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      • Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

        Soore Mehr Publishing Co. is one of the Best and huge Publishing group in Iran, and established 1998, we selected 7 years as the best Publisher in Iran and get the prize with cultural ministry Of Iran. we published about 5000 title books up to now, and we publish about 300 new title( 1st edition) every year, we have fiction, Non-fiction, Poem, War story and Memory for Adults. we translate and published mor than 150 titles to Foreign languages, it's included: English,Arabic,Russian,spanish,.... 5 Audio books in English Language. we published up to 2000 titles E-books at Private e-book Reader.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        Das Sams und der blaue Wunschpunkt und eine weitere Geschichte

        by Paul Maar, Monty Arnold, Anne Moll, Kay Poppe, Kay Poppe, Paul Maar

        Das Sams und der blaue Wunschpunkt Herr Taschenbier glaubt nicht, dass das Sams ihm jeden Wunsch erfüllen kann und dabei jedes Mal einen Wunschpunkt verliert. Deshalb wünscht er sich etwas völlig Unmögliches: Es soll schneien! Und schon stecken er und das Sams kniehoch in einem eiskalten Schneesturm mitten in der Wohnung fest. Doch damit nicht genug: Jetzt kommen auch noch ein Eisbär und die neugierige Vermieterin Frau Rotkohl. Wie soll Herr Taschenbier ihr das alles nur erklären? Jakob und der große Junge Jakob hat Bauchweh. Aber das stimmt gar nicht. Jakob möchte nicht in die Schule gehen. Denn auf dem Rückweg, da lauert ihm jeden Tag der Große Junge auf und ärgert ihn. Jakobs Freund Mehmet kann ihm auch nicht helfen, denn der Große Junge ist viel größer und stärker als die beiden. Aber da bekommt Jakob eines Tages unerwartet Hilfe - ausgerechnet von einem Mädchen! Vorgelesen von Monty Arnold und Anne Moll und untermalt mit vielen Geräuschen und Musik

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019


        Türkisch-deutsche Ansichten

        by Firat Kara, Kristina Kara

        Die türkischstämmigen, in Deutschland aufgewachsenen Frauen und Männer, die in diesem Buch vertreten sind, haben alle Karriere gemacht. Die Kinder und Enkel der einstigen Gastarbeiter prägen mit ihren Beiträgen, ihren Ansichten, ihren Stimmen Politik, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Sport. Aus unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven blicken sie auf ihr Leben zwischen zwei Kulturen, das geprägt ist von beruflichen Erfolgen, gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen und einem Alltag, zu dem Integration und Alltagsrassismus, Kopftuchverbot und Feminismus, Religion und Säkularität, Ausgrenzung und Toleranz gehören. »Das Wir-Gefühl ist notwendig.«Seyran Ates. Mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse ausgezeichnete Berliner Feministin, Anwältin, Autorin, kämpft seit langem gegen Zwangsheirat und Ehrenmorde, für Frauenrechte und Integration. »Empörung reicht nicht, denn Rassismus trifft uns alle.«Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler, NSU-Opferanwalt. »Ich wollte nie der Türke sein.«Ersan Mondtag, Theaterregisseur, der seinen Namen eindeutschte, »um der deutschen Migrationsrealität am Flughafen zu entgehen«. »Integration ist Aufgabe des Gastgebers.«Bülent Kullukcu, Schauspieler und Musiker »Die einen machen Karriere, die anderen hartzen.«İmran Ayata, Autor und Campaigner

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World, c. 650-c. 1450

        by Janet Hamilton, Bernard Hamilton

        Christian dualism originated in the reign of Constans II (641-68). It was a popular religion, which shared with orthodoxy an acceptance of scriptual authority and apostolic tradition and held a sacramental doctrine of salvation, but understood all these in a radically different way to the Orthodox Church. One of the differences was the strong part demonology played in the belief system. This text traces, through original sources, the origins of dualist Christianity throughout the Byzantine Empire, focusing on the Paulician movement in Armenia and Bogomilism in Bulgaria. It presents not only the theological texts, but puts the movements into their social and political context.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2025

        Advances in Organic Farming

        by L. P. Awasthi, John Paull, Uygun Aksoy, Muazzez Cömert Acar, Fabio Caporali, Ehsan Ebrahimi, Adnan Sisic, Raffaele Zanoli, Francesco Solfanelli, Ryoichi Komiya, Helga Willer, Jan Travnicek, Bernhard Schlatter, Victor Olowe, Jude Obi, Olabisi Somefun, Leonard Pollara, Raya J. Amara, Wilson C. Wilson, Lucas T. Manda, Nyandula S. Mwaijande, Janet F. Maro, Yohana C. Haule, Abdul Shango, David Frost, Othmane Merah, Ashoka Gamage, Bernhard Freyer, Kandiah Pakeerathan, Stefanie Christmann, Youssef Bencharki, Hamdi Özaktan, Gheorghe Cristian Popescu, Mehmet Yaman, Wing K.P. Ng, Adrian Crew, Day Teixeira, Pete Maxfield, Matt J. Bell, Sito-Obong Udofia, Lisa Williams, Alison Wills, Hector Valenzuela, Amjad Ahmad, Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar, N.V. Hue, Mary Cole, Rachel Cavallo, Jochen Mayer, S. Folaranmi G. Yusuf, Eyinade Gabriel Adewunmi, A Mushunje, Roberto Mancinelli, Mariam Atait, Mohamed Allam, Emanuele Radicetti, Yves Theoneste Murindangabo, Marek Kopecky, Petr Konvalina, Thangapandian Dha

        This book describes critically reviewed key aspects of organic farming and provides a unique and timely science-based resource for researchers, teachers and extension workers, undergraduates, postgraduate students, primary producers and others interested in organic farming. The first section of the book provides an overview of organic farming: a general introduction followed by the origins of organic farming, the principles of organic farming, challenges for organic farming, crop protection in organic farming and environmental impacts of organic farming. The next section deals with the management of various crop diseases through botanical biopesticides and Integrated Pest Management practices, followed by overarching regulatory and management concerns. The book is written by a range of specialists with direct experience of organic farming over many years. Authors from over a dozen countries in several continents have contributed to this unique and indispensable resource that offers a diverse range of valuable information, data and perspectives on organic farming, at a time when the world community is increasingly aware of the problems of our current agricultural practices and the importance of creating sustainable agricultural and systems for the long-term health of humankind and the biosphere as a whole.

      • The Leopard : Star of Faith

        by Mehmet Zaman Saclioglu

        Star of Faith is a fantastic space adventure starting from two thousand years ago in Anatolia, continuing into an undocumentable distant future. A great astronomer Hipparkhos, coming from an era where science and prophecy intermingle… And a young man from the present time Can, who can hear the inner voices of objects from afar… What happens when suddenly our heroes travel to an scientifically more superior time beyond their eras? The shocking trials and tribulations they’d go though as the guests of a long journey… Beings after the beginning of the universe and existence; Angis, Travenises, Meduises and many more… The Leopard is the first volume of a long fantastic journey. The wild animal in our bodies… Mehmet Zaman Saçlıoğlu with his fascinating story line, challenges our earthly way of thinking and meanders us through fantastic lives and values.

      • How Can I Heal the Sadness in Her Eyes

        by Gulayse Kocak

        The novel has mainly two characters: Yasemin (an amateur piano-player and church organist with a passion for music - we “hear” music playing in her head throughtout the novel - and very strong compassion for street children; and her husband Mehmet, a professor of social anthropology, whose interest is population control in hunter-collector societies, and whose hobby is painting. They are relatively newly married. For both, this is a second marriage.These two characters are the narrators throughout the novel (except for their cat, Osman, an occasional narrator); the novel proceeds either in dialogues or the characters’ inner thoughts in the form of stream of consciousness. The novel is based on the relationship of this couple; we learn about their past marriages, their past experiences (Mehmet’s father was a colonel), and gradually we get to see the actual reasons underlying their current marital problems, their lack of communication, their alienation, their frustrations, his inability to show her his love, her inability to trust him - for they are both locked in their own inner worlds.

      • A British Bride in Ottoman Empire - Osmanlı'da Bir İngiliz Gelin

        by Tülün Yalçın

        The life of Nellie who has come to İstanbul in 1897 for a month changes suddenlywhen she meets Mehmet Ali Bey. These two young lovers get married soon.Nellie who has settled in an Ottoman mansion, tries to know new family members,and to get used to this new culture to which she is a complete stranger. This youngcouple, who has lived in Aleppo for some time, live happily with their kids. However,with the beginning of first the Balkan Wars and then the World War I, they start towitness the hardest times of the Ottoman Empire. The political turmoil of the timealso affects Mehmet Ali Bey who is the Minister of Interior of Damad Ferit Pashagovernment, and it hurls them to France in the first years of the Republic. Nelliestruggles there alone to stay alive in the hardest days of the World War II. The longingof İstanbul brings her back to this city in the last days of her life. With the novel“A British Bride in Ottoman”, you will witness her legendary life story.

      • Elif and Emre Learning Our Religion - Performing Salah

        by Elif Arslan

        Elif and Emre want to perform salah with their parents. They make wudu and lay their prayer rugs on the floor. They feel more peaceful while they perform salah and thank Allah for the blessings he has bestowed upon them.

      • You will Enter through a Door

        Essays on Contemporary Turkish Cinema

        by Umut Tümay Arslan (Ed.)

        You will Enter through a Door consists of 19 essays on contemporary Turkish cinema, which invite the reader to contemplate Turkey's distant and close, chronic and novel, painful and benumbing problems through cinematic fiction. With essays on the films of prominent directors such as Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Fatih Akın, Kutluğ Ataman, Reha Erdem, Zeki Demirkubuz, Semih Kaplanoğlu, and a number of young directors, this book can be read as a guide to Turkish cinema, both in its mainstream and arthouse incarnations. Contributions by Meltem Ahıska, Barış Engin Aksoy, Feride Çiçekoğlu, Bülent Diken, Boğaç Ergene, Meltem Gürle, Karin Karakaşlı, Sema Kaygusuz, Özlem Köksal, Nazan Maksudyan, Fatih Özgüven, Mithat Sancar, Asuman Suner, Yeşim Tabak, Ebru Çiğdem Thwaites, Nejat Ulusay, Mesut Yeğen, and Fırat Yücel.

      • Happy Stories - The Eagle's Fury

        by Mehmet Ali Özkan

        The furious eagle living in the forest tries to drive other animals away from the forest by mistreating them. But a clever plan devised by the swallow brings him to his senses. Will the eagle be able to realize that, one day, even he could need others’ help? “The Eagle’s Fury” shares an unforgettable story with its readers!

      • Happy Stories - The Arrogant Butterfly

        by Mehmet Ali Özkan

        A butterfly thinks she is so pretty and so much better than the other animals in the forest that she looks down on them. She even goes so far as to mock them. Because of this, she wanders in the forest by herself and can’t find anyone to play with. One day, she bends over the water to look upon the reflection of her beautiful face, suddenly loses her balance and plops into the water. Who is going to save her from this tough situation as well as her bad manners?

      • Happy Stories - The Ant and the Bee

        by Mehmet Ali Özkan

        The ambitious ant keeps working around the clock. But doing so doesn’t get him very far with talking to others and making friends. One day, when his nest gets flooded, he finds himself in need of help. Will his neighbor the bee help out the ant, who has no time for an­ything but work? The answers to that and more are in this book.

      • Happy Stories - The Little Fish

        by Mehmet Ali Özkan

        The little fish doesn’t know that he should listen to his mother and he learns how important it is for children to listen to their mothers the hard way. One day, he gets so caught up in his games, he gets lost while playing around. He ends up all alone by himself in a seemingly endless sea while an evil octopus sets his sights on him and makes plans to catch him. Thankfully, the old, wise fish comes to his rescue and teaches the little fish a life lesson he won’t forget. Will the little fish be able to get back together with his family? The answer lies on the pages of this book.

      • Happy Stories - The Lost Birds

        by Mehmet Ali Özkan

        The blue dove, the black swallow and the white seagull get separated from their flocks because of their mistakes. Their selfishness and wanting to be like someone they are not keep them apart from their families. The three birds realize their mistakes and ask the wise owl what to do. What does the wise owl tell them? Will they get back together with their families. The answers are in this book.

      • Law and Financial Stability

        by Rhoda Weeks-Brown, Yan Liu, Ross Leckow, Aditya Narain, José Viñals, Chady Adel El-Khoury

        This edited volume examines from a legal perspective, the progress made in implementing the financial regulatory reforms adopted since the global financial crisis and highlights the role played by the IMF in advancing these reforms and in charting the course for future reforms. The book also reviews the important role that law plays in contributing to the financial stability at both the national and international levels. Experts and representatives from the IMF membership share their views on this subject and provide a unique perspective on the role of the law in promoting financial stability.

      • Saint Michael The Archangel

        by Immacolata Aulisa, Claudio Azzara, Gioia Bertelli, Pierre Bouet, Ada Campione, Franco Cardini, Manuel Castiñeiras, Gerardo Cioffari, Alessandro di Muro, Klaus Herbers, Renzo Infante, Gábor Klaniczay, Giorgio Otranto, Francesco Panarelli, Giuseppe Sergi, André Vauchez, Catherine Vincent

        From the Hebrew name meaning “Who Is Like God?”, Michael is one of the angels–together with Raphael (“God Heals”) and Gabriel (“God Is My Strength”)–whose names are mentioned in the Holy Scripture. Since the first centuries of Christianity, there has been a wide diffusion of his worship in Europe and in the East through a multitude of sanctuaries and chapels, mostly nestled in high places, related to caves and water. An astonishing feature of this spread is a mysterious straight line crossing the European continent from North-West to South-East from Ireland to Asia Minor, and it is perfectly aligned with the sunset on the day of Summer Solstice. Along this line are seven sanctuaries dedicated to Michael, three of which have been significantly important over the centuries: Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, the Sacra di San Michele in val di Susa and the Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo on Mount Gargano, in Puglia. Three extraordinary high places that are all the same distance one from the other and which have always been a constant pilgrimage destination. Another aspect is the connection Saint Michael had with the Longobards, who migrated across Europe between the second and the sixth century until they reached Italy where they settled. This made Michael the first truly “European” Saint, attracting believers from all over the continent.   With the contribution of some of the most important historians and medievalists from different European countries, this book depicts the presence of Saint Michael in Europe, starting with the diffusion of his devotion, especially during the Middle Ages, and extending to an analysis of the iconography of the Saint through the many architectural and artistic testimonies to be found throughout Europe.   Thanks to its influential contributions and to the variety of both historical and iconographic topics, combined with the spectacular nature of the numerous images of places and artistic testimonies, this book is a unique journey through Europe between art and faith.

      • Military life & institutions
        January 2014

        Fighting for a Living

        A Comparative History of Military Labour 1500-2000

        by Erik Jan Zürcher

        Fighting for a Living investigates the circumstances that have produced starkly different systems of recruiting and employing soldiers in different parts of the globe over the last 500 years. It does so on the basis of a wide range of case studies taken from Europe, Africa, America, the Middle East and Asia. The novelty of "Fighting for a Living" is that it is not military history in the traditional sense (concentrating at wars and battles or on military technology) but that it looks at military service and warfare as forms of labour, and at the soldiers as workers. Military employment offers excellent opportunities for this kind of international comparison. Where many forms of human activity are restricted by the conditions of nature or the stage of development of a given society, organized violence is ubiquitous. Soldiers, in one form or another, are always part of the picture, in any period and in every region. Nevertheless, Fighting for a Living is the first study to undertake a systematic comparative analysis of military labour. It therefore speaks to two distinct, and normally quite separate, communities: that of labour historians and that of military historians.

      • Travel writing
        May 2005

        Riding to Jerusalem

        by Bettina Selby

        People have made their way to Jerusalem in many ways. Some have ridden in triumphantly as conquerors, others have come humbly on foot as pilgrims. Today many arrive cocooned in package holiday coaches. Bettina Selby did it the hard way - on a bicycle called Evans. Following the routes of the Crusaders and the early pilgrims across Europe, through Turkey, Syria and Jordan meant a long, very tough mountainous journey, but one of great natural beauty, and with endless opportunities to meet the peoples of those countries. It was a route that led past many of the most fabulous sites and cities of the ancient world - such as Byzantium, Troy, Pergamon, Palmyra, Petra, and finally, Jerusalem itself. Riding to Jerusalem combines the author’s perceptions and reflections with her sense of humour and keen relish of adventure. Not since reading Patrick Leigh Fermor have I enjoyed a travel book in which people and places, past and present are so vividly woven together Country Living

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