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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Confucian Analects by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of Dao De Ching by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Doctrine of the Mean by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2006

        Das Rilke-Alphabet

        by Ulrich Baer

        Rainer Maria Rilke von A bis Z – für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene eröffnet Ulrich Baer 26 neue Zugänge zu Leben und Werk des großen Dichters. Ob nun B wie Buddha, F wie Frösche,M wie Mussolini oder Z wie Zahl: Jedes dieser auf den ersten Blick oft überraschend ausgewählten Worte wird vor dem Hintergrund von Rilkes Gesamtwerk untersucht und beleuchtet so die enge Verbindung, die zwischen Rilkes Dichtung und seinem Leben besteht. Dabei entpuppt sich Rilke als ungemein konkreter Dichter, als Dichter des gelebten statt des philosophisch reflektierten Lebens. Jedes der 26 Kapitel steht für sich, keines baut auf Vorwissen auf, so daß der Band zum Blättern nach Lust und Laune einlädt.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2002


        Die Erfahrung der Moderne bei Charles Baudelaire und Paul Celan

        by Ulrich Baer, Johanna Bodenstab

        Traumadeutung handelt vom ersten und letzten Dichter der Moderne: von Charles Baudelaire, der als erster den traumatischen Schock als Signatur der Moderne identifizierte, und von Paul Celan, dessen Werk Zeugnis von der Katastrophe ablegt, die das Ende der modernen Traditionen markiert. Beide Autoren bemühen sich in ihren Gedichten um die Darstellung von Erfahrungen, die unabhängig vom Willen oder Bewußtsein als unverarbeitet, schockierend und traumatisch im Gedächtnis haften. Mittels der Analyse von je drei Gedichten Baudelaires und Celans zeigt Ulrich Baer, daß die Beschäftigung mit den ästhetischen Eigengesetzlichkeiten des Gedichts ein Modell für die Mitteilbarkeit von traumatischen Erfahrungen darstellen kann.Dieses »außergewöhnlich luzide Buch« (Harold Bloom) bietet nicht nur einen neuen Zugang zu Baudelaire und Celan, sondern erhellt auch die Beziehung zwischen Literatur, Trauma und Geschichte: wie wir Wirklichkeit wahrnehmen, wie wir unsere Erinnerung sprachlich vergegenwärtigen und wie wir vergessen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Power towards kindness:I read Sun Tzu's Art of War

        by Zhang Guoji

        The author has a profound knowledge of history. In this book, he uses his rich historical knowledge and the theory of modern management to make a new interpretation of Sun Tzu's Art of War, an immortal masterpiece in the history of Military Science in China. The book has been copyrighted and exported to Taiwan, China and Vietnam.

      • Trusted Partner

        Sun Jianguang: Regimen and Healing with Traditional Chinese Medicine

        by Sun Jianguang

        With the aim of scientifically guiding people to enhance physical fitness and prevent and treat diseases with traditional Chinese medicine regimens, the author writes this book from seven aspects to provide a systematic introduction of the theories and methods of traditional Chinese medicine regimens. The book offers readers a deeper insight into such aspects as Chinese medicine taking, daily regimens, and basic self-treatment. The Chinese medicinal materials selected in this book are all commonly used, and the selected health-preserving medicinal diet has been verified by long-term TCM clinical trials to have significant health_x0002_preserving effects while being authentic, low-cost, easy, and convenient to use.

      • Trusted Partner

        Chinese Folk Shadow Play

        by Sun Jianjun

        Written by the famous folk art researcher and professor of the Art College of Tsinghua University Sun Jianjun, this book contains a large number of valuable pictures and detailed studies on Chinese folk shadow play. As a textbook or a comprehensive reading on the contemporary folk shadow play studies of China, this book is of value to artists and collectors.

      • Trusted Partner
        History & the past: general interest (Children's/YA)

        días tonaltin (days tonaltin)

        by Andréadis, Ianna / Foch, Élisabeth

        Drawings on the signs of the Stone of the Sun that represent each of the 20 tonaltin of the month, accompanied by the Spanish and Nahuatl words.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Kuafu Chased the Sun

        by Zhou Jing, Ye Xiong

        Kuafu Chased the Sun recounts ancient myths by children's literature writer Zhou Jing and contemporary painter Ye Xiong, the latter recarving stories and characters in the style of Chinese ink painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the richness of the paintings is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, expressing the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. Kuafu Chased the Sun is a classic Chinese myth that every child should know. In this book, Kuafu is brave and fearless, passionately loving nature from his heart, and devotes all his energy to pursuing his dreams, and finally gains lightness and happiness like never before. Through the interpretation of the author and the painter, the story became vivid on the paper.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga - Combat Mindset & Fighting Stress

        How to Perform under Alarming and Stressful conditions

        by Eyal Yanilov and Ole Boe

        Krav Maga emerged from the Israel Defense Forces. It was then transformed into an integrated system of self-defense, fighting tactics, and VIP protection that meets the needs of government units as well as civilians, including men and women of all ages. This inventive new Krav Maga title, covering the yet-unknown inner work of the system, has been discreetly prepared over the last few years and relates to our classic bestselling Krav Maga book, How to Defend Yourself against Armed Assault, which has so far been published in twelve languages, including Japanese and Korean. As George S. Patton, the celebrated US Army general, said, “Now if you are going to win any battle you have to make the mind run the body.... When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired.... You've always got to make the mind take over...and keep going.” This innovative Krav Maga book depicts cutting-edge techniques and training methods for martial artists, and was tailored for law-enforcement and military personnel. It covers the most sensitive core topics that have proved to be highly applicable in professional and personal situations alike. Combat Mindset & Fighting Stress was prepared by Master Eyal Yanilov, who is the most distinguished successor of Krav Maga’s founder, Imi Sde-Or, and wrote the first Krav Maga book with him. Yanilov coauthored this latest work with his prominent disciple, Dr. Ole Boe, a Norwegian special forces fighter and psychologist. The book’s editor and publisher, Zvi D. Morik—the official publisher of the original Krav Maga series, and a direct student, assistant, and friend of Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or for over thirty years—considers it to be the most pioneering and revolutionary work among current Krav Maga literature. An English-language edition was co-published in spring 2020 with Meyer & Meyer Sport UK. A Chinese edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall 2024.

      • Trusted Partner
        Sustainable agriculture
        September 2012

        Productivity Growth in Agriculture

        An International Perspective

        by Edited by Keith O Fuglie, Sun Ling Wang, Eldon Ball

        Increasing food prices have renewed concerns about long-run agricultural demand and supply in the global economy. This book looks at results, methods, and data on international agricultural productivity for a better understanding of long-run trends and the policies that determine them. By presenting an international assessment of total factor productivity growth in agriculture, including up-to-date empirical analysis for developed and developing countries and regions, it provides a response to the rising global scarcity of agricultural production. Essential reading for researchers, policy makers and students.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself against Physical Attack

        by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) & Chief Instructor Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga, developed by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) since the 1930s, was once a method of hand-to-hand combat strictly confined to security agents and members of the MOSSAD and elite IDF units. The method has been adapted for civilians so that anyone, of any age, sex, or physical ability, can utilize it. Based on natural reactions of the human body, the discipline is easy to learn and perform, and practical to use.  Krav Maga has rapidly gained in popularity and earned recognition by experts the world over. In the US, South America, Europe, Australia, and the Far East, this unique self-defense method has already been taught to and used by official law enforcement agencies, as well as many ordinary citizens.  Written by Imi Sde-Or and his senior disciple Eyal Yanilov as part of the Founder’s Series, Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself Against Physical Attack is the first of two volumes presenting the key principles and training methods for unarmed combat. Laid out an accessible, step-by-step format, the book covers the basics, from safety in training, warm-up, stretching, and flexibility to principles of attacks, stances, and starting positions. The authors offer strategies for every imaginable scenario: defending punches and kicks, releases from chokes, headlock and nelson, grabs, punches, throws, and more. Also emphasizing the psychological underpinnings of the discipline, the book expands its usefulness with sections on mental training, vulnerable points, multiple attackers, and women’s self-defense.  About the Authors Eyal Yanilov began training in Krav Maga with Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or when he was 15. Yanilov was the first person to begin training Krav Maga instructors outside of Israel, and he has taught special units, the military, and civilians in over 18 countries. Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or, Founder of Krav Maga, passed away in 1998 at age 88. An English-language North-American edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall  2024. Each volume contains 240 pages, altogether 800-plus b/w photos & illustrations; 16.5 x 24 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Sun Chongsan Pediatric Tuina

        by Zhang Sufang

        This book mainly introduces Sun Chongsan's diagnosis methods in pediatric tuina, his techniques and acupoints, as well as tuina treatment methods for more than 20 kinds of common pediatric diseases. Each tuina technique is elaborately explained, showing details of operation positions, accompanied by high-definition photos and rich operation videos, which enables readers to learn tuina easily.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga – Selbstverteidigung gegen körperliche Angriffe

        by Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) und Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga – Selbstverteidigung gegen körperliche Angriffe Von Großmeister Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) und Chief Instructor Eyal Yanilov Zwei Bände in Vorbereitung werden die Bestseller-Serie über Krav Maga ergänzen. Sie basieren auf der berühmten israelischen unbewaffneten Selbstverteidigung, mit Schwerpunkt auf die Verteidigung gegen unbewaffnete Angriffe, z.B. alle Arten von Schlägen und Tritten, Klammergriffen usw. Erscheinungsdatum: 2009. Krav Maga ist eine von Großmeister Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) seit den 30er Jahren entwickelte Methode der unbewaffneten Verteidigung. Die Methode war anfangs streng auf Sicherheitsagenten und Mitglieder der Mossad und der Eliteeinheiten der israelischen Streitkräfte beschränkt. Die Methode wurde nun für den zivilen Gebrauch adaptiert, so dass jeder sie nutzen kann, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht und körperlicher Verfassung. Die Disziplin basiert auf natürlichen Reaktionen des menschlichen Körpers und ist leicht zu lernen und anzuwenden sowie sehr praxisorientiert. Krav Maga ist mittlerweile sehr populär und wird von Sicherheitsexperten in aller Welt anerkannt. In den USA, Südamerika, Europa, Australien und im Fernen Osten wird diese einzigartige Methode der Selbstverteidigung sowohl von staatlichen Sicherheitsbehörden als auch von vielen gewöhnlichen Zivilisten eingesetzt. Krav Maga – Selbstverteidigung gegen körperliche Angriffe ist der erste von zwei Bänden, in denen die Kernprinzipien und Trainingsmethoden für die unbewaffnete Verteidigung vorgestellt werden. Die Verfasser, Imi Sde-Or und sein Hauptschüler Eyal Yanilov, stellen in einem übersichtlichen Format Schritt für Schritt die Grundlagen vor: Sicherheit beim Training, Aufwärm-, Dehn- und Beweglichkeitsübungen bis zu Angreifmethoden, Stand- und Startpositionen. Die Autoren bieten Strategien für alle denkbaren Szenarien: Verteidigung gegen Tritte und Hiebe, Befreiung aus Klammergriffen, Griffe, Würfe und mehr. Ebenso werden die psychologischen Grundlagen der Disziplin vorgestellt. Abschnitte über mentales Training, Schwachpunkte, mehrfache Angreifer und Selbstverteidigung für Frauen ergänzen die Beschreibung des Systems.  Die Autoren Eyal Yanilov begann das Training mit Krav Maga mit Großmeister Sde-Or im Alter von 15 Jahren. Yanilov bildete als erster Krav Maga-Spezialist Trainer außerhalb von Israel aus. Er lehrte die Methode für Spezialeinheiten im militärischen und zivilen Bereich in über 18 Ländern. Großmeister Imi Sde-Or verstarb 1998 im Alter von 88 Jahren. Jeder Band hat etwa 240 Seiten mit zusammen über 800 Schwarzweißfotos und Illustrationen; 16,4 x 24 cm.   Eine englischsprachige Ausgabe für Nordamerika ist für Sommer 2012 geplant.

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020

        The Sea, the Sea, I Ask You-Liu Raomin's World of Nursery Rhymes

        by Sun Yunxiao, Liu Baoan, Cao Weihong

        Liu Raomin is a famous poet and nursery rhyme writer in Qingdao. His works have been selected by various elementary school Chinese textbooks many times. Such as "the sea, the sea, I ask you", "tick tick tick it rains", etc., are popular and enduring. But people remember these nursery rhymes, but often don't know the author of the nursery rhymes. Teacher Sun Yunxiao has a dream to recommend more poems by Mr. Liu Raomin to readers, so that everyone can learn more about poets and poetry stories. Thereby sublimating children's imagination and language ability. This book can also be read by adults who are still innocent.

      • Trusted Partner

        A Laughing Sun

        by Bayan Al Safadi

        These poetic tales for children address things around us such as the wall, the stone, the ear, the river, and others, humanize them, and present them as free verse poetry. It also includes an audio CD containing song versions of the tales, all of which are loaded with pedagogical, aesthetic, and humanitarian messages. The importance of “A Laughing Sun” stems from its adoption of the poetic tale in most poems. It carries implications for reverence of science, arts, freedom, and human diversity, and highlights the beauty of nature and the protection of the environment. The poems are replete with a sense of cheerfulness and humor, and the collection focuses on the imagination and stimulates both scientific and creative thinking.

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