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        Sweet knowledge for practice

        by Reinhild Berger

        A sweet treat is tempting, but the lurking dangers should not be underestimated. However, it is just as wrong to demonise all types of sugar in general as to avoid it altogether. In this entertaining mini reference book, Reinhild Berger takes the reader on an interesting journey through the labyrinth of sugar, sugar substitutes and sweeteners and gets to the bottom of many questions in the process: How much is too much? What alternatives are there, and which are advisable? How can one select the right one from the deceptive variety in the supermarket? What is the right way to read the food labels on the packaging? What knowledge does one need to be protected against misleading advertisements? - Learn how to recognise differences between the many types of sugar - Read where dangers lie, and which sugar does us good – and in what quantity - Understand how to interpret nutritional values – and that “no artificial sweetener ” does not mean “sugar-free” Welcome to the promising world of the sweet taste!

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        September 2001

        Meditationen und Gebete

        by Wilhelm von Saint-Thierry, Christiane Nord, Klaus Berger

        Klaus Berger, geboren 1940, Dr. theol. Seit 1974 Professor für Neues Testament an der Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg.

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        Facts from the realm of the miracle cures

        by Reinhild Berger, Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich, Friederike Schmidt

        Whereas expressions like “healthy vegetables” or “wholegrain” tend to sound off-putting and intent on spoiling our fun, the term “superfood” makes our hearts sing. Superfoods are considered hip and cool. Self-proclaimed nutritional experts promise the solution to all health problems, including the problem of being overweight. But what is behind these highly praised products? In this compact and entertaining “mini reference guide”, Reinhild Berger takes a critical look at the most popular and most-promoted examples. With introductory sections by Friederike Schmidt. Come and explore the fascinating world of natural products with us!

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        February 1980



        by Grzimek, Martin

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        June 1991

        Armenische Märchen und Volkserzählungen

        Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Leon Surmelian. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Zora Shaked

        by Leon Surmelian, Zora Shaked

        Leon Surmelian, der Herausgeber und Sammler der »Armenischen Märchen«, die in der englischsprachigen Erstausgabe mit dem Titel »Äpfel der Unsterblichkeit« erschienen sind, hat die Sammlung von bisher nur mündlich überlieferten Märchen in Gesprächen mit den Bauern aus der Region um den Berg Ararat zusammengestellt. Er wuchs mit diesen Geschichten als armenischer Junge auf. Ob es sich nun um realistische Märchen aus dem Alltag handelt oder um Wundermärchen, sie vermitteln uns stets einen Einblick in die armenische Lebensweise, in die Welt der Bauern, Handwerker und Kaufleute, in die Freuden, Träume und Leiden, und geben den Blick frei auf eine Volkstradition, die geprägt ist von dem Bemühen, ihre kulturelle Identität zu bewahren als Puffer zwischen Asien und Europa.

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        October 1975

        Der Fall Rivière herausgegeben von Michel Foucault

        Materialien zum Verhältnis von Psychiatrie und Strafjustiz

        by Michel Foucault, Wolf Heinrich Leube

        Michel Foucault und seine Mitarbeiter sind im Zusammenhang von Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen Psychiatrie und Strafjustiz auf den Fall Rivière gestoßen, über den 1836 eine ungewöhnlich umfangreiche Dokumentation publiziert worden war, u. a. ein Memoire Pierre Rivières über die Beweggründe zu seiner Tat: der Ermordung seiner Mutter, seiner Schwester und seines Bruders. Warum hat sich über diese Dokumentation – und insbesondere über das Memoire Pierre Rivières –, nachdem sie einmal das lebhafte Interesse der Ärzte erregt hatte, alsbald wieder absolutes Schweigen gebreitet? Die Autoren der »Anmerkungen« zu den im ersten Teil des vorliegenden Bandes abgedruckten Dokumenten analysieren einige auf den ersten Blick verdeckte Funktionen der vielfach sich überlagernden, sich kreuzenden und gegeneinander gerichteten Diskurse, die scheinbar alle von derselben Sache sprechen – einem Fall von Verwandtenmord –, gleichzeitig aber Gefechte sind. So kämpfen die Ärzte gegeneinander, gegen die Justiz und gegen Rivière; so kämpft die Justiz u. a. um die Anerkennung medizinischer Gutachten und die Zuerkennung mildernder Umstände; so sind die Zeugenaussagen von Dorfbewohnern auch Versuche, mit dem in ihrer Mitte begangenen Verbrechen fertig zu werden … Das Dossier wurde zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen im Rahmen einer Kollektivarbeit am Collège de France von: Blandine Berret-Kriegel, Gilbert Burlet-Torvic, Robert Castel, Jeanne Favret, Alexandre Fontana, Michel Foucault, Georgette Legée, Patricia Moulin, Jean-Pierre Peter, Philippe Riot, Maryvonne Saison.

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        Children's & YA

        The Magical Pharmacy (4). The Contest of a Thousand Talents

        by Anna Ruhe/ Claudia Carls

        A world full of scents – and an adventure full of magic, racing hearts and dangers! Luzie Alvenstein can sense it right down to her fingertips: there is something wrong with the invitation she is holding in her hand. Her rival Elodie de Richemont has invited her to enter the “Contest of a thousand talents” – a competition for the world’s finest scent pharmacists. Of course the only thing Elodie is interested in is finding new talents to run her scent pharmacies. But Luzie has no choice. Together with Mats, Leon and Daan de Bruijn she goes to England in order to take part in the competition. What begins as a great game soon develops into a fight for survival – and this threatens to rob Luzie of everything she has ever loved… This is the fourth volume in the bestselling series of children’s books for boys and girls aged 10+. Written by the highly successful author Anna Ruhe and with atmospheric and beautifully detailed black-and-white illustrations by Claudia Carls.

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        February 2016


        Das Hörspiel

        by Cornelia Funke, Martin Baltscheit, Leon Alexander Rathje, Carla Sachse, Hedi Kriegeskotte, Rainer Strecker, Christine Pappert, Michael Prelle, Erik Schäffler, Flemming Stein, Tammo Kaulbarsch, Julius Körner, Brita Subklew, Rudolf Danielewiczs, Wolf Frass, Marion Martienzen, Leon Seibel

        Seitdem Jon im Internat in Salisbury ist, erscheinen ihm nachts furchterregende Geister. Nur seine Mitschülerin Ella glaubt ihm. Als die beiden entdecken, dass Jon von Lord Stourton heimgesucht wird, der vor fast 500 Jahren gehängt wurde, holen sie sich den Beistand des Ritters Longspee, der in der Kathedrale begraben liegt. Denn Stourton scheint auch heute noch sein grausames Unwesen zu treiben. Als Dank sollen die beiden Longspees Herz finden. Da verschwindet plötzlich Ella. Hörspiel von Frank Gustavus mit Musik von Jan-Peter Pflug, produziert von Kay Poppe Mit Martin Baltscheit, Rainer Strecker, Leon Alexander Rathje, Carla Sachse, Hedi Kriegeskotte, Michael Prelle u.v.a.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        The four dimensions of power

        Understanding domination, empowerment and democracy

        by Mark Haugaard

        In this accessible and sophisticated exploration of the nature and workings of social and political power, Haugaard examines the interrelation between domination and empowerment. Building upon the perspectives of Steven Lukes, Michel Foucault, Amy Allen, Hannah Arendt, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and others, he offers a clear theoretical framework, delineating power in four interrelated dimensions. The first and second dimensions of power entail two different types of social conflict. The third dimension concerns tacit knowledge, uses of truth and reification. Drawing upon genealogical theory and accounts of slavery as social death, the fourth dimension of power concerns the power to create social subjects. The book concludes with an original normative pragmatist power-based account of democracy. Offering lucid and entertaining illustrations of complex theoretical perspectives, this book is essential reading for scholars and activists.

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        by Manfred Geier

        Love is a long-burning issue of philosophy. From antiquity to the present day, people have philosophised about love, which reveals itself in a variety of forms and norms. But what really happens when philosophers not only philosophise, but also love, from the initial games of seduction to the culmination of sexual lust? With the aid of eleven biographical case studies, from Socrates and Augustine to Martin Heidegger and Michael Foucault, Manfred Geier, author of several biographies on philosophers, documents how without their erotic lust, the philosophers would not have become searchers of wisdom.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2016

        Forest Hydrology

        Processes, Management and Assessment

        by Devendra Amatya, Thomas Williams, Leon Bren, Carmen de Jong

        Forests cover approximately 26% of the world's land surface area and represent a distinct biotic community. They interact with water and soil in a variety of ways, providing canopy surfaces which trap precipitation and allow evaporation back into the atmosphere, thus regulating how much water reaches the forest floor as through fall, as well as pull water from the soil for transpiration. The discipline "forest hydrology" has been developed throughout the 20th century. During that time human intervention in natural landscapes has increased, and land use and management practices have intensified. This book: - Presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies - Describes the latest challenges facing forest hydrology, such as increased occurrence of disturbance, due to extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, potentially caused by climate change - Is written by an internationally renowned team of scientists, engineers, and managers to give a well-rounded review of the subject The book will be useful for graduate students, professionals, land managers, practitioners, and researchers with a good understanding of the basic principles of hydrology and hydrologic processes. ; This book presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies. It describes challenges facing forest hydrology such as extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, and is written by an internationally renowned team. ; 1: An Introduction to Forest Hydrology 2: Forest Runoff Processes 3: Forest Evapotranspiration: Measurement and Modelling at Multiple Scales 4: Forest Hydrology of Mountainous and Snow Dominated Watersheds 5: European Perspectives on Forest Hydrology 6: Tropical Forest Hydrology 7: Hydrology of Flooded and Wetland Forests 8: Forest Drainage 9: Hydrological Modeling in Forested Systems 10: Geospatial Technology Applications in Forest Hydrology 11: Forests Cover Changes and Hydrology in Large Watersheds 12: Hydrologic Effects of Forest Management 13: Hydrology of Forests after Wildfire 14: Hydrologic Processes of Reference Watersheds in Experimental Forests, USA 15: Applications of Forest Hydrologic Science to Watershed Management in the 21st Century 16: Hydrology of Taiga Forests in High Northern Latitudes 17: Future Directions in Forest Hydrology

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        March 2015

        »Liebe Mutter!«

        by Matthias Reiner

        »Mein einziger Trost, wenn ich schlafen ging, war, daß Mama heraufkommen und mir einen Kuß geben würde, wenn ich bereits lag«, bekennt der Ich-Erzähler in Prousts Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Gedichte, Briefe und Erinnerungen an die wichtigste Person unseres Lebens. Von besonderen Erlebnissen mit ihren Müttern berichten Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Theodor Fontane, Mascha Kaléko, Senta Berger und viele andere.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

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