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      • Melanie S. Wolfe

        Make sure to check out the catalog for more titles.   Melanie S. Wolfe is an up and coming author with four self-published books and several manuscripts in the pipeline. She writes fiction that includes a diverse cast of characters with themes that deal with real-world issues and sometimes have a light sci-fi or paranormal feel to them. Her favorite age group falls within the New Adult range but her works appeal to the older YA and adult reader as well. Melanie would like to find representation as well as negotiate domestic and foreign print, digital and audio rights/licensing on her current published works and her upcoming projects.  Melanie S. Wolfe grew up between Kansas City, MO, and various places in Oklahoma (USA) where she studied Liberal Arts at the University of Oklahoma. She was a military wife for ten years and served the Army community as a Relocation Clerk while stationed in Bamberg, Germany. She currently lives in Florida with her family and is loving the beach life.

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      • Damla Publishing

        Damla Publishing was established in 1974 in Istanbul, Turkey as the first publishing house that dedicated itself to only children's books and literature.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        March 2022

        Body Work

        The Radical Power of Personal Narrative

        by Melissa Febos,

        In this bold and exhilarating mix of memoir and writing guide, Melissa Febos tackles the emotional, psychological, and physical work of writing intimately while offering an utterly fresh examination of the storyteller's life and the challenges it presents. How do we write about the relationships that have formed us? How do we describe our bodies, their desires and traumas? What does it mean to have your writing, or living, dismissed as "navel-gazing"-or else hailed as "so brave, so raw"? And to whom, in the end, do our most intimate stories belong? Drawing on her journey from aspiring writer to acclaimed author and writing professor-via addiction and recovery, sex work and academia-Melissa Febos has created a captivating guide to the writing life, and a brilliantly unusual exploration of subjectivity, privacy, and the power of divulgence. Candid and inspiring, Body Work will empower readers and writers alike, offering ideas-and occasional notes of caution-to anyone who has ever hoped to see their true self reflecting back from the open page.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        March 2022

        Body Work

        The Radical Power of Personal Narrative

        by Melissa Febos,

        In this bold and exhilarating mix of memoir and writing guide, Melissa Febos tackles the emotional, psychological, and physical work of writing intimately while offering an utterly fresh examination of the storyteller's life and the challenges it presents. How do we write about the relationships that have formed us? How do we describe our bodies, their desires and traumas? What does it mean to have your writing, or living, dismissed as "navel-gazing"-or else hailed as "so brave, so raw"? And to whom, in the end, do our most intimate stories belong? Drawing on her journey from aspiring writer to acclaimed author and writing professor-via addiction and recovery, sex work and academia-Melissa Febos has created a captivating guide to the writing life, and a brilliantly unusual exploration of subjectivity, privacy, and the power of divulgence. Candid and inspiring, Body Work will empower readers and writers alike, offering ideas-and occasional notes of caution-to anyone who has ever hoped to see their true self reflecting back from the open page.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Dragon Child Bundle (Bände 1-3)

        by Omphalius, Ruth

        ***Alle drei Bände der magischen Drachenfantasy im Bundle*** Entfache das Feuer in dir! Sophie hat mit Übergewicht zu kämpfen, wird in der Schule gemobbt und kann sich nicht einmal gegen ihren kleinen Bruder durchsetzen. Am liebsten zieht sie sich mit einem guten Buch von der Welt zurück und hofft, im besten Fall einfach übersehen zu werden. Doch all das ändert sich schlagartig, als sich ihre unterdrückte Wut eines Tages in einem markerschütternden Schrei entlädt, Feuer und Verwüstung um sich greifen und Sophie in bizarre Träume abgleitet: hoch in der Luft schwebend über dem Haus ihrer Eltern oder auf der Flucht vor schaurigen Vogelwesen. Selbst dem coolsten Mädchen der Klasse, Melissa, fallen die Veränderungen auf und sie beginnt Sophie auszuspionieren. Weder Melissa noch Sophie ahnen jedoch, wie groß und lebensbedrohlich das Geheimnis, dem sie auf der Spur sind, tatsächlich ist. Dieses Bundle enthält alle drei Teile der fantastisch-magischen Dragon Child Serie: - Dragon Child 1: Das Erwachen - Dragon Child 2: Die Rebellion - Dragon Child 3: Die Allianz

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        Das Mädchen Anne Frank

        Die Biographie

        by Müller, Melissa

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 1998


        Eine Kindheit

        by Green, Melissa

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Die Hexenwunde

        Heile deine Ahnenlinie und komme wieder in dein volles Potenzial

        by Kirchgässner, Melissa

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2010

        Berühmte Frauen. Kalender 2011

        by Luise F. Pusch

        Berühmte Frauen ist der Klassiker unter den Taschenkalendern. Der Kalender Berühmte Frauen 2011 erinnert an große Frauen der Geschichte und an Zeitgenossinnen: Agnes von Böhmen, Louise Bourgeois, Julie Christie, Melissa Etheridge, Ulrike Folkerts, Heike Makatsch, Anna Netrebko, Ginger Rogers, Arundhati Roy und andere. Monat für Monat werden bemerkenswerte Frauen vorgestellt, eine ausführliche Literaturliste lädt zum Weiterschmökern ein.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2013

        Der Spiegel der Medici


        by Melissa Bailey, Rita Seuß

        Der Architekt John Carter soll eine alte viktorianische Schuhfabrik in London in moderne Luxuswohnungen umbauen. Bei einem seiner Erkundungsgänge macht er eine überraschende Entdeckung: einen versteckten Kellerraum, in dem ein wertvoller, antiker Spiegel hängt. Neugierig geworden, versucht er mehr darüber in Erfahrung zu bringen. Doch statt Antworten zu erhalten, stößt er auf eine Vielzahl rätselhafter Geschichten, die immer mehr Fragen aufwerfen: Gehörte der Spiegel einst wirklich Katharina von Medici? Wie gelangte er nach England in den Besitz des Schuhfabrikanten? Und welche Rolle spielte er in dem mysteriösen Todesfall einer jungen Frau, der sich hier hundert Jahre zuvor ereignet hat? Während John versucht, dem Geheimnis des Spiegels auf den Grund zu gehen, beginnen sich in seinem Umfeld merkwürdige Dinge zu ereignen. Und auch Ophelia, eine gleichermaßen faszinierende wie rätselhafte Frau, in die er sich Hals über Kopf verliebt, scheint einiges vor ihm zu verbergen … »Der Spiegel der Medici« ist ein fesselnder Roman über die dunklen Mächte der Liebe, über Leidenschaft, Eifersucht und Rache und über ein jahrhundertealtes Geheimnis, das seine Schatten bis in die Gegenwart wirft.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Der gute Onkel

        Mein verdammtes deutsches Erbe

        by Göring, Bettina Müller, Melissa

      • Trusted Partner


        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        “Melissa, silly little goat, Melissa sta—” Charles Flanders Cunningham III — a name that will rank with Hannibal Lecter as the ultimate evil genius. Charles Flanders Cunningham III — the wealthiest, most influential lawyer in the United States, perhaps the world, trusted counselor to presidents, prime ministers, and world leaders. But Cunningham has a dark side, a very dark side known only to himself and his five accomplices. Cunningham arranges to kidnap children from all over the world, none more than six years old, for a period of two weeks, after which they are returned by a wonderful, charitable organization, ChildFinders, to their despairing parents, safe, secure, and outwardly none the worse for wear … but changed. Changed by chemicals, computer implants, and mind alteration. And they do not know it — until they hear one of a thousand catchphrases. Then they turn into programmed automatons, who will do whatever the next command tells them to do. Afterward, the chip erases all memory of what they have done. By means of this undetectable “army,” Cunningham aims to control the world. Can a team led by Israeli counterterrorist Ezra Caen (Assassin, The Wrecking Crew) stop him before it is too late? In the tradition of The Manchurian Candidate and Telefon, you’d best hold on to your nerves and plan on staying up very, very late to finish this riveting thriller. And be frightened. Be very, very frightened. You never can tell if you will be the next victim … or the next killer. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group,2020. 300 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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