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      • Manuel Giron

        Literature, photography and Music

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      • Balans Publishers

        Balans is an independent publisher of quality non-fiction in the areas of history, politics, economy, biography, science, nature writing, memoirs, current affairs, religion and psychology. With our dedicated team, we publish approximately 40 new titles per year.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2017

        Little Lotus

        by TANG Sulan

        Little Lotus tells the story of the growth of a little girl named Lotus. She was born in an impoverished and backward family, where her grandfather prefers boys to girls, her mother is always busy and indifferent, and her father is often outside home during Lotus’childhood. Therefore, Lotus has grown into a sensitive and stubborn girl. However, her grandmother is a loving and wise person, who has taught Lotus the importance of kindness, tolerance and diligence. It is her grandmother who lights up Lotus’early life. Little Lotus focuses on the growth of children in China’s countryside by incorporating the author’s personal experiences, and presents different facades of a Chinese-style childhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        July 2021

        Serhii Lyfar. The biography

        Flying under the wing of Icarus

        by Roman Bereza

        The novel depicts the life and work of the legendary Ukrainian dancer and choreographer Serhii Lyfar who, due to his talent, entered the cohort of the most outstanding artists of the world culture of the 20th century. Relying on documentary sources and biographical data, the author vividly and truthfully describes the entire era of the development of choreographic art in Europe, which is associated with the name of the great Ukrainian, who was destined to appear at the origins of the latest revival of French ballet in the last century. The reader can watch Kyiv in the first quarter and middle of the 20th century. In the novel also appears the theatrical, choreographic, and artistic life of France of that time, which was vividly reflected in the creative path of Serhiy Lyfar and received its dynamic development in unity with such notable figures as Serhiy Diaghilev, Mykhailo Fokin, Enrico Cecchetti, Matilda Kshesinska, Anna Pavlova, Olga Spesyvtseva, Tamara Karsavina, Vaclav and Bronislava Nijinsky, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Alexander Benoit, Coco Chanel, George Balanchine and a number of other famous personalities who were in the center of world culture and art.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        Anna of Kyiv, the Daughter of Yaroslav the Wise

        by Yevhenia Nazaruk

        The history of Ukraine in the times of the Kyiv Rus' is full of mysteries. One of them is the figure of Anna of Kyiv, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise. She was famous not only for her beauty, but also for her education. No woman in Europe could match her. And… She also became the Queen of France. However, this book is not about the queen. It is about the girl who passionately loved her homeland, was proud of her parents, her ancestry and was always reading books. It was from books that she drew the wisdom of life and pleasure for her soul. Turning the pages of the book, readers will meet historical figures like a beautiful Princess Lybid or Svyatoslav and Volodymyr, the kings of Kyiv Rus'. There will be some imaginary characters too, for instance, a funny merman who will tell the readers how the Styr River got its name. Olha Medynska, a fine arts teacher and a fabulous artist, illustrated the book. Olha Medynska, a native of Lutsk, has more than 30 illustrated books in her creative portfolio. Olha has loved painting as long as she can remember herself and she learned it from her mother. Olha greates memorable, fun and quirky characters that delight children. The book is suitable for primary school pupils and early teens.

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        Lady Lv Fangshi

        by Can Xue

        Lady Lv Fangshi is born in a family with many siblings. She was not a good-looking girl and no one in her family cared about her. All her family lived in two small and dark rooms with both warmness and horror. As a 21-year-old lady, Lv Fangshi had already met some guys. Zeng Laoliu, the carpet dealer, was quite mysterious to her though he was not the one that excited her most. Is the lifestyle of Lady Lv Fangshi ever possible? We could frequently be face with this kind of question in our daily life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Girls

        by Le Fan, Liu Chanjuan, Liu Jiaxi

        While growing up, girls are more likely than boys to receive contradictory expectations from different aspects of their lives: parents, teachers, peers, society, and themselves. They could be rebellious but at the same time remain "good girls". They could express anger against bullies at school while simultaneously meeting teachers' expectations of nonaggressive behavior. They could be powerful and competitive at the same time that they worry about being considered "unfeminine". Girls struggle with these conflicting messages in their everyday lives, trying to please all these other people and losing track of themselves. Writer Le Fan, who has experienced the same contradictions as growing up, hopes that girls could love themselves, put themselves first a little more. So here comes the Picture Books about Emotion Management for Girls.   The series contains five stories of five courageous little girls who were experiencing confusion in their lives. Little Le Fan in I am not Just a Good Girl tried to find the balance between two sides of herself—a cool girl and a good girl. Xiaoxiao in I love myself learned to be more confident and accepted her new look after her baby teeth fell out. Jiang in I'm so Jealous learned to deal with jealousy towards her best friend. A timid girl Xiao in I can Say No strived to express herself and stop the little boy's bullies. Feng in I Really Want to Win embraced her inner "tomboy" with daddy's encouragement. All the five little girls, though struggling, broke out of cultural and societal stereotypes swirling around them and became their true selves.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The New Girl Code

        by Niki Smit

        Tumi Letsatsi is a 13-year old melanin kween living in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Her favourite colour is yellow, she's still trying to figure out how not to dent her afro on the bus, and how one goes about (ahem!) “french kissing”. She’s a little awkward and a lot uncertain about her future, friendships and how to put together a cool outfit! But then she stumbles across the magic of coding and creates an app called “Project Prep” that goes viral and rockets her and her friends to fame. Then everything starts to fall apart, as she deals with a catfish who befriends her and steals her code, nasty rumours at school and the newfound attention of a crush. The New Girl Code (by Niki Smit, locally edited by Buhle Ngaba) is about the wonders of working in tech, aimed at girls and young women aged 9-15. The project is an initiative of Inspiring Fifty and based on an idea by Janneke Niessen.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Lady from Lviv

        by Yurko Sanhal

        Monologue writings, or from the horse's mouth, so to speak, are not so popular in fiction prose as they require the author fully understand his hero, absorbing all his experiences, thoughts, words, and behavior. This novel by the writer and publisher from Lviv meets these criteria. Foremost, this is a very positive, energizing reading in which the life of a Galician woman from Lviv - from the pre-war period to our time - appears in all possible truthfulness and whimsy, tragedy, and comedy. For a wide range of readers.

      • Trusted Partner

        Poème pour une petite fille à l’autre bout du monde (Poem for a little girl on the other side of the world)

        by Dieulermesson Petit Frère

        A statement on otherness, a song of love and sincerity, Poème pour une petite fille à l’autre bout du monde is an invitation into the intimate sphere of the poet. It is the figuration of the paternal real brought to its highest point. A father and a little girl meet somewhere, at the other end of a street or a railway station, to talk about friendship, life and their regrets, to take stock of all their failed acts and to give each other reasons to love each other, despite the distance, the disarray and the madness that can arise from absence.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Heavenly Girl

        by Zhou Jing

        Heavenly Girl (Tian Nü) is based on a legendary story in The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Da Huang Bei Jing as a starting point. It describes the difficult journey of the Nü Ba out of the desert to find her identity after having exhausted her powers in aid to her father Huang Di at the war with Chi You. She became the Drought Godness then as drought emerged wherever she went. With the first-person narrative, the main body of the story describes the loneliness and the curiosity of the life of the goddess with her destructive ability. At the same time, the narratives about the protagonist from different persons are presented, offering a different perspective. The work is immense, exquisite in structure, full of characters and strong in originality and artistry.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        The Clam Girl

        by Yang Yongqing

        "The Clam Girl" tells a story that a young boy Bai Hai fishing in the East China Sea rescued a baby girl who turned into a clam. Later, the baby girl brought her sisters-- other clam girls to visit him. Around a string of pearls that the Clam girl gave to Bai Hai, the book presents a confrontation story between kind people like Bai Hai and the greedy and brutal emperor. It also tells the story how seaweed can help cure some disease. It is a typical legend story of "origins of creatures".

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La fille de l'eau (The water girl)

        by Yves Pinguilly, Sarang Seck

        West African mythical tale. Yves Pinguilly and Saran Seick introduce you to the world of love and beauty of the African woman.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism

        Rebels: New woman and modern nation

        by Vira Aheieva, Iryna Borysiuk, Oksana Pashko, Olena Peleshenko, Olga Poliukhovych, Oksana Schur

        This book is about true rebels: late 19th and early 20th century Ukrainian female writers. They find their own voices in literature and start to defend theis own space, both private and public. 12 stories of life and work of Marko Vovchok, Lesia Ukrainka, Olha Kobylianska, Iryna Vilde, Sophia Yablonska and others.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books

        The Lilac Girl

        by Ibtisam Barakat (author), Sinan Hallak (illustrator)

        Inspired by the life story of Palestinian artist, Tamam Al-Akhal, The Lilac Girl is the sixth book for younger readers by award-winning author, Ibtisam Barakat.   The Lilac Girl is a beautifully illustrated short story relating the departure of Palestinian artist and educator, Tamam Al-Akhal, from her homeland, Jaffa. It portrays Tamam as a young girl who dreams about returning to her home, which she has been away from for 70 years, since the Palestinian exodus. Tamam discovers that she is talented in drawing, so she uses her imagination to draw her house in her mind. She decides one night to visit it, only to find another girl there, who won’t allow her inside and shuts the door in her face. Engulfed in sadness, Tamam sits outside and starts drawing her house on a piece of paper. As she does so, she notices that the colors of her house have escaped and followed her; the girl attempts to return the colors but in vain. Soon the house becomes pale and dull, like the nondescript hues of bare trees in the winter. Upon Tamam’s departure, she leaves the entire place drenched in the color of lilac.   As a children’s story, The Lilac Girl works on multiple levels, educating with its heart-rending narrative but without preaching, accurately expressing the way Palestinians must have felt by not being allowed to return to their homeland. As the story’s central character, Tamam succeeds on certain levels in defeating the occupying forces and intruders through her yearning, which is made manifest through the power of imaginary artistic expression. In her mind she draws and paints a picture of hope, with colors escaping the physical realm of her former family abode, showing that they belong, not to the invaders, but the rightful occupiers of that dwelling. Far from being the only person to have lost their home and endured tremendous suffering, Tamam’s plight is representative of millions of people both then and now, emphasizing the notion that memories of our homeland live with us for eternity, no matter how far we are from them in a physical sense. The yearning to return home never subsides, never lessens with the passing of time but, with artistic expression, it is possible to find freedom and create beauty out of pain.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Brena the Girl with No Hair

        by Watiek Ideo

        There is a tale in the village about a cursed girl who lives in the house at the corner of the road. The girl has no hair, and people say that if she gets close, people will also lose their hair. One day, three bestfriends play hide and seek. One of them accidentally hides in the cursed girl's house. What will happen to him?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2016

        Snail Girl

        by Cai Gao

        Once upon a time, there was a poor young man who lived alone. One day, he picked up a snail on the riverside and took it home. Since then, he could see a table of hot meal as long as he came back home. He was surprised to find that all these were cooked by a girl, who was changed out from the snail. It turned out that the girl was a goddess, who wanted to thank the young man for saving her life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Classic fiction (pre c 1945)

        The Girl with a Teddy Bear. Doctor Seraficus

        by V. Domontovych

        This book contains two of the most famous works of V. Domontovych. One of them is an engaging and somewhat extravagant novel The Girl with a Teddy Bear that describes the love of a sagacious teacher and his rebellious student. The novel is also a brilliant example of intellectual prose about the changing cultural orientations and the tragic personal conflict of a person destined to live in the time of change. The second one is Doctor Seraficus. It is the story of a strange and infantile ascetic professor who preaches a peculiar sort of “Don Juanism in reverse”: the desire to love all women and denounce all of them simultaneously.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I’ll Be A Good Girl

        by Huang Beijia

        This is a novel that appeals to the kids as well as teachers and parents.  It depicts the school and home life of a primary school pupil Jin Ling, and tells of how this quick-witted, kind-hearted and upright girl, who is soon to graduate with probably a middling record, strives with great efforts, and even with some “contentions” to be a “good girl” in order to satisfy her parents and teachers.  It successfully creates some believable characters such as Jin Ling, her classmates, and many parents and teachers.  With its well developed artistic plot and fluent language, which reflect the characteristics of the time and the rich flavor of life, the novel is not only vivid and touching, but also gives much food for thought.

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