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      • Kathrin Dreusicke Books

        Als Kind bereits wünschte ich mir, das Leiden durch Krankheiten mit natürlichen Produkten lindern oder sogar heilen zu können.Nach extremer jahrelanger weltweiter Recherche über verschiedene Heilmethoden bemerkte ich ein Detail: eine stark heilende Wirkung hat das Sonnenhormon Vitamin D dicht gefolgt von anderen Nährstoffen.Mein Wissen habe ich in der Folge eingesetzt für Freunde und Verwandte: mit einem unglaublichen Erfolg. Durch eine konstante und gezielte Behandlung mit Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen wurden alle Behandelten gesund ohne extra Medikamente zu benötigen.

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      • Tango Sin Fin

        “Método de Tango” is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. So far, the collection has only been published in Argentina and worldwide rights belong to Tango Sin Fin.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 1985

        Öffentliche Finanzen, Kredit und Kapital.

        Festschrift für Werner Ehrlicher zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres.

        by Herausgegeben von Cansier, Dieter; Herausgegeben von Kath, Dietmar

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Jules und Jim

        by Henri-Pierre Roché, Patricia Klobusiczky, François Truffaut

        »Es war um 1907.« In Paris lernen sich der Deutsche Jules und der Franzose Jim kennen, eine enge Freundschaft entsteht. Sie teilen die Liebe zur Literatur, zur Kunst und zu den Frauen, von denen nicht wenige durch ihr Leben gehen. Doch als Kathe auftaucht, eine abenteuerlustige Berlinerin mit dem Lächeln einer griechischen Statue, von der beide gleichermaßen fasziniert sind, bittet Jules: »Die da nicht? … ja, Jim?« Jules und Kathe ziehen nach Deutschland, heiraten und bekommen zwei Kinder … erst nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg sehen die Freunde sich wieder – und es entwickelt sich eine leidenschaftliche Dreiecksbeziehung. Doch bald wird die Amour fou zwischen Kathe und Jim zu einem tragischen Spiel, bei dem es keinen Gewinner geben kann ... Eine zeitlose Geschichte über Freundschaft, Liebe und Freiheit.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1981

        Yakka Salere Kathe

        Tulu Texts of Dravidian Folk Poetry from the South of India. With an English Translation and a Glossary

        by Herausgegeben von Janert, Klaus L.; Herausgegeben von Poti, N. Narasimhan

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        Choosing to Be

        Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master

        by Kath Tansey

      • Teaching, Language & Reference
        June 2013

        Inclusive Higher Education

        An International Perspective on Access and the Challenge of Student Diversity

        by Kath Bridger, Ivan Reid and Jenny Shaw

        As the numbers of people globally who take part in higher education increases, how can nations and individual HE institutions ensure that this opportunity is open and available to all who are able to benefit? How can institutions best manage the diversity of their student body to the benefit of all students? What does higher education mean to the most disadvantaged in society? And how can both the content and mode of higher education pedagogy ensure that all possible learners can take part? This edited collection takes an international overview of these questions, addressing issues that are usually only tackled at the national or local level. It explores the inter-connectedness of recent trends in higher education –widening access, internationalisation, equality and diversity and inclusive curriculum. Moreover it offers and evaluates examples of practice from around the world that have, in different ways, attempted to provide solutions to these issues.The book is relevaqt to an international higher education audience including senior managers; policy makers; academics and academic development professionals; access, equality and diversity professionals; student affairs directors and anyone else with an interest in the relationship between higher education and social inclusion.   View book on Libri website

      • Science & technology: general interest (Children's/YA)
        October 2020

        More Hands-On Science

        50 Amazing Kids' Activities from CSIRO

        by Edited by David Shaw, Jasmine Fellows, Kath Kovac

        Let’s get hands-on with 50 fun science activities!   The best-selling team behind Hands-On Science present 50 more fun DIY science activities. In More Hands-On Science you’ll be blown away by interesting experiments, reactions, inventions and coding. It’s jam-packed with fast facts and has fascinating quiz questions to test your knowledge!   With step-by-step instructions and illustrations, as well as real-world examples, these new activities use easy-to-find materials to help you discover the answers to amazing science questions. More Hands-On Science features topics such as motion, light, sound, chemical reactions, engineering, tech and patterns.   Discover how to make a mini-greenhouse, reverse drums, spinning soakers, jelly lenses, rainbow torches, a superhero name generator and much more!

      • Fantasy
        August 2012

        Healer and Other Stories

        by Vincent Cobb

        In this collection of short stories Vincent Cobb explores aspects of life that are both extraordinary and interesting but often delve in to the otherworld of the supernatural. From the story of the remarkable but apparently ordinary Agnes Ward , whose discovery of Cancer takes her on a journey out of this world .We meet Fred who is Dead , no one has told him and he is a bit fuddled with the situation of his own Funeral although things are going to get worse for him as the Sins of the past catch up with all men .Then there is the Psychopath , an inside the mind view of how he is made , no holds barred if you dare. What is the true price of a Fouzand Quid ? Two tramps are about to find out .The Haunting finds us in the House from hell , while the Nativity spins a new take on the greatest story ever told .In lonely Hearts a man of god finds himself trapped by the lover from hell .Succinct , entertaining and always with a wry point to make these short stories will brighten any reading time .Just don’t look over your shoulder without preparing yourself first .

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2012

        Microbial Diversity and Functions

        by D. Joseph Bagyara ,K.V.B.R. Tilak & H.K.Kheri

        The book contains 31 articles written by distinguished scientists of the country having expertise in dealing with the microbes and exploiting their potential for the benefits of mankind. The articles included in the book are thought provocating and deals with: o the topics of Taxonomy, Diversity and Applications of VAM fungi in different Ecosystems o Applications of Microbial Technology for Treatment of effluents of a Gelatine Factory, Biodiversity of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Trichoderma, o Useful microbes of Mangrove Ecosystem, Extremophiles, PGPRs, Phytotoxins, Litter decomposition, Biopesticides, Botanical Pesticides, biofertilizers and so many others including major concerns about the Evolution and Conservation of Microbial Biodiversity. o All the articles written by the authors are original, timely and appropriate.

      • May 2018

        SELF-ish: A Transgender Awakening

        by Chloe Schwenke

        SELF-ISH IS A NARRATIVE DRAWN FROM AN INTERNATIONAL LIFE, beginning with some early glimpses out at the world by a girl in a boy’s body. Chloe was raised as Stephen in a Marine Corps family and was sent off at age 14 to “man up” at a military academy. Later—and still embodied as a man—she ventured abroad to work in some of the roughest regions of Africa, the Gaza Strip, Turkey, and many other locales. Her far-flung global journey was matched in intensity by an inner identity and spiritual struggle and the associated ravages of depression, before she came to the revelation of being a transgender woman. At a time when many Americans are just waking up to the reality of the transgender phenomenon, this portrayal of Chloe’s life, her challenging gender transition, and her many accomplishments and adventures along the way (including being among the first three transgender political appointees in U.S. history, under President Obama), creates a poignant story of authenticity, self-discovery, and the meaning of gender set against a fascinating international backdrop.

      • Orthodox & Oriental Churches
        August 2015

        Modern Othodox Thinkers

        From the Philokalia to the Present Day

        by Andrew Louth

        A lively and perceptive account of the lives, writings and enduring intellectual legacies of the great Orthodox theologians of the past 250 years. This book explores and explains the enduring influence of some of the world's greatest modern theologians. Starting with the influence of the Philokalia in nineteenth-century Russia, the book moves through the Slavophiles, Solov'ev, Florensky in Russia and then traces the story through the Christian intellectuals exiled from Stalin's Russia - Bulgakov, Berdyaev, Florovsky, Lossky, Lot-Borodine, Skobtsova - and a couple of theologians outside the Russian world: the Romanian Staniloae and the Serbian Popovich, both of whom studied in Paris. Andrew Louth then considers the contributions of the second generation Russians - Evdokimov, Meyendorff, Schmemann - and the theologians of Greece from the sixties onwards - Zizioulas, Yannaras, and others, as well as influential monks and spiritual elders, especially Fr Sophrony of the monastery in Essex and his mentor, St Silouan. The book concludes with an illuminating chapter on Metropolitan Kallistos and the theological vision of the Philokalia.

      • Fiction
        May 2021

        The Woodcock

        by Richard Smyth

        It’s 1920s England, and the coastal town of Gravely is finally enjoying a fragile peace after the Great War. John Lowell, a naturalist who writes articles on the flora and fauna of the shoreline, and his wife Harriet lead a simple life, basking in their love for each other and enjoying the company of John’s visiting old school friend, David. But when an American whaler arrives in town with his beautiful red-haired daughters, boasting of his plans to build a pier and pleasure-grounds a mile out to sea, unexpected tensions and temptations arise.   As secrets multiply, Harriet, John and David must each ask themselves, what price is to be paid for pleasure?

      • September 2018

        NEW HUMAN FOOTPRINT - Unsere Welt im Umbruch

        by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger

        The satellite images presented in New Human Footprint show impressively the status of and trends in our world at the beginning of the third millennium. Organized in thematic sections, large-format double pages display finest details in satellite images acquired from an altitude of 600 kilometers by satellites of the latest generation. The images provide a spectacular overview of landscapes formed or influenced by man in various ways.

      • February 2021

        Teaching and Learning in International Schools

        Lessons from Primary Practice

        by Roiha, Anssi

        Covers the full range of topics and teaching strategies to support all practitioners in an international school context.

      • March 2010

        The Constructivist Moment

        From Material Text to Cultural Poetics

        by Barrett Watten

        Provocative cultural readings of avant-garde literature and art.

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