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      • Iron Bridge Publishing

        Iron Bridge Publishing is a new independent & hybrid publisher with a mission to spread positive and constructive ideas.

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      • Babel-Bridge Literary Agency

        Babel-Bridge specialises in translation rights representation world-wide on behalf of publishing houses and agencies.   At Babel-Bridge, every single book is carefully selected for its potential ability to travel, be it for its universal theme, its commercial hook or stunning artwork, or indeed all three.   Babel-Bridge represents mainly books from the Nordics and the UK, but we wish to grow the portfolio to include beautiful books that tick the aforementioned boxes from other corners of the world. To that end, Babel-Bridge will rely on close collaboration with subagents, who are strongly placed to identify the books that are most likely to travel, but where the rights holder lacks the network abroad.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Special relationships

        by Janet Beer, Bridget Bennett

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        July 2020

        Arlo Finch (3). Im Königreich der Schatten

        by August, John

        Das große Finale des einzigartigen Fantasy-Abenteuers von Starautor John August Nach einem alles verändernden Sommer kehrt Arlo Finch zu seiner Familie nach Pine Mountain zurück. Doch statt auf den anstehenden Schulwechsel kann Arlo sich nur auf eins konzentrieren: Mithilfe seiner magischen Fähigkeiten endlich seinen Vater aus China zurückzuholen. Doch damit das gelingt, muss er den mysteriösen Eldtrich entgegentreten und die stellen Arlo vor eine unlösbare Aufgabe: Entweder er rettet seine Familie und Freunde oder die Long Woods. Egal wie er sich entscheidet, am Ende werden beide Welten nie mehr dieselben sein. Das Finale der einzigartig fesselnden, mysteriös-spannenden Abenteuer-Trilogie ab 10 Jahren enthüllt die Geheimnisse der magischen Long Woods und führt die Leser ins mysteriöse Königreich der Schatten. Ein großartiges Abenteuer für Mädchen und Jungen, das seinen Protagonisten erleben lässt, wovon Kinder träumen. „Mysteriös wie „Stranger Things“, magisch wie „Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik“, fesselnd wie „Percy Jackson“. Vom Drehbuchautor von „Big Fish“, „Corpse Bride und „Frankenweenie“ John August. Mit stimmungsvollen Gänsehautillustrationen des Fantasy-Experten Helge Vogt. Weitere Informationen zu Arlo Finch und John August: In der Reihe sind erschienen: Arlo Finch. Im Tal des Feuers (Band 1) Arlo Finch. Im Bann des Mondsees (Band 2) Arlo Finch. Im Königreich der Schatten (Band 3)

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Arlo Finch (2). Im Bann des Mondsees

        by August, John

        Fantastisch, fesselnd, filmreif: Die Kinderbuchtrilogie von Publikumsliebling Arlo Finch geht weiter! Arlo freut sich auf einen Sommer voller Abenteuer mit Indra und Wu im Camp Rote Feder. Doch schon vor den Ferien geraten die Freunde in Gefahr: Mächte von außerhalb der Long Woods lauern auf einen mysteriösen Gegenstand, den nur Arlo finden kann. Ein lang gehütetes Geheimnis führt ihn schließlich auf die andere Seite des Mondsees. Und dort ist nichts mehr wie es war ... Endlich ist das erste Schuljahr in Pine Mountain zu Ende und vor Arlo, Indra und Henry Wu liegen lange Sommerferien. Doch wer wie Arlo in der Nähe der Long Woods lebt, für den bedeutet Sommer nicht nur Kanufahren, Wandern und Zelten. In den Bergen zu Füßen des Mondsees lernen die Kinder auch die Spuren der Wälder lesen und den Umgang mit Elementargeistern und Schutzzaubern. Denn so magisch und voller Wunder die Natur rund um Pine Mountain auch ist, so unberechenbar und geheimnisvoll sind auch die Mächte, die dort schlummern. Und die haben es ganz besonders auf Arlo Finch abgesehen. Ob er dem Geheimnis des Mondsees und seiner eigenen Familie auf die Schliche kommt, ehe es zu spät ist? Geheimnisvolle Schauplätze und faszinierende Landschaften halten große Abenteuer bereit: Sowohl im mysteriösen Gänsehautort Pine Mountain als auch in den magischen „Long Woods“ scheint alles möglich! Und das weiß Arlo auch! Irgendetwas wird kommen. Da ist Arlo sich sicher. Band 2 der einzigartig fesselnden, mysteriös-spannenden Abenteuer-Trilogie ab 10 Jahren führt die Leser noch tiefer in die magischen Long Woods. Ein großartiges Abenteuer für Mädchen und Jungen, das seinen Protagonisten erleben lässt, wovon Kinder träumen. „Mysteriös wie „Stranger Things“, magisch wie „Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik“, fesselnd wie „Percy Jackson“. Vom Drehbuchautor von „Big Fish“, „Corpse Bride und „Frankenweenie“ John August. Mit stimmungsvollen Gänsehautillustrationen von Fantasy-Experten Helge Vogt. Weitere Informationen zu Arlo Finch und John August: Weitere Titel der Reihe: Arlo Finch. Im Tal des Feuers

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Corona Chaos. Confessions from a pharmacist

        by Simon Krivec

        More than two years of pandemic is more than two years of corona clutter. Only a staggering level of helpfulness, improvisation and flexibility prevented the healthcare system from collapsing completely. In this highly topical book, pharmacist Simon Krivec tells of his incredible experiences and the stormy ups and downs of pandemic madness, missing masks and disinfectants, and the feeling of having been totally abandoned by a helpless state. We learn, for instance, of the short-term procurement of large quantities of ethanol and the transportation of the highly flammable substance, and just what lured the author – and 71,400 euros in cash – to visit the port of Neuss at night.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2024

        The Legacy of John Polidori

        The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny

        by Sam George, Bill Hughes

        John Polidori's novella The Vampyre (1819) is perhaps 'the most influential horror story of all time' (Frayling). Polidori's story transformed the shambling, mindless monster of folklore into a sophisticated, seductive aristocrat that stalked London society rather than being confined to the hinterlands of Eastern Europe. Polidori's Lord Ruthven was thus the ancestor of the vampire as we know it. This collection explores the genesis of Polidori's vampire. It then tracks his bloodsucking progeny across the centuries and maps his disquieting legacy. Texts discussed range from the Romantic period, including the fascinating and little-known The Black Vampyre (1819), through the melodramatic vampire theatricals in the 1820s, to contemporary vampire film, paranormal romance, and science fiction. They emphasise the background of colonial revolution and racial oppression in the early nineteenth century and the cultural shifts of postmodernity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2018

        David and Bathsheba

        By George Peele

        by Mathew R. Martin, David Bevington

        David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.

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        Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2018

        A Viking Legend

        The Violaceous Amethyst

        by Lennon-Ritchie, Aoife

        Aoife Lennon-Ritchie, literary agent and author, brings out the first title in her humorous Viking-fantasy teen series, A Viking Legend: The Violaceous Amethyst. This winter, siblings Ruairi and Dani Miller visit their grandmother in the legendary Viking island of Yondersaay. In less than twenty-four hours of their arrival, Ruairi is mistaken for the lost Boy King of Denmark, kidnapped by Vikings, and scheduled to be sacrificed at sundown. Granny isn’t very pleased. But when they are the only ones in town who fail to go “Viking,” the three turn to Granny’s extremely epic tales of the legends of Yondersaay, The Gifts of Odin, and King Dudo the Mightily Impressive for clues. But not all stories end happily, and Ruari, Dani, and Granny will have to write their own happy ending if things are to return to normal. The Princess Bride meets Vikings in this enchanted tale of high adventure, buried treasure, villainous treachery, violent ends, and true love.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2022

        David and Bathsheba

        George Peele

        by Mathew R. Martin

        David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2017

        4 saints in 3 acts

        A snapshot of the American avant-garde in the 1930s

        by Patricia Allmer, John Sears

        Four Saints in Three Acts by Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson was a major avant-garde phenomenon of the 1930s, an experimental opera that nonetheless achieved remarkable popular success. Photography was a key element of that success, but its complex roles in the construction, representation and dissemination of the opera have hitherto received little critical attention. The photographic recording of the all-African American cast in particular affords a unique insight into the complexities of Four Saints in relation to the Harlem Renaissance and the New York avant-gardes of the time. This book, published in collaboration with The Photographers' Gallery, London, presents a wide selection of photographs of the cast, performances, and other material - many images reproduced for the first time - alongside essays by an international range of scholars exploring different aspects of the opera, including dance, fashion, music, and avant-garde writing, as well as photography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The lives of Thomas Becket

        by Michael Staunton

        This collection tells the story of Thomas Becket's turbulent life, violent death and extraordinary posthumous acclaim in the words of his contemporaries. The only modern collection from the twelfth-century Lives of Thomas Becket in English and features all his major biographers, including many previously untranslated extracts. Providing both a valuable glimpse of the late twelfth-century world, and an insight into the minds of those who witnessed the events. By using contemporary sources, this book is the most accessible way to study this central episode in medieval history. Thomas Becket features prominently in most medieval core courses. This book allows the subject to be taught as never before, and is highly suitable as a set text.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1995

        Peter Huchel

        Leben und Werk in Texten und Bildern

        by Peter Walther

        In den Erinnerungen von Freunden und Bekannten an Begegnungen mit dem Dichter entsteht ein Bild von der Persönlichkeit Huchels. Zugleich wird ein Stück jüngster deutscher Literaturgeschichte rekonstruiert.

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