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      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Day by day permaculture

        by Damien Dekarz

        The author explains the core principles of permaculture and gives insightful advice on how to set up our own permaculture garden. It pushes us to better observe & connect with our natural environment before planting our garden. This book will show us how to gradually grow our garden, while focusing on its versatility, which takes the form of a full range of fruits, vegetables & herbs.

      • Agriculture & farming
        April 2012

        How to Grow Perennial Vegetables

        Low-maintenance, Low-impact Vegetable Gardening

        by Martin Crawford

        Perennial vegetables are a joy to grow and require a lot less time and effort than annuals. In this book Martin Crawford gives comprehensive advice on all types of perennial vegetable (edible plants that live longer than three years), from ground-cover plants and coppiced trees to plants for bog gardens and edible woodland plants. There are many advantages to growing perennial vegetables, for example: they need less tillage than conventional vegetables and so help retain carbon in the soil the soil structure is not disturbed in their cultivation they extend the harvesting season, especially in early spring  and, of course, they are much less work. Part One looks at why and how to grow these crops, and how to look after them for maximum health. Part Two features over 100 perennial edibles in detail, both common and unusual – from rhubarb to skirret; Jerusalem artichoke to nodding onions. This book offers inspiration and information for all gardeners, whether experienced or beginner, and also includes plenty of cooking tips. It includes beautiful colour photographs and illustrations throughout.

      • Trees, wildflowers & plants

        A Handbook of Scotland's Trees

        The Essential Guide for Enthusiasts, Gardeners and Woodland Lvoers to Species, Cultivation, Habits, Uses & Lore

        by Fiona Martynoga

        This concise yet comprehensive handbook, compiled with the expertise of Reforesting Scotland's editors, covers trees commonly found in Scotland. From seed provenance and propagation to the history and lore of each species, this single source contains all the information you need to select the right trees for your site and grow them successfully. Whether you are an owner of (or volunteer at) a small woodland, a gardener looking to incorporate the most appropriate trees into your space, or simply a lover of woodland walks and trees, this invaluable reference will be your one essential guide.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        April 2009

        Ornamental Hydroponic Gardening

        by Hua Yi

        Ornamental water. combined pot systematically introduces the basic knowledge of potted plant and potted plants. and comprehensively describes the selection and cultivation of potted plants. Maintenance and management of the basic content. Detailed explanation of the 200 of hydroponic potted plants and potted plant examples.

      • Horticulture
        January 2012

        Vegetable Crops

        Genetics Resources and Improvements

        by Dinesh Kumar Singh &Harshwardhan Choudary

        Plant genetic resources comprising of reservoir of gene and gene complex are basic raw materials for genetic improvement of any crop including vegetables. The book entitled vegetable crops: Genetic Resources and improvement is a compilation of information generated through research work of many scientists in India and abroad from reputed institutes like, IIHR, IARI, GBUAT, TNAU, IIVR, CCSHAU, PAU, MPUAT, CSKKVV, BCKV etc., The book contains introductory on various aspects of collection, characterization, conservation and utilization of germplasm in genetic improvement of different vegetable crops highlighting the importance of genetic resource management and their achievement in India. Application of different biotechnological tools and techniques like, tissue culture, molecular markers and bioinformatics in conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources have been included. The issues related to biosafety regulations and IPR have also been discussed. Genetic improvement of different vegetable crops through utilization of genetic resources have been dealt in s covering all important vegetables including underutilized vegetables, seed spices and edible mushrooms. This book is very helpful to the teachers, scientists, students and personals involved in PGRE management, who wish to update the knowledge on recent technological advances in genetic resource management and improvement of vegetable crops.

      • Agriculture & farming
        April 2023

        A Field Guide to Forest Seeds

        :A Colour Handbook

        by Ashwath M.N, Sathish, B.N, ,G.M, Devagiri, Clara Manasa P.A

        Seeds are incredible because they are smaller versions of the entire plant, concealing the entire tree structure under the skin and allowing them to thrive in favorable conditions. Seeds have been known to humans from the beginning of time, and they have played an important role from nomadic farming to precision farming. These are employed in a variety of ways, including food, decorative, cosmetics, medicine, pharmaceuticals, and so on, harnessing their physiochemical or biological qualities. Seed descriptions, including phenology, distribution, and basic seed handling techniques for more than 75 tree and plant species utilized in forestry programs, have been compiled and presented with seed photos in this book. This book will greatly benefit students, field personnel, and others interested in forest nursery activities.

      • Trees, wildflowers & plants
        June 2006

        Flower Crops

        Cultivation and Management

        by Anil Kumar Singh

        Flower growing, once used to be a gardeners activity has today transformed into an astounding business. In India also, being an integral part of our rich heritage and culture, flower crops have become source of income as highly remunerative crops. Concerted efforts are being made in the country to boost the productivity, quality and export worthiness of several floricultural crops. With the changing trends and constant urge for new innovative products, this is imperative to have information about new potential crops with novel developed varieties and improved production technology. The worldwide interest in floriculture has also forced the agriculture universities and colleges for their perusal on teaching the emerging stream floriculture. Hence, the present book is a result of good compilation of recent advances in floriculture by the author. The publication entitled Flower Crops: Cultivation and Management specifies the practices and problems in growing flower crops along with entire description of crops and potential varieties.

      • Horticulture
        October 2021


        Basic Principles and Recent Approaches

        by Pranava Pandey, A.K. Pandey & Sanjeev Kumar

        The book entitled Horticulture: Basic Principles and Recent Approaches is meant for students, teachers, research scholars as well as budding horticulturists. This book covers most of the areas of horticulture ranging from traditional to recent development The emphasis has not only been laid on definitions and technical terms, but also on the concepts and their applications. Special care has been taken so that the rigour of science is not lost while simplifying the language. This book will help the students to understand basic and advance techniques and their utility in a very simple way.

      • Horticulture
        November 2017

        Tropical Fruits

        Vol.02: Fruit Science Culture & Technology

        by J.S. Bal

        The various aspects of fruit cultivation mainly covered are nutritive and cultural significance; origin, history, and distribution ; taxonomical and botanical description ; climatic and soil adaptability; propagation technology and rootstocks; plant and fruit physiology; recommended and popular cultivars; soil cultural practices technology - water need, nutritional need, weed control, inter culture; plant cultural practices technology- training and pruning, fruit thinning ,fruit quality improvement , use of plant growth regulators; special problems; harvesting and production of fruits; post-harvest fruit technology; insect-pests and diseases management ; marketing and export potential. Section-1 covers 2 leading sub- tropical fruits of the country. Similarly, section- 2 covers 4 and section-3 covers 6 sub- tropical fruits in order of their importance. Scientists working in different Universities/ Institutions and Research Stations have contributed chapter on fruit crops in their respective areas of specialization. The book will be highly beneficial to the graduate and post-graduate students in Fruit Science, fruit growers, scientists and extension workers.

      • Horticulture
        January 2018

        Temperate Fruits

        Vol.04: Fruit Science Culture & Technology

        by J.S. Bal

        The various aspects of fruit cultivation mainly covered are nutritive and cultural significance; origin, history, and distribution; taxonomical and botanical description; climatic and soil adaptability; propagation technology and rootstocks; plant and fruit physiology; recommended and popular cultivars; planning and planting; soil cultural practices technology - water need, nutritional need, weed control, inter culture; plant cultural practices technology - training and pruning, fruit thinning ,fruit quality improvement, use of plant growth regulators; special problems; harvesting and production of fruits; post-harvest fruit technology; insect-pests and diseases management; marketing and export potential. Section-1 cover 1; section- 2 covers 5; section-3 covers 4 and section 4 cover 1 temperate fruits in order of their importance. Scientists working in different Universities/Institutions and Research Stations have contributed chapter on fruit crops in their respective areas of specialization. The book will be highly beneficial to the graduate and post-graduate students in Fruit Science, fruit growers, scientists and extension workers.

      • Horticulture
        March 2017

        Sub-Tropical Fruits

        Vol.03: Fruit Science Culture & Technology

        by J.S. Bal

        The various aspects of fruit cultivation mainly covered are nutritive and cultural significance; origin, history, and distribution; taxonomical and botanical description; climatic and soil adaptability; propagation technology and rootstocks; plant and fruit physiology; recommended and popular cultivars; planning and planting: soil cultural practices technology - water need, nutritional need, weed control, inter culture; plant cultural practices technology- training and pruning, fruit thinning, fruit quality improvement, use of plant growth regulators; special problems; harvesting and production of fruits; post-harvest fruit technology; insect-pests and diseases management ; marketing and export potential. Section-1 covers 2 leading sub- tropical fruits of the country. Similarly, section- 2 covers 4 and section-3 covers 6 sub- tropical fruits in order of their importance. Scientists working in different Universities/ Institutions and Research Stations have contributed chapter on fruit crops in their respective areas of specialization. The book will be highly beneficial to the graduate and post-graduate students in Fruit Science, fruit growers, scientists and extension workers.

      • Horticulture
        January 2015

        Fruit Breeding

        by M.R.Dinesh

        Fruit Breeding is an art and science demanding prolonged time, space and intrinsic qualities. Seed propagation leads to heterogeneity and asexual propagation of elite clones leads to newer and novel types. There are temperate, sub-tropical and tropical fruits differing in photo and thermo periodic requirements. There are also parthenocarpic and apomictic fruit trees demanding special breeding methods for improvement. Aroma, taste and flavor are unique to fruits unlike other horticultural crops like vegetables, spices, plantation crops and tubers. The book unravels history of fruit breeding, biodiversity, challenges approaches and prospects, apomixes, mutation breeding, role of insects in fruit production, molecular markers, statistical techniques, rootstock breeding, breeding of mango, citrus, banana, papaya, guava, sapota, jackfruit, sugarapple/sweetsop Indian jujube and jamun. The 20 chapters in the book authored by 15 scientists from 6 Research Institutes and Universities expose readers to a new world of fruit breeding, very seldom ventured by breeders.

      • Agriculture & farming
        September 2022

        Pests of Fruit Crops

        by Nripendra Laskar, Victor Phani & Supriya Biswas

        Among the leading fruit producing countries in the world, India ranks second only after China. Fruits play pivotal role in mitigating nutritional requirement of the society as well as providing employment opportunity, especially in the agriculture dominated rural agrarian economy of the developing countries like India. In the age of Hi-tech Horticulture, introduction of new fruit crops resulted in the paradigm shift in fruit crop cultivation. Climatic changes and increment in cropping intensity reflected in a remarkable and rapid shift of fruit ecosystem. Biotic stresses like insect, mite and nematode pests etc. have also been increasing day by day. These pest problems in fruit crop cultivation are now changing in a dynamic fashion in close association with the change in cropping system and the environment. To protect the fruit crops from insect pest devastation, synthetic poisonous chemicals are the quick and easy solution which are being used indiscriminately. Considering the ill effects of these hard-to-degrade synthetic chemical pesticides, integrated approaches are the only answer to combat such a complex and dreaded problem. The integrated approach comprises cultural, mechanical, biological and ecological management strategies in association with need based and safe pesticidal chemicals. Some pesticides have also been banned for using in horticultural crop cultivation, some others are withdrawn. But information with regard to these phenomena are scattered. In this compilation, an exhaustive effort has been undertaken to compile them. In addition to elaborating the host range, distribution, marks of identification, mode of feeding and symptoms of infestation, bionomics of the pests, biological control, pesticide residue problem and measures to mitigate it have been presented by the experts from different Institutes of repute from all over India.

      • Agriculture & farming
        May 2023

        Integrated Disease Management: Principles & Practices

        by Sanjeev Kumar

        The book Integrated Disease Management is written for Students. The main features of this volume are as follows: 1.The book has been carefully designed for maximum comprehension by children with minimum effort. 2Each chapter is designed to provide a thorough understanding of key concepts and help students develop their investigative skills. 3.The content is presented point by point, which not only arouses students interest but also simplifies the comprehension process. 4.Fun time is good ice breaker and prepares the students for the information to follow. 5.Infohive inspires young minds to learn new things and broaden their horizons. 6.The language is simple and easy to understand. 7.This book will be of great help to teachers and students in the field of plant pathology

      • Sustainable agriculture
        June 2020

        Integrated Pest Management of Vegetable Crops

        by Rakesh Sharma & Peshin Rajinder

        The Book " Integrated Pest Management of Vegetable Crops" deals with a global overview IPM initiatives and review of different IPM programmes. The widespread use of IPM practices has not been adopted besides there has been a problem of diffusion of IPM practices from research sub-system to farmers. There is no unanimity with the methodological aspects of impact evaluation and dissemination of IPM programmes/practices. The book focuses on integrated pest management of vegetables, pesticide use, robust methodological aspects of impact evaluation, impact evaluation of vegetable IPM programmes and factors impacting the adoption of IPM practices. This book will serve the agencies associated with formulation and implementation of IPM programmes and will serve the professionals, investigators, and academia. At post-graduate level, the students will find the book as a useful guide for planning and conducting future research on IPM diffusion and impact analysis.

      • Biotechnology
        July 2021

        Flower Production and Gardening

        by P.K. Yadav & R.P.Singh

        Floriculture is a fast emerging and rapidly expanding industry through strong research and development. It covers all aspects related to commercial growing, marketing, arrangement of seeds and bulbs, plants, flowers etc. On the other hand gardening is all about the planning and planting of an area to secure a relationship between the landscape and plants to meet the human needs for beauty and function in the best way. The present title has been planned and designed to meet the long - felt need for a book covering major aspects of important floriculture crops. This book would serve as a reliable source of information about all the important and relevant aspects of floriculture and ornamental horticulture for various uses including production technology of export quality flowers to the persons who are associated with or working in floriculture with the latest information for further advancement. In this book important aspects of floriculture are explained in a concise and easy to understand format using simple and lucid language. Encompassing 32 chapters the book is a detailed summary of facts, figures yet in a comprehensive way.

      • Agricultural science
        January 2017

        Flower Breeding and Genetics (In 2 Parts)

        by Manjunath S.Patil & Anil R. Karale

        The large volumes of research works that have been done, and the information accumulated over the years necessitated the need for immediate publication of a good updated text book on breeding ornamental flower crops to keep the readers abreast with the current literature and development in the subject. It presents the breeding work on 37 ornamental and flower crops and describes the skills necessary for taking up the cultivar improvement program on these flowers. The opening chapters are meant to provide basic information to the subject, history and development of ornamental plant breeding and major work going on at global level. The major part of the book then considers breeding of all economically important ornamental and flower crops of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. Each chapter is supported by a comprehensive list of bibliography to facilitate readers, locating finer details of the past and recent work of the crop(s). To help readers, some topics in a chapter are broken down into short sub-sections in order to convey the gist of a subject area. The book will serve as an excellent source of reference for flower scientists and teachers too. Additionally, it should be useful to others (enlightened growers, nurserymen, flower traders, agricultural extension officers and policy makers) who wish to become familiar with the topic in relation to their professional interest. However, a basic knowledge of botany and genetics is preferable to fully appreciate the text.

      • Physiology
        October 2011

        Physio-Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Vegetable Crops

        by M.K. Rana

        This book is aimed at providing systematic information on nutritional importance of vegetables in human nutrition, physiology, post-harvest technology, biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables at a single source. The book contains very concise and precise information on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops and also covers areas like resistance against diseases and herbicides and tolerance against drought and salinity and the physical aspects of quality, i.e., shape, size, texture, colour, tenderness, etc. It also contains the information on best possible solutions of problems faced by the students, scientists, growers and trade. The information given in this book is truly based on scientific records of scientists working on vegetables in various institutes. The book on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops compiled for the students of postgraduate and postdoctoral programs is one such attempt to make them learn and understand the subject more precisely and motivate them o improve their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables crops to meet the future needs. In addition, this book may be user-friendly to others who have the concern to expand their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetable crops and wish to fetch more remuneration from vegetable crops.

      • Horticulture
        February 2021

        Production Technology of Temperate Fruit and Plantation Crops

        by P.K. Yadav

        This book is designed to cater the needs of students of Horticulture and allied science. The main motive is to cover all important points about temperate fruit and plantation crops. These fruit crops need oriented text encompassing and the latest information about various aspects, to serve as a reliable source of information about production of temperate and plantation crops. This subject of fruit and plantation crops is highlighted in a concise manner using simple and lucid language so that it is understood well. This book is written from our experience of the past several decades. It deals with several temperate and plantation crops. Each chapter in this book has been presented and well written in accordance with the present scenario. It provides an overview and recent detailed information of all principles and management practices.

      • Gardening
        June 2013

        Life, the Universe & Gardening

        by Coles, Sarah

        In each of us lies a deep psychic need to create our garden of the golden age, to find our paradise... A gardening feast for the soul. Sarah Coles has written for the Royal Horticultural Society journal The Garden, as well as The Field, Hortus, and other publications. For years she wrote a monthly garden column for the Hampshire County Magazine, assessed gardens for the Good Gardens Guide, served on the committee of the Historic Roses Group of the Royal National Rose Society and taught as horticultural tutor at Southampton University. Sarah is the author of two novels and Chalk and Limestone Gardening, A Guide to Success on Alkaline Soils.

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