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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1988


        Leben und Werk

        by Siciliano, Enzo

      • Trusted Partner

        Ursinis grosser Coup

        Ein Tatsachenroman über die moderne Mafia

        by Russo, Enzo

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2004

        Die europäische Stadt

        by Walter Siebel

        In den kurzen goldenen Jahren nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schien die europäische Stadt der Modellfall eines sozial ausgeglichenen, kulturell integrierten und prosperierenden Gemeinwesens. Heute wird ihr Ende vorhergesagt. Ihre Gestalt verliert sich in einem gesichtslosen Siedlungsbrei. Der öffentliche Raum wird privatisiert. Leerstehende Wohnungen und Industriebrachen reißen Lücken in das städtische Gefüge. Es entstehen abgeschottete Quartiere der Armen und der Einwanderer. Die Globalisierung, die Macht der Immobilienentwickler und die Finanzmisere stellen die europäische Stadt als eine Bastion des Wohlfahrtsstaats in Frage. Aber es gibt auch soziale, kulturelle, ökonomische und politische Gegentendenzen. Sie werden in diesem Band diskutiert, der sich an Stadtplaner, Stadtpolitiker und alle stadtpolitisch Interessierten ebenso richtet wie an Architekten und Sozialwissenschaftler. Beiträger sind u. a. Dieter Läpple, Peter Marcuse, Enzo Mingione, Claus Offe, Saskia Sassen, Thomas Sieverts und Erika Spiegel.

      • Trusted Partner

        Hungrige Herzen

        Romanze in Technicolor

        by Zucker, Renée; Briketti, Enzo

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Ursinis grosser Coup

        Ein Tatsachenroman über die moderne Mafia

        by Russo, Enzo / Übersetzt von Raith, Werner

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1986

        Das Wahre und das Falsche

        Essay über die logische Struktur der psychoanalystischen Deutung

        by Codignola, Enzo / Vorwort von Parin, Paul

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1976

        Abhängigkeit und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika

        Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Hedda Wagner

        by Enzo Faletto, Fernando H. Cardoso, Hedda Wagner

        Auch sogenannte »Standardwerke« haben ihre besonderen Schicksale. Dies gilt durchaus von dem Buch der beiden am Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento in São Paulo arbeitenden Wissenschaftler, das seit seinem Erscheinen im Jahre 1969 zwar in Lateinamerika zahlreiche Auflagen erzielt hat, aber erst jetzt allmählich Europa erreicht, obschon es unter Lateinamerika-Spezialisten längst Gegenstand ausführlicher Debatten ist. Die Analyse der Ursachen von Unterentwicklung, der wirtschaftlichen Abhängigkeit der Länder der Dritten Welt von den Industrieländern und der daraus folgenden »Verzerrungen« und »Verwerfungen« in der Sozialstruktur und im politischen System der abhängigen Staaten ist, im Hinblick auf die Verhältnisse in Lateinamerika, zum ersten Male von Cardoso und Faletto entfaltet und zu einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorie verdichtet worden. Die meisten neueren Beschreibungen der Konfliktfelder zwischen »Metropole« und »Peripherie«, zwischen reichen und armen Ländern zehren – jedenfalls was die Kriterien betrifft, unter die sie die Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen zusammenfassen – von Cardosos und Falettos Konzept oder haben aus ihm Nutzen gezogen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's/YA)

        Circus Scam

        by Enzo Troiano

      • Christian spirituality & religious experience
        February 2015

        Lectio Divina

        by Enzo Bianchi

        The Bible is an ancient, enigmatic text from a culture vastly different from our own and most of us find it hard to read: how then can we understand its importance in the church, and how can it enrich our lives? Central to Lectio Divina is the conviction that to read the Bible faithfully and prayerfully is to learn an art. It is also to be in community, and to enter into dialogue with the God who speaks to each of us through the biblical page. Enzo Bianchi touches on some of the key insights in the history of Christian biblical interpretation - from the brilliant thinker Origen in the third century, to the development and refinement of historical criticism and related approaches in the modern era. He explains how to do lectio divina and understand its four 'moments' - lectio, meditatio, oratio, contemplatio. This is not simply a book about how to approach to the Bible, because Scripture ultimately wants to lead us beyond itself - to the truth and mystery of Christ that can never be captured fully in the written word.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2019

        Ford versus Ferrari

        The battle for supremacy at Le Mans 1966

        by John Starkey

        What happened when America's richest car company, producing many thousands of cars per year, went head-to-head with Ferrari of Italy in the mid ‘60s? This is the story of an unstoppable force coming up against the stubbornness of an immovable object – that is, Ford against Ferrari. Enzo Ferrari, whose company produced fewer than four hundred cars per year in 1963, wasn’t going to bow to Ford after he had turned down its offer to buy his company. The only place left to duke it out was on the racetracks of the world … and one in particular: Le Mans ‘66.

      • May 2019

        Reaching The Other Side

        by Wouter Kloowijk, Enzo Pérès-Labourdette

        Evie catches a glimpse of someone waving to her from the opposite riverbank. Who could it be? It’s Steph. He really wants to know who’s waving back. How will they ever reach each other?   A moving story about two open-minded children and their unconditional friendship – despite the river that separates them from each other.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2020


        Help, I’m a screen addict!

        by Christine Deroin,Alain Dervaux

        Meet Manon, champing at the bit to become a game designer. Enzo, addicted to network games and puzzle games, whose social discomfort causes him to identify with his avatars. And Clement, whose childhood dog has just died, prompting him to seek sympathy on social networks. Three very different teenagers whose different experiences illustrate the complexity and diversity of what is commonly known as screen addiction.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        Maurice and His Dictionary

        A True Story

        by Cary Fagan, Enzo Lord Mariano

        This is the story of one refugee family’s harrowing journey, based on author Cary Fagan’s own family history. The graphic novel follows a young Jewish boy, Maurice, and his family as they flee their home in Belgium during the Second World War. They travel by train to Paris, through Spain to Portugal, and finally across the ocean to Jamaica, where they settle in an internment camp. All the while, Maurice is intent on continuing his education and growing up to be a lawyer. He overcomes obstacles to find a professor to study with, works toward a high school diploma while in the camp, and is ultimately accepted to university in Canada. His English dictionary becomes a beloved tool and beacon of hope through the danger and turmoil of the family’s migration. Moments of lightness and humor balance the darkness in this powerful story of one refugee family’s courage and resilience, and of the dictionary that came to represent their freedom.

      • Biography: sport

        Team Calzaghe

        by Michael Pearlman

        In November 2008, Joe Calzaghe retired undefeated in his brilliant boxing career after his fight against American great Roy Jones at New York's Madison Square Garden. Never beaten in 46 fights, Calzaghe stands tall as one of the greatest sportsman in British history, having been a world champion for over a decade. The man behind his success is father and mentor Enzo Calzaghe, a former busker who became a world renowned boxing trainer, producing four world champions from his tiny South Wales gym. With interviews with the key boxers, "Team Calzaghe" explores the amazing success of the Calzaghes and their boxing family, including Enzo Maccarinelli, Bradley Pryce, Gary Lockett and Gavin Rees. It also lifts the lid on the battles with booze, bulimia and the authorities as the Calzaghes defied their critics to rule the boxing world. Quick Reads are exciting, short, fast-paced books by leading, bestselling authors, specifically written for emergent readers and adult learners.

      • Educational: History
        August 2016

        The Reformation

        by Enzo George

        Primary Sources in World History introduces readers to key times in history by exploring objects, buildings, documents, texts and artworks from the period. Each source is illustrated, accompanied by text that explains what it tells historians about how people lived at that time. Primary Sources in World History is linked to common core standards and curricula that require students to be able to interpret a range of primary sources as evidence about the nature of the past, understanding history as a construct of many individual “facts” that can be considered in various ways. Primary sources are the raw materials of historical research. They bring history and cultures to life by providing direct evidence of how people lived, their views and attitudes and their understanding of their place in the world. Each volume in the series focuses on a particular period in history. An introduction gives an overview of the period to provide a wider context. This is followed by a series of self-contained spreads, each of which is based on a single primary source, be it an object, an image, or a written account. Each source is illustrated, accompanied by text that explains what it tells historians about the time—but also suggests instances where there are doubts or conflicting views about how a source should be interpreted. The text explains the background of the source and explores its significance, investigating what it tells us about the people who created it and how they lived and saw their world. Subsidiary boxes look at how the source relates to others from the period, provide additional eyewitness quotes or highlight important individuals. Each book has a full introduction and concludes with a timeline, glossary, and list of resources for further information.

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