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      • The Glass Slipper Literary Agency

        The Glass Slipper Literary Agency is a full-service literary agency that seeks to excavate, unearth and unveil stories that provoke, trigger, inflame, inspire and awaken, bringing diverse, marginalized and globally appealing voices to the world. We work with authors and publishers across the Americas, Europe, UK, and South Asia. We aim to change the face of the publishing industry by increasing diversity and evoking marginalized and underrepresented voices, including BIPOC,  LGBTQIA, neurodivergent, and/or differently-abled authors.   We proactively nurture writers across the world and take them through every stage of the roller-coaster that is intrinsic to getting published and/or having your work optioned for on-screen adaptation spanning films, TV shows, web series, and more. We believe in developing and furthering the careers of our authors, also helping them build a solid presence across all traditional and non-traditional media, worldwide. Beyond the contours of traditional representation to publishers, we brainstorm potential new projects, orchestrate all book rights for our clients, including translation, republication and entertainment rights, and actively pitch our authors and their works for slots in prime TV shows, print and electronic media outlets, including but not limited to, interviews, Q&As, book reviews and longer-form features on our writers and their works.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        New Mexican Chiles

        by Dave DeWitt

        As the foods and recipes of Mexico have blended over the years into New Mexico's own distinctive cuisine, the chile pepper has become its defining element and single most important ingredient. Though many types were initially cultivated there, the long green variety that turned red in the fall adapted so well to the local soil and climate that it has now become the official state vegetable.To help chefs and diners get the most from this unique chile's great taste–without an overpowering pungency–Dave DeWitt, the noted Pope of Peppers, has compiled a complete guide to growing, harvesting, preserving and much more–topped off with dozens of delicious recipes for dishes, courses, and meals of every kind.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Eat to Beat Alzheimer's

        by Francie Healey

        Eat to Beat Alzheimer's offers a practical guide and an empowering tool to bring nourishing, healthful, and delicious food into the lives of people concerned about Alzheimer's and other cognitive problems. Almost 9 million people in the U.S. suffer from Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, and the toll is rapidly increasing. This book will appeal to everyone concerned about dementia and memory loss in either themselves or a loved one.Recent research makes clear that the impact of aging on the brain can be reduced by simple diet and lifestyle modifications. The delicious food choices and easy-to-prepare recipes in this book are based on the latest findings showing that they can help slow the progression of Alzheimer's and other conditions like it, or prevent them entirely.Readers will gain the knowledge and tools to take charge of their health by incorporating tasty, healing foods into their diet. The information in this cookbook will be as relevant and useful 20 years from now as it is today. And the recipes will still be just as delicious.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Three steps to reduce blood pressure

        by Hong Zhu

        The World Health Organization predicts that chronic lifestyle diseases such as hypertension will become the number one killer of human health by about 2020. Zhu Hongzhu's "Three Steps to Reduce Blood Pressure" combines the experience and cases of professional doctors in treating hypertension for many years, focusing on the problem of lowering blood pressure and stabilizing pressure that hypertension patients are most concerned about, using easy-to-understand language, to provide you with practical and effective methods, so that you can understand and use them easily.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017


        by Dave DeWitt

        It's one of the most popular chile peppers in the world, and the number of ways it can transform a meal–and be transformed–is endless. Now, Dave DeWitt, the acknowledged Pope of Peppers, has harvested his decades of experience to create a mouth-watering combination of knowledge and delightful, delectable recipes.The ways you can enjoy these delicious peppers are virtually infinite, and DeWitt knows them all: from breakfast through dinner and dessert; in sauces, soups, side dishes, and salads.Planning them, growing them, preserving them, and–best of all–devouring them, jalapeños have never been so interesting and delicious as Dave DeWitt makes them here.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        The Essential Chile Sauce Guide

        by Dave DeWitt

        They're everywhere! Thirty years ago, the only liquid hot stuff you could find outside Louisiana was Tabasco Sauce, but now hundreds of brands are falling off the shelves and being sold online.The love of spicy foods has become a full-fledged movement, and hot sauces are at the molten core of this major culinary change. Now, Dave DeWitt has gone global to assemble this gourmet guide to the tastiest ways to indulge.From the nation's hotbeds through Latin American lava and the steamy Caribbean to the sauces of the spice route, DeWitt's rich range of recipes makes clear why hot sauces are more than a trend, more than a cuisine–they're a way of life!

      • Trusted Partner
        Prose: non-fiction


        by Andrii Aliokhin

        Hello, I am Andrii Aliokhin. I have been an actor and a writer for many years living in two capitals: Kyiv and Paris. I was neither a tourist nor an immigrant. This allowed me to see our life and French life from a unique point of view. This book tells a story about what I had learned in France. Not from professional chefs or subtle connoisseurs of culinary delights, but from ordinary French men and women, who cook and eat in France. Real people who love, work, grieve, celebrate, raise children, walk dogs, and go to market in the course of their daily lives. So, you will find here my little stories about the French – memoirs and other nonsense, that actually is called life. In some way it is also a cookbook. Everything collected here are ordinary, simple, French recipes. All ingredients can be easily found on the shelvesof our stores. But this is not just a book about the kitchen. It’s about what I finally realized. I realized why the French are not getting fat. The book by Andre Aliokhin – the most famous and popular Ukrainian blogger. It’s bestseller in Ukraine. The German translation will be published soon.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        Weekly Plan of Starting food

        by Liu Changwei

        This book is a complete guide to starting food. It’s written by Liu Changwei who is a professional children dietitian. Baby’s parents can find the answers to the almost all of the fundamental problems easily, especially the weekly plans of starting food. There are 215 baby food recipes which are accumulated by Docter Liu by more than one year .These recipes can meet the nutrient requirements of baby( more than 6 months’ old ). There also are more than two hundreds attractive illustrations. Parents can find the nutrient information of each recipes from the topics easily. Delicious energy –giving food recipes are specially prepared for the sick baby. With the help of these recipes, baby can reply from the disease quickly.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1997



        by Slim, Iceberg

      • Trusted Partner
        National & regional cuisine

        Ukrainian Cuisine in 70 dishes

        by Ievgen Klopotenko

        This book contains 70 author’s recipes of ancient dishes, rethought in new ways, and divided into 9 sections: soups and broths, meat, fish, vegetables and mushrooms, porridg_x0002_es, drinks, snacks, bread and baked goods, and sweets. Besides recipes, the book contains many interesting facts about Ukrainian products and foods — how they were consumed before, why they are healthy, the best way to cook them

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Candy Guild (2). The Lost Recipe

        by Tanja Voosen/ Viktoria Gavrilenko

        Magical sweets and real miracles? Elina has experienced them both in Belony, and now she can hardly wait to dip deeper into the world of the candy crafters. But it’s not long before a new problem arises, because just before Robin’s first candy crafting examination, his magic tool goes bust. Old Mr Snotty knows where they can get help, and he takes Elina and her friends to Bittersweet Avenue. It quickly becomes clear, though, that not all candy crafters are well disposed towards “ungifted” people. There are also rumours about the return of the mysterious Otherwise Society, which has tried once before to bring down the mighty Candy Guild. When Mr Snotty suddenly disappears without a trace, it’s up to Elina, Charlie and Robin to follow the clues he has left behind for them. They soon realize that there is a reason for his disappearance, because the Otherwise Society is looking for something in particular – and Elina, Charlie and Robin have the key to this something in their hands…

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2016

        The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang

        by Huang Lei

        The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang is a collection of essays in which Huang Lei shares with the readers his memories as a gourmet and his secret recipes. In his nostalgic account, he tells about the delicacies his parents prepared and how he cooked each meal for his wife and children when he grew up. The passage of time has enabled Huang Lei to transform into Chef Huang and to share with the readers his private recipes and the emotional memories associated with them. He is trying to tell the readers that the kitchen harbors happiness and that food brings joy and expresses the life philosophy of “leading a simple but rich life”.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        How to eat for 0-3-year-old babies

        by Li Ning

        This book combines the classic and practical parenting experience and ideas at home and abroad. From the perspective of science and practice, it introduces the physical development standards, feeding guidance, nutrition concerns, recommended recipes, etc. of 0-3-year-old babies in stages. It points out that the nutrition needs of babies in each growth stage, not only provides the mothers with * baby feeding programs, but also answers the common feeding problems. In addition, the book also introduces 23 kinds of * food for baby growth, 34 channels of special functional recipes for long-term wisdom and 24 kinds of diet adjustment for baby discomfort symptoms in a simple and easy to learn language, which can let new parents master the tips for raising babies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        Infinite possibility of Creative Coffee

        by Lin Dongyuan

        Written by the Asia Barista Championship judge Lin Dongyuan, the book sheds light on general knowledge and key points of creative coffee and includes 62 recipes. No matter you are a coffee lover, barista, or candidate for a barista competition, the book can offer some necessary guidance. (Hong Kong rights sold.)

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukraine. Food and History

        by Olena Braichenko, Maryna Hrymych, Ihor Lylo, Vitaly Reznichenko

        This book tells the story of Ukrainian cuisine by placing it in its cultural context and presenting Ukrainian cooking as part of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. The publication also explores the potential of cultural diplomacy and includes recipes that will make you fall in love with Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Simple Food!

        Anti the Food Frenzy in Our Minds

        by Thomas A. Vilgis

        This book follows a unique path in the ubiquitous food debate: it leads us on the trail of the origins of our food culture, from the Neolithic period to the present day. Thomas A. Vilgis has compiled a guide that combines scientific with cultural or sociological aspects. How did Stone Age man poach food? Which cereal varieties were cultivated first? What is the mysterious umami flavour all about? The cultural historical excursion gets interactive with plenty of recipes for those curious to test Kimchi with birch leaves or red cabbage in their dessert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Decrease fat of body

        by Zhao Ting

        The book contains several recipes of healthy meals which can help you to decrease your fat level instead of only loosing weight. Healthy meals and detox can help you to keep fit.     内容简介 体脂面前,体重什么都不算!减体重只治标,降体脂才治本!营养师私家亲授减肥食谱,健康进食排毒塑形,吃着吃着就瘦了的饮食减肥法!

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        What to eat in pregnancy and confinement

        by Li Ning

        This book provides a scientific and reasonable diet plan for pregnant mothers and new mothers and provides nutrition guidance throughout pregnancy and childbirth. It reminds pregnant mothers and new mothers to take nutrition timely, comprehensively and evenly according to their own physiological changes and baby's growth needs. It also lists one-day reference diet and a variety of delicious and delicious nutritious and delicious recipes to help pregnant mothers and new mothers to help their babies The smooth birth and healthy growth of a nutrition reserve. In addition, there is also a corresponding diet therapy plan for some uncomfortable symptoms that are easy to appear during pregnancy and childbirth, such as vomiting, constipation, edema, stretch marks and weakness after childbirth.

      • Trusted Partner

        A Sea of Fishes

        A Culinary Guide to Mediterranean Seafood

        by Bella Galil

        This culinary guide to Mediterranean seafood combines a concise description and basic biological information on the most popular species, with historical anecdotes and cookery tips. Each entry is accompanied by a scientifically accurate drawing and the name of the species in the different Mediterranean languages. Dr. Bella Galil is a marine biologist at the National Institute of Oceanography. For some 20 years she has been researching marine life in the Mediterranean. In her travels, she has gathered choice seafood recipes from fishermen and colleagues, all of which she has tried in her own kitchen

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