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      • Y todo por una canción

        by Biadiu Llorente, Marta

        Desalentada por un nuevo engaño amoroso y por la reciente muerte de su querida abuela, la insípida y desesperanzada vida de Sara se ve sacudida cuando una canción, una popular habanera, irrumpe en su vida de forma casual y enigmática una tarde de verano. Sara no entiende por qué se estremece cada vez que escucha la popular melodía, pero sí recuerda que sonreía cada vez que su abuela se la cantaba. Ya no hay marcha atrás, la canción parece perseguirla allá donde va y acaba formando parte de su existencia. Sara decide a toda costa seguir las huellas de la canción emprendiendo un viaje  hacia las raíces más hondas del pueblo cubano en búsqueda de un secreto sellado entre abuela y nieta, un secreto transmitido al filo de los años y que ahora ella tratará de esclarecer sorteando toda clase de obstáculos y vivir así la historia más apasionante de su vida.


        by ROBERTO LAPID

        Fritz es un joven austríaco que se hace cargo, a sus 19 años, de la fábrica de armas de su padre y llega a poseer una de las fortunas más grandes del planeta. Es rico, excéntrico, poderoso, mujeriego y astuto. Durante la preguerrasus clientes son Mussolini, Hitler y Franco; entre otros. En 1932, al ver la película Éxtasis, en la que la actriz Hedy Kiesler interpreta el primer desnudo total femenino y el primer orgasmo en la pantalla grande, se enamora y se casa con ella. Hedy es una joven bella y superdotada, estudia teatro e ingeniería y tiene una vida plagada de amantes. Se casa con Fritz y viven en su castillo de Salzburgo. Tras una pasión desbordante ella escapa hacia América para triunfar en Hollywood como Hedy Lamarr, la mujer más bella del cine; es, además, la inventora de un sistema de comunicaciones que permite, hoy, la utilización del Wi-Fi, el Bluetooth y el GPS. Novela basada en la historia verdadera de dos personajes extravagantes. Amor, secretos, trampas, espionaje, política, intrigas y pasión se entremezclan en esta historia que viaja desde una Europa en guerra a los Estados Unidos y a la Argentina, y que atrapa al lector desde su primera página.

      • Fiction

        Ownerless seas

        by Esther Ginés

        Scotland, end of the 20th century. Elisa decides to leave her life behind to start a new one thousands of kilometres away from home, in the remote Orkney Islands. In an indomitable landscape, almost deserted and of a captivating yet untamed beauty, her partner is waiting. Kylian is an active ornithologist that has been travelling the world for years, but after receiving an interesting proposal has decided to come back to his homeland. Short after joining him, while Elisa is trying to to adapt to a hostile nature and climate that set the pace of the days, shocking news concerning Kylian’s past arrive, shaking all their imminent plans. How far can one go to escape what is left behind? What is the price we pay to protect those we love most from the things that hurt us? Escocia, finales del siglo XX. Elisa decide dejar su vida atrás para comenzar una nueva etapa a miles de kilómetros de su hogar, en las remotas islas Orcadas. En un paisaje indómito, casi despoblado y de una belleza cautivadora a la vez que salvaje, le espera su pareja. Kylian es un activo ornitólogo que lleva años recorriendo mundo, pero tras recibir una interesante propuesta de trabajo decide volver a su tierra de origen. Al poco de unirse a él, mientras Elisa trata de adaptarse a una naturaleza y un clima hostiles que marcan el ritmo de los días, una impactante noticia vinculada al pasado de Kylian cae sobre ellos y trastoca todos sus planes inminentes.¿Hasta dónde se puede llegar para huir de lo que dejamos atrás? ¿Cuál es el precio que pagamos por proteger a quienes más amamos de las cosas que nos hieren?

      • BRUJA

        by Matías Argumánez

        Durante la función de la vida, no hay guión que no se improvise. Cuando se levanta el telón de las pasiones, cada cual se procura un palco de primera haciendo de su imaginación el único escenario factible, donde la ovación final se alce sobre las dificultades ... y sea posible.   No hay mayor blasfemia que la de mancillar las caderas cubriéndolas con telas de miedo, ni límite que pueda restringir la insolencia de quien se viste de conocimiento. No puede darse cuenta de belleza que en equilibrio con la verdad no haga de la sensualidad su método, ni existe peor pudor que el de permanecer ante la calidez, siendo hielo. No cabe sutileza más nítida que la de pasearse desnuda de prejuicios ante los rebuznos del pueblo, ni erotismo más elevado que el de insinuar la piel bajo la trama de la que se viste el deseo.     Creemos firmemente, como Gil de Biedma: Que la vida iba en serio .

      • Football (Soccer, Association football)
        February 2020

        Rivalidades crónicas

        10 ciudades europeas a través de sus derbis

        by Jordi Brescó and Pau Riera

        Football shapes cities, and derbies turn them upside down. Two friends travel to ten European cities (Istanbul, Belfast, Belgrade, Sheffield...) to narrate and photograph them, and use football as their gateway and common thread. Because the king of sports is an instrument as effective as any other to delve into the political, social, economic and cultural reality of a place.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        An Introduction to Christian Arab Literature

        by Pilar González Casado

        Since its very beginning, Christianity has been present in the Middle East. However, the rise of Islam toward the end of the seventh century and the political and linguistic dominion it exerted over that region has a deep impact on the area and the Christian communities. When Arabic became the language of culture, Christian authors adopted it in their writings. As a result of the ups and downs in their relation with Islam, there will be apocalyptic and apocryphal works in ancient Palestine monasteries, books by Melkite, Nestorian and Monophysite authors, dogmatic treatises and poetic compositions. Moreover, both the Bible and patristic, liturgical and hagiographical works were soon translated into Arabic.  This literary activity took place not only in major centers such as Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo, but also in farther areas like Al-Andalus.

      • Fianchetto

        Chess as one of the fine arts

        by Hugo Vargas

        Hugo Vargas, a great chess fan, offers us a series of chronicles about well-known characters, fans or masters of this sport, science, art? or game. Vargas tells us throughout this singular book titled Fianchetto (chess term for the game in the great diagonal of the bishops) the relationship between chess and great writers or artists like Rousseau, Duchamp, Octavio Paz, Philip Marlowe, Bogart, Kubrick, Jaime Sabines, Lenin, and also chess masters like Kasparov, Fischer, Kramnik... offering us some of the most famous games they played.

      • March 2012

        Donde termina él y empiezo yo

        Out of Print

        by Cardeno C., Georgette Asi, Paul Richmond, Paul Richmond

        Uno Libro en la Saga HomeJake Owens, agresivo, duro, franco y valiente, era un héroe del fútbol americano convertido en Policía. Nate Richardson, su mejor amigo de toda la vida, es pensativo, tranquilo y amable, un médico brillante que siempre supo quién era y que Jake era el amor de su vida- el leal, valiente y heterosexual Jake que nunca sospechó nada.Pero Jake también sobrellevaba su propio caso de amor no correspondido y no era tan heterosexual como Nate creía. Este podía pensar que la pasión que explotó entre ellos había sido fruto de la casualidad, resultado de una gran cercanía, pero Jake estaba firmemente decidido a probarle lo contrario. Para él, la cuestión no era cómo habían terminado en la cama juntos, sino cómo convencer a Nate de que quería y necesitaba continuar junto a él. ;

      • Humour collections & anthologies
        October 2022

        Incomplete works (2015-2022)

        by Lorenzo Montatore

        In recent years, Lorenzo Montatore has demonstrated an unusual ability to combine a variety of references. In his works we can see the influence of literary classics, key figures from graphic humour, comics, music and, of course, 8-bit videogames. This all combines to create a highly original approach to the language of comics, praised by fellow industry professionals and critics alike.  In 2017 and 2021 he was nominated for the Cómic Barcelona awards in the best new author and best children’s comic categories. Restless and prolific, in addition to collaborations with major publishers, Montatore has created numerous self-published offerings. Obras Incompletas compiles a major part of the fanzines that he has published over the last five years. It also includes unpublished comics and plenty of additional material: photos, sketches, texts providing background to each piece, a complete interview by Gerardo Vilches and a prologue by Rubén Lardín allowing the reader to enjoy a total immersion in the fascinating imaginary world of an author who manages to blend tradition and modernity to make, in Max’s words, “pure comics”.

      • Food & Drink

        Let’s Cook with Nora

        New Edition

        by Nora Daza & Nina Daza-Puyat

        Let’s Cook with Nora provides documentation of Philippine cooking for 1965 when it made its appearance. In its new, 21st-century, classic version—lovingly restyled by her daughter Nina Daza Puyat—Nora Daza’s legacy is ready for today’s cooks, brides to be, and food lovers. –Felice Prudente Sta. Maria (Food historian and author of The Governor-General’s Kitchen)

      • Sin fronteras

        Y otros relatos

        by Gustavo Cuervo

        Emotion, risk, pain, love, patience, heat, joy... The sensations that unexpectedly assail the open-minded traveler who travels the world off the beaten track, are the basis of these unique stories. Fantastic landscapes as a stage, and its people as actors, help the author to weave his feelings with a simple and passionate prose. True stories that will undoubtedly delight many sofa travelers, but also many action travelers. The remote Tibet, the developed North America, the wild Africa, the Europe of the Iron Curtain or the young Australia, are the extraordinary continents that penetrate the soul of the author while the wind reaches his face, at the same time he discovers the world. An exciting reading that captures and invites the journey without prejudice, without borders, a reading with a moral, with the tricks of an expert adventurer and, above all, with the purest essence of the greatest adventure, life.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Los frutos de la inteligencia emocional

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        This volume will crown your journey, making you a participant in one of the greatest contributions that applied psychology made both to the business world and to all related areas of life: the value of emotional intelligence. From its definition to the means to make the most of it and achieve your ends, you will find the keys to making emotions not a stumbling block, but a weapon for job advancement.  Paying attention to the other, giving him a framework of trust and appreciation, stimulating him and accompanying his moods, have been revealed as essential points for the development of all productive activities. Today it is known that whoever smiles and knows how to relate well with their environment is the most capable of climbing positions of great responsibility in the workplace. You will also find suggestions aimed at ensuring that everything obtained in this field results in a particularly full life and suitable for enjoying what has been achieved. These pages are, then, the corollary to make your triumph comprehensive and lasting. Enjoy them!

      • July 2019

        Desplazamientos-Beatriz González

        by Francisco Javier Gil, Elkin Rubiano, María Alejandra Fajardo.

        La presente exposición y los textos que la acompañan proceden de un proyecto de investigación-creación desarrollado por Mariana Dicker, María Alejandra Fajardo, Elkin Rubiano y Javier Gil. Esta exploración pretende pensar las relaciones entre creación artística y memoria a partir de la producción artística de Beatriz González de los últimos 20 años. Consideramos que las imágenes toman posición frente a lo real; no representan lo dado o lo sucedido, sino que lo crean y dimensionan desde sus particulares modos de pensar. Tampoco aspiran a explicaciones totalizantes; significan a través de momentos, fragmentos, detalles y relaciones inéditas. Lo visual toca lo real sin aspirar a verdades absolutas y cerradas, pero desde sus singularidades expresivas renueva la percepción y la comprensión del mundo. En ese contexto, consideramos que el trabajo de Beatriz González construye memoria, asumiendo que esta no se refiere a dar cuenta de hechos objetivos ocurridos en el pasado, sino como una construcción simbólica, un trabajo, una nueva dimensión de sentido vinculada a la creación artística. Sus obras confirman las posibilidades que tienen el arte de participar en la generación de otras historias, de hacer hablar el pasado de otro modo, de expresar lo inexpresado por la historia oficial.

      • Illustration
        October 2022


        The silence of images

        by Guridi

        In this new book, Guridi off ers us his creative vision of the picture book. He delves into the relationship between images and text, between space (physical and mental) and characters, and especially the intervals—the interstitial spaces that give rise to deep meaning of works of this kind, inviting the active participation of readers. His practical advice sets us on the path to our own truth and shows us how to capture it through the empty spaces of images.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        April 2019

        Organic Beauty

        Illustrated Handbook of Natural Cosmetics

        by Maru Godas

        This is an homage to feminine beauty and nature.Maru Godas provides a new perspective on the world of cosmetics, based on a better understanding of the properties of natural products, showing us how we can incorporate them into our beauty habits. Rather than using conventional beauty products withtheir chemical ingredients, there are many organic products that are easy to fi nd which are good for us and the environment.This guide provides information on easy-to-find natural ingredients, including information on their properties and benefi ts, as well as recipes for essential oils, soaps and creams that we can easily incorporate into our new and natural beauty routines.

      • Unico grande amore

        A trip through Italy thanks to football

        by Toni Padilla

        This trip through Italy is not intended to arrive as soon as possible. The guide is Toni Padilla, who, accompanied by a ball, and based on themes such as death, music, cheese or stickers, is impregnated with the country's double soul. Here are the majestic Italy and the Italy massacred by prejudices, lying on this journey from north to south and from east to west. The raw material of the stories, which are only on the author's radar, are the walks through the homeland of Benito Mussolini, Rafaella Carrà or Francesco Totti. Its pages are a map where memories are celebrated and goals are savored. Written with detailed prose and a leisurely gaze, they seem from another era, now that we don't have time for everything. But calcium is in no rush to get off this train.

      • May 2020

        Antropología del astronauta cotidiano

        by José Alejandro Polanco Contreras

        Desde la perspectiva de la antropología médica, este libro describe las condiciones de vida de las personas que llevan dispositivos médicos al cuerpo que pueden hacerlos parecer en cierto modo cyborgs, debido a esa simbiosis entre el ser humano y la tecnología. El lector encontrará historias de vida de personas de diversas condiciones sociales y económicas que tienen en común su condición de "astronauta de la vida diaria", término adoptado por el autor para nombrar a aquellas personas que, por circunstancias de su vida, fueron "lanzadas" en la complejidad de vivir con una ostomía. El libro describe la perspectiva médica del problema, así como las tecnologías y dispositivos que se han desarrollado para el cuidado de las ostomías y que han ayudado a esas personas a llevar una vida plenamente funcional.

      • Tingle

        Anthology of Pinay Lesbian Writing

        by Jhoanna Lynn B. Cruz

        Most of the forty-nine works in the book were specifically solicited from the writers I know in response to the question, “What makes you tingle as a lesbian?” Literally, the sensation of “slight prickles, stings, or tremors,” the excitement. I purposely didn’t give any more qualifiers to that prompts. I wanted the writers themselves to define the terms and enact them on the page. And while the word “tingle” is a homonym for the Tagalog word for “clitoris,” many of the pieces submitted were not about sex at all. But all the pieces are about a spark of recognition, whether at the beginning, the middle, or the end, that one loves a woman as a woman. Tingle is the flint. Here we are taking our stories of women loving women in our own hands and making ourselves visible on our own terms. When the initial thrill of desire is past, the tingle is ultimately the recognition that what we have found cannot remain in the dark—we must love and be loved in the light.

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