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      • Cerkabella Publishing House

        Member of the Móra Publishing Group, Publishing House CERKABELLA was founded in 1997. The aim of Cerkabella is to publish high quality literature for children and young adults. Numerous Cerkabella books have received literary prizes in Hungary as well internationally, and many of our titles have also won awards due to the excellence of their design. The publishing house has been cooperating with numerous well-known authors of children’s books, poets, and prose writers, such as Erzsi Kertész, Szilvia May, Ágnes Mészöly, Tibor Zalán and others. Also, we are working with award winning illustrators, like Réka Hanga, Kinga Rofusz, Katalin Szegedi, Ildikó Petrók, Eszter Metzing, Tibor Kárpáti and others. Cerkabella’s titles were published recently in Germany, China, Slovakia, Serbia and Italy.

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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2007

        Logic, Argumentation and Interpretation / Lógica, Argumentación e Interpretación

        Proceedings of the 22nd World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Granada 2005. Vol. 5

        by Herausgegeben von Aguiló-Regla, Josep

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 1987

        Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg

        Eine Bestandsaufnahme

        by Lara Manuel Tuñón, Aróstegui Julio, Viñas Ángel, Cardona Gabriel, Bricall Josep M., Ulrike Liebert, Gerhard Poppenberg, Willi Zurbrüggen, Eva Schikorski, Thomas Maier, Bernhard Lechner

        Der 18. Juli 1936 markiert, mit dem Aufstand des größten Teils der spanischen Armee, den Beginn dessen, was als »Spanischer Bürgerkrieg« in die Geschichte Europas eingehen sollte. Am Ende von dreiunddreißig Monaten militärischer, politischer, sozialer und ideologischer Auseinandersetzung konnte Franco am 1. April 1939 den Sieg der von ihm befehligten Truppen verkünden. Die Ereignisse in diesem Zeitraum (und die Folgen für Spanien und Europa) wurden, wie es angesichts des Sachverhalts nicht anders sein konnte, äußerst kontrovers beurteilt – eine Debatte, die in den dreißiger Jahren sehr heftig geführt wurde und gegenwärtig keineswegs beendet ist. Angesichts dieser politischen, wissenschaftlichen und publizistischen Situation ist das Unterfangen, das führende spanische Historiker unter der Leitung Manuel Tuñón de Laras verwirklicht haben, kaum hoch genug einzuschätzen: Sie legen eine Bestandsaufnahme dessen vor, was fünfzig Jahre nach Beginn des Putsches und mehr als zehn Jahre nach Francos Tod über den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg an historischem Wissen eruierbar ist. Diesen Anspruch, Umfassendes zu ihrem Thema zu sagen, lösen die Autoren ein, indem sie alle Bereiche der damaligen spanischen Gesellschaft untersuchen: von den militärischen Kämpfen bis zu den in deren Verlauf sich ändernden Ideologien, von der sozialen Entwicklung in den Städten und auf dem Land bis zu den Auswirkungen der Interventionen fremder Länder, von den Auseinandersetzungen im republikanischen Lager bis zu der sich herausbildenden Vormachtstellung Francos. Diese detaillierten Studien sind immer eingebunden in die Fragestellung: Welche Fakten, welche Abläufe, welche Interpretationen des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs können nach strenger objektiver Prüfung ins historische Gedächtnis der Spanier und Europäer aufgenommen werden? Diese Gesamtschau vermittelt somit ein genaueres Bild dessen, wie die Spanier heute, nach der Wiederherstellung der Demokratie, den Bürgerkrieg sehen; und zugleich bietet sich den Deut

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2017

        Handbook of Pest Management in Organic Farming

        by Vincenzo Vacante, Urs Niggli, Serge Kreiter, Massimo Benuzzi, Jorge E Peña, Gavino Delrio, B. Merle Shepard, Hüseyin Baspinar, Carmelo Bonsignore, Dominique Bordat, Qiang Xiao, Bernard Dufour, Régis Babin, Alberto Pantoja, Josep Anton Jacas Miret, Raija Komppula, Beate Bursta

        This book is an up-to-date and comprehensive reference covering pest management in organic farming in major crops of the world. General introductory chapters explore the management of crops to prevent pest outbreaks, plant protection tools in organic farming, and natural enemies and pest control. The remaining chapters are crop-based and discuss geographic distribution, economic importance and key pests. For each pest the fundamental aspects of its bio-ecology and the various methods of control are presented. Understanding of the scientific content is facilitated with practical advice, tables and diagrams, helping users to apply the theories and recommendations. Handbook of Pest Management in Organic Farming: · Consists of rational approaches and advice. · Is authored by a team of international specialists in pest control. · Represents the only available comprehensive review of insect pest management in organic systems. This is an essential resource for researchers and extension workers in crop protection, integrated pest management and biocontrol, and organic farming systems.

      • Trusted Partner
        Dietetics & nutrition
        December 2012

        Nutrition and Physical Activity in Inflammatory Diseases

        by Philip C Calder, Anne Marie Minihane, Elizabeth Kovacs, Sridevi Devaraj, David Heber, Samir Samman, Goran Paulsen, Jeff Coombes, Monica Bullo, Catherine J Field, Josep Bassaganya-Riera, Rohan Walker, Caryl Nowson, Marlena C Kruger, Lynnette Ferguson, Mohsen Meydani, Robert McNamara, Burno Pot, Andreia Oliveira, Anette E Buyken. Edited by Manohar L Garg, Lisa G Wood.

        Certain nutrients and physical activity can significantly alter immune function and inflammation. Targeted interventions may be an effective and inexpensive means to improve the inflammation and immune dysfunction associated with chronic diseases. This book defines the relevant underlying biological mechanisms and strengthens our understanding of how nutrients and physical activity impact inflammatory diseases. A useful reference for researchers and students of nutrition, physiology and sports science, it explores the unique aspects of inflammation induced by nutritional deficiencies or activity levels, and their interrelationship.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, A Aytekin Polat, Manuel Agustí, Josep Armengol, Maria Luisa Badenes, Manuel Blasco, Julián Cuevas González, Vittorio Farina, Elisa González-Dominguez, Qigao Guo, Liang Guolu, Juan José Hueso, Yuanyuan Jiang, Francisco Legaz, Hailan Lin, Shoukai Lin, Dahe Lin, Shunquan Lin, Shiwei Ma, Belén Martínez-Alcántara, Amparo Martínez-Fuentes, Carlos Mesejo, Julia Morales, Ana Quiñones, Carmina Reig, Esteban Soler, Jincheng Wu, Bisha Wu, Xianghui Yang, Peng Ze, Lifen Zhang

        Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree indigenous to China. Records show it has been cultivated in China for over 2000 years. From this beginning, loquat has spread to more than 30 countries around the world. Grown in various regions of Asia, the Mediterranean and across the Americas, loquats suit both temperate and subtropical areas, sharing the same environmental conditions as citrus. Loquat is an increasingly commercial crop in some Asian and European countries with a good amount of international trade. Recent research has focused on improving crop yields and quality. Over 100 different varieties have been developed to meet both growers' and consumers' demands. These developments have contributed to a better understanding of the crop environment, plant growth and physiology of tree and fruit development with implications for both breeding and cultivation. This book is to be the first to provide a comprehensive coverage of the history, physiology, culture and marketing of loquat throughout the world.

      • September 2017

        Dime dónde, en que país

        by Marco Antonio Campos, Círculo de Poesía, Círculo de Poesía, Círculo de Poesía, Círculo de Poesía

        Agrega Marco Antonio Campos a su ya extensa, personalisima y sorprendente obra de poeta, de crítico, de traductor, de cronista, de historiador y estudioso de la literatura mexicana y de otras, este libro ejemplar que él titula Dime Dónde, en qué país (una línea que toma de Villon) y que ha compuesto, como dice, con poemas en prosa y una fábula. El libro es bello y complejo, en su aparente sencillez, pero intrincado contexto de referencias, alusiones literarias, históricas y artísticas y es en efecto, tanto verdadera poesía, como la que ha logrado consumar en su lírica de autor, pero es al mismo tiempo una colección deslumbradora de visiones, de crónicas de viaje por el mundo entero, de paisajes urbanos, amores consumados y no, mares, ríos, montañas, galerías pictóricas, encuentros con autores legendarios o nacidos ayer, barrios paupérrimos, aventuras en tren y al mismo timpo, profundas y conmovedoras inscursiones de la propia biografía, en el alma y en la memoria familiar. De algún modo, este conjunto de Marco Antonio, me hace pensar en el libro admirable y perfecto de otro ilustre visionario, viajero, cronista y autobiógrafo emponente: el grande y prolijo catalán Josep Pla, autor de los diarios voluntariamente imperfectos e invaluables de su Cuaderna gris, que no ha sido posible terminar de imprimir.

      • Clinical & internal medicine
        February 2013

        Cancer Cachexia

        by Josep M Argilés, Silvia Busquets

        Cancer cachexia is a multiorganic syndrome associated with neoplastic syndromes, characterized by a marked weight loss, anorexia, asthenia and anemia. This expertly authored book provides a comprehensive review of the mechanisms, mediators and treatment of cancer cachexia. A range of relevant clinical issues are addressed, including prevalence and clinical features of the cachectic syndrome in cancer patients, pathogenesis of the syndrome, and currently available therapeutic approaches including combination therapies. There is also an analysis of the drugs currently involved in clinical trials that may have a future potential. The final chapter deals with comorbidities and prognosis. The book represents a comprehensive expert review and summary of the current status of cancer cachexia and its therapy.

      • Planetary Humanity

        by Marc Augé, Josep Maria Montaner

        This dialogue takes place at the confluence of anthropology with urbanism, philosophy and architecture, education and ecology, from the awareness that the planet is a common good. Augé and Montaner start from the dialectic between the concepts of place and non-place and unravel phenomena such as the influence of the technology in everyday life (Uber) and the illusion of the new false familiarity (Airbnb); they interpret situations and effects such as migratory processes; they explain difficulties and fears, such as rejection of others and  movements; and they propose alternatives, such as the utopia of education, new municipalisms or recognition of otherness.

      • Children's & YA

        Look and Find. Barcelona's Museums

        by Robert García

        1 city, 11 museums, and more than 150 objects to find! Hours of fun for all ages on an amazing visit to the most outstanding museums in Barcelona. From Museu Blau to CosmoCaixa, going through Museu del Disseny, Museu Egipci, La Casa dels Entremesos, MACBA, Museu Marítim, Fundació Joan Miró, Museu de la Música, Fundació Antoni Tàpies or Museu de la Xocolata. Illustrated by Robert Garcia, Gaur Estudio.

      • Children's & YA

        Tales to read and play with

        by Gina Samba / Maria Tarragó

        An adorable carrying case containing four classic tales, 28 pieces of puzzle and a wipe clean pen. Children enjoy reading the tales, assembling stories and drawing. A fun way for the young ones to familiarize themselves with Thumbelina, Goldilocks, The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood.

      • Graphic novels



        for a fistful of drachmas TONS OF ACTION IN THE ANCIENT GREECE HISTORIC ADVENTURE In a remote village on the Epirus region, the people lock themselves after dark. A huge lion have them terrorized. The Governor offers a generous reward to anyone who hunts it down.  An Athenian mercenary and a Spartan renegade/soldier will join forces and overcome their differences to kill the beast. But once the hunting begins new doubts arise. Is the lion a real creature or, as some pretend, a terrible and mysterious curse? Is it worth to provoke the anger of the gods for a fistful of drachmas? Perfect combination of action, humour and history The history in the service of the adventure Exquisite drawing and thorough research

      • Fiction

        Hell in Paradise

        by Clara Sánchez

        In this new novel, Clara Sánchez creates an exciting plot about the disappearance of a Saudi princess locked in her golden cage. The luxurious atmosphere of the Costa del Sol and its darker reality stand out in this addictive intrigue with great female characters.Fate can bring about unexpected places and incredible experiences. Even open the doors to a world of great masked luxuries. Sonia Torres, who makes a living as a waitress in a Madrid burger, will for a time replace her friend Karen, who works in a hotel in Marbella. The young woman will spend the summer working as a waitress at the Beach Club, one of the best-known and most elite establishments in the Andalusian city, with a large presence of sheikhs and personalities from the Middle East. Marbella awaits the visit of King Fadel of Saudi Arabia and the more than a thousand people which make up his entourage, including his wives Sultana and Amina.The arrival of the monarch represents a shower of millions for the city and the Beach Club is fortunate to be the hotel that will host many of the evenings bankrolled by the royalty.The waitress will be involved in a strange and harrowing plot that will lead to the disappearance of the princess. Sonia will discover the harsh reality that hides behind so much opulence and beauty.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2018

        Bionics – Learning from Mother Nature

        by Bernd Hill (Author & Illustrator)

        Nature is full of miracles. Humans have always taken inspiration from it in order to find new and effective solutions for technological problems. Animals and plants show us how it is possible to live environmentally friendly without wasting energy and by using only the minimum amount of material. Follow our clever mascot Geckologo and be fascinated by the many secrets nature has to offer.

      • 2022

        Una balada del mar del norte

        by Raimon Portell

        THE ADVENTURE OF A BOY WHO SURVIVES BY INTUITION AS HE CAN’T REMEMBER WHO HE IS, WHAT HE KNOWS, WHERE HE HAS TO GO AND EVEN SO KEEPS GOING TO FIND THE TRUTH. "Stil looks out over the North Sea from the top of a dune. What is he doing there? He doesn’t know himself. In fact, his memory barely reaches back to the moment he woke up in a strange house, inside a body that refused to respond. He does not remember who he was before, what he had done, or even what his name was." An innovative literary venture that allows the reader to choose the path they wish to follow to discover the truth.

      • Fiction

        The Shortcut

        by Miquel Martín

        Published by Edicions del Periscopi (Catalan) English sample available   La drecera (The Shortcut), by Miquel Martín, has been the big surprise of the summer season. Published at the end of June it has been selling more and more since then and now it’s been in Catalan Bestsellers lists for weeks. This is a short novel about the passage from childhood to youth of the son of the housekeepers of a rich family that owns a large summer house in the region of Empordà (which might ring a bell because it is also the setting of Milena Busquets’s successful novel This Too Shall Pass).  In The Shortcut we see the evolution of this boy of 10, who still does not know anything about social boundaries and the scars that life leaves on adults, and who finishes the novel, at 13 or 14, having discovered some of the secrets, joys, wonders and resignations of the adult world.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2020

        Kafka en Maracaná

        90 partidos. 90 autores. 90 relatos

        by David García Cames, Miguel Ángel Ortiz and Marcel Beltran

        Football breaks down all doors, including those of literature. Contrary to popular belief, there are many writers who at some point were attracted by the mystery of the goal or the fervor of the stands. The ball sneaks into the work and life of authors who have built bridges between these two apparently dissociated worlds. From Marguerite Duras to Eduardo Galeano, passing through Albert Camus, Roberto Bolaño, Svetlana Aleksiévich or Federico García Lorca. This book is 90 games that were played one day. This book is made up of 90 stories, halfway between the chronicle and the tale, with which tribute is paid to 90 extraordinary creators who have influenced our way of understanding football.

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