellen konfrontiert.Im Sommer steht eine Reise an den Lago Maggiore an, die beiden Frauen wollen sich vom Alltagsstress erholen. Wäre da nicht Jennifer, Bernds Tochter, mit von der Partie, die für manchen Wirbel sorgt. Ihr pubertäres Verhalten und der Besuch eines ungebetenen Gastes stellen die Beziehung von Johanna und Vera auf eine harte Bewährungsprobe.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2014

        New Multicultural Identities in Europe

        Religion and Ethnicity in Secular Societies

        by Erkan Toguslu, Johan Leman, Ismail Mesut Sezgin (eds)

        Multiculturalism in present-day Europe How to understand Europe’s post-migrant Islam on the one hand and indigenous, anti-Islamic movements on the other? What impact will religion have on the European secular world and its regulation? How do social and economic transitions on a transnational scale challenge ethnic and religious identifications? These questions are at the very heart of the debate on multiculturalism in present-day Europe and are addressed by the authors in this book. Through the lens of post-migrant societies, manifestations of identity appear in pluralized, fragmented, and deterritorialized forms. This new European multiculturalism calls into question the nature of boundaries between various ethnic-religious groups, as well as the demarcation lines within ethnic-religious communities. Although the contributions in this volume focus on Islam, ample attention is also paid to Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. The authors present empirical data from cases in Turkey, Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Norway, Sweden, and Belgium, and sharpen the perspectives on the religious-ethnic manifestations of identity in the transnational context of 21st-century Europe.Ebook available in Open Access.This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).ContributorsChris Allen (University of Birmingham), Cüneyt Dinç (Süleyman Şah University, Istanbul), Frédérique Harry (University of Paris-Sorbonne), Goedroen Juchtmans (KU Leuven and IKKS, Antwerp), Vincent Legrand (Université catholique de Louvain), Johan Leman (KU Leuven), Kathryn Lum (European University Institute, Florence), Marcel Meciar (Yeditepe University, Istanbul), Ephraim Nimni (Queen's University Belfast), Murat Sevencan (Suleyman Sah University, Istanbul), İsmail Mesut Sezgin (Leeds Metropolitan University), Erkan Toğuşlu (KU Leuven), Katarzyna Warmińska (Cracow University)

      • History
        May 2019

        A Scattered Crowd

        Doctors and Peasants in Nineteenth-Century Italy

        by Adriano Prosperi

        With the rise of statistics, many modern states made it a tool of government and a link between the authorities and their subjects (or citizens). The case of Italy was that of a composite world where the early emergence of statistical science (with Melchiorre Gioia) was accompanied by many studies on the reality of the populations. Naples under the Bourbons and under the reign of Gioacchino Murat, and central-northern Italy under Napoleon, were the fields of application of studies which covered everything from folklore to material conditions. The growth of a high-level modern medical science, in contact with the scientific cultures of Germany, France and Britain, provided the new Italian nation with a means of analysing the social and sanitary problems of the country. A rich documentation of all this survives in the studies of the socio-sanitary conditions of the inhabitants of Italian towns and communes which began in the early nineteenth century and continued for nearly a century. The statistical study of sanitary and hygienic problems, commissioned by Italian governments and carried out by the corporation of local doctors highlighted the abject conditions in which most of the Italian population lived from many points of view: malnutrition, disease, alchoholism, illiteracy, high infant mortality, short average lifespan, devastating death rate from malaria, cholera, pellagra, etc. But the economic policy of the ruling classes – big landowners in the south and the entrepreneurial middle classes in the north – chose to turn Italy into an economic and military power, leaving the agricultural world to fend for itself. And medical science was split between those who, like Camillo Golgi, dedicated their lives to solving the problem of malaria, and those who, like Paolo Mantegazza, offered the culture of a rising middle class intriguing opportunities to explore the mysteries of pleasure and sexual hygiene.

      • December 2018

        Storm the Little Stork

        by Hasan Hüseyin Doğru

        From the moment the brave stork first came out of his egg, he got himself into many adventures until he becomes an adult stork. His mother's support in his first flight and the help of their parents when a black snake attacked their nests, taught him how precious the family was. They had fun while hunting worms and fishing together. He learned that spending time with the loved ones makes his life precio us rather than being alone. üne day, the brave stork was wounded by the wind while flying and he was healed with the help of the people. He learned how animal lover people were but was warned about the presence of the opposite as well. And again, while hunting in the lake, he met his first love and migrated with her to build his own nest.

      • October 2015

        The Children of Ramadan

        by Nur Dombaycı

        In this story, Emir and his friends experienced their first holy Ramadan month. They learnt some of the traditions of this holy month like iftar, suhur, tarawih, layla’t al-Qadr and they devoted to mukabalah during their childhood like all of us. They are full of happiness to beable to greet each other on this eid, full of unity and solidarity and feel peaceful.“THE CHILDREN OF RAMADAN”, is a book that has the spirit of Ramadan from our childhood. Now, we leave you with Emir and his friends’ Ramadan adventures.

      • June 2019

        Mesopotamia y el Antiguo Testamento ("Mesopotamia and the Old Testament")

        by Francesc Ramis Darder

        El conocimiento de la historia y la literatura de Mesopotamia constituye el entramado necesario para la buena comprensión de la Biblia, especialmente del Antiguo Testamento. La narración del Diluvio se entrelaza con la epopeya de Gilgamesh; el Código de Hammurabi asoma entre la legislación bíblica; el zigurat de Babilonia deja entrever su silueta en la mención de la Torre de Babel; mientras la leyenda de Sargón orienta la mirada hacia la figura de Moisés. El lector inquieto por conocer la relación entre la Biblia y el mundo oriental encontrará en este libro una guía para escuchar el eco de Mesopotamia entre las líneas de la Sagrada Escritura. A knowledge of the history and literature of Mesopotamia constitutes the necessary framework for a proper understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament. The narration of the Flood is interwoven with the epic of Gilgamesh; the Code of Hammurabi looms among the biblical legislation; the Ziggurat of Babylon reveals its silhouette at the mention of the Tower of Babel; while the legend of Sargon focuses its gaze towards the figure of Moses. The reader, eager to know the relationship between the Bible and the Oriental world, will find in this book a guide for listening to the echo of Mesopotamia between the lines of the Holy Scripture.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2016

        We Owned The Night

        The Impossible Can Happen In The Blink Of An Eye

        by M. Venn

        Dex Rose and his band have finally hit the big time. They're living their dream on the European leg of their world tour, until one gig and one girl in a small English city changes everything. Millie is just a normal young girl, from a small English town trying to kick-start her fashion career whilst enjoying the summer with her friends, when one night changes her life forever! At a gig watching her favourite band she makes eye contact with Dex, lead singer of the band, she feels electricity rush through her body. Little does she know... So does he! Who is this girl? Are two lives that are worlds apart really about to collide?

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