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      • Ediciones Corregidor is an independent Argentine publisher with more than five decades publishing..

        Corregidor is an independent Argentine publisher with more than five decades, dedicated to publishing and distributing a catalog focused in Latin American and Argentine literature.

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      • Cataplum Libros

        Good books are like meek animals that stretch when we caress their backs, and that show us their bellies so we go and play with them; but they also do not hesitate to give us a good bite to free us from the claws of routine. To create these noble creatures, in Cataplum we dig like moles through the collective memory and explore the roots that connect us as Latin-Americans; thus, we recover our oral tradition, our playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities. As truffle-seeking pigs, we have developed an acute nose to find texts of authors from past and actual times. As rabbits we jump here and there tracking down illustrators with new proposals. And as eagles we strive to see, from a distance, how image and texts can coexist in harmony. In sum, our catalogue has been conceived as a living creature; one that begun as something very little, like bear cubs, but capable of becoming a fabulous living being; one that combines the best qualities of noble animals and have the power to captivate us.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary Spanish cinema

        by Barry Jordan, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas

        Contemporary focus, right up to date with material from 1980s and 90s. Wide-ranging analyses of major directors, themes, genres and issues, including historical film, genre cinema, women in film and autonomies.

      • Children's & YA

        The Clay Figurine

        by Emma Reyes and Carme Vendré Soler

        Booktrailer This story comes from The Book of Emma Reyes: A Memoir in Correspondence, by Colombian painter Emma Reyes. The story, told through the eyes of Emma Reyes, goes back to the day when she, with the help of her friend "el Piojo" and other streetchildren, created General Rebollo with their own hands. The writer thus reveals one of her most distant memories, when she was an orphaned child amid the misery of Bogotá in the 1920s, but she does so with words that convey the sparkle and naivety of a childhood game. It is a moving album, in which Carme Solé Vendrell's spontaneous strokes andtechnical richness enhance the expressiveness of such a collective personage: childhood at its most vulnerable.

      • March 2021

        No cliché for this story

        by Davide Calì, Anna Aparicio Català

        «This is the story of a knight who...» «Oh no! It's time to put an end to the knights who save the princesses! It's a cliché, and sexist over more! The princesses are capable of saving themselves»«Okay, okay, so this is the story of a knight who goes to slay an evil dragon» «Why evil? That's a bit of a cliché too, isn't it?». Our narrator has a very conscious and demanding young reader: she won't accept clichés in this story. No princesses in danger, dragons, and evil witches. And not even violence and alcohol: they are not good for the little readers. But the beautiful stories, from what world it is, are full of clichés and politically incorrect elements... and if you want to take them all away, you get some rather odd results.Perhaps that a cliché is not the end of the world?

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Prácticas restaurativas para la prevención y gestión de los conflictos

        20 Círculos de la palabra y una Asamblea en el aula

        by Maria Carme Boqué Torremorell

        La prevención y gestión de los conflictos cotidianos es fácil cuando se dispone de herramientas para el desarrollo de unas relaciones interpersonales seguras y saludables. Las prácticas restaurativas (PR) funcionan porque implican a todas las personas por igual en el mantenimiento del bienestar emocional individual y colectivo. Los Círculos de la palabra consiguen que cada persona se sepa y se sienta apreciada, necesaria, capaz y responsable de contribuir al logro de los objetivos comunes. Se celebran Círculos restaurativos con personas de cualquier edad, desde niños y niñas de tres años hasta adultos e, incluso, se pueden convocar círculos mixtos porque su estructura sigue un ritual bien marcado que genera confianza y seguridad a la hora de conectar unas personas con otras. Además, mediante el uso del guion restaurativo, basado en cinco o seis preguntas, se gestionan los conflictos de manera novedosa, ya que no se busca la sanción sino la reparación del daño producido con el acompañamiento de la comunidad. Esta visión humanizadora de la gestión de los conflictos es muy efectiva porque se ocupa de apoyar a la persona ofendida, de readmitir a la persona ofensora y de fortalecer al grupo. En el libro se desarrollan 20 Círculos, paso a paso, proporcionando ideas, estrategias, actividades e instrumentos que permiten comprender las prácticas restaurativas en profundidad y aplicarlas con seguridad. Finalmente, en el capítulo dedicado a la asamblea en el aula se avanza hacia el cultivo efectivo de la democracia y la paz como vía para alcanzar mayor justicia social.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Enseñemos paz, aprendamos paz: la pedagogía al servicio de la cohesión social

        by Juan David Enciso

        Peace is an idea, an abstract concept, which must be grounded in concrete realities. And building peace involves moving from an initial state, which may or may not be conflict, to a second moment in which people have learned to know, relate, meet, and live together.   This book tries to elaborate on the construction of peace from an educational process, in which individuals learn to recognize themselves as subjects of equal dignity and with the capacity to carry out projects oriented to the common good. Similarly, educational settings, the so-called learning environments, are not confined exclusively to the walls of the classroom or the boundaries of formal education institutions: peace education occurs in any environment in which two or more coincide. people with potential conflicts of interest or collective construction.

      • January 2018

        Práticas lúdicas na formação vocal em teatro

        by Pereira, Eugênio Tadeu

        A formação vocal do estudante de teatro e, por extensão, a exploração dos recursos vocais de todos os que se interessam pelas artes da cena e pela educação estética e artística vêm à tona neste trabalho. Elementos centrais no fazer teatral, a escuta de si e do outro, a apropriação de parâmetros musicais, a relação entre o corpo como um todo e a emissão da voz são aqui focalizados detalhada e cuidadosamente. De modo original, a incerteza intrínseca ao lúdico é enfatizada pelo autor como caminho fértil para conduzir essa aprendizagem. O jogo tradicional, patrimônio cultural transmitido oralmente e partilhado pelas diferentes gerações constitui nesta obra o principal vetor da ampliação das capacidades vocais. A disponibilidade para o jogo abre as portas para a descoberta das possibilidades vocais de todos aqueles que se dispuserem a essa aventura.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2019

        The black book of communism in Brazil

        by Gustavo Marques

        Inspired by 'The Black Book of Communism', published by Stéphane Courtois in France in 1997, this book written by the diplomat Gustavo Henrique Marques Bezerra, deals with the history of the communist movement and its influence on political and cultural life Brazilian since the advent anarchism and Marxism, in the late nineteenth century until the early 1990s, with the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe. The book, which has monumental characteristics - it is the result of over 10 years of intense historical extensive and thorough research on more than 400 titles from primary sources (interviews, memoirs, interviews, documents) and secondary, domestic and foreign. It is divided into six chapters with almost 900 pages and thousands of notes - places emphasis on generally omitted facts and / or little explored by Brazilian historiography, mostly on the left, revealing the "dark side" of the Communists and their allies in Brazil over the twentieth century.

      • Biography & True Stories
        July 2018


        by Nádia Battella Gotlib

        In this engaging and reader-friendly biography, the professor and essayist Nádia Batista Gotlib recreates the libertarian trajectory of Tarsila do Amaral, focusing on her private life, her training in art, the modernist circuit and the Pau-brasil and Anthropophagic movements, detailing the painter’s active commitment to defending the diversity of both her art and her affective and personal life. A paradigm of rupture in visual arts and literature, Tarsila do Amaral influenced Brazilian art production and played a leading role in the social mobility of women. This book offers readers a full picture of her intense life and work, deciphering their complexity, originality and worldview.

      • Fiction
        August 2020

        Dinosaurios en otros planetas


        by Danielle McLaughlin / Ca_teter

        Los relatos que componen este libro poseen esa particular forma de impureza de la que puede surgir la comprensión hacia los otros: ninguno de los personajes maltrechos que habitan estas once historias tiene toda la razón o está totalmente equivocado; ninguna bondad es total aquí, ninguna mezquindad es absoluta. El talento de McLaughlin para hacer surgir los detalles que expresan la ambigua complejidad de la conducta humana convierte estos relatos en poderosas piezas literarias de singular lucidez. «La escritura de McLaughlin es tan atrapante y visual que el lector se mete de lleno en la historia desde el primer párrafo.» Sophie Gorman, Irish Independent «Este libro no es un debut en el sentido usual, es decir, una promesa de grandes cosas por venir. No es necesario preguntar qué hará Danielle McLaughlin luego: ya lo ha hecho. Este libro llegó para quedarse con nosotros por mucho tiempo.» Anne Enright

      • The Arts
        October 2020


        by José F. Colaço Guerreiro

        Considered by Unesco as World Heritage, the art of Cante is one of the most ancient and pure singing art form in Portugal. Along with this marvellous tradition, there are a few people that still keep the art of playing the Viola Campaniça, an acoustic guitar invented centuries ago in the region of Alentejo.The author, José Francisco Colaço, rescued this lost tradition from oblivion researching for more than twenty years, tracking the guardians of this old knowledge and bringing them back to the spotlight through audio records, radio programmes and, of course, writing.

      • Libelo de Sangre

        by Sandra Aza

        Madrid, winter of 1620. The happiness of the marriage formed by Sebastián Castro, a renowned clerk of the Villa, and Margarita Carvajal staggers when both become the main suspects of a blood libel: lawsuits that blame the Jews for sacrificing Christian children to collect their blood and whose jurisdiction belongs to the Holy Inquisition. With the bonfire hanging over them, their son Alonso, a thirteen-year-old boy, begins a desperate search for a way to save them, a purpose that tears her out of her warm existence and shows her the ice of life. In spite of everything, three headlights turn on light in the shadows of her misfortune: friendship, hope and a dream. Friendship is provided by Juan and Antonio, two rogue vagabonds. Hope beats in a bag full of money that seems to be pulling the strings of destiny. And the dream awaits him in college, where he plans to study law, become a lawyer, and exercise a law capable of preventing innocent people like his parents from suffering the rigors of injustice. Blood Libel is a fascinating story of love and friendship set in Madrid during the Golden Age, a vibrant but bleak time in which, while faith in God lit hearts, crimes against it lit bonfires.

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • Zoology & animal sciences
        June 2020

        Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Health and Production

        by Gangadhar Nayak, Kautuk Kumar Sardar, Bhabesh Chandra Das & Debiprasanna Das

        This volume of 30 chapters contributed by reputed authors covers: Diversification of livestock and crops. Integration of livestock systems with forestry and crop production. Drought and heat wave tolerant varieties. Strategies for reduction of Green House Gases emission from ruminants. Application of GIS and remote sensing technologies. Breeds with inherent genetic capabilities to adapt to climate change. This book also takes into account the climate change adaptation, mitigation practices, and policy frameworks for promotion of sustainable livestock and poultry production.

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