Good values
Picture books on values and social issues. (Kidible imprint)
View Rights PortalSteve Irwin, an Australian wildlife conservationist, brought adventure and the wilderness to television with his wildly popular TV show The Crocodile Hunter. Known for his hands-on approach to dealing with all kinds of wild animals—the dangerous and the poisonous included—Irwin was tragically killed when a stingray barb pierced his chest while he was taping a show segment in 2006. His legacy, however, continues through the work of his family, including his daughter, Bindi Sue. Already making a name for herself as "the Jungle Girl" in television, film, and books, Bindi has taken over where her father left off. In Steve and Bindi Irwin, Updated Edition, read about the lives and passions of both the Crocodile Hunter and the Jungle Girl.
This is a new edition of a standard reference text, and contains key breed information about cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, asses and buffalo. It contains approximately 9000 entries and cross-references on breeds, sub-breeds, types, varieties, strains and lines of these species. The aim is to include all the livestock names that may be encountered in international literature. Each entry includes the current recommended English name, region or country of origin, notes on usage, followed by a brief physical description of the breed, in terms of colour/markings, horns, and coat type. There is a description of the relationship with other breeds or types, and historical notes about the origin of the breed, plus details of breed societies, and herdbooks where relevant. Finally, foreign names and synonyms are listed, to aid identification. The book has been thoroughly updated since the 4th edition was published in 1996. Revisions have been undertaken by Valerie Porter, a well-respected author of more popular works on animal breeds.
August Drach wächst in einem Haus am Dorfrand auf, das Hölle und Paradies zugleich ist. Der Vater, von sich und dem Leben enttäuscht, misshandelt seinen Sohn, Zärtlichkeit hat er nur für die Hunde übrig. Trost findet August bei seiner Mutter, die ihn liebevoll umsorgt. Doch als der Vater die Familie verlässt, verwandelt sich die Zuwendung der Mutter: Sie mischt August heimlich Medikamente ins Essen, schwächt das Kind, macht es krank; von seiner Pflege verspricht sie sich Aufmerksamkeit und Bewunderung. Erst Jahre später gelingt es August, sich aus den Fängen der Mutter zu befreien, ein unabhängiges Leben zu führen, erste Liebe zu erfahren. Doch wie lernt ein erwachsener Mensch, das Rätsel einer Kindheit zu lösen, in der Grausamkeit und Liebe untrennbar zusammengehören? Wie durchbricht er den Kreislauf von Lügen und Betrügen? Und was passiert, wenn sich dieser Mensch, Jahre später, an den Ursprung des Schmerzes zurückwagt? Sprachgewaltig, in packenden Bildern und Episoden erzählt Valerie Fritsch in ihrem neuen Roman von der Ungeheuerlichkeit einer Liebe, die hilflos und schwach macht, die den anderen in mentaler und körperlicher Abhängigkeit hält. Ein Entkommen ist nicht vorgesehen, es sei denn um den Preis, selbst schuldig zu werden.
As the longest canal in the world, the Grand Canal connects five rivers in the land of China. This human-made river not only witnessed history of several dynasties, but also made great contribution to the economic, cultural, and political unification of the southern and northern China. This title explores large amount of historical materials concerning the Grand Canal, picturing a complete record of the canal during 2000 years.
The world is about to hit a population level of EIGHT BILLION people on one small planet. Through Allen’s analysis of the situation, the realization sets in that the fights by environmental and world aid groups are all for naught as every gain is soon overwhelmed by the pressures of more growth. Our planet's greatest threat is of too many people depleting the Earth's resources and contributing to climate change. Allen offers a thorough analysis of our environmental, social, political, and economic crises; then offers a treasure trove of solutions and success stories that we can all take to heart.
This book helps the readers know the european Renaissance, religious reform. geographic discovery and the formation of a national government,USA.
"Nach der Ausgabe des Briefwechsels mit einer jungen Frau wird jetzt Rilkes frühester Briefwechsel, mit zahlreichen Gedichten, erstmals veröffentlicht. Seine frühe Liebesaffäre mit der um ein Jahr älteren Nichte des tschechischen Dichters Julius Zeyer, Valerie von David-Rhonfeld, ist bekannt. Rilke begegnete ihr, als er sich auf das Abitur vorbereitete und zugleich kontinuierlicher als bis dahin Erzählungen und Gedichte zu schreiben begann. Viele der in Leben und Lieder veröffentlichten Gedichte sind aus der Begegnung mit Valerie hervorgegangen. Rilke machte großartige Entwürfe für ein späteres gemeinsames Leben, doch nach bestandenem Abitur und mit Beginn des Studiums trennt er sich von Valerie. Sie hat Rilke um Jahre überlebt und ist keine neue Bindung eingegangen. Die Originale von Rilkes Briefen an Valerie liegen in Krakau, das Corpus umfaßt 122 Briefe, sie sind bis auf einen (und auch dieser nicht vollständig) noch nie publiziert worden. Bislang wurde eine Veröffentlichung vermieden; man fürchtete, das Bild des Dichters Rilke könne durch die Briefe des Gymnasiasten René verkleinert werden. Doch diese frühesten Briefe zeigen, aus welchen persönlichen Verhältnissen und literarischen Anfängen sich Rilke zu einem der bedeutendsten Dichter der Moderne freigeschrieben hat. Diese Ausgabe macht auch 77 Jugendgedichte, die in den Briefen enthalten sind, zum ersten Mal zugänglich."
Erika is an introverted kid who enjoys reading at home. Her favourites are the investigation series. Erika was invited to Sofea's birthday party one day. A piece of cake went missing during the party. How did the cake vanish? Who stole it? Erika began investigating the incident.
This book examines the distinctive aspects that insiders and outsiders perceived as characteristic of Irish and Scottish ethnic identities in New Zealand. When, how, and why did Irish and Scots identify themselves and others in ethnic terms? What characteristics did the Irish and the Scots attribute to themselves and what traits did others assign to them? Did these traits change over time and if so how? Contemporary interest surrounding issues of ethnic identities is vibrant. In countries such as New Zealand, descendants of European settlers are seeking their ethnic origins, spurred on in part by factors such as an ongoing interest in indigenous genealogies, the burgeoning appeal of family history societies, and the booming financial benefits of marketing ethnicities abroad. This fascinating book will appeal to scholars and students of the history of empire and the construction of identity in settler communities, as well as those interested in the history of New Zealand.
Alone of his contemporaries, J.M.W. Turner is commonly held to have prefigured modern painting, as signalled in the existence of The Turner Prize for contemporary art. Our celebration of his achievement is very different to what Victorian critics made of his art. This book shows how Turner was reinvented to become the artist we recognise today. On Turner's death in 1851 he was already known as an adventurous, even baffling, painter. But when the Court of Chancery decreed that the contents of his studio should be given to the nation, another side of his art was revealed that effected a wholescale change in his reputation. This book acts as a guide to the reactions of art writers and curators from the 1850s to the 1960s as they attempted to come to terms with his work. It documents how Turner was interpreted and how his work was displayed in Britain, in Europe and in North America, concentrating on the ways in which his artistic identity was manipulated by art writers, by curators at the Tate and by designers of exhibitions for the British Council and other bodies. ;