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        The Arts
        June 2005

        Carol Reed

        by Peter William Evans, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        Carol Reed is one of the truly outstanding directors of British cinema, and one whose work is long overdue for reconsideration. This major study ranges over Reed's entire career, combining observation of general trends and patterns with detailed analysis of twenty films, both acknowledged masterpieces and lesser-known works. Evans avoids a simplistic auteurist approach, placing the films in their autobiographical, socio-political and cultural contexts and relating these to the analysis of Reed's art. The critical approach combines psychoanalysis, gender theory, and the analysis of form. Archival research is also relied on to clarify Reed's relations with his creative team, financial backers and others. Films examined include Bank Holiday, A Girl Must Live, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, Night Train to Munich, The Way Ahead, Outcast of the Islands, Trapeze and Oliver!. ;

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        May 2008

        Die Romane

        by Thomas Bernhard, Martin Huber, Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler

        Ein Schriftsteller wollte er nicht sein, vielmehr "jemand, der schreibt". Zugleich begriff er sich als "Geschichtenzerstörer" und "Übertreibungskünstler", wurde von andern als "Misanthrop" oder "Alpenbeckett" charakterisiert. Eins steht bei solch unterschiedlichen Ansichten fest: Bernhards Werke, die Prosa wie die Dramen, zählen unbestritten zur Weltliteratur und sind in annähernd 50 Sprachen auf dem Erdball zu lesen. Die vorliegende Quarto-Ausgabe präsentiert seine neun Romane im gesicherten Textbestand – vom Debütroman Frost aus dem Jahr 1963 über Das Kalkwerk und Korrektur bis zum gewaltigen Schlußband Auslöschung von 1986. Martin Huber und Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler beschreiben Entstehung, Relevanz und Wirkung des Bernhardschen Romanwerks in einem ausführlichen Schlußessay. Dieser Band bietet im Vergleich zu den Einzelbänden eine Preisersparnis von 71%.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Linking Urban and Rural Tourism

        Strategies in Sustainability

        by Susan L Slocum, Carol Kline

        Destinations rely on regional strategies to support and enhance the tourism product through regional partnerships and integration. Integrated tourism is defined as tourism that is explicitly linked to the economic, social, cultural, natural and human structures of the region in which it occurs. Integrated tourism has evolved to include numerous meanings and definitions but all of which have a vertical approach. The first of its kind, this book moves away from the vertical approach and provides insight into inclusive regional development strategies that support both the needs of urban and rural areas whilst enhancing the tourist experience, supporting the positive impacts of tourism and mitigating the negative. Regional studies tend to portray either an urban or rural focus without acknowledging that often these spaces constitute joint governance structures, similar historical and cultural roots, and economic dependencies. Sustainable tourism promotes sourcing locally, such as using rural agricultural products in urban tourism experiences. Furthermore, innovative marketing strategies linking tourism heritage, attractions, food and drink trails, and artisans with urban visitors are emerging. Including theoretical and applied research and international case studies, this will be a valuable resource to academics, students and practitioners working in tourism development and regional policy. ; This book provides insight into inclusive regional development strategies that support both the needs of urban and rural areas. Sustainable tourism promotes sourcing locally, such as using rural products in urban experiences, while innovative marketing linking tourism heritage, food and drink trails, and artisans with urban visitors are emerging.

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        May 2024

        Modernes Handlesen

        Was deine Hände über dich und deine Zukunft verraten

        by Fincham, Johnny

        Aus dem Englischen von Ulla Rahn-Huber

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        Ethics in Nursing Training

        by Marianne Rabe

        Although the importance of ethics is often stressed, it remains sidelined in training. Marianne Rabe makes ethics and ethical reflection the focus of nursing practice and training. Her study   - presents the theoretical principles of formative learning and explores how it can be put into practice - puts forward practical curriculum suggestions for incorporating ethics into nurse training - shows how to address the ethical principles of dignity, autonomy, care, justice, responsibility, and dialogue within the framework of a teaching concept - presents Rabe’s own model of ethical reflection based on her personal experience. Target Group: Nursing trainers, lecturers

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        Humor in Psychiatric Care

        by Jonathan Gutmann

        How can humor be used to engage with and help people suffering from mental illness? This practical handbook explains the concept of humor in psychiatric treatment and sets out the case for employing it. The author outlines how nurses can assess who might benefit from the use of humor and for whom it would be out of place, and provides a toolkit of humorous interventions for daily nursing practice.   Target Group: Practicing nurses, psychiatric nurses, care clowns

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        Research Work in Nursing

        A Handbook and Workbook for Nurses

        by Eva-Maria Panfil

        This successful handbook and workbook set has rapidly established itself as the standard. With a concise and specific approach, it summarizes all the information on scientific research relevant for nurses. It clearly explains what research in nursing entails, the techniques that are used, and what products can result from the research.   Target Group: Nursing students, nursing trainers, those engaging in further training

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        Green for the Soul

        How to Help People Blossom

        by Berndt Vogel

        This richly illustrated and clearly structured publication demonstrates how green indoor and outdoor spaces can be used to stabilize individuals’ psychiatric health, to enable relaxation and recovery, to engage people, to enable them to experience inclusion, and to develop creativity and imagination. The author describes the diverse ways that gardening can be used to foster creativity and to engage, and presents the opportunities for interaction that landscapes offer people, animals, and plants. She explains how landscapes can prompt a search for meaning in crisis situations or everyday life and presents spaces for new experiences and taking stock of past experiences in green environments.   Target Group: Horticultural therapists, occupational therapists, activity therapists, landscape architects, psychiatric nurses

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        February 2000

        Victor Aimé Huber (1800-1869).

        Sozialreformer und Wegbereiter der sozialen Wohnungswirtschaft. Hrsg. vom GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungsunternehmen e. V.

        by Kanther, Michael A.; Petzina, Dietmar

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        Nursing Classifications

        Practical Applications, Education and Electronic Nursing Documentation

        by Maria Müller Staub, Kurt Schalek, Peter König (editors)

        How can nursing concepts and terminology be systematically described, defined, and classified? This essential reference book on nursing classifications and conceptual systems provides an introduction to the conceptual systems in nursing, traces their historical development, and explains their key terms and the principles on which they are based. It clearly explains the definitions and types of classification systems, describes their functions, and outlines their reference classifications. It presents a range of conceptual systems, including nursing diagnoses (NANDA), nursing interventions (NIC), and nursing outcomes (NOC), as well as the international classification for nursing practice (ICNP). These classifications are supplemented by other classification systems related to nursing. The authors describe in detail how these and other classifications were drawn up, what their objectives are, and how they are structured and composed.   Target Group: Nursing students, practicing nurses, nursing managers, nursing trainers, software developers

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        An Unusual Christmas in the Carpathians

        by Vasyl Karpiuk (Author), Natalia Shmorhun (Illustrator)

        Why is Christmas in the Carpathians the best time of the year? Because then you really feel that you are at home. These are the emotions experienced by the girl Dotska, who comes from Kyiv to the Carpathians for Christmas to celebrate the winter holidays in her mother's family home. This book has everything: Carpathian flavours, family traditions, Christmas carols and nativity scenes, an exciting plot, and most importantly,  true awareness of the holiday of the coming of God! Christ is born to bring love to the world, the first rays of which shine at Christmas in our homes.   From 3 to 8 years, 6406 words Rightsholders:

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2010

        The Winter's Tale

        by Judith Dunbar, Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        This illuminating study of The Winter's Tale in performance in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries contributes to understanding the growth during that time of high critical esteem forwhat is now one of Shakespeare's frequently performed plays. Writing about performance as a richly collaborative living art, the author learns from and gives voice to the work of actors, directors, designers and other theatre professionals whose labor and interpretive discoveries have made it possible for audiences to experience the play's multiple potentialities in the theatre. She does this in part by citing from her interviews with directors like Trevor Nunn and Peter Hall and with actors engaged in some of the most significant twentieth-century productions of The Winter's Tale. Dunbar connects her scholarly research, including fresh use of materials in theatrical archives, to her direct experience of those productions she has able to see in performance and, at times, to see develop in rehearsal. Her in-depth analysis of selected significant twentieth-century productions, including cross-cultural productions of The Winter's Tale by the Royal Dramatic Theatre of Sweden (directed by Ingmar Bergman), and the Maly Drama Theatre of Europe, in St. Petersburg (directed by Declan Donnellan), explores how theatre artists have approached the play's most crucial theatrical and interpretive challenges. The book's last chapter, by distinguishedtheatre scholar and performance critic Carol Chillington Rutter, contributes a richly layered and highly engaging comparative analysis of eight of the most important recent British productions of the play. Dunbar makes a significant contribution to understanding The Winter's Tale which will be of great interest to scholars, teachers, and students of Shakespeare, to theatre lovers, and to all involved in productions of the play. ;

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        July 1985

        Einführung in die Kybernetik

        Aus dem Englischen von Jörg Adrian Huber

        by W. Ross Ashby, Jörg Adrian Huber, W. L. Bauer, Jörg Adrian Huber

        Die »Einführung in die Kybernetik« ist eines der Standardwerke der jungen Wissenschaft Kybernetik, nicht zuletzt durch des Autors didaktisches Geschick der Grundlagenvermittlung. Ashby vermeidet es, für den Laien unnötig verwirrende Bereiche der Elektronik und der höheren Mathematik in seine Einführung einzubeziehen und verwendet satt dessen allgemeinverständliche Beispiele aus dem Alltag. Im ersten Teil geht es um Systeme im allgemeinen, um ihre schematische Darstellung durch Transformation, um Stabilität, Unabhängigkeit und Rückkoppelung. Im zweiten Teil des Buches befaßt sich Ashby mit »Information« im Zusammenhang mit der grundlegenden Theorie Shannons. Zur Erläuterung von Information und Codierung etc. werden zahlreiche Beispiele aus dem Bereich biologischer Forschung herangezogen. Der dritte Teil zeigt Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Mechanismen und Information für die Regelung und Kontrolle von Systemen. Dabei geht es ebenso um natürliche Systeme (wie das menschliche Hirn), die Gegenstand der Physiologie sind, wie auch um künstliche, das heißt um die Konstruktion von Maschinen, die in ihrer Funktion der des Hirns vergleichbar sind.

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        Protection in In-home Care for the Elderly

        Preventing and Identifying Abusive Situations – Supporting Care Recipients and Caregivers

        by Barbara Baumeister, Trudi Beck (editors)

        Why and how are elderly people abused when they receive care in their own homes? How can this abuse be identified and prevented? The authors explains why the elderly are abused when they receive at-home care, differentiate between various forms of abuse, and demonstrate how it can be identified. They present interventions and provide tools for preventing and identifying abuse and for supporting care recipients and caregivers.   Target Group: Geriatric nurses, social workers, geriatricians

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