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      • Bollati Boringhieri editore S.r.l. a socio unico

        Our publishing company was founded in 1957 by Paolo Boringhieri focusing on science, mythology and ethnology. In 1987 Giulio Bollati joined the company, taking with him his expertise in history, philosophy , and literary fiction.Since then , the two souls of the publisher scientific studies and humanities have followed intertwined paths.  In 2009 Bollati Boringhieri was a cquired by Gruppo editoriale Mauri Spagnol (GeMS) a group including 11 publishing companiesand 20 imprints. On the non fiction side, we are strongly interested in every project that shows human comprehensive history.  Gems of our list include, among others Edmund de Waal , Jim Al Khalili, Nick Bostrom, Adam Rutherford, Hannah Fry,Jonathan Gottschall , Frank Close, Max Tegmark.

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      • Editions Denoël

        Founded in 1930, Editions Denoël publish quality fiction and non fiction, as well as graphic novels and illustrated books.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        September 2019

        The Science of Communicating Science

        The Ultimate Guide

        by Craig Cormick

        Are you wishing you knew all you need to know about how to better communicate science, without having to read several hundred academic papers and blogs and books? Luckily Dr Craig Cormick has done this for you! This highly readable and entertaining book captures the breadth of research into best practice science communications and has distilled it into accessible chapters that take you through both the how and the why of science communication, supported with case studies and examples. Dr Craig Cormick has been a science communicator for over 25 years, working with organisations such as CSIRO, Questacon and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. He has been widely published on science communication issues in key journals and the popular media, including ABC Radio National's The Science Show, the Conversation, and has twice appeared in Best Australian Science Writing. He is a popular speaker on science communication issues at conferences in Australia and overseas. In 2013 he was awarded the Unsung Hero of Science Communication by the Australian Science Communicators (ASC) and is currently the President of the ASC. He has published over 25 books, including having edited the award-winning book published with CSIRO Publications, Ned Kelly Under the Microscope (2014), and his writing awards include a Queensland Premier's Literary Award (2006), The ACT Book of the Year Award (1999), the Tasmanian Writers Prize (2016) and an ACT Writing and Publishing Award (2015).

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal behaviour
        June 2014

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Edited by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2025

        Beautiful doom

        The work of Dennis Kelly on stage and screen

        by Jacqueline Bolton, Nicholas Holden

        Dennis Kelly's award-winning plays have been translated into over thirty languages and produced on six continents. His endlessly inventive vision has produced a diverse body of work for a variety of audiences across a range of forms, genres, and media, from the Olivier and Tony Award-winning Matilda the Musical (2010), to the Channel Four cult-classic series Utopia. His 2008 play DNA, written for National Theatre Connections, is a set text on the AQA GCSE English Literature syllabus. This collection of essays written by leading scholars, teachers, and practitioners of theatre provides the first multi-authored study of Kelly's critically acclaimed oeuvre. Featuring an original interview with Kelly himself, this volume captures the full range and scope of his writing for stage and screen, from the quirky fringe debut Debris (2003) to the globally-distributed film adaptation of Matilda the Musical (2022).

      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        August 1998

        Molecular Variability of Fungal Pathogens

        by Edited by Paul Dennis Bridge, Yvonne Couteaudier, John Clarkson

        This volume contains a series of contributions from established European researchers which consider aspects of molecular variability in fungal pathogens. Chapters are derived from a workshop held in Evian, France, in September 1997, supported by the EU Concerted Action Air 3-CT94-2448. The volume is divided into three sections. The first includes contributions which consider and review the major mechanisms involved, the second details specific studies on variability in populations of different fungal pathogens, and the third includes contributions on methods for interpreting such variability. The workshop was intended to bring together methods and understanding from a wide range of fungal pathogens, and this is reflected in the volume where individual contributions include case studies and reviews of populations of fungi pathogenic on insects and nematodes as well as plant and human pathogens. The combination of mechanisms, characterisation and interpretation across a wide range of applied mycology makes this a significant general text for those working on molecular characterisation. The broad spectrum of topics provides a multidisciplinary reference source within mycology and the book will be suitable for postgraduate students and research scientists in applied mycology, including plant pathology, medical mycology and biological control.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1993

        Was wir wissen können

        Pragmatische Untersuchungen zum Wissensbegriff. Wittgenstein-Vorlesungen der Universität Bayreuth

        by Edward Craig, Wilhelm Vossenkuhl

        Im Zentrum der traditionellen analytischen Philosophie steht die Suche nach hinreichenden und notwendigen Bedingungen des jeweils zu untersuchenden Begriffs. Craig zeigt, daß solche Untersuchungen im Hinblick auf den Wissensbegriff zwar nützliche Daten liefern können, bisher aber gescheitert sind und im Grunde genommen am Witz dieses Begriffs vorbeigehen. Statt der analytischen Untersuchung will Craig verstehen, auf welches (praktische) Bedürfnis die Menschen mit der Entwicklung des Wissensbegriffs reagieren. Dieser Ansatz wird im Sinne einer pragmatischen Untersuchung ausgebaut und anhand von Beispielen unter steter Berücksichtigung der klassischen Analyse (»Wissen« = »wahre Überzeugung mit triftiger Begründung«) erörtert. Der so gewonnene »pragmatische« Wissensbegriff wird sodann mit Gegenbeispielen konfrontiert, und es wird gezeigt, daß ein für Menschen brauchbarer Wissensbegriff objektiv sein muß. Der bei diesen Untersuchungen in Anspruch genommene und begründete Pragmatismus steht in gespannter Beziehung zu allen Formen des Skeptizismus. Bei der durch dieses Spannungsverhältnis ausgelösten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Skeptizismus unterscheidet Craig zwischen kulturgeschichtlichen Gründen für die skeptizistische Einstellung und solchen, die auf den pragmatischen Ursprung des Wissensbegriffs und die Deutung des Objektivierungsprozesses zurückgehen. Erörtert werden dabei einerseits theologisch/religiös und naturwissenschaftlich motivierte Formen des Skeptizismus und andererseits solche, die im Umkreis der Zweckfrage bezüglich des Wissens entstehen, womit der Zusammenhang zwischen der nie zur Ruhe kommenden skeptischen Problematik und den Ergebnissen der vorangehenden Untersuchungen hergestellt wird.

      • Trusted Partner
        Exhibition catalogues & specific collections
        March 2011

        Mary Kelly

        Projects, 1973–2010

        by Edited by Dominique Heyes-Moore

        Mary Kelly, we are told, was not a feminist artist, but a feminist who made art. Designed to accompany a major retrospective at the Whitworth Art Gallery, this book contains essays and interviews which show the implications of that distinction and also the legacy of feminists and feminism in relation to art. Challenging and beautiful, Kelly's artworks address questions of sexuality, identity and historical memory in the form of large-scale narrative installations. The works are agilely discussed in contributions by some of the luminary feminist art scholars of our time, including Janet Wolff, Laura Mulvey, Carol Mavor and Amelia Jones, making this collection an essential new text in the discourse on art, feminism, psychoanalysis and representation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Pesticide Manual, 15th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Clive D S Tomlin

        The fifteenth edition of The Pesticide Manual provides the most comprehensive information on active ingredients for the control of crop pests in the world. Completely revised and updated, with information supplied by manufacturing companies worldwide, the latest edition contains 30 new entries including more than 20 new synthetic molecules. It also features 1,436 profiles and lists over 2,600 products.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        August 2009

        Applied Mycology

        by Edited by Mahendra Rai, Paul Dennis Bridge

        The fungal kingdom consists of a wide variety of organisms with a diverse range of forms and functions. Fungi have been utilized for thousands of years and their importance in agriculture, medicine, food production and the environmental sciences is well known. New advances in genomic and metabolomic technologies have allowed further developments in the use of fungi in industry and medicine, increasing the need for a compilation of new applications, developments and technologies across the mycological field. Applied Mycology brings together a range of contributions, highlighting the diverse nature of current research. Chapters include discussions of fungal associations in the environment, agriculture and forestry, long established and novel applications of fungi in fermentation, the use of fungi in the pharmaceutical industry, the growing recognition of fungal infections, current interests in the use fungal enzymes in biotechnology and the new and emerging field of myconanotechnology. Demonstrating the broad coverage and importance of mycological research, this book will be of interest to researchers and students in all biological sciences.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        December 2000

        Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops

        by Edited by Julie Flood, Paul Dennis Bridge, Mark Holderness

        Diseases caused by Ganoderma species cause major losses of palms and other perennial crops throughout the world, and these are particularly significant in Asia. Successive replanting of crop monocultures can be rapidly exploited by soil borne fungi such as Ganoderma, and the problem will become more serious in the 21st century, as more areas become due for second or even third replanting. Environmental considerations will reduce exploitation of new forest areas, making further replanting of these crops inevitable. Thus, appropriate, integrated management systems for these diseases are vital. However, the development of such control measures has been hampered in the past by a limited knowledge of the nature and inter-relationships of populations of different hosts and the mechanisms of disease establishment and spread.This book aims to address these limitations through enhanced knowledge of the biology and taxonomy of Ganoderma species. The use of molecular and biochemical methods can be used to provide a greater understanding of the spread of the pathogen, and consequently, the improved management of disease.

      • Trusted Partner
        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 4th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        Completely revised and updated, this edition of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents contains 452 detailed entries of biocontrol agents used in the production of 2,000 commercial products. It includes: 149 micro-organisms 89 natural products 140 macro-organisms 74 semiochemicals Although different in style, this publication is complementary to The Pesticide Manual now in its 15th edition and where appropriate entries are cross referenced. All those involved in the practice, administration, regulation of or educational fields in organic or conventional crop protection and environmental safety will find this a definitive source of global biocontrol information.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        October 2015

        Tree-Crop Interactions

        Agroforestry in a Changing Climate

        by Edited by Chin K Ong, Colin Black, Julia Wilson, Dennis Garrity

        This new edition provides an update on the considerable amount of evidence on tree-crop interactions which has accumulated during the last two decades, especially on the more complex multi-strata agroforestry systems, which are typical of the humid tropics. In addition three new chapters have been added to describe the new advances in the relationship between climate change adaptation, rural development and how trees and agroforestry will contribute to a likely reduction in vulnerability to climate change in developing countries

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1997

        Common Agricultural Policy, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Christopher Ritson, David R Harvey

        The first edition of this book, published in 1991 with the title The Common Agricultural Policy and the World Economy, was well received as a timely analysis of this fast-moving but important subject. However, several major developments, such as general CAP reform, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), expansion of the European Union, and relationships with eastern Europe, have justified the need for a new edition. As a result, the book has been thoroughly updated, with some completely new chapters added and others replaced. It has also be rewritten with a greater emphasis on the needs of students for a well-integrated, comprehensive textbook.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Alphabetical)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Classified section)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Complete set)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        December 2004

        Conflict, Social Capital and Managing Natural Resources

        A West African Case Study

        by Edited by Keith M Moore

        This book is the product of a six-year multi-disciplinary collaborative research program in sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. It describes the transition of the conflict-ridden agricultural and pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa to more intensified agricultural and animal husbandry systems. The research investigates technological options and decision tools and explores a replicable methodology for building social capital within a rural community in the Inland Delta of the Niger River. The chapters recount the efforts of researchers and development agents to identify new approaches for sustainable development and the experiences of the local population seeking a pathway from poverty and food insecurity to a healthy economy and environment.

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