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      • Medicine: general issues
        May 2014

        Wunddokumentation und Wundfotografie: Grundlagen und praktische Umsetzung

        by Reinboth, Christian

        More than 4,5 million Germans (more than 4,5% of the population) are currently suffering from chronic wounds or injuries, which, for different reasons, are not healing or are healing very slowly, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of life for the affected people. The necessary long/time care costs the health care system more than 5 billion Euros. Suffering and costs which will grow exponentially in the next years due to demographic change: For the coming 25 years alone, the prognosis is a doubling of the number of affected people to more than 9 million Germans , with the population simultaneously decreasing to under 80 million. This book deals with the question of how chronic wounds are to be documented in written and photographic form, and which parameters need to be considered. It presents the three most common types of wounds and explains the need for documentation. Measuring procedures, which help categorize the severity of the illness, are explained, while properties of wounds and the challenges they pose to wound care are also studied, along with methods of documentation for these properties. Finally, the book critically discusses photographic wound documentation and gives helpful advice for affected people concerning their diet and wound prevention.

      • Family psychology
        May 2014

        Postpartale Depressionen: Wege zu einer sicheren Mutter/Kind/Bindung

        by Herrmann, Stephanie

        Postpartum depression falls into an episode of life that is widely perceived as joyful. Feelings of sadness are difficult to reconcile with the birth of a child, and in our society the myth of this being the happiest time in a mother’s life prevails. These high social expectations often turn out a fallacy. With a chance of about 70%, postpartum depression is one of the most frequent postnatal complications. Considering the numerous strains that accompany maternal depression, fast and preventative aid is indispensable in order to avoid a dysfunctional relationship between mother and infant. The main issue arising is that many women are insufficiently informed about the symptoms, which leads to the disorder going undiagnosed. This book aims to raise awareness for postpartum depression, in order to counteract the taboo that surrounds the illness and the according feelings of shame that are experienced by many mothers and are a socially constructed problem.

      • Travel tips & advice: general
        May 2014

        Thailand / Das Insiderbuch für Auswanderer oder Langzeittouristen: Das Buch, das Ihnen Thailand erklärt

        by Glöckl, Andreas

        Thailand. Every year, the country attracts several million visitors. A couple thousand foreigners relocate to Thailand every year or stay for an extended period, like the so/called winter/dwellers. The author himself lived in Thailand for nine years and explains to newcomers how to handle or obtain different things there. This is a practical guide that explains things like how to obtain a driver’s license and which documents to submit, how to get decent cell phone service or find affordable and comfortable lodgings. It is not a travel guide, though it does touch upon the most important tourist destinations. The numerous checklists come handy in aiding the reader in organizing his stay in Thailand, and helps navigate the many pitfalls that lurk in every country in the world. Beside the checklists, the most important addresses, e.g. embassies, are listed, along with helpful overviews. This unique combination makes the book an absolute must/have for every Thailand enthusiast or visitor.

      • Dog obedience & training
        March 2013

        Rhodesian Ridgeback richtig verstehen: Zusammenleben, Erziehung & Beschäftigung

        by Jansen, Karin

        Rhodesian Ridgebacks impress through athletic prowess, confidence and manner. They do not have a will to please, but ask us what we can do for them. The owner faces the challenge of finding an appropriate way to deal with their hunting instinct and the frequent skepticism of anything unknown. The nature of these dogs as well as emphatic training and occupation are the main concerns of this book, dealing with the breed’s internal rather than external characteristics. Jan Nijboer (Natural Dogmanship®): „Following the advice given in this book, the Rhodesian Ridgeback can enrich the life of every human who – like the Ridgeback himself, is looking for more depth in a relationship!”

      • Social issues & processes
        March 2014

        Barrierefreie Kommunikation: Leichte Sprache und Teilhabe für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten

        by Winter, Linda

        How can participation for people with learning difficulties be achieved? One solution is the concept of Easy Language, developed (among others) by people with learning disabilities (Mensch zuerst e.V.). By presenting news, information and communication in a target group oriented, accessible format, it aims to prevent exclusion and facilitate participation. However, the topic Easy Language is not widely known in German society. This needs to be changed, as not just people with learning impairments, but also e.g. people with difficulties in reading and understanding , the elderly, the illiterate and people with immigrant background or hearing impairments would benefit from the use of Easy Language.

      • Sales & marketing
        February 2014

        Die Zukunft des Marketing ist mobil! Grundlagen, Voraussetzungen und Instrumente des Mobile Marketing

        by Meyer, Nicole

        Progressive globalization and developments in information and communication technology have changed society and consumer behavior permanently. Mobility and individualization are among the most central characteristics of society nowadays. Consequently, standardized messages for the masses catch less and less attention among consumers because they expect and want a direct and individual appeal. Responding to the requirements of a mobile information society, mobile marketing creates a new type of communication by using the consumer’s handheld device as a personalized and interactive channel of communication – no other medium allows for a more direct, personal and targeted appeal to the consumer than his smartphone.

      • Family & health
        September 2013

        Vegane Ernährung im Säuglings/ und Kindesalter: Die rein pflanzliche Ernährung in der Übersicht

        by Rubner, Lisa

        Vegan diets are on everyone’s lips. For different reasons, more and more people are choosing this stricter form of vegetarianism, which contains only food made from plants and no animal products. But how healthy is a vegan diet? A poorly chosen and one/sided diet can lead to health issues, which is why a vegan diet necessitates well/founded knowledge and a conscious treatment of nutrition. This is especially true when it comes to the diet of infants and toddlers. Consequently, the main question of this study is: Is a vegan diet appropriate for infants and children? This leads to further questions: Can a vegan diet be recommended and supported with regard to the fulfillment of demand? And is it possible to prevent a nutritional deficit through specific directives?

      • Educational psychology
        March 2012

        Das freie Spiel: Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori im Vergleich

        by Födinger, Diana Gabriela

        This book scientifically discusses the concepts of progressive education as developed by Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori in the area of free play. The goal is to present, compare and evaluate the respective guidelines for an ideal upbringing. The basic question is which details parents and educators have to pay attention to when it comes to free play in order to promote ideal child development, and which benefits such an education can have for the child. Based on a content analysis, the respective concepts for presenting the pedagogical assumptions will be introduced. Furthermore, the parallels and differences between Pikler’s and Montessori’s theories will be discussed, and in those assumptions that differ, scientific studies shall show which approach is more beneficial for the child. For this purpose, several empirical studies will be taken into account and summarized as well as compared in a literature review. This will allow the reader a comprehensive overview over type and procedure of the different studies, making the results easier to interpret. Furthermore, the book contains an overview about the design and organization of playgroups according to Pikler and Montessori, as well as a developmental/psychological contemplation of free play and biographical information about the two progressive educators.

      • June 2014

        Cybermobbing: Medienkompetenz von Jugendlichen

        by Aksi, Dorothee

        The modern world can hardly be imagined without new media and gain more and more influence every day. And while the possibilities of Web 2.0 undoubtedly enrich our lives in many ways, there are also dangers hidden behind the constant advancements. A common risk is becoming the victim of cyber bullying. Though the term ‘cyber bullying’ is commonly used in everyday speak, many people know its exact meaning and are thus unable to adequately assess the risks connected with the term. This book deals with this relatively new phenomenon. Current academic literature and an analysis of different studies will present an overview of the topic. In this process, a special focus will be on a clear definition of terminology, because especially for people who are not ‘digital natives’, i.e. who did not grow up with new media, the flood of terms can be overwhelming and confusing. A distinction will be made between traditional bullying and cyber bullying, direct and indirect bullying, as well as their characteristics and different forms, which will be illustrated with genuine examples. Because cyber bullying is a serious social problem, this book will finally present possible strategies for intervention and prevention from the perspective of social work. This will clearly show that more needs to be done for the media literacy and the knowledge of media effects in today’s society.

      • Psychology
        September 2011

        Anorexie und Bulimie bei Mädchen in der Pubertät

        by Kremser, Bettina

        Half of all girls with normal weight consider themselves as too fat. One out of five teenagers in Germany shows symptoms of an eating disorder. But what exactly are eating disorders? Why do anorexia and bulimia mostly occur among girls, and why during puberty? Which causes are underlying and how can the psychological factor be evaluated in the framing concept of etiology? Anorexics starve off pound after pound, while bulimics try to undo their eating binges with vomiting or other regulatory measures – it appears that they would pay any price to meet the ideal of the attractive, thin woman, including mistreating their body and ignoring the physical and psychological impacts. As if this was not enough, many affected people also suffer from comorbid diseases such as depression, personality disorders or obsessive/compulsive disorders – among others. When searching for causes, a lot of different factors surface. The etiology model is based on biological, familial, socio/cultural and psychological pillars. When comparing anorexia and bulimia, some consonances are diagnosed, but also many differences. Great discipline, control, a need for harmony, fear and introversion are typically found among people with anorexia nervosa, while bulimics are often less controlled and enduring, more impulsive, emotional, short/tempered and extroverted, as well as not being afraid of their own sexuality. When a certain genetic predisposition is given, the psyche can suffer when exposed to certain external stimuli. Bio/psycho/social models are increasingly being consulted as a means of explanation for psychological illnesses. This book gives a comprehensive overview of the complex issue, while also containing a selection of therapeutic approaches and methods of prevention to help sufferers find the courage to conquer their illness.

      • Adult education, continuous learning
        July 2011

        Pferdegestützte Persönlichkeitsbildung: Der Einsatz von Pferden in der Erwachsenenbildung

        by Stempel, Anna Elena

        The relationship between humans and horses is as old as it is diverse. As early as 4000 years ago, humans started domesticizing these animals. Since then, they have been accompanying us in very different areas. They helped with agriculture, made it possible to master great distances in a shorter time and thus enabled the expansion of entire peoples. Wars were fought on horseback and land conquered. Only recently, the use of horses has changed. First horseback riding became a popular pastime, and then the value of horses in therapeutic work was discovered. Many “horse people” have long guessed or known that a conscious contact with horses can educate one’s own personality. For about ten years now, horses have also been present in management training, leadership coaching, and also personality development in general. People can benefit greatly from horses for dealing with everyday situations and challenges, because horses mirror their opposite’s behavior, pick up emotions and react accordingly. On the basis of these reactions, behavior and (subconscious) attitudes can be observed without judgement, which allows for the initiation of different developments. Nowadays, there are many coaches specializing in equine/aided personality development, addressing different target groups. This book contains a theoretical approach to the topic and also studies different providers with regard to their practices, in order to supply an overview of the topic and the possibilities.

      • Management: leadership & motivation
        April 2010

        Motivation und Führung von Mitarbeitern: Personalführung in Zeiten des Wertewandels

        by Olliges, Wilhelm

        At the beginning of 2009, the Gallup/Institute published a study on employee motivation in German companies. The survey came to the conclusion that about 90% of employees surveyed had no real feeling of obligation towards their employers. Only 13% of employees carry out their work with commitment and feel attached to their company. 67% of employees merely work to rule and try to avoid additional exertion and voluntary involvement wherever possible. About a fifth of employees claims to have “internally quit” already. These disturbing numbers have been ascertained during a 2008 study among 1,900 employees. The numbers mentioned above have been relatively constant for years and have enormous consequences for the companies and should shock leaders, as so much potential is left unused. But what are the specific causes for the lack of employee motivation?

      • Fitness & diet
        April 2010

        Blutgruppendiät: Welche Lebensmittel passen zu mir?

        by Boboschewski, Cornelia

        This book is a valuable reference book for everyone who wants to learn more about a diet according to blood type. It is written in an easy style and contains everything you need to know about the specific foods for you – and a little humor as well! Each blood type is dealt with in its own chapter. Each chapter contains a list of foods as well as an explanation of the most important findings concerning A, B, AB and 0, including helpful advice. Some readers will surely come to a better understanding of why they cannot “stomach” some foods, and why sometimes they feel a complete lack of energy after eating, sometimes feel refreshed. At the end of each chapter, there are suggested recipes as well as a short look into the characteristics of certain blood types and their common health issues.

      • Educational psychology
        November 2010

        Waldkindergarten: Ein pädagogisches Konzept mit Zukunft?

        by Del Rosso, Silvana

        Forest kindergartens – an idea from the 60s with the principle “back to nature”. A crazy idea from tree huggers or a valid concept for basic pedagogy? The last years have seen a huge increase in new openings (there are more than 500 forest kindergartens in Germany today), which leads to the conclusion that forest kindergartens apparently do have more valid arguments than ecological education. Nonetheless the concept is still met with some skepticism in our society – especially from politicians. Probably the strongest assumption against the concept is that children did not learn enough and were not prepared well enough for school in forest kindergartens. Especially since the PISA/studies, kindergartens have been under an enormous amount of pressure from media and politics – leading parents to believe that they need to start having their child learn a foreign language at age three and start with preparations for school. Many people have reservations against forest kindergartens in this respect. But how sensible and child/appropriate is this early learning? What does childhood look like today and what do children need? What does the concept of the forest kindergarten have to offer? How do children from forest kindergartens fare in secondary schools? To investigate this, children who visited forest kindergartens and their mothers were interviewed. The book first gives an overview over preschool education, i.e. the developmental psychological as well a social situation of children in Germany and the resulting requirements for early education. Furthermore, the concept of forest kindergartens will be explored theoretically as well as in practice, in order to evaluate whether it is a promising format for early education.

      • Management: leadership & motivation
        July 2009

        Work/Life/Balance zur Mitarbeiterbindung

        by Budde, Sabrina

        In the context of an aging society and future lack of skilled employees, with an increasingly competitive market emerging simultaneously, the importance of staff retention cannot be denied. Companies are called to identify and secure existing human resources and potential in order to remain competitive. This book shows which effects changing social premises have on the future resource of skilled workers; how staff retention works from a psychological perspective; and why the work/life/balance strategy offers a viable solution for securing “high potentials” and thwarting the shortage of skilled employees. Regarding changing social premises, the book will explore demographic change, value change and globalization as causes. Selected factors for staff retention, such as commitment, employee satisfaction and variety seeking, will be studied in order to allow an insight into the mechanisms of staff retention. The findings will then be applied to the work/life/balance strategy and its instruments in order to clarify the potential effect. Furthermore, a survey among employers and employees will determine the general knowledge of the concept’s existence, as well as its importance in popular opinion. In a final survey, the acceptance of the strategy as well as its application in German companies will be analyzed, including the evaluation of specific measures such as flexible hours or company daycares.

      • Family psychology
        November 2008

        Psychisch kranke Eltern, für Kinder (k)ein Problem?

        by Behla, Yvonne

        When people talk about the relatives of mentally ill people, they usually think of parents, siblings and partners. Very often, however, mentally ill people also have children. This book will evaluate the number of children in Germany who have either one or two mentally ill parents, their living situation and, most importantly, the impact of the parents’ illness on the child’s development. A special focus will be on the concrete strategies that children use and are offered to cope with their specific living situation. Furthermore, the question of which coping mechanisms within the family support the resolution of the arising conflicts will be dealt with. For social work, the focus is on what can be inferred for the improvement of supporting systems. Within this framework, an interesting thematic field is also the instance of children who do not seem to be damaged through their parents’ mental illness, though they have high risk factors. Stressing this resilience is very important to the author, who makes an effort to point out the protection and support provided by social work.

      • Public health & preventive medicine
        February 2015

        Internationale Gesundheitssysteme im Vergleich

        by Trambacz, Jonas

        Nearly all health care systems in western/oriented countries face similar challenges and difficulties. The demographic problem leads to an increased demand for health care. This is opposed by a decreased revenue situation. Medical personnel are pushed to their limits in hospitals; in rural areas doctors may be completely underrepresented. This justifies thinking outside the box and looking at the health care systems in other nations. These comparisons can show which reform suggestions have already been made, and with which results. As an example, one could name the implementation of disease/management/programs in Germany. The present study will analyze the health care systems in Singapore, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, France, the USA and Austria. Basis of the analysis will be the three dimensions formulated by Carl Wendt: financing, service provision and regulation. Each health care system will merit its own chapter, and each chapter ends with a conclusion which classifies the systems according to these dimensions. After the analysis of the health care systems, a comparison of all key figures will be added.

      • January 2015

        Cybermobbing an Schulen: Lösungsorientierte Präventionsmaßnahmen und Interventionsprogramme

        by Pies, Eva

        The use of new communication techniques has become a fixed part of teenagers’ lives and poses new challenges to our society. This development carries a lot of positive aspects, but also several threats. Many cases of cyber bullying have become public recently and it is continuously becoming more evident that there is a need for action. On the one hand there is lack of awareness among students concerning the dangers and the penal consequences lurking in the use of new media. On the other hand teachers often lack the necessary knowledge in this area; especially in the technological use of new media students are often way more capable than their teachers. Communication competencies, conflict management and confident educators are needed. An important factor is the structure within the institution of education. There is often a lack of defined processes for occurrences of cyber bullying, as well as no fixed rules. Many questions surface that concern causes, risk factors and consequences. The main focus of this book, however, is the call to implement prevention measures and intervention programs at German schools in order to prepare and aid teachers through practical suggestions.

      • Psychology of ageing
        January 2015

        Leben. Lieben. Altern.: Umgang mit Sexualität und Demenz

        by Groen, Sofie C.

        Everyone loves being young and dynamic, when there are no physical boundaries impeding one’s love life and one can live one’s sexuality to the fullest. But when happens when sexuality changes throughout and the years and, for instance, dementia starts to interfere? This book deals with this topic, which is still being tabooed by society. Considering demographic change, the topic can no longer be ignored, as it is complicated to deal with sexuality and dementia in the right way. This book evaluates the corresponding issues in an in/patient environment and gives insight into challenges the participants face. Experts as well as nursing staff, relatives and all interested readers will gain a lot of new knowledge concerning sexuality, aging, and dementia. Furthermore, accounts from affected people afford the reader access to the experience of age/related changes to sexuality.

      • Industry & industrial studies
        August 2015

        Die Automobilindustrie und die Bedeutung innovativer Industrie 4.0 Technologien

        by Hung Vo, Paul

        The automotive industry is one of the pillars of German industry and thus vital for the entire economy. The sector’s success is based on high quality, reliability and functionality if the products, as well as additional services that set it apart from the international competition. Another contributor to this success is a safe development and production process, in which automation plays an important role. Apart from IT/tools, software is also crucial. Industry 4.0 is aimed at intelligent products, methods, processes and efficient networking: Smart Factory. The necessary development and production processes and the continually growing complexity of the products are not manageable so far: New approaches and business models have to be developed. For the German automotive industry, an added value potential of about 15 billion Euros is expected through Industry 4.0 by 2025. This yield is expected to be achieved through the integration of real/time data at the interfaces, flexible production systems, as well as intuitive interaction of man and machine.

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