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      • Aurora Metro Publications Ltd.

        Aurora Metro is a an award-winning indie publisher established over 25 years ago in the UK. We publish fiction, non-fiction, YA fiction, drama, cookery, biography. Over 200 international authors published and over 20 works in translation.

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        We are a Spanish graphic novel publisher, specialized in comic books for adults, young readers and children. Our publications are mostly one shot and we work with all literary genres. Click here to discover our graphic novel catalogue, as well as those of the comic publishers and authors that we also represent.

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      • POYEJALI



        a vida del primer Cosmonauta de la historia en una historia de aprendizaje y crecimiento. El Joven Yuri desde niño demuestra que todas sus experiencias serviran para ser el primero en llegar al espacio.

      • Fiction
        May 2019


        En tierras de Urantia

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Are you ready to read the story of the second coming of Christ in full s. XXI? Do you want to know first-hand who he was, what he did and with whom? Do you know that this time she was a woman and that her mothers were lesbians?Get ready to explode your neurons with this groundbreaking, entertaining, and surprising novel, set in real settings in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona) and Europe.Action, adventure, travel, sex, technology, chases, magical scenarios, extraterrestrial beings ...You have before you a new modern and daring thriller that will make you reflect on reality.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Gazes for an emerging citizenship. Encounters and disagreements on the digital ambit

        Encuentros y desencuentros en el escenario digital

        by Rocío Abascal Mena, Claudia Pedraza Bucio

        Today we inhabit a world that has been transformed by digital technologies, allowing effortless connection through social media and access to vast amounts of information. In this socio-cultural space, a form of citizenship emerges that displays its capacities and potentialities; that requires active participation in different moments of encounter and disagreement; that calls for dialogue, decision-making, the creation and consumption of information, and, above all, that aims to the configuration of critical subjects capable of transforming their reality: citizens who are also consumers: gamers, readers of news and people looking for love with their best profile picture. In the emergence of this citizenship, dialogical-discursive relationships arise in the context of mass self-communication, through daily, individual and collective interactions, in which fundamental rights are disputed, such as the rights to communicate, to information, to free expression, to privacy. This setting implies great challenges for the exercise of citizen life. The gaze of this book returns to the practices that in one way or another allow and demand to be assumed as a political subject from everyday life. Without intending to exhaust the contexts and contingencies of the digital, the text calls for interpretation, discussion and search for answers that allow us to understand the emerging citizenship, of which we are already participants, beyond our clicks.

      • May 2022


        dai liquorosi del Settecento il vino profumato che inebria il mondo


        Il Vermouth di Torino è per eccellenza un simbolo dell’aperitivo in tutto il mondo. Nasce nel 1700 dalla maestria dei liquoristi torinesi, poi diventa un prodotto esportato ovunque. Immagini indimenticabili sono state create da importanti artisti per la sua réclame. Stupende etichette con la loro speciale grafica ne hanno portato e ne portano il nome in mille Paesi. Questo vino sta vivendo un’epoca di grande apprezzamento, tanto da aver ottenuto dall’Unione Europea il riconoscimento dell’Indicazione Geografica che identifica e sancisce il legame con una terra, una tradizione, un “saper fare” unico. Bevuto puro o in celeberrimi cocktail, il Vermouth di Torino è protagonista di un racconto avvincente che parte dalla mondana “ora del Vermouth” tipica di Torino, per giungere al moderno rito sociale dell’“happy hour".

      • 2020



        It all begins with Dr. Duncan who in the year 2518 wakes up from a coma (prolonged period of unconsciousness caused by illness or injury), adrift and off the planet Earth, his only company "the ship in which he worked" . This ship was a laboratory dedicated to Bio-Algorithmy, a science that seeks to program human cells in order to eliminate diseases and in this way achieve that the human being can “evolve” into a disease-free species. However, something goes wrong and Dr. Duncan realizes the results of a tragedy, both he and the ship are completely isolated from the rest of humanity. Using his experience and above all his ingenuity, he has a single and compelling clear goal: Survive.

      • Fiction
        September 2020

        La foresta fossile

        by Cristina Converso

        La scoperta della foresta fossile lungo la Stura di Lanzo è l’inizio di un eco thriller ad altissima tensione.Il prof. Ernesto Meina, lo scopritore, scompare nel nulla, i suoi assistenti, il dottore forestale Giulio Nervi e la geologa Martina Globo, si gettano per strade diverse alla ricerca, svelando così un complesso scenario di crimini ambientali.Nella vicenda si intrecciano storie di padri e di figli, di rancori mai spenti, di passioni e di libri, sullo sfondo di una natura bella e crudele, di un ambiente prezioso che è patrimonio di tutti e deve essere tutelato. Con il patrocinio e la prefazione della Città metropolitana di Torino e i contributi giuridici e scientifici del Prof. Alessandro Crosetti e del Prof. Edoardo Martinetto

      • Ossigeno

        by Sacha Naspini

        Paul Auster meets Stephen King in this poetic yet disturbing investigation into the darkest corners of human nature. After the coral, ambitious Le case del malcontento, Sasha Naspini comes back with a tightly plotted narrative that keeps you at the edge of your seat from page one to the very end, while drawing with sharp sensibility broken characters who fight against all odds to put their pieces back together in unexpected new shapes.   Laura disappears on the 12th of August 1999, at eight years old. She is found 14 years later in a bunker. She’s 22 now. Luca is having dinner with his father, just another evening, always the same for the last thirty years. Someone knocks at the door: it’s the police. What happens if one day you find out the person who raised you is a monster? Ossigeno is the story of those who stay after everything and everyone else have gone. The arrest of the monster is the beginning of a new life, one that seemed impossible to imagine – there are no cages anymore, but the characters are nevertheless stuck in their own minds, made of memories and scars they can’t forget. Luca’s father was his bridge to reality, he was his moral compass, someone to look up to. After the death of his mother, he had become his whole family. And throughout this whole time, he was monster. Where does this leave Luca? Is he a monster too, for sharing is father’s blood? Meanwhile, Laura is trying hard to live again. Her mother doesn’t know how to talk to her. Laura smiles, she acts normal. She likes to wander around the city – she likes to get lost in the crowd. But sometimes she feels the need to be surrounded by walls. She locks herself in a random bathroom. She could stay there for hours, until someone knocks. No one knows what she’s doing in there. Ossigeno is a matrioska. Characters close themselves in dark boxes – and a boy in Wyoming hides in a locket, not knowing he has always been captive inside someone else’s nightmare.   Ossigeno is not a psychological thriller – it is not a crime novel. It is a story of dark roots and curious, eerie minds. Of secrets buried so deep that become seeds for madness. Of masks worn so tightly they become your own skin. But what’s underneath, no matter how hard you try, is still there. Hidden. Observing. Waiting to see what happens. Sasha Naspini’s previous novel, Le Case del malcontento, was sold in China, Korea, Greece and Turkey and is being considered by many publishers worldwide. Its passionate, extremely sophisticated story-telling and unforgettable characterization makes it a psychological masterpiece, an analysis on the complexity of human nature – I would say it’s the Italian Spoon River Anthology, and the title has also been compared to Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders. With a vernacular yet classical, literary language, and multiple points of view, Le Case is an epic rural tale with a universal echo. The novel plays with genres, mixing noir, psychological thriller, historical memoir and dark fairy-tale.

      • Next Stop Anagnina

        by Meri Jo

        A fun trip on Rome’s means of transport that brings a good mood, flavored by the attitudes and habits of the Romans who have to interact with unsuspecting tourists. Meri Jo, with the pleasure of her spontaneity, has given shape to her personal and shareable flow of thought that can be found in the everyday life of those who take the public transport of the city. A different way to live and laugh about the sometimes unthinkable dynamics that characterize commuters and tourists; in particular on the "Metro A” of Rome. ---  Un viaggio divertente sui mezzi di trasporto di Roma che coinvolge e mette di buon umore, condito dagli atteggiamenti e dalle abitudini dei romani che si interfacciano con gli ignari turisti. Non a caso la metropolitana della capitale è da sempre al centro dell'opinione pubblica per la sua "alternativa" efficienza (chiamiamola così!).Meri Jo, con il piacere della spontaneità ha dato forma a un suo personale quanto condivisibile flusso di pensiero che lo si potrà riscontrare nella quotidianità di chi prende i mezzi pubblici.Un modo diverso per vivere e ridere sulle dinamiche talvolta impensabili che caratterizzano le persone che viaggiano in particolare sulla metro A di Roma (suo abituale tragitto), sensazioni e impressioni nate da pensieri e riflessioni generate da simpatiche scenette che l'autrice ha realmente riportato sui memo durante i suoi quotidiani e avventurosi spostamenti nella città. Tali post-it sono divenuti libro, riportando avvenimenti unici anche al limite dell'assurdo, accompagnati dai corsi e ricorsi a cui i viaggiatori possono (comodamente?) assistere in qualità di pubblico, alla prima di quel fantastico spettacolo trasmesso dalla Atac Company & Production.

      • January 2018

        Você repórter da periferia

        Visões e vivências do jornalismo periférico

        by Cruz, Julia; Lopes, Flávia; Matos, Ronaldo; Siqueira, Thais; Vilhena, Evelyn

        Você Repórter da Periferia: Visões e Vivências do Jornalismo nas Periferias Visões e Vivências do Jornalismo nas Periferias apresenta as experiências vividas pelos quatro integrantes e também de uma ex- integrante do coletivo de comunicação Desenrola e Não Me Enrola, sobre as transformações sociais, políticas e profissionais causadas pela realização do Você Repórter da Periferia, programa dedicado a formação de jovens oriundos de diferentes territórios das periferias e também da religião metropolitana de São Paulo/Brasil.   Você Repórter da Periferia: Visions and Experiences of Journalism in the Peripheries Visions and Experiences of Journalism in the Peripheries presents as experiences lived by the four members and also of a former member of the communication collective Desenrola e Não Me Enrola, on the social, political and professional transformations caused by the Você Repórter da Periferia, a program dedicated to training of young people from different peripheral territories and also of the metropolitan religion of São Paulo/Brazil.

      • Children's & YA

        Benni, Celestina e 3 piani in ascensore

        by Patrizia Fortunati, Roberta Procacci

        The story of a great friendship between different generations. The last bell of the year rings and Benni is finally free from the school! Will she be able to relax? Of course not! She will have to get to work immediately to save the old De Profundis from a sad destiny: the retirement home. With her, the inseparable parrot Celestina, a group of old friends and a Chinese maid with a Sicilian accent. Amidst twists and small lies, the brigade will devise the most adventurous plans to save De Profundis... Will they be able to save their old friends? They certainly will not give up easily!

      • 2020

        Higher and Higher

        by Guia Risari, Daniela Iride Murgia

        In the garden, up against the tree, there are two tall, tall poles. They’re so tall that you can’t even see the top. I think about it for a little while and then start to climb. The view from up here is wonderful! I can see the fields, the lake, and the mountain. From up here, the trees look like bushes and the sky seems so close. “That’s dangerous! Get down from there!” Mom stamps her foot. So begins an extraordinary adventure, as the child keeps climbing higher and higher and higher….

      • Children's & YA


        Fiction series

        by Nicoletta Costa

        A fiction series of 12 titles where the shy bunny Julius takes on various adventures accompanied by his friends. Simple stories for first readers with stickers and simple activities at the end of the book.


        Picture Books

        by Nicoletta Costa

        A series of picture books where Julius the Bunny is the protagonist of stories about various feelings - anger, sweetness, fear, courage, enthusiasm, boredom...

      • Religious buildings
        July 2019


        by Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz

        This collection presents six of the most remarkable architectural projects by Lina Bo Bardi: Glass House, São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Sesc Pompeia Factory, Oficina Theater (all in São Paulo), Unhão Manor (Bahia) and Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church (Minas Gerais). Besides texts by the editor Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz, this work features contributions by researchers and professionals who worked with Lina. The six volumes also contain writings by Bardi and a rich iconographic material composed of drawings, building plans and photographs. São Paulo Art Museum | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Aldo van Eyck | 64 pages Sesc Pompeia Factory | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi, Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz and Cecília Rodrigues dos Santos | 64 pages Oficina Theater | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi, Edson Elito and José Celso Martinez Corrêa | 48 pages Glass House | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz | 48 pages Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Edmar de Almeida | 48 pages Solar do Unhão | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and André Vainer | 48 pages


        Picture Book

        by Gek Tessaro

        A special picture book made with paper craft technique, where characters are little bugs hidden in the grass. They tell about the surrounding world from their perspective, representing some of the most important values like acceptance and respect of differences. FULL ENGLISH MANUSCRIPT AVAILABLE

      • Children's & YA
        September 2019


        Logic Mysteries

        by Antonio Calvani, Benedetto Zanaboni

        A comic book mystery for practicing logic skills in primary school How can you help a 6-year-old child with limited literacy skills develop autonomous logical skills? Here’s the answer: a mystery comic strip, which enhances visual skills and minimizes written text. Children can follow the story in complete autonomy and carry out fun activities, which will help them develop reasoning skills.  It is a beautiful spring morning and the sun is shining on the Rialto market. All of a sudden, however, something upsets the cheerful atmosphere: Mimì the poodle has disappeared … Did she run away or was she kidnapped?  To find out what happened, the children will have to help Ms. Teresa collect the clues and carry out captivating logical challenges such as finding the missing shape, rotating letters and shapes, rearranging and completing sequences, solving mazes, finding the mysterious character by verifying the identikit, completing symmetries, reading and completing groups.

      • May 2023


        by Nina Avellaneda

        Souza lays carpet in apartments and Luiza is an actress; their lives are dominated by precarity, failure, and sacrifice. After a chance meeting they feel a mutual interest. It’s hard to say if they fall for each other because that’s not how they move through the world. Still, this is a story, and Souza and Luiza are the gravitational center of a narrator writing about them while sitting in a crowded cafe; she’s interested in exploring people, feelings, but principally, the art of fiction.Souza is a refreshing work situated between ambiguity and voraciousness, it’s exquisite and subtle, intelligent and poetic, and Nina Avellaneda is an author to keep a close eye on.

      • 2020

        Dance Factor

        by Aurora Marsotto

        When the dance teacher announces that she’s entered her students in the Young Dance Competition, everyone is thrilled! Well…, almost everyone. Alice is twelve and, even though she’s done ballet for five years, she’s never gotten over her stage fright. Of course, what happened last year – when she turned right and everyone else turned left… right there… right in front of everyone… – only made things worse! So, just forget it! There’s no way Alice is going on stage! That is, unless Leonardo, who’s just joined the class, can change her mind…

      • Fiction

        I am Nirvana. The story of Kurt Cobain

        by Andrea Biscaro

        Kurt è la rock star più famosa del pianeta. Ha appena ventisette anni, ma ha già vissuto tutto. Adesso è solo, lontano dai riflettori e dai palchi, senza amici, senza più voglia di scrivere e di suonare, blindato tra le pareti dorate della sua reggia di Seattle.  Nella detonazione dello sparo Kurt rivive tutta la sua vita: l'infanzia ad Aberdeen, i locali, la nascita dei Nirvana, il primo contratto con la Sub Pop, la droga, il successo planetario e improvviso di Nevermind, il grunge, l'amore disperato per Courtney Love, la dipendenza dall'eroina, le tournée mondiali, la nascita di Frances Bean, In Utero, il policlinico di Roma, le disintossicazioni, Unplugged in New York. Fino a quel maledetto fucile Remington... A fargli immancabile compagnia è la voce di quell’amico misterioso al cui abbraccio mortale non saprà sfuggire.

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