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      • Panenka

        We were born more than ten years ago as a monthly paper magazine, with the experience that this entails in public distribution. The central theme of our magazine is football, but always with an eye on culture, politics and society, and treated from slow journalism. Three years ago, we started publishing books with the same philosophy: football as a theme, but in contact with many other edges. We've already published eight books, three every year. Among the books there is variety: novels, history, journalism, biographies, Spain, England, Africa... We keep a geographic variety.

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      • Pantera Press

        Pantera Press is a young and enthusiastic Australian book publisher, created to champion writing culture and literacy in Australia with a clear community and cultural purpose. We discover and nurture talented Australian writers who are great storytellers. We also publish non-fiction books that matter, and have a quirky imprint designed for millennials, Lost the Plot. From our Australian origins we are now also publishing titles that fit our criteria from around the world. As a social purpose business, we use our profits to fund charities and not-for-profits that encourage reading and work to close the literacy gap in Australia.

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        by Li Pan

        Ukiyo-e is a print art popular during the Edo period (1601-1867) in Japan. It is known as the "encyclopedia of Japanese folklore". It features oiran beauty, Kabuki actors, erotic charms, scenery, flowers, birds, and social customs, representing the lifestyles and fashions of all classes of society at that time. Pan Li, an authority on Ukiyo-e research, clearly described the 300-year history of the rise and fall of Ukiyo-e. The ins and outs of 7 major genres including Torii School and Utagawa School, the life stories and artistic achievements of 31 masters including Kitagawa Utamaro, Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Hiroshige, etc., more than 200 classic works such as "One Hundred Views of Edo" "Three Beauties of the Present Day" "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji" are perfectly displayed and fully analyzed in the book. Every Ukiyo-e picture carries a wealth of Japanese folk culture codes. Only by unlocking this information in detail can we say that we truly understand Ukiyo-e and have a more accurate understanding of Japanese culture. ——Pan Li 浮世绘是流行于日本江户时代(1601-1867)、出自民间画工的版画艺术,被誉为“日本民俗的百科全书”,它以花魁美人、歌舞伎演员、春宫魅惑、民俗风景、花鸟虫鱼等社会风俗为主要题材,表现当时社会各阶层的生活百态和流行时尚。 中国浮世绘研究权威潘力清晰地讲述了浮世绘300年的兴衰史。鸟居派、歌川派等7大流派的来龙去脉,喜多川歌麿、葛饰北斋、歌川广重等31位大师的生平故事与艺术成就,《歌撰恋之部》《富岳三十六景》《名所江户百景》等200多幅经典作品的风格解析,都在书中得到了完美展现。 每一幅浮世绘都承载着丰富的日本民俗文化密码,只有巨细无遗地解锁这些信息,才能说是真正看懂浮世绘,也才能对日本文化有更准确的认识。——潘力

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        December 2020

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups·Yao: The King Pan Festival

        by Yan Xiangjun, Zheng Xiaojuan

        This book mainly introduces the origin of the Yao ethnic group's King Pan Festival. The King Gao rebelled. In order to encourage his people to actively fight back and win the war, Emperor Ku made a promise: Whoever can cut off the head of the King Gao will marry his beautiful little daughter -- the third princess. After hearing of the news, Pan Hu who was a dragon dog managed to achieve the goal. However, the emperor did not want to keep his promise after learning that Pan Hu was a dragon dog. The third princess found that Pan Hu was very kind and brave, and decided to marriage him. Later, the third princess learned that Pan Hu could become a human as long as he was steamed in a steamer for seven days and nights. After Pan Hu was transformed into a human, the emperor sent Pan Hu to the Kuaiji Mountain to be the king. From then on, Pan Hu was called King Pan Hu. Later, during a hunting process, King Pan Hu fell off a cliff and died. In order to commemorate him, people set his birthday October 16th in the lunar calendar as the “King Pan Festival”.

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        True stories

        Patty Pan Compote

        by Olha Kari

        "Patty Pan Compote" is a series of reportage sketches and essays describing how a whole generation of Ukrainians lived amidst the chaos of declining Soviet Union. This book is about what it was like to live in the 90's, when "pineapple" compote was cooked from the patty pat and eggplant became the substitute for mushrooms, when everyone was gripped by a total knitting obsession due to the lack of clothes. People grew accustomed to stockpiling absolutely everything, and the first sanitary pads have just begun to change the lives of Ukrainian women. Based on her own recollections, the author tells how the punitive gastronomy of that time worked, how the pseudo-brotherly relations with other Soviet republics often manifested themselves and how Abkhazia hosted Ukrainian schoolchildren a few months before the war between Georgia and Abkhazia.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        The Red and the Black

        The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg

        The Russian Revolution of 1917 was not just a world-historical event in its own right, but also struck powerful blows against racism and imperialism, and so inspired many black radicals internationally. This edited collection explores the implications of the creation of the Soviet Union and the Communist International for black and colonial liberation struggles across the African diaspora. It examines the critical intellectual influence of Marxism and Bolshevism on the current of revolutionary 'black internationalism' and analyses how 'Red October' was viewed within the contested articulations of different struggles against racism and colonialism. Challenging European-centred understandings of the Russian Revolution and the global left, The Red and the Black offers new insights on the relations between Communism, various lefts and anti-colonialisms across the Black Atlantic - including Garveyism and various other strands of Pan-Africanism. The volume makes a major and original intellectual contribution by making the relations between the Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic central to debates on questions relating to racism, resistance and social change.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Anti-racism in Britain

        Traditions, histories and trajectories, 1880-present

        by Saffron East, Grace Redhead, Theo Williams

        Concepts of 'race' and racism are central to British history. They have shaped, and been shaped by, British identities, economies and societies for centuries, from colonialism and enslavement to the 'hostile environment' of the 2010s. Yet state and societal racism has always been met with resistance. This edited volume collects the latest research on anti-racist action in Britain, and makes the case for a multifaceted, historically contingent 'tradition' of British anti-racism shaped by local, national and transnational contexts, networks and movements. Ranging from Pan-Africanist activism in the 1890s to mutual aid women's groups in the 1970s, from anti-racist trade union marches in Scotland to West African student groups in North East England - this book explores the continuities and interruptions in British anti-racism from the nineteenth century to the present day.

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        June 2023

        Dust between Earth and Heaven

        by Pan Feng has published many essays, stories, and mini-stories in national literary journals, including "Love to the Western Hunan", "Sunshine Journey", "The Cattle", "The Fake Buddha", "The Chess Game", etc.

        The novel, Dust between Earth and Heaven, is a literary work created by Pan Feng, an author born in Hunan, based on his family history, which spans a century.

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        September 2022

        we fell in love in october

        by Inka Lindberg, Moon Notes

        In Inka Lindbergs "we fell in love in october" begibt sich die junge Lisa auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung und des Erwachsenwerdens. Unzufrieden mit ihrem vorhersehbaren Leben in einem bayrischen Dorf und einer Ausbildung, die ihr keine Freude bereitet, bricht sie aus ihrem bisherigen Dasein aus und reist spontan nach Köln. Dort angekommen, taucht sie ein in eine Welt, die ihr bislang nur aus Filmen bekannt war. Sie begegnet Karla, einer charismatischen Tätowiererin, die ihr die Augen für ein Leben voller Möglichkeiten öffnet. Zwischen Partys, Couchsurfing und neuen Freundschaften beginnt Lisa, ihre eigene Sexualität und ihre Träume zu erkunden, was sie zunehmend vor die Frage stellt, welchen Weg sie im Leben einschlagen möchte. Die Geschichte zeichnet sich durch eine tiefe Auseinandersetzung mit Themen wie Selbstfindung, der Erkundung der eigenen Sexualität und dem Aufbrechen von traditionellen Lebensentwürfen aus. Lisa steht symbolisch für junge Menschen an der Schwelle zum Erwachsensein, die sich mit den Erwartungen ihrer Umwelt konfrontiert sehen und den Mut finden müssen, eigene Wege zu gehen. Ihre Begegnung mit Karla und der Einfluss der neuen Freunde in Köln ermöglichen es ihr, ein authentischeres Selbst zu entdecken und sich von den Fesseln ihrer Vergangenheit zu befreien. Der Roman ist somit nicht nur eine Geschichte über das Erwachsenwerden, sondern auch ein Plädoyer für die Akzeptanz und das Ausleben der eigenen Identität, jenseits von gesellschaftlichen Normvorstellungen. Authentische Reise der Selbstfindung: Begleite Lisa auf ihrem inspirierenden Weg zur Selbstakzeptanz und dem Entdecken ihrer eigenen Sexualität in der pulsierenden Stadt Köln. Der New-Adult-Roman behandelt wichtige und aktuelle Themen wie queere Liebe, Selbstfindung und das Aufbrechen traditioneller Lebenswege, verpackt in eine berührende Geschichte. Erlebe, wie Lisa durch die Begegnung mit der charismatischen Tätowiererin Karla und einer lebhaften neuen Freundesgruppe wächst und sich entwickelt. Eingängiger Coming-of-Age-Roman, der nicht nur Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene anspricht, sondern alle, die sich mit den Herausforderungen des Erwachsenwerdens und der Suche nach dem eigenen Ich identifizieren können. Inspirierend und aufklärend: Neben einer packenden Handlung bietet das Buch Einblicke in die LGBTQIA+ Community und regt zu einem offenen Dialog über Sexualität und Geschlechtsidentität an. Entdecke Köln aus einer neuen Perspektive, geprägt durch kulturelle Vielfalt, Offenheit und eine lebendige queere Szene. Von Kritikern gelobt: "we fell in love in october" wird für seine intensive, aufklärende und gleichzeitig relatable Erzählweise geschätzt, die die Leser*innen auf jeder Seite fesselt. Große Fanbase und Community-Beteiligung: Unterstützt durch eine starke Online-Community und die Beliebtheit der Autorin Inka Lindberg, die für ihre authentischen und berührenden Geschichten bekannt ist. Behandelt die Suche nach dem wahren Glück im Leben und das mutige Streben nach einem authentischen Selbst, ein Thema, das in der heutigen Gesellschaft von großer Bedeutung ist. Einzigartige Charaktere und Beziehungen: Von Lisas innerer Zerrissenheit bis zu Karlas starker Persönlichkeit – die Charaktere sind vielschichtig und ihre Beziehungen entwickeln sich auf eine Weise, die Leser*innen tief berührt.

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, Alan Rice

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic brings to light the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The volume introduces new perspectives on the intellectual trajectories of well-known figures and critical activists including C. L. R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. This biographical approach brings a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced by these revolutionary figures, and on historic black radical engagements with left political movements, in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

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        A Collection of Chinese Folk Crafts: Shandong Volume

        by Pan Lusheng, Qiu Yunhua

        A Collection of Chinese Folk Crafts is the first project in China to survey, organize, summarize and research the folk crafts across the country. The project is compiled on a provincial basis. The Shandong Volume captures thirteen categories of representative national folk crafts that have been handed down from ancient times within Shandong Province, systematically sorts out such information as their basic historical contexts and changes in the process of inheritance, and presents their locations, artistic features, social functions, and aesthetic value.

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        Food & Drink

        The Golden Book of Home Cooking

        by Food & Life Studio

        The Golden Book of Home Cooking is a beautifully printed cookbook with over 400 different approachable Chinese food recipes. The book collects recipes from the 10-year accumulation of seven food bloggers with more than 10 million followers, including Yuan Zhuzhu, Mi Tang, Xie Wanyun, Meng Xiangjian, Die Er, Liang Fengling and Cook Chen. Accompanied with audios of 419 recipes, videos of 84 recipes, and nearly 100 health tips, the book offers the first "visible and audible" grand feast to household chefs through a combination of media, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of technology and cook with love and passion.

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        August 2013

        Peter Pan

        Der Bücherbär: Klassiker für Erstleser

        by Barrie, James Matthew; Knape, Wolfgang / Illustriert von Hansen, Christiane

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        January 2008

        Peter Pan

        Mit Illustrationen von Eva

        by Barrie, James Matthew / Illustriert von Czerwenka, Eva

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        August 2003

        Peter Pan

        Kinderbuch-Klassiker zum Vorlesen

        by Barrie, James M / Illustriert von Jusim, Julian

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