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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2011

        Conflict, Politics and Proselytism

        Methodist missionaries in colonial and postcolonial Burma, 1887–1966

        by Michael D. Leigh, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        This book is a study of the ambitions, activities and achievements of Methodist missionaries in northern Burma from 1887-1966 and the expulsion of the last missionaries by Ne Win. The story is told through painstaking original research in archives which contain thousands of hitherto unpublished documents and eyewitness accounts meticulously recorded by the Methodist missionaries. This accessible study constitutes a significant contribution to a very little-known area of missionary history. Leigh pulls together the themes of conflict, politics and proselytisation in to a fascinating study of great breadth. The historical nuances of the relationship between religion and governance in Burma are traced in an accessible style. This book will appeal to those teaching or studying colonial and postcolonial history, Burmese politics, and the history of missionary work. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Conflict, Politics and Proselytism

        Methodist missionaries in colonial and postcolonial Burma, 1887–1966

        by Andrew Thompson, Michael D. Leigh, John M. MacKenzie

        This book is a study of the ambitions, activities and achievements of Methodist missionaries in northern Burma from 1887-1966 and the expulsion of the last missionaries by Ne Win. The story is told through painstaking original research in archives which contain thousands of hitherto unpublished documents and eyewitness accounts meticulously recorded by the Methodist missionaries. This accessible study constitutes a significant contribution to a very little-known area of missionary history. Leigh pulls together the themes of conflict, politics and proselytisation in to a fascinating study of great breadth. The historical nuances of the relationship between religion and governance in Burma are traced in an accessible style. This book will appeal to those teaching or studying colonial and postcolonial history, Burmese politics, and the history of missionary work.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2002

        The Scottish witch-hunt in context

        by Julian Goodare

        A collection of essays on Scottish witchcraft and witch-hunting, which covers the whole period of the Scottish witch-hunt, from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth. Includes studies of particular witchcraft panics such as a reassessment of the role of King James VI. Covers a wide range of topics concerned with Scottish witch-hunting and places it in the context of other topics such as gender relations, folklore, magic and healing, and moral regulation by the church and state. Provides a comparative dimension of witch-hunting beyond Scotland - one on the global context, and one comparing Scotland with England. It is a showcase for the latest thinking on the subject and will be of interest to all scholars studying witchcraft in early modern Europe, as well as the general reader wanting to move beyond shallow and sensational accounts of a subject of compelling in. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2012

        Mike Leigh

        by Tony Whitehead

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        September 2010

        Der Weihnachtsmann oder Das abenteuerliche Leben des Santa Claus

        by Lyman Frank Baum, Hans-Christian Oeser

        L. Frank Baum, der Schöpfer des Kinderbuchklassikers Der Zauberer von Oz, hat mit der Geschichte über das abenteuerliche Leben des Santa Claus ein weiteres, bezauberndes Märchen geschrieben. Und er findet wunderbare Antworten auf all das, was wir schon immer wissen wollten: Wo wohnt der Weihnachtsmann? Wie kam Santa Claus zu seinem Namen? War der Weihnachtsmann auch einmal ein kleiner Junge? Warum wird Santa Claus von Rentieren durch die Lüfte gezogen und wieso können Rentiere überhaupt fliegen?

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2023

        Russian Orientalism in a global context

        Hybridity, encounter, and representation, 1740–1940

        by Maria Taroutina, Allison Leigh

        This volume features new research on Russia's historic relationship with Asia and the ways it was mediated and represented in the fine, decorative and performing arts and architecture from the mid-eighteenth century to the first two decades of Soviet rule. It interrogates how Russia's perception of its position on the periphery of the west and its simultaneous self-consciousness as a colonial power shaped its artistic, cultural and national identity as a heterogenous, multi-ethnic empire. It also explores the extent to which cultural practitioners participated in the discursive matrices that advanced Russia's colonial machinery on the one hand and critiqued and challenged it on the other, especially in territories that were themselves on the fault lines between the east and the west.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2000

        Modernism and empire

        Writing and British coloniality, 1890–1940

        by Howard Booth, Nigel Rigby

        This is the first book to explore the relationship between literary modernism and the British Empire. Contributors look at works from the traditional modernist canon as well as extending the range of work addresses - particularly emphasising texts from the Empire. A key issue raised is whether modernism sprang from a crisis in the colonial system, which it sought to extend, or whether the modern movement was a more sophisticated form of cultural imperialism. The chapters in Modernism and empire show the importance of empire to modernism. Patrick Williams theorises modernism and empire; Rod Edmond discusses theories of degeneration in imperial and modernist discourse; Helen Carr examines Imagism and empire; Elleke Boehmer compares Leonard Woolf and Yeats; Janet Montefiore writes on Kipling and Orwell, C.L. Innes explores Yeats, Joyce and their implied audiences; Maire Ni Fhlathuin writes on Patrick Pearse and modernism; John Nash considers newspapers, imperialism and Ulysses; Howard J. Booth addresses D.H. Lawrence and otherness; Nigel Rigby discusses Sylvia Townsend Warner and sexuality in the Pacific; Mark Williams explores Mansfield and Maori culture; Abdulrazak Gurnah looks at Karen Blixen, Elspeth Huxley and settler writing; and Bill Ashcroft and John Salter take an inter-disciplinary approach to Australia and 'Modernism's Empire'. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Die Leben der Heiligen

        Das wunderschön illustrierte Buch Alina Starkovs aus der »Legenden der Grisha«-Serie auf Netflix

        by Bardugo, Leigh

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Michelle Gyo

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Demon in the Wood. Schatten der Vergangenheit

        Die Vorgeschichte des Dunklen

        by Bardugo, Leigh

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Michelle Gyo

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Wer die Hölle kennt


        by Bardugo, Leigh

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Lina Robertz, Silvia Kinkel, Heike Holtsch und Constanze Wehnes

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Rule of Wolves

        Thron aus Nacht und Silber

        by Bardugo, Leigh

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Michelle Gyo

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016


        Breivik, Dugin, al-Suri & Co.

        by Claus Leggewie

        Die Griechenland-Krise und die mangelnde Handlungsbereitschaft im Umgang mit den Flüchtlingen haben nachdrücklich gezeigt, dass es um die Europäische Union derzeit nicht allzu gut bestellt ist. Parallel zu diesen internen Problemen mehren sich Stimmen unterschiedlichster Provenienz, die Europa attackieren und europäische Werte infrage stellen: Identitäre wie der Massenmörder Anders Breivik, Dschihadisten wie der Syrer Abu Musab al-Suri, »Eurasier« wie der Putin-Berater Alexander Dugin, illiberale Demokraten à la Viktor Orbán, aber auch einige Linkspopulisten am Rande von Syriza und Podemos. Claus Leggewie porträtiert Wortführer und politische Unternehmer, die unabhängig voneinander, aber oft in ungewollter Komplizenschaft die »Festung Europa« schleifen wollen. Er erklärt, woher sie kommen, welche Pläne sie verfolgen und welche Mächtigen sie unterstützen. Und er fordert dazu auf, sich endlich politisch mit ihnen auseinanderzusetzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1975


        Eine Fallstudie über Reformpolitik

        by Claus Offe

        Das noch zu Zeiten der Großen Koalition verabschiedete Berufsbildungsgesetz von 1969, das die Ausbildungsverhältnisse der Lehrlinge im Betrieb regelt, hat dem Status quo kaum etwas hinzugefügt. Seitdem hat die sozialliberale Koalition die Aufwertung des Status der Lehrlinge und ihrer Ausbildungsverhältnisse, die Modernisierung der Berufsausbildung und ihre Angleichung an die Bedingungen der Sekundarstufe II zu einem mit hoher Priorität ausgestatteten Programmpunkt gemacht. Bislang ist es jedoch nur zu einer Reihe von Einzelmaßnahmen und, vor allem, zu einer Polarisierung in diesem Politikbereich gekommen. Inzwischen wird die denkbare Substanz einer Novellierung immer skeptischer beurteilt. – Ausgehend von einem Strukturmodell des kapitalistischen Staates und einer Charakterisierung der spezifischen Steuerungsleistung, die ihm vom ökonomischen System abgefordert ist, untersucht Claus Offe den Politikverlauf der Berufsbildungsreform nach 1969. An einem – kaum atypischen – Fall werden allgemeine Strukturen der Politikentwicklung aufgedeckt. Damit verfolgt der Autor die Absicht, einer theoriepolitischen Tendenz entgegenzuwirken, die sich durch »Kritik der politischen Ökonomie« eine »Kritik der Politik« glaubt ersparen zu können

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        Children's & YA

        Explorer Team (1). The Adventure Begins!

        by Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert

        Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal. Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU? Join Lias, Mojo and Cookie on a mission to the Himalayas: together they must find out what has happened to Lias’s father. He disappeared six months ago and the only thing he left behind was his expedition diary, which is full of strange clues and puzzles. The reader will be able to move onto the next stage only if you can decipher them. A great adventure awaits you! And you decide In the end, you must decide: How should the adventure continue for you and the Explorer Team? Hunt with Lias through the forgotten world. Go with Tashi to discover the eternal ice or follow Cookie and Mojo through fire and lava. You will have to choose which of the Explorers you want to accompany on the next adventure.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2007

        Die Zeit der Gaben

        Zu Fuß nach Konstantinopel: Von Hoek van Holland an die mittlere Donau Der Reise erster Teil

        by Fermor, Patrick Leigh / Englisch Allié, Manfred

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