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      • Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

        The Publishing House and its History Established in St. Petersburg in 1792, today Gerstenberg is one of Germany’s oldest publishing houses. A family business, the publishing house moved to new headquarters in Hildesheim in 1796 and to this day occupies the same address in the old city marketplace as it did then. The most important branch of the publishing business, however, was the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, which, incidentally, is the oldest daily newspaper still in existence in Germany. Today, the name of Gerstenberg is synonymous with delightful, innovative books of aesthetic design and high-quality content for children and young adults that compete very successfully also on the international market. An adult range comprising illustrated books, non-fiction and cookery books also forms part of the Gerstenberg portfolio.   Program Gerstenberg publishes board picture books, picture books, children’s and young adult narrative literature and non-fiction. With Eric Carle’s »The Very Hungry Caterpillar« (»Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt«) and Rotraut Susanne Berner’s ›discovery picture books‹ (›Wimmelbücher‹), Gerstenberg became one of the best-known children’s book publishers. In 1999, the anthology of poetry »Dunkel war’s, der Mond schien helle«, came out as the first in Gerstenberg’s series of household compendiums, a segment that has since developed into a main pillar of the program. The publishing house has brought out some highly respected developments of its own in the children’s knowledge-book series ›Abenteuer! Maja Nielsen erzählt‹.

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      • Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency

        The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Omni Learning Center Guide to Manners and Etiquette

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        Maanners are polite behaviors that reflect an attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for others. They are learned behaviors to be used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself. Good manners go beyond opening doors and writing thank you notes. The really polite person is tuned in to other people's feelings and can put herself or himself in another person's shoes. Using good manners encourages others to act in a similar fashion.Etiquette expresses consideration, respect, and honesty, the three qualities that stand behind all the manners we have. Etiquette is timeless and crosses cultural boundaries, unlike manners, which can change over time and differ around the world. Without proper manners and etiquette, the customs of polite society would soon disappear and we would act more like animals and less like people.Good manners are a powerful source of self-confidence and help facilitate life’s relationships in general. Manners are important for considering the feelings of other people and being the kind of person others will like and respect., “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the Golden Rule, exists in every culture on the planet.Good manners impress people and put them at ease. And people who are impressed and relaxed are more likely to respect you and agree to your requests. Manners make the world a better place. Best of all, good manners don’t cost a thing. You can have the very best for free!Lorraine Gerstl bestselling author of Omni Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before migrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career on California’s Monterey Peninsula, where she taught for nearly three decades at Robert Louis Stevenson Lower School and Santa Catalina as its beloved third grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she and Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina, formed Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for home schoolers. Omni has recently expanded into teaching unhoused women at Gathering for Women not only to return to the active workforce, but to reclaim self-respect and social validation. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.”76 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides, 2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

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        OMNI Learning Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        I know I should read more, but I’m so busy, it takes time to read, and so much of what I try to read doesn’t really make that much sense to me …” Those can be the words of a third grader or, just as easily, the words of an adult. In our hurry-up world of bits and bytes, and the need for instant gratification, the sad and simple truth is that people don’t read as much as they used to and, more tragic, they understand what they read far less than in the past.In this practical, hands-on Guide, the author, a Master Teacher with more than thirty-five years of practical success teaching both children and adults of all ages, shares her Ideas on teaching reading comprehension strategies! The underlying message she delivers is: Comprehensive Strategies are important because Reading is an Active, not a Passive, Process.Reading can seem incredibly complicated. It involves not only making sense of the squiggles on a page – deciphering the alphabetic code and figuring out the words, but reading also entails giving meaning to, understanding, and thereby enjoying what we read.Reading comprehension is absolutely critical to communication, whether it involves a doctor healing a patient, a lawyer presenting an argument in court, an astronaut needing to know how to repair a malfunction when he is thousands of miles above the earth, or, most important, enriching and widening the scope of your life! In fact, you cannot think of one area of learning or practice where understanding what you read is not absolutely essential.The more you understand what you read, the less of a drudgery and the more of a joy it becomes. Reading is the key that unlocks the door to the universe.Get ready to start a great adventure – and to grab hold of the key that will unlock the door to your universe!Lorraine Gerstl is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before emigrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career at Briarcliff Academy / Robert Louis Stevenson before moving to Santa Catalina for nearly three decades as its beloved third-grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she formed a partnership with Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina: Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for homeschoolers. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.” 76 Pages, Published by OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides,2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

      • Trusted Partner

        Omni Learning Center Guide to Geography

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        MEET THE MOST IMPORTANT FRIEND YOU’LL EVER HAVE! Think of your family, your closest friend, a beloved pet. It’s only natural you’d want to know everything you can about them.  But we scarcely ever think how much we don’t know about the one friend we could never live without — the Earth, the only home we’ll have throughout our entire lives. We study geography because we want to learn about anything that has to do with Earth or anything that lives on Earth. This delightful, comprehensive book will teach you, step-by-step: To understand basic physical systems that affect our everyday life. To learn the location, physical, and cultural characteristics of places in order to function more effectively in our interdependent world. To understand how geography has always played – and always will play – important roles in the evolution of people, ideas, places, and environments. To develop a mental map of your community and the world so you can understand the “where” of places and events. To explain how human and physical systems have arranged and changed the surface of the Earth. To understand the relationship between the physical environment and society. To provide insight for wise management decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used. To understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen. Learning geography helps us develop an understanding of the interdependence of our world and how we are connected through location, place, movement, region, history, and culture.  This understanding helps build awareness for cultural diversity — how and why people live the way they do. About the Author:  Lorraine Gerstl, truly a woman for all seasons, has taught thousands of children both in her native South Africa and in the United States. She has produced, directed, written, and acted in plays, musicals, and variety shows. A nationally recognized mentor teacher and a star of Omni Learning Center’s YouTube broadcasts and both live and virtual Omni classes, she’s traveled extensively on five continents, is an editor, internationally published writer, and a teacher who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach for the stars. She still relishes her favorite title of all: “Mom.” 156 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides,2020. ______________ OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Geography, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, Guide to Theater in the Classroom.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1981

        Das Haus am Nil

        by Herbert Achternbusch

        Ein neues »Tage- & Logbuch«. Ein Buch aus Unruhe, Widerstand und Wünschen. Ein Tagebuch in 18 Kapiteln, deren Titel der Autor folgerichtig erst an das Ende eines jeden Kapitels setzt - denn erst am Ende eines jeden Kapitels steht fest, wohin der »ungewußte Traum«, dieses Suchen, Sehnen, Hassen, Lieben führt, nach Haus, nach Andechs, in die Kindheit, in den Mord, an den Nil. »Es ist finster, es ist Nacht, und ich weiß nicht, wie weit es zum Nil ist.« Dies aber sagt nicht der wohlbekannte, der redselige Mensch, dies sagt der Frosch, in den sich der Mensch verwandeln mußte, mit Schwimmhäuten und froschgrüner Farbe. Als Bauernkind hat er Frösche gekreuzigt. »Dem Herrgott macht es nichts aus, daß man ihn kreuzigt, und der Mensch hält es nicht aus, aber daß man Frösche quält!« Und der Frosch glänzt so sehr, daß sich aller Glanz dieser Erde seinen Glanz zum Vorbild nimmt: der Düsenjäger, die Cocacolaflasche des Stallknechts, das schwarze Dach der Kirche, die Schüssel des Hundes, die nackten Schultern der Arbeiter, das Sternenglitzern. »Ich bin der Glanz der Dinge. Der letzte Glanz.« Um die Wette singen der Vogel Ewigflug und das Insekt Immerdar: Verdammt bist, verdammt bist. Mit der Verwandlungskraft des Märchens wird hier die Straftat verfolgt, in der Hoffnung auf Rettung? Die Verwirklichung des utopischen Wünschens aber führt nicht in die Rettung. Wie auch die Liebe nicht rettet, die Susn, immer wieder Susn heißt. Auf dem Speicher daheim oder im Pharaonengrab. Unter einer der zahlreichen Fotografien (Jesus mit dem Kreuz und zwei Kriegsknechten) heißt es: Herrgott, du trägst dein Kreuz in die verkehrte Richtung. Der Herrgott antwortet dem Frosch: Was geht das dich an. - Jedes Wesen scheint in seiner Verzweiflung alleingelassen und verdammt zu sein, diese Verzweiflung so lange zu tragen, bis das Haus am Nil erreicht ist. »Der Held heißt Nil. Und seine Gedanken sind sein Haus. Monologisch selbst dort, wo der Monolog zum Dialog führt, beschwört der Autor alle»Stadien »traurigster Traurigkeit« und »grausamster Grausamkeit«, als Wiederverbindung zweier Welten: Wirklichkeit und Traum.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018


        Gedichte und Bilder

        by Amir Eshel, Gerhard Richter

        Ausgangspunkt für Gerhard Richters Birkenau-Zyklus waren Fotografien, die Häftlinge im Krematorium des NS-Vernichtungslagers angefertigt ahtten. Dioe vier abstrakten Gemälde, nach jahrelanger Vorarbeit entstanden, wurden 2014 vollendeet und als Schenkung dem Deutschen Bundestag übergeben. Im Jahr 2016 trafen sich Richter und der Literaturwissenschaftler und Dichter Amir Eshel zu einem Gespräch im Atelier des Künstlers. Im Zentrum ihres Dialogs stand die Frage, ob und wie man den Holocaust mit den Mitteln der Kunst darstellen könne. Der hier vorliegende Band entspringt diesem Gespräch: Amir Eshel schrieb Gedichte zu Motiven des Malers aus dessen Werk 40 Tage, der sie daraufhin für diesen Band noch einmal veränderte. Die Gedichte werdenin deutscher und hebräischer Sprache wiedergegeben - zusammen mit den »Zeichnungen« Gerhard Richters.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1983



        by Gerhard Meier

        Gerhard Meier (1917 - 2008) lebte in Niederbipp (Schweiz). Er publizierte seit den sechziger Jahren Gedichte und Prosa, darunter den Roman Der schnurgerade Kanal (1977) und die Prosa-Tetralogie Baur und Bindschädler (1979-1990). Er wurde mit zahlreichen Preisen, u.a. dem Petrarca-Preis, dem Hermann-Hesse-Preis und dem Heinrich-Böll-Preis ausgezeichnet.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1987



        by Gerhard Meier

        Gerhard Meier (1917 - 2008) lebte in Niederbipp (Schweiz). Er publizierte seit den sechziger Jahren Gedichte und Prosa, darunter den Roman Der schnurgerade Kanal (1977) und die Prosa-Tetralogie Baur und Bindschädler (1979-1990). Er wurde mit zahlreichen Preisen, u.a. dem Petrarca-Preis, dem Hermann-Hesse-Preis und dem Heinrich-Böll-Preis ausgezeichnet.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2013

        Nachricht von ruhigen Momenten

        89 Geschichten. 64 Bilder

        by Alexander Kluge, Gerhard Richter

        Im goldenen Herbst des Jahres 2012 stand »Die Welt« für einen Tag still, und als Sinnbild des Stillstands lag dort ein schläfriger Hund, wo sonst die Schlagzeilen drohen. Was war geschehen? Gerhard Richter, einer der global maßgeblichen Künstler, hatte die Herrschaft ergriffen und allen 30 Seiten der »Welt«-Ausgabe vom 5. Oktober 2012 seinen Handstempel aufgedrückt: Bilder von ruhigen Momenten in unruhigen Zeiten, Aufhebung des politischen Primats, Privates statt Welthistorisches, vor allem aber: kunstvolle Kontraste zwischen Schärfe und Unschärfe. Bei der öffentlichen Vorstellung dieser ungewöhnlichen Kunstaktion hielt Alexander Kluge die Laudatio. Spontan begleitete er die Fotos mit Geschichten. Gerhard Richter antwortete darauf ebenso spontan mit dem Vorschlag eines gemeinsamen Buches. Richter lieferte weitere Bilder und Kluge weitere Geschichten. So entstand nach dem Erfolgsbuch »Dezember« eine zweite gemeinsame Arbeit der beiden im Februar 1932 geborenen Künstler: ein Buch zur zeitgleich durchlebten Geschichte, so scharf wie unscharf gesehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1974

        Herr Mantel und Herr Hemd

        Text von Gerhard Roth. Bilder von Ida Szigethy

        by Ida Szigethy, Gerhard Roth, Ida Szigethy

        Gerhard Roth, geboren 1942, ist promovierter Philosoph und promovierter Biologe. Seit 1976 ist er Professor für Verhaltensphysiologie und Entwicklungsneurobiologie am Institut für Hirnforschung der Universität Bremen, seit 2016 leitet er zudem das Roth Institut in Bremen. Von 1997 bis 2008 war er Rektor des Hanse-Wissenschaftskollegs, von 2003 bis 2011 Präsident der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, außerdem ist er Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Für sein Werk erhielt er zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, zuletzt den Life Achievement Award. Gerhard Roth gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Neurowissenschaftler im deutschsprachigen Raum, seine Bücher erreichen regelmäßig Bestsellerstatus.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        A Guilty Conscience – Nuisance or Asset?

        by Maja Storch, Gerhard Roth

        A guilty conscience can be a real nuisance. There is simply no rest and you can’t just turn it off through rational thought. Psychologically, in psychotherapy, advising and coaching, a guilty conscience is one of the most persistent and difficult symptoms to pin down. Maja Storch and Gerhard Roth ask the questions: why feelings of guilt are so prolonged and how to deal with them. Gerhard Roth explains which components of the human brain, over the course of its development, give rise to a phenomenon as complex as a guilty conscience. Using three practical and easily understandable examples, Maja Storch presents a system for everyday use which can be used to get to the root of your own guilty conscience and to develop a plan for dealing with it. For:• wide audience• therapists• coaches

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2007

        Die Sehnsucht hat allemal Recht

        Gedichte, Prosa, Briefe

        by Bettine Arnim, Gerhard Wolf, Gerhard Wolf

        Bettina von Arnim (1785–1859) war eine vielseitige Frau; erst spät, nach dem Tod ihres Mannes 1831, begann sie ihr Leben als mutige und streitbare Schriftstellerin. Umgeben von ihren Kindern, von Bewunderern und Spöttern, wird sie zum Mittelpunkt des gesellschaftlichen Lebens im preußischen Berlin. Die einen sehen in ihr eine mutige Demokratin, die anderen eine versponnene Sibylle der Romantik. Goethe nannte sie »das wunderlichste Wesen von der Welt«. Gerhard Wolfs exemplarische Auswahl – Gedichte, philosophische Prosa und Briefe sowie Zeugnisse vieler Zeitgenossen – erschließt ein neues Bild der Verfechterin für die »freie Entwicklung aller«.

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        April 2023

        Evolutionary Epistemology

        by Gerhard Vollmer

        — The seminal work reissued — A science and philosophy classic — On the occasion of the author's 80th birthday According to evolutionary epistemology, the fact that we can know the world is neither coincidence nor divine providence, but has a natural explanation. Thinking and cognition are achievements of the human brain. Our cognitive structures fit into our world because they have evolved in adaptation to this world. This fit is not ideal, but it is enough for survival under competition. Gerhard Vollmer was instrumental in developing evolutionary epistemology. In his standard work, he explains the achievements and failures of our cognitive apparatus.

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