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      • Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency

        The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.

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      • Estonian Literature Centre

        The Estonian Literature Centre (ELIC) exists to generate interest in Estonian literature abroad. ELIC organizes translation seminars and publishers’ fellowships, and coordinates the Translator-in-residence program in Estonia. ELIC has created a unique English language web site on Estonian writers and translators of Estonian literature and maintains a developing database of translations of Estonian literature. The web site and database can be accessed at:

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      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        Peligros y oportunidades de la megacrisis

        by Gastón Soublette

        ‘Manifiesto. Peligros y oportunidades de la megacrisis’ (Ediciones UC, 2020), nació con el estallido social de octubre y fue terminado en el contexto de la pandemia. El autor, así, destacado filósofo, musicólogo, esteta y escritor, reflexiona sobre la crisis social y política de Chile, la cual ha culminado con la entrada del coronavirus y conlleva el desafío de entender lo ocurrido para discernir sus causas más profundas.

      • October 2020

        18-10 Reflexion Visual del Estallido Social en Chile

        by Maria Eliana Aguayo

        Work that represents a visual testimony of the social outbreak that was presented in Chile in October 2019, without censorship or cuts. Illustrations, vignettes and comics that in an intimate and stark way show the various experiences and points of view of young artists. Visions of social criticism, community, hope, joy, effervescence, violence and pain are presented.  In this careful and attractive work, the best 86 works obtained through an open call by RRSS are compiled. It is an eminently visual book (with large, full-color illustrations and comics); trilingual (with translations into English and French); and informative (includes notes with reflections from the artists and comments from the editor).  The compilation and production of the book was in charge of the publisher María Eliana Aguayo. Regarding the creation of the book, the editor comments: “We are very happy with the success of the call, we received more than 500 works from more than 150 authors from different parts of the country and abroad (…) The hardest work was selecting, ordering and systematize all this, the works, reflections and notes”.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Profesor Sísifo

        by Álex Saldías

        Un profesor recién egresado inicia un patético y revelador camino al enfrentarse por primera vez a alumnos desinteresados y a un sistema sin interés por educarlos. Sus ilusiones como docente, la responsabilidad con los estudiantes, su creatividad artística, las posibilidades económicas o sociales son las piedras que empuja durante el año escolar. La fatalidad no está en el peso de esas rocas, sino en la montaña que hace imposible ascender. La inutilidad del esfuerzo humano dentro de un sistema educacional injusto trata de cobrar algún sentido en el caos de esta novela de prosa recursiva y ágil, pero atomizada en guías de aprendizaje, currículums de vida y autoevaluaciones pedagógicas que no tienen una verdadera razón de ser.

      • July 2010

        Ch'ixinakax Utxiwa

        Una reflexión sobre prácticas y discursos descolonizadores

        by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui

        Hay en el colonialismo una función muy peculiar para las palabras: las palabras no designan, sino encubren. Y esto es particularmente evidente en la fase republicana, cuando se tuvieron que adoptar ideologías igualitarias y al mismo tiempo escamotear los derechos ciudadanos a una mayoría de la población. No se habla de racismo, y sin embargo en tiempos muy recientes hecmos atestiguado estallidos racistas colectivos, que a primera vista resultan inexplicables. Creemos que ahí se desnudan las formas escondidas, soterradas, de los conflictos culturales que acarreamos, y que no podemos racionalizar. Incluso, no podemos conversar sobre ellos. Nos cuesta hablar, conectar nuestro lenguaje público con el lenguaje privado. No cuesta decir lo que pensamos y hacernos conscientes de este trasfondo pulsional de conflictos y vergüenzas inconscientes. Esto nos ha creado modos retóricos de comunicarnos, dobles sentidos, sentidos tácitos, convenciones del habla que esconden una serie de sobreentendidos y que orientan las prácticas, pero que a la vez divorcian a la acción de la palabra pública. Desde nuestra perspectiva, podemos encontrar en las imágenes interpretaciones y narrativas sociales, que desde siglos precoloniales iluminen este trasfondo social y nos ofrezcan perspectivas de comprensión critica de la realidad.

      • June 2019

        Mesopotamia y el Antiguo Testamento ("Mesopotamia and the Old Testament")

        by Francesc Ramis Darder

        El conocimiento de la historia y la literatura de Mesopotamia constituye el entramado necesario para la buena comprensión de la Biblia, especialmente del Antiguo Testamento. La narración del Diluvio se entrelaza con la epopeya de Gilgamesh; el Código de Hammurabi asoma entre la legislación bíblica; el zigurat de Babilonia deja entrever su silueta en la mención de la Torre de Babel; mientras la leyenda de Sargón orienta la mirada hacia la figura de Moisés. El lector inquieto por conocer la relación entre la Biblia y el mundo oriental encontrará en este libro una guía para escuchar el eco de Mesopotamia entre las líneas de la Sagrada Escritura. A knowledge of the history and literature of Mesopotamia constitutes the necessary framework for a proper understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament. The narration of the Flood is interwoven with the epic of Gilgamesh; the Code of Hammurabi looms among the biblical legislation; the Ziggurat of Babylon reveals its silhouette at the mention of the Tower of Babel; while the legend of Sargon focuses its gaze towards the figure of Moses. The reader, eager to know the relationship between the Bible and the Oriental world, will find in this book a guide for listening to the echo of Mesopotamia between the lines of the Holy Scripture.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2017

        Hoy es miércoles

        Children whose future has been stolen have only their imagination

        by Patricio Nouveau

        An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world. Gilmar lives in Bolivia and his father works in the old silver miines of Cerro Rico in the city of Potosí; Lanh is an orphan, she was taken in by the Thuy Xuân orphanage in Vietnam after her parents died when the Perfume River flooded. From their native cities, accompanied by the strange adult, they each undertake a journey that will lead them to Sas, a child soldier who, tries to escape during the Sierra Leone civil war to find his family, return to his former life and set out on a new future. The journey brings together three points on the planet, three languages and three cultures whose only relationship is a book whose photographs have disappeared since Sas was kidnapped from his school. The three boys are eleven years old. They are searching for each other, they need to find each other.

      • June 2020

        Caja continua de voces

        by Pablo Martín Ruiz

        Essays, travel journals, reflections, epigrams, visual poetry, lists, notes, paradoxes, compilations, critiques, stories, outlines, translations, palindromes, these are all the bricks with which, in the manner of a certain Chinese encyclopedia, a sort of epistemology of restriction and of the unusual is built. A necklace where no two pearls are alike: the bet, of course, is centered on the thread that ties them together. It gives the impression that the author, owner of a playful, penetrative gaze, is concerned with the poetic dimension of the pure forms of language and that absolutely nothing is alien to him.The result is an absolutely singual, stimulating, and highly entertaining book, which makes us gratefully abandon the place of our comfortable ideas. Luis Sagasti

      • Travel & Transport
        March 2015

        México y sus estados

        Edición especial

        by Kenia Salgado Sánchez, Leticia Dávila Acosta, Ana María Pérez Rocha

        This work, which aims be an approach to the plurality of our country, an overview of its natural resources, its men and women, of its vast cultural heritage, and the exciting course of its history, It has been structured in thirty-two chapters - one chapter per federal entity. That are presented alphabetically with the desire to provide the reader with easy reference. The chapters begin with a representative image of each region including: the location of the entity on a map of the country and its essential geographic boundaries, followed by a description precise relief, hydrography, climate, flora and fauna. Likewise, a semblance of the emblematic periods is offered of national history and its impact on development of each of the States. This portrait is complemented with the chronology that appears at the bottom of the pages and, that as a timeline, gives an account of the events past and present most important of the different entities. Based on the last population census, the data is presented outstanding demographics, economic and infrastructure. In the section of tourist attractions they converge in a balanced way archaeological zones, museums, historical sites and monuments; crafts, dishes and traditional festivals; beaches, forests, deserts and other places of interest. Close each chapter, with the mention of the names of those who contributed to forging the destiny of each region. Finally, the selection of photographs deserves a special mention made mostly expressly for this edition, that while illustrating and enriching the text, help the reader to reconfigure the various faces of our country.

      • 2021

        El síndrome de Bergerac

        by Pablo Gutiérrez

        I was an average girl like any other. I was going to class, I argued with my parents, I loved my friends unconditionally and, from time to time, I would fall in love with someone I shouldn't have, as happens to everyone else. There was nothing novelistic about me, nothing heroic that deserved a handful of pages, and that is why this story will not be about my parents or my colleagues or my lovers; it will not be about the routine of a high school student who is bored at school... This story will have only one main character and that character will be a nose. A famous, disproportionate nose. The nose of a hero born in Bergerac and named Cyrano.

      • Children's & YA


        by Ana Roux

        The Atlantic Ocean, 1805. Thousands of metres above thesea, the British and Napoleonic air forces battle it out to takecontrol of Europe. The ship Lionheart is under the commandof Captain Fellowes. Following a tough battle, Lionheartmakes a landing on an island populated by castaways, amongthem the captain’s daughter, Ellen. Far from civilisation, shehas discovered freedom. Both groups agree to work together,overcoming their differences, surviving pirate attacks andreturning to England. But the foundations of this alliancebegin to crack when a strange murder changes everything.Lionheart is the first exciting volume in a two-part series setin the 19th century, but not as we know it: boats can fly andmagic impregnates every echelon of society. And with moreat stake than just an empire, secrets can be dangerous.

      • History

        Irlanda y la Guerra Civil española

        Nuevas perspectivas de estudio

        by Pere Soler-Parício

        Tomando como partida investigaciones que analizaron la respuesta dada en Irlanda a la Guerra Civil española, esta obra actualiza amplía las perspectivas de estudio y abre nuevas vías de reflexión para la historiografía.

      • Moral & social purpose of education
        April 2021

        Lambs that bark

        To reimagine education from the experience of a teacher who never knew how to advance adequately.

        by Juan Izuzkiza

        Juan Izuzkiza is a Philosophy teacher from the Basque Country who reflects with irony, a warrior spirit and love for his students on the dependency of current school curricula. Why are the students bored? Why do teachers assume a role of victims? What role do parents play in all of this?   The high school anecdotes that reflect the ineffectiveness of prescribed norms outside of reality give rise to reflections on the true spirit of teaching. Do we want standard students or to help our children have a future? The thought references used by Juan Luis Izuzkiza range from ancient Greek philosophers to current philosophers, intellectuals from our country or psychologists. With them we can rethink the relationships between parents and children, students and teachers, school and society in short. Nine short chapters to enjoy an entry into reality.   There are quite a few impotent and upset parents at work, dreading the phone call. (“ *Your son got up without permission at 10:09. ”Message received at 10:17). There are many children who are upset knowing they are constantly being watched. There are a lot of upset teachers because everyone is upset. *Fragment of the chapter entitled "Bichos haciendo gestos raros" ("Bugs making strange gestures")

      • Science & Mathematics

        Del gusano cósmico al cerebro del pulpo

        Ensayos sobre ciencia

        by Juan Carlos Fontecilla Camps

        Este libro describe una historia que comenzó hace unos 200 mil años, con la aparición de la especie humana probablemente en el cuerno de África. El mundo era un lugar lleno de incógnitas a las que, con el paso de los milenios, hemos procurado responder en el largo camino que lleva del mito a la ciencia. Nuestra curiosidad e inteligencia nos ha permitido descifrar, en gran medida, los misterios del universo, de la vida y de nosotros mismos. Hemos aprendido que, tras la aparente constancia y lógica del mundo en que vivimos, se esconden leyes físicas que rigen lo enormemente pequeño y lo inconmensurablemente grande. Sabemos también que la vida necesitó condiciones muy especiales para surgir y que su evolución no ha ocurrido de manera lineal ni estable; nuestra propia evolución es el fruto de múltiples cruzamientos entre diferentes grupos humanos hace cientos de miles de años. Solo somos la rama sobreviviente de un árbol muy frondoso. Los quince ensayos aquí contenidos abarcan temas que nos han fascinado desde hace mucho tiempo, como son el origen de la vida en la Tierra, la evolución biológica, la situación de nuestro planeta en el espacio, la microbiota, la inteligencia animal, la naturaleza de los virus, y también la teoría de la relatividad y los agujeros (hoyos) negros. Si bien son escritos con un estilo científico, estos ensayos están destinados a todo tipo de lector cuyo interés sea profundizar su comprensión de la realidad y de las curiosidades del mundo en que vivimos. Si no lo sabía ya, el lector verá que no ha sido fácil alcanzar la comprensión de la realidad de la que disponemos hoy. Históricamente, las instituciones humanas tienen tendencia a dar explicaciones de lo que no entienden aún y a preservarlas; mientras que la ciencia, por definición, es iconoclasta e innovadora.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Music against walls in the Arab-Israeli conflict

        by Ana Arambarri

        With an agile, precise and sustained style Música Contra los Muros explores the influence of music on the human being in extreme circumstances. Different choral voices immerse the reader in the geopolitical labyrinth of the Middle East and tell a true and little-known story: that of famous musicians who canceled all their commitments and voluntarily traveled to Israel to encourage their compatriots who were fighting at the front. Against this backdrop, suggestive narrative threads are woven: the passionate romance of the pianist Daniel Barenboim with the cellist Jacqueline du Pré during the Six Day War; the account of Israeli soldiers, whose voices were censored for forty years, forced to participate in a war in which they did not believe; or the torn lives of thousands of Palestinians who, since the occupation, lost the right to a decent and dignified life. Hand in hand with a narrative strategy that recalls the New Journalism that emerged in the sixties, a reconciliation proposal is offered: the case of the West-Eastern Divan orchestra, made up of Arab, Israeli and Palestinian musicians, shows that thanks to music, coexistence is possible. Edward Said, a Palestinian thinker and philosopher, asked himself: Who knows how far we are going to be able to change the thoughts and convictions of these young people thanks to music? The energy of this interrogation continues to challenge the possibilities of the present, while confirming the success of an experience as unusual as it is fascinating.

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