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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The Jews in western Europe, 1400–1600

        by John Edwards

        As European politics, society, economy and religion underwent epoch-making changes between 1400 and 1600, the treatment of Europe's Jews by the non-Jewish majority was, then as in later periods, a symptom of social problems and tensions in the Continent as a whole. Through a broad-ranging collection of documents, John Edwards sets out to present a vivid picture of the Jewish presence in European life during this vital and turbulent period. Subjects covered include the Jews' own economic presence and culture, social relations between Jews and Christians, the policies and actions of Christian authorities in Church and State. He also draws upon original source material to convey ordinary people's prejudices about Jews, including myths about Jewish 'devilishness', money-grabbing, and 'ritual murder' of Christian children. Full introductory and explanatory material makes accessible the historical context of the subject and highlights the insights offered by the documents as well as the pitfalls to be avoided in this area of historical enquiry. This volume aims to provide a coherent working collection of texts for lecturers, teachers and students who wish to understand the experience of Jewish Europeans in this period.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2025

        An unorthodox history

        British Jews since 1945

        by Gavin Schaffer

        A bold, new history of British Jewish life since the Second World War. Historian Gavin Schaffer wrestles Jewish history away from the question of what others have thought about Jews, focusing instead on the experiences of Jewish people themselves. Exploring the complexities of inclusion and exclusion, he shines a light on groups that have been marginalised within Jewish history and culture, such as queer Jews, Jews married to non-Jews, Israel-critical Jews and even Messianic Jews, while offering a fresh look at Jewish activism, Jewish religiosity and Zionism. Weaving these stories together, Schaffer argues that there are good reasons to consider Jewish Britons as a unitary whole, even as debates rage about who is entitled to call themselves a Jew. Challenging the idea that British Jewish life is in terminal decline. An unorthodox history demonstrates that Jewish Britain is thriving and that Jewishness is deeply embedded in the country's history and culture.

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        May 2002

        Vorläufige Festnahme und grenzüberschreitende Nacheile.

        Zur Behandlung von Flagranzfällen in Frankreich und Deutschland.

        by Goy, Barbara

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        December 2023

        Das Antiquariat an der Seine


        by Gentile, Lorenza

        Aus dem Italienischen von Annette Lardschneider-Pedicini

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Tracking the Jews

        Ecumenical Protestants, conversion, and the Holocaust

        by Carolyn Sanzenbacher

        This book sheds light on an unprecedented Protestant conversion initiative for the global evangelisation of Jews. Founded in 1929, the International Committee on the Christian Approach to the Jews (ICCAJ) aimed to bring Jewish people to their 'spiritual destiny', a task it saw as both benevolent and essential for a harmonious society. By the time of Hitler's rise to power it was active in thirty-two countries, educating Protestant churches on the right Christian attitude towards Jews and antisemitism. Reconstructing the activities of the ICCAJ in the years before, during and immediately after the Holocaust, Tracking the Jews reveals how ideas disseminated through the organisation's discourse - 'Jewish problem', 'Jewish influence', 'Judaising threat', 'eternal Jew' - were used to rationalise, justify, explain or advance a number of deeply troubling policies. They were, for vastly different reasons, consciously used elements of argumentation in both Protestant conversionary discourse and Nazi antisemitic ideology.

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        by Jeana Altbuch

        KOMMUNIST, GEBORENER JUDE – Reise in eine nicht endende Vergangenheit von Jeana Altbuch Jeana Altbuch (Marina Breitmann in dem Buch) ist Jüdin von Geburt an und aus Überzeugung, und Kommunistin aufgrund einer Verkettung von Umständen. Sie erblickte das Licht der Welt in Rumänien nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. Ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit wurde der Kommunismus zur führenden politischen Doktrin, und ihre Familie zählte plötzlich zur politischen Elite. Ihr Vater war einer der Gründungsmitglieder der kommunistischen Partei in ihrem Land. Jeana Altbuch beschreibt ihre glückliche Kindheit in einer beschützten Blase, sowie ihren dramatischen Sturz, als das System sie ablehnte und die Blase zerplatzten ließ. Ihr Vater war ein zu ehrlicher Mann für das kommunistische System und wurde Opfer eines Schauprozesses mit dauerhaften Folgen. In der Folge flüchtete sie in den Westen und erreichte schließlich Frankreich. Dort begann ein schwieriger und enttäuschender Lernprozess für sie. Eine wahrhaft bewegte Geschichte, durchsetzt mit verschiedenen Abenteuern – glücklichen ebenso wie traurigen. Jeana Altbuch bietet uns einen Bericht, der uns durch einen Kontinent reisen lässt, zwischen Kommunismus und anderen Ideologien, während sie in ihrem Leben eine permanente Zuflucht besitzt: ihre jüdische Identität. Dieses Buch ist nicht nur eine inspirierende Lebensgeschichte, sondern auch eine ergreifende Lehre über die Zeitgeschichte. Jeana Altbuch wurde 1946 in Bukarest, Rumänien geboren, und gelangte im Jahre 1966 im Rahmen ihrer Heiratsvorkehrungen nach Frankreich. Da ihr Studium der Sprachwissenschaften in einem kommunistischen Land in Frankreich nicht anerkannt wurde, arbeitete sie vorerst in einem Blumengeschäft im Besitz der Familie. 1978, nach der Geburt ihres zweiten Sohnes, hatte die UNESCO schließlich Zertifikate und Diplome aus osteuropäischen Ländern für rechtsmäßig erklärt, und sie konnte ihre Kraft in ein Arbeitsfeld stecken, das eher ihren Fähigkeiten und Vorlieben entsprach. Sie wurde Lehrerin und später Schuldirektorin. Diese Zeit, sowie die anschließende Position als Managementberaterin für Personalfragen in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft waren die glücklichsten Jahre ihres beruflichen Lebens. Rechte in deutscher Sprache sind noch erhältlich!

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 1997

        The Jew of Malta

        Christopher Marlowe

        by David Bevington

        This edition contains in distilled form the insight and learning found iun the fuller Revels critical edition, but with less of the learned apparatus that is appropriate to a critical edition. The introduction and commentary are compact and up to date. The price and format are designed to be competitive with any paperback teaching edition of this play. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 1980

        The Jew of Malta

        Christopher Marlowe

        by N. Bawcutt

        Thorough annotation and commentary. Emphasis on the political, historical and religious allusions in the play. Presented in a clear and lucid form. ;

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        Familie zwischen Tradition und Moderne

        Studien zur Geschichte der Familie in Deutschland und Frankreich vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert

        by Herausgegeben von Bulst, Neithard; Herausgegeben von Goy, Joseph; Herausgegeben von Hoock, Jochen

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2020

        Play time

        by Daisy Black, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

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        December 2023

        Hatred of Jews

        A never-ending story?

        by Sebastian Voigt

        — An overall presentation of the history of anti-Semitism based on the latest research — A necessary book that helps to recognise (and combat) anti-Jewish attitudes and patterns of behaviour even in the present day The Hamas attack on Israel is further aggravating the situation in the Middle East, and will continue to intensify anti-Semitism. And this plague, combined with Israel’s denied right to exist; the attacks in Brussels and Paris; the aggressive violence against everything Jewish in the Islamic world – is as dangerous as ever. Hatred of the Jews is old, vast and strong. The anamnesis began 2500 years ago in the Middle Ages, and came to head in the 18th and 19th centuries. It culminated ideologically in the Wannsee Conference, and became murderous in Auschwitz. Historian Sebastian Voigt provides a dense history of the hatred of the Jews – and combines it with a passionate call for courageous resistance.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        Jews on trial

        The Papal Inquisition in Modena, 1598–1638

        by Joseph Bergin, Katherine Aron-Beller, Penny Roberts, William G. Naphy

        Jews on trial concentrates on Inquisitorial activity during the period which historians have argued was the most active in the Inquisition's history: the first forty years of the tribunal in Modena, from 1598 to 1638, the year of the Jews' enclosure in the ghetto. Scholars have in the past tended to group trials of Jews and conversos in Italy together. This book emphasises the fundamental disparity in Inquisitorial procedure, as well as the evidence examined, and argues that this was especially true in Modena where the secular authority did not have the power during the period in question to reject, or even significantly monitor, Inquisitorial trial procedure. It draws upon the detailed testimony to be found in trial transcripts to analyse Jewish interaction with Christian society in an early modern community. This book will appeal to scholars of inquisitorial studies, social and cultural interaction in early modern Europe, Jewish Italian social history and anti-Semitism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2013

        The Jews in western Europe, 1400–1600

        by Translated and Edited by John Edwards

        As European politics, society, economy and religion underwent epoch-making changes between 1400 and 1600, the treatment of Europe's Jews by the non-Jewish majority was, then as in later periods, a symptom of social problems and tensions in the Continent as a whole. Through a broad-ranging collection of documents, John Edwards sets out to present a vivid picture of the Jewish presence in European life during this vital and turbulent period. Subjects covered include the Jews' own economic presence and culture, social relations between Jews and Christians, the policies and actions of Christian authorities in Church and State. He also draws upon original source material to convey ordinary people's prejudices about Jews, including myths about Jewish 'devilishness', money-grabbing, and 'ritual murder' of Christian children. Full introductory and explanatory material makes accessible the historical context of the subject and highlights the insights offered by the documents as well as the pitfalls to be avoided in this area of historical enquiry. This volume aims to provide a coherent working collection of texts for lecturers, teachers and students who wish to understand the experience of Jewish Europeans in this period. ;

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        October 2014

        Farewell, Aleppo

        by Claudette E. Sutton

        The Jews of Aleppo, Syria, had been part of the city's fabric for more than two thousand years, in good times and bad, through conquerors and kings. But in the middle years of the twentieth century, all that changed. To Selim Sutton, a merchant with centuries of roots in the Syrian soil, the dangers of rising anti-Semitism made clear that his family must find a new home. With several young children and no prospect of securing visas to the United States, he devised a savvy plan for getting his family out: "exporting" his sons.In December 1940, he told the two oldest, Mea¯r and Saleh, that arrangements had been made for their transit to Shanghai, where they would work in an uncle's export business. China, he hoped, would provide a short-term safe harbor and a steppingstone to America.But the world intervened for the young men, now renamed Mike and Sal by their Uncle Joe. Sal became ill with tuberculosis soon after arriving and was sent back to Aleppo alone. And the war that soon would engulf every inhabited land loomed closer each day. Joe, Syrian-born but a naturalized American citizen, barely escaped on the last ship to sail for the U.S. before Pearl Harbor was bombed and the Japanese seized Shanghai.Mike was alone, a teen-ager in an occupied city, across the world from his family, with only his mettle to rely on as he strived to survive personally and economically in the face of increasing deprivation. Farewell, Aleppo is the story–told by Mike's daughter–of the journey that would ultimately take him from the insular Jewish community of Aleppo to the solitary task of building a new life in America.It is both her father's tale that journalist Claudette Sutton describes and also the harrowing experiences of the family members he left behind in Syria, forced to smuggle themselves out of the country after it closed its borders to Jewish emigration. The picture Sutton paints is both a poignant narrative of individual lives and the broader canvas of a people's survival over millennia, in their native land and far away, through the strength of their faith and their communities. Multiple threads come richly together as she observes their world from inside and outside the fold, shares an important and nearly forgotten epoch of Jewish history, and explores universal questions of identity, family, and culture.

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        Historical fiction

        Bat-Ami by Oleksiy Nikitin

        by Oleksii Nikitin

        Ilya Goldinov, Ukrainian Jew boxing champion, had won the second place in the Soviet All-Union championship when World War II started. After Germany invaded Ukraine, he joins the guerrillas in the forests behind the front line. Only by a lucky coincidence does he survive and he joins the regular army as a soldier before being sent by the secret service on a life-threatening mission to occupied Kyiv. This family saga, full of inconceivable twists and turns, is told in such a thrilling, detailed and touching way that it captivates its readers after only a few pages. Bat-Ami is not a documentary novel, but its story is inspired in part by the author‘s family recollections and is based on the documentary files relating to 1941-42 secret service operations from the archives of the Ukrainian Secret Service released only in 2011, as well as from other Ukrainian archives, in particular the Museum of the Dynamo Kyiv Sports Club and Yad Vashem organisation. The fight of Ukrainian patriots for independence of Ukraine from Russia, the USSR, and liberation from German occupiers captures your attention and can become the vital lesson for present-day Ukraine.

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        by Jeana Altbuch

        UNA JUDÍA NACIDA COMUNISTA - Viaje a un pasado siempre presente por Jeana Altbuch Jeana Altbuch (en el libro, Marina Breitmann), judía de nacimiento y por elección y comunista por una serie de circunstancias, salió a la luz del mundo en la Rumanía de posguerra.  Más o menos en la misma época, el comunismo, entre cuyos fundadores en su país se contaba su padre, se convirtió en la fuerza política dominante e incorporó a su familia a la Nomenklatura, la élite de la época. La protagonista describe su feliz niñez en una burbuja protectora, pero también su espectacular caída cuando el régimen la rechaza y la burbuja revienta. Su padre era una persona demasiado honrada para la ciénaga ideológica comunista y en consecuencia, fue sometido a juicio con  efectos perdurables. Como resultado de ello y en un intento de encontrar refugio, Altbuch cruzó Europa y llegó a Francia, donde comenzó su difícil y decepcionante experiencia de aprendizaje. Se trata de una historia verdaderamente pintoresca, salpicada de versátiles aventuras, felices o tristes, pero siempre apasionantes y conmovedoras. Jeana Altbuch nos presenta un relato que nos lleva a través de un continente, entre el comunismo y otros “ismos”, mientras que su identidad judía es un ancla permanente en su vida. Este libro no sólo enseña sobre las cosas de la vida, sino que es también una conmovedora lección de historia contemporánea. Jeana Albuch nació en 1946 en Bucarest, Rumanía y en 1966 llegó a Francia para tramitar allí su matrimonio. Dado que no logró obtener en Francia el reconocimiento de sus estudios de lenguas en un país comunista, trabajó durante un tiempo en una florería regenteada por una familia.  Después del nacimiento de su segundo hijo en 1978, UNESCO validó finalmente los certificados y títulos de países de Europa Oriental y pudo invertir sus energías en un área de trabajo más afín a sus capacidades e inclinaciones.  Comenzó a trabajar como maestra y más tarde como directora educativa.  Esos fueron los años más felices de su vida profesional, que prolongó trabajando como Asesora de gestión europea para recursos humanos.

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