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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013

        Wir haben viel erlebt!

        Jahrhundertfrauen erzählen aus ihrem Leben

        by Ute Karen Seggelke

        Zwanzig »Jahrhundertfrauen« erzählen die Geschichte ihres Lebens: Was hat ihnen die Kraft gegeben, in schweren Zeiten durchzuhalten und immer wieder das Glück zu suchen? Ute Karen Seggelke stellt in Text- und Bildporträts charakterstarke Frauen und deren erstaunliche Lebensgeschichten vor. Ob prominent oder unbekannt, was uns die Bildhauerin, Gärtnerin, Schauspielerin, Dramaturgin, Übersetzerin, Kauffrau, Politikerin, Restauratorin, Karikaturistin oder Äbtissin in diesem Buch erzählen, lesen wir mit Bewunderung, denn die Lebenswege dieser »Jahrhundertfrauen« machen uns Mut, alt zu werden.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Phoenix Darbinyan

        by Karen Balyan

        Professor, architect theorist, specialist in the history of modernism Karen Balyan’s book is dedicated to the work of Phoenix Darbinyan (1924-1996), one of the most prominent names in the Armenian modernism. On the initiative of the honored architect of the Republic of Armenia Phoenix Darbinyan and the mayor of Yerevan Grigor Hasratyan, the center of Yerevan was modernized, the "Ani" hotel was reconstructed, the section between Abovyan Street: Tumanyan and Moskovyan streets were modernized and the “Ring Park” with large fountains. The book presents other structures and projects by Phoenix Darbinyan. Many of the materials, drawings and photos are from architect's personal archive and are published for the first time. The book was funded and published on the initiative of the Hasratyan-Minasyan Foundation.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2012

        Agentieller Realismus

        by Karen Barad, Jürgen Schröder

        Mit ihrem Konzept des »Agentialen Realismus« findet Karen Barad seit einigen Jahren große Aufmerksamkeit, insbesondere unter Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, die sich mit Diskursanalyse, Techniksoziologie und Gender Studies beschäftigten. Barads Anliegen besteht darin, das Denken über Sprache, Diskurse und Dinge auf eine radikal neue Grundlage zu stellen. In ihrem vielbeachteten Essay, mit dem nun erstmals ein Text Barads auf Deutsch vorliegt, plädiert sie ausgehend von epistemologischen Überlegungen des dänischen Physikers Niels Bohr dafür, die Grenzen zwischen den Objekten, unseren Instrumenten, der Sprache und den menschlichen Beobachtern neu zu vermessen.

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        January 1983

        Karen Horney

        Sanfte Rebellin der Psychoanalyse

        by Rubins, Jack L

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        by Karen Francisco (author and illustrator)

        Set in a post-apocalyptic Philippines, Naermyth tells of a world plagued by the monsters of myth and legends who have stepped out of their storybook shadows to assume world dominion. They are the Naermyth (a word play on “never myth”) and have forced the human race close to extinction and fodder for the growing supremacy of these creatures. Among the survivors is Aegis, a seasoned soldier, and her story takes a dark turn when she rescues a stranger with mysterious abilities. Clearly, he is not human, and saving him triggers a series of revelations that challenges the meanings of monstrosity, heroism and family.

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        Historical fiction


        by Susanne Popp

        Between self-realisation and love: the story of the woman behind the famous champagne brand Veuve Clicquot.   The French champagne city Reims in 1805: despite resistance from her family, young widow Barbe-Nicole Clicquot takes over the champagne and wine production from her late husband - and turns out to be a talented winemaker. But it is the time of the Napoleonic Wars and business is not going well. Supported by her employee Louis Bohne and the German accountant Christian Kessler, Barbe-Nicole nevertheless manages to get her company started, develops a new production process and thus gives champagne its seductive tingle. Enchanted by her esprit, both men develop feelings for her - but it is only as a widow that Barbe-Nicole can run the company under her name ...

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2004

        Generation Ex.

        Geschichten von Leuten, denen man nicht mehr begegnen möchte

        by Karbo, Karen / Deutsch Heimburger, Marieke

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1991


        by Tania Blixen, Brigitte Lorch, Brigitte Kronauer

        »Ehrengard«, die letzte Erzählung, die Tania Blixen geschrieben hat, hätte, wie Tania Blixen kurz vor ihrem Tod verraten hat, auch den Titel »Tagebuch des Verführers« tragen können: wie Søren Kierkegaards berühmtes Buch von 1843. Ein ironischer Unterton wäre dabei aber nicht zu überhören gewesen, denn die raffiniert inszenierte Verführung steht bei Tina Blixen unter einem ganz anderen Zeichen, einer anderen Bedeutung. Was erzählt wird, läßt sich nicht skizzieren, ohne die überraschenden Wendungen zu verraten, die den Leser und die Leserin bei der Lektüre rasch in eine unerwartete, ständig wachsende Anteilnahme versetzten. Nur so viel sei verraten: Im Kern der Handlung geht es um den Wunsch des Malers Johann Wolfgang Cazotte, des »unwiderstehlichsten Don Juan seiner Zeit«, das junge Mädchen Ehrengard zu verführen: sie zur Erkenntnis ihrer selbst zu bringen. Aber Tania Blixen hat mit ihren Gestalten etwas anderes vor, als Cazotte es sich ausgemalt hat, und doch – in tieferem Sinne – eben dasselbe: Formung eines Schicksals.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Solving Equine Behaviour Problems

        An Equitation Science Approach

        by Rose M Scofield, Ali Thompson

        Horses can develop a range of behavioural problems, which if left untreated, could cause the relationship between horse and human to break down. With many different well-meaning opinions offered to solve such situations, it can be difficult to find the right path. In this book, Rose Scofield examines behavioural issues using the latest academic research. Offering practical solutions and with useful diagrams and photographs throughout, the book helps to protect and develop the horse-human relationship. It: - Addresses issues by circumstance, making it easy to find solutions to all your handling, groundwork, and riding problems; - Uses scientific research to investigate both the problems themselves and the methods tasked to solve them; - Includes illuminating case studies illustrating problems and how solutions work in practice. Beginning with an introduction to the main principles of equitation science, Solving Equine Behaviour Problems then covers over 30 major issues, including biting, kicking, separation anxiety, loading, shying, bucking and bolting. It provides key points, take home messages and scientific references, translating lessons from experimental science into practical help for both professionals and the horse enthusiast.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Winter Traffic


        by Stephen Greenall, Thomas Wörtche, Conny Lösch

        Sydney, 1994. Die Karriere von Sergeant Mick Rawson jagt auf ihr Ende zu. Er ist ein Mann mit vielen Namen und vielen Beziehungen zur Unterwelt. Er ist ein guter Cop, allerdings nur nach seinen ganz eigenen Gesetzen. Dennoch will ihn Karen Millar, der steil aufsteigende Stern im Polizeiapparat, zur Strecke bringen. Und da ist noch Sutton, ein »anständiger« Verbrecher, der loyal zu Rawson steht, komme was da wolle. Rawson und Sutton wollen noch einen letzten Coup, einen Überfall auf einen Geldtransporter, durchziehen – Karen Millar wittert ihre Chance. Als sie merkt, dass sie manipuliert und funktionalisiert wird, muss sie sich wehren. Winter Traffic erzählt tausend Geschichten aus Sydney, von toten Rächern, lebendiger Vendetta und der Wahrheit hinter dem großen Geld. Ein knallharter Cops & Gangster-Roman, literarisch virtuos und entschieden innovativ inszeniert. Eine Art kriminalliterarischer Ulysses auf höchstem Niveau. Die Sensation aus Australien, die die Maßstäbe für Kriminalliteratur verschiebt.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2025

        An idea for a theatre ecology

        Methods, theories, histories and practices

        by Carl Lavery

        An Idea for a Theatre Ecology is the first book in the discipline of Theatre and Performance Studies to provide a rigorous and coherent theory of the ecology that is immanent to the theatrical medium. Over six clearly written chapters, the book provides a genealogy, outlines a method, provides a lexicon and demonstrates an alternative practice of ecoperformance analysis grounded in the figure of the archipelago. Focusing on Antonin Artaud's theatre of cruelty, the book argues that theatre has no need to provide ecological messages nor to transform itself into a platform for the narration of ecological stories. Instead, more is to be gained, environmentally and politically, by concentrating on the power of images, gestures and voices to create corporeal affects and sensations that implicate the spectators in a terrestrial event.

      • Trusted Partner
        Politics & government
        February 2013

        Shaping a global women's agenda

        Women's NGOs and global governance, 1925–85

        by Karen Garner

        Available in paperback for the first time, and drawing on a wide range of archival sources, Shaping a global women's agenda documents international women's history through the lens of the long-established Western-led international organisations that defined and dominated women's involvement in global politics from the 1925 founding of the Joint Standing Committee of Women's International Organisations up through the UN Decade for Women (1976-85). Documenting specific global campaigns in episodes that span the twentieth century, Garner includes biographical information about lesser known international leaders as she discusses important historic debates regarding feminist goals and strategies among women from the East and West, North and South. This interdisciplinary study addresses questions of interest to historians, political scientists, international relations scholars, sociologists, and feminist scholars and activists whose work promotes women's and human rights.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Window that Flies

        by Vasyl Holoborodko

        The first and the most diverse edition of the selected works of the famous poet, laureate of the Shevchenko National Literary Prize of Ukraine collected under the title “The Window that Flies”. It includes all the best that was written by the author on the eve of his sixtieth birthday. The ancient world of native mythology and fairy tales comes to life in the work of the most prominent post-sixties poet Vasyl Holoborodko. Probably, this search for something nationally specific, which stretched on for years continues to this day.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Race, nation and empire

        Making histories, 1750 to the present

        by Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland, Julian Hoppit

        The essays in this collection show how histories written in the past, in different political times, dealt with, considered, or avoided and disavowed Britain's imperial role and issues of difference. Ranging from enlightenment historians to the present, these essays consider both individual historians, including such key figures as E. A. Freeman, G. M. Trevelyan and Keith Hancock, and also broader themes such as the relationship between liberalism, race and historiography and how we might re-think British history in the light of trans-national, trans-imperial and cross-cultural analysis. 'Britishness' and what 'British' history is have become major cultural and political issues in our time. But as these essays demonstrate, there is no single national story: race, empire and difference have pulsed through the writing of British history. The contributors include some of the most distinguished historians writing today: C. A. Bayly, Antoinette Burton, Saul Dubow, Geoff Eley, Theodore Koditschek, Marilyn Lake, John M. MacKenzie, Karen O'Brien, Sonya O. Rose, Bill Schwarz, Kathleen Wilson. ;

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        Tania Blixen

        Ihr Leben und Werk

        by Thurman, Judith

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        The General History of Chinese Costume

        by Author: Liu Yonghua Illustrator: Liu Yonghua

        The General History of Clothing holds a large time span from the ancient Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present, and the splendid clothing culture of China appears on the scroll of three meters. The scroll is designed to present on both sides. The front side shows the features of different clothes in different ages with the history of its handcraft, color blending, accessory and military. The back side shows the clothes features of each of china’s 56 nationalities. The Readers can lead the children to appreciate different culture charm and nourish the children’s cultural confident by researching different clothes.

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