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      • Trusted Partner
        Traditional medicine & herbal remedies
        June 2001

        Healing Plants of Peninsular India

        by John Parrotta

        There is considerable and growing interest in the Western World in medicinal plants and herbal drugs. In fact there is increasing debate to bring these products under legislative control in line with synthetic drugs. The Indian subcontinent is the source of many plants of medicinal importance. This book provides botanical descriptions and information on the medicinal properties of 545 plant species from central and southern India, many of which are also found elsewhere in the world. Scientific and common names (in 14 languages) are provided for each species, and they are superbly illustrated with high quality colour photographs. Main Themes: Uses of Indian plants in traditional medicine (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, folk and tribal medicine).Botanical descriptions, local common names, geographical ranges and habitat information on Indian medicinal plants.

      • Health & Personal Development

        And Then There Was Light

        by Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez

        Faced unexpectedly with Lyme Disease, Spanish Architect Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez must face illness and abandonment, while at the same time trying to take care of her two small children. She struggles to find help and treatment from doctors, until the combination of finding the right physician, and an iron will to overcome adversity through meditation and non traditional healing, puts her back on the road to full health. As the author says in her own words: "I wrote this book with a single purpose in mind: make it into a song of hope for anybody who is ill and feels defeated by pain, and have lost the will to live." This book is not about illness, is about recovery and new beginnings

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2018

        Winning the War on Cancer

        The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

        by Sylvie Beljanski

        President Nixon declared the War on Cancer in 1971. 45 years and billions of dollars later, it looks like we have lost the battle. Or have we? When a natural, non-toxic way to fight cancer is discovered, it is big news in the scientific community. But instead of being embraced, it is fiercely opposed by those tied to the pharmaceutical industry. Research by the late Mirko Beljanski, PhD,—one of the first green molecular biologists—revealed that natural molecules can selectively target cancer cells and work alongside many chemotherapy drugs. Called upon by President Mitterrand of France to treat his prostate cancer, Beljanski allowed Mitterand to reach his second term in office; but upon the president’s death, the scientist became the subject of relentless persecution. This book, written through the eyes of Dr. Beljanski’s daughter, Sylvie, tells the true story of one woman’s quest to carry on her father’s legacy and to discover a new treatment for cancer. The book combines scientific information with a tale of defiance, hope, despair, personal growth and love.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Compassionate Healing with Essential Oils

        by Joni Keim and Ruah Bull

        Aromatherapy & Subtle Energy Techniques combines two forms of healing, aromatherapy and subtle energy therapy for self-help and to help others. Aromatherapy and subtle energy therapy each effectively stands alone in its therapeutic ability, but they are extraordinary when used together.   Included in the book is a comprehensive list of 55 essential oils and their subtle energy properties, basic subtle energy techniques, and techniques for common issues such as headaches. The techniques are simple, safe, and effective. For lay people and professionals.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda

        by Janesh Vaidya

        Traditional knowledge for the modern world providing tools to strengthen our immunity by simple adjustments in our daily life.With the current world situation in mind traditional Ayurveda practitioner, author and lecturer Janesh Vaidya has written a book specifically targeting the rapidly heightened interest in strengthening the immune system with natural solutions. According to Ayurveda, one of the most ancient health sciences in the world, our body is composed with five elements, and among them agni (the fire element) is controlling our immune system, protecting our body from the attack of external pathogenic microorganism such as bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. The immune power varies from person to person, and depends not only on the person’s birth dominating elements, but also the age and season dominating elements. Without understanding these natural influences on our body in different stages of life, if we follow a general lifestyle, our agni, as well as the other elements, gets into a state of imbalance that weakens our immune system.By looking at these natural facts through the window of Ayurveda, and correcting them with personalised food and lifestyle programs, one can balance the elements in the body and maintain maximum health and immunity in all ages and seasons.The format makes the book easy to follow - even beginners are able to get straight into the practice via an easy self-test. BOOST YOUR IMMUNE POWER WITH AYURVEDA contains all you need to know to start using Ayurveda to strengthen your immune system through simple lifestyle adjustments to match your current body and mind type.

      • Health & Personal Development
        September 2019

        Organwesen - Das Kartenset

        by Ewald Kliegel

        Spirit of the Organs Cards56-card deck and book ➤ A great new way to access the spirit of our organs➤ A valuable aid for diagnosis and healing➤ Discover the organs in their essence In their first book ‘Let Your Body Speak’, Ewald Kliegel and Anne Heng gave us a guide to accessing the essence of our internal organs. With this card deck, we can deepen our connection to the spirit of the organs and their diverse interplay, opening up a great new way to access the organs on a physical, mental and spiritual level. In a healthy body, the internal organs work together harmoniously like the musicians in an orchestra. We only become aware of this when one of the organs becomes out of kilter, at which point we try to understand the reason in order for it to resume its rhythm. However, this is not enough, since each of our organs is part of the whole complex body system. By looking at what happens between the organs we can achieve an overall picture of healthand illness.The 56 cards in the pack allow us to see the ‘bigger picture’ as a whole in the sense of a well-founded psychosomatic and spiritual overall view. Ewald Kliegel developed the idea of the cards from his 40 years of experience in treating patients. Anne Heng's cards are masterpieces of intuitive painting and convey information that addresses the internal organs at an unconscious level. This allows amateurs and holistic health practitioners in particular to shed light on a diverse range of illnesses and health topics and to develop strategies from stressful situations. The cards can also be used as a diagnostic tool to provide clues to latent disorders that could lead to illness. In the accompanying book, eight techniques for laying out the cards are described in an accessible way. The possible spreads range from a simple ’daily profile‘ to the ‘health generator’ and ‘organ position’ (corresponding to family constellations) to the ‘health matrix‘, as a multi-layered overall body image.The card images also unlock unconscious soul-senses that lie hidden and with which we are not only able to see the pure function of the organs, but at the same time their inner essence. This leads to a completely new dimension of body awareness.

      • Complementary therapies, healing & health

        21st century witch

        Practical manual for the urban sorceress.

        by Circle of Urban Sorceresses.

        Heal the body, Raise energy, Restore spirit and foster love. To begin to understand what a witch or sorceress was and what is, it will be necessary to empty your mind of certain horrible images that, surely, have been engraved on it. Yes: culture in all its forms has been in charge of making us a very bad reputation and a worse aspect. But it is time to change that. It is time to begin to understand what a witch or sorceress really is. She is a woman capable of moving energies for or against something, of mastering the vibrations of the universe to obtain a specific goal. He is a person who can move and interact - and, in fact, he does - comfortably between the terrestrial plane and the celestial kingdom, becoming a kind of "human bridge" between both energetic strata. He is someone who is aware that good and evil are manifestations of the same cosmic energy and has in his hands the power to tip the balance to one side or the other.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Raise Your Vibes

        Energy Self-Healing for Everyone

        by Athena Bahri

        A fun and super-practical guide to getting healthier and happier by tapping into the incredible power of energy healing. Reiki master Athena Bahri has developed an approach to energy self-healing that combines simple Reiki techniques with tools that range from crystal and lunar rituals to chakra balancing to affirmations and manifestation.

      • Traditional medicine & herbal remedies

        Grandma's natural medicines

        by Diana Calcagno

        Throughout its pages you will be able to know the 55 most effective and easiest plants to obtain: garlic, basil, chamomile, carrot, chicory, onion, lemon, mint, walnut, thyme, valerian, etc. Special attention is also paid to honey and the other products of the hive: pollen, propolis, royal jelly, etc. The precise indications are described and given to prepare all the herbal teas, infusions, decoctions, medicinal wines, tinctures, ointments, elixirs, syrups and poultices used for the most varied disorders and diseases. As you can see from the explanations you will find in the book, acne and asthma, bronchitis and headache, fever and hemorrhoids, abscesses and liver diseases, insomnia and neuralgia, colds and constipation are easy to cure diseases: thus, you can combat headaches by smelling wine vinegar, relieve stomach pain with a nettle tisane or cure the liver with a decoction of lettuce. The place and time of harvest, the remedy that can be prepared and the dose with which it should be administered is described for each plant.

      • Traditional medicine & herbal remedies

        Your herbarium. 160 medicinal plants

        by Agosto Vecchio

        Medicinal herbs have a thousand-year history that is often lost between myth and legend. Since ancient times, the discovery of the medicinal properties of herbs and plants has prompted man to form catalogs in which they were described and illustrated in great detail, to allow identification and to recommend their use. True treasures for bibliophiles, ancient herbaria are jealously guarded by lucky collectors or in library archives. This selection, from the Library of the Natural History Museum in Paris, faithfully reproduces the splendid illustrations of the most important species and deals with their general properties and how to use them to prevent or mitigate minor discomforts and improve both their physical health and their condition. of spirit.

      • Health & Personal Development
        March 2020

        My Great Pharmacy of Nature

        by Sieglinde Leibner

        "People recollect the healing powers of nature when they are no longer able to cope with the stress and hectic pace of everyday life and react with diseases of body and soul," writes Sieglinde Leibner in the foreword to her book. She has been working with herbs and their effectiveness for decades. She has written down her knowledge in a practical way and with many personal tips - a great treasure of reliable, long-time tested recipes for home use.   ✦ detailed herb and plant profiles from A to Z ✦ tips on collecting, drying, storing ✦ healing effects and use of herbs ✦ recipes for teas, ointments, balms, healing oils and more ✦ alternative healing with vitamins, minerals and trace elements ✦ illustrated throughout with colour photos

      • Health & Personal Development
        April 2020

        The Supreme Health Preservation Method

        by Lee Yu-Ming

        Start thinking about health preservation from this book, and learn to use your body and improve your self-healing ability in 50 good ways!   Dr. Lee Yu-Ming, who is good at inspection and reading people's mind to cure diseases, has observed the common contradiction in the health preservation after years of clinical and research─ many seemingly normal and healthy lifestyles do not likely bring health. With different ages and life stages, changes in illness and physique, or changes in the living environment, the health preservation method needs to be adjusted continuously. Even if you have tried a good health preservation method, it may not be suitable for a lifetime. The needs vary from time to time, from place to place, and from person to person.   The traditional health health preservation is divided into three levels. Most people’s health health preservation is at the middle and lower levels. This can help speed up recovery and prevent diseases, but if you wish to live an ultimate healthy life and completely cure the disease, you need to master the whole concept of health preservation method: The Supreme Health Preservation Method.   The Supreme Health Preservation Method advocated by Dr. Lee focuses on how to correctly “use your body”, including three major categories: lifestyle, diet, and emotions. Behind each method are years of medical research plus the experiments so that Dr. Lee would share with his readers.   The 50 simple and actionable exercises for the supreme health preservation and they are all basic skills for living in daily life: Wash your hair with only water is healthier. Practice abdominal breathing to keep the five internal organs healthy. Eating meat causes weakness, practice vegetarian diet for 21 days. Being in a daze every day is necessary.   Many diseases occur and spread because of using the body in the wrong way! The Supreme Health Preservation Method is to maintain health, carefully deconstruct the techniques of using the body, so that your body, mind and soul are raised together.

      • Family & health
        January 2021

        The Two Hemispheres of Lucca

        by Barbara Anderson

        Written in a straightforward tone, Argentinian journalist Barbara Anderson tells the story of her son, Lucca, and the trip his family took with him to India for a futuristic treatment for the cerebral palsy he suffered from birth. Telling the story of the trip is also telling the story of how Barbara and her husband deal with the challenges of raising a child with an irreversible diagnosis. But the trip to India was life-changing…for everyone. Lucca became one of the first children to take two 28-day treatments with Indian scientist Rajah Kumar, in 2017 and 2019. Kumar is the inventor and developer of a groundbreaking neurogenesis treatment using Cytotron, a revolutionary technology. Lucca’s story does not end at the treatment, as Barbara championed the idea of bringing Cytotron to Mexico.

      • Health & Personal Development
        March 2011

        Ayurveda in Everyday Life

        Living and enjoying healthily - recipes, tips and exercises

        by Carola Ruff

        Ayurveda, the oldest handed down medical system, appeals to people who do not see themselves as a machine in need of repair, but who want to get to the bottom of the causes of discomfort or illness and help themselves. People who are willing to change their lifestyle and diet for their health. This book shows in a clear and concise form the basic principle of this 5000 year old combination of natural science and philosophy and how it can be easily integrated into daily life. After an easily understandable introduction to the words and ways of thinking that are foreign to Europeans, it is necessary to think along with them in order to determine their own predominant body / constitutional type (Dosha), by which the Ayurvedic way of life and nutrition is largely determined, so to speak the first step towards self-knowledge on the way to a healthier way of life and nutrition.The Ayurvedic daily routine is described as well as the most important spices and herbs of this ancient Indian medical system. Recipes from breakfast to dinner as well as remedy recipes and treatments perfect the health guide, which is also an excellent cookbook with light, meat -free cuisine. Let yourself be surprised how good health tastes! The author writes from many years of personal experience with Ayurveda and Ayurvedic nutrition, which she gained on her spa trips to India, Cambodia and Vietnam.

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2004

        Les cinq saisons de l'énergie

        La médecine chinoise au quotidien.

        by Isabelle Laading

        Isabelle Laading was born in 1952 and studied and taught Yoga for 25 years, as well as Do-In, and Korean relaxation, before beginning Shiatsu and other oriental health exercises. A study of acupuncture, and Chinese nutrition and herbal medicine completes her training. After her book, Chinese Astrology - A Practical Guide to the Energy of the 9 Stars, published in 1991, The Five Seasons remarkably translates the wealthy experience acquired by the author in traditional Chinese medicine, which she continues to study, practice and teach. Reinforced by its for 4000 years of existence, traditional Chinese medicine gives us, above all else, a key to the art of living that stresses prevention and the necessary harmony between man and the elements. Far from being content to treat, traditional Chinese medicine firstly proposes a healthy lifestyle in direct relationship with the natural cycles. The Five Seasons of Energy is a practical work that draws its lessons from the heart of the Chinese tradition, all the while taking into account the demands of the modern world. It is written in a clear style, which is accessible to everyone. By maintaining a perfect balance between the practical and the theoretical, the author invites us to be attentive and creative in everyday life.

      • Family & health
        September 2018

        Diététique chinoise

        nourrir la vie

        by Isabelle Laading

        Chinese Nutrition, To Nourish Life The art of eating is one of the main principles of Chinese Civilisation.  Chinese nutrition has been consistent for the past 2000 years and is founded upon unchangeable laws that preside over life: Dynamism, Adaptation and Transformation.  Eating to preserve or recuperate good health simply requires following these laws, taking into account the specific properties of the foodstuffs we eat and how they are prepared in terms of their energetic flow. Isabelle Laading, also author of the book, The Five Seasons of Energy, has been recognised and appreciated for over twenty years now and offers in this new book a pedagogical approach to traditional Chinese nutrition.  After explaining the main concepts of this system, she gives the reader practical means to use them in designing and preparing menus, urging us not so much to radically change our way of eating, but rather to learn to adapt it to our needs. The author has been as painstaking with making principles clear as she has in breaking down a several-thousand-year-old art, which is why her first book, Five Seasons of Energy was so successful.   In this book, she delivers, with the same exigence,  the fruits of her long experience, practices and teachings of traditional health arts that span 45 years of her life and include: Yoga, Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Acupuncture, Chinese nutrition and phytotherapy, all of which she graciously shares here with her readers.

      • Consumer advice
        October 2022

        The big book of the healthy skin

        The great book about natural care for body and soul with plant oils

        by Ruth von Braunschweig

        In this book, the latest findings from research, but also practical experiences from care are compiled and explained in an understandable way. Numerous recipes and applications show the simple but effective means we can use to care for our skin and keep it healthy, strengthen our immune system, mitigate negative environmental influences and the effects of stress, and ensure our well-being.  The book is a basic work in which the network "skin, immune system and psyche" is described; the positive effects of plant oils/fats and essential oils in this network are explained in detail; rounded off with recipes and practical applications. Gute Hautpflege bedeutet weit mehr als nur eine gut gepflegte Haut. Gute Hautpflege stärkt auch das Immunsystem und steigert die Belastbarkeit gegenüber Stress. Kurz, gute Hautpflege erhöht das gesamte körperliche und psychische Wohlbefinden: Gute Hautpflege ist Pflege mit natürlichen, pflanzlichen Mitteln. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, welche Rolle unser größtes Organ für unser Immunsystem spielt und warum unsere seelische Ausgeglichenheit und unser gesamtes Wohlbefinden auch Hautsache ist. Unterstützt wird die Autorin durch das Fachwissen und die ebenso lange praktische Erfahrung der beiden Aromaexpertinnen Ingeborg und Natalie Stadelmann.

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2021


        Develop New Habits for a Healthier, Happier, and Longer Life

        by Patrick McKeown

        NOSES ARE FOR BREATHING, MOUTHS ARE FOR EATING “Many people believe that taking a deep breath increases body oxygenation. The opposite is the case.” — Patrick McKeown, bestselling author of The Oxygen Advantage Imagine a breathing technique that can increase oxygen uptake and delivery to the cells, improve blood circulation, and unblock the nose. Perhaps it can help open the airways of the lungs, enhance blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, improve sleep and bring calmness to the mind. It might even restore bodily functions disturbed by stress, build greater resilience and help you to live longer. You might think this description sounds farfetched. But it isn’t. The Breathing Cure will guide you through techniques that embody the key to healthy breathing and healthy living. McKeown’s goal is to enable you to take responsibility for your own health, to prevent and significantly reduce a number of common ailments, to help you realize your potential and to offer simple, scientifically-based ways to change your breathing habits. On a day-to-day basis, you will experience an increase in energy and concentration, an enhanced ability to deal with stress and a better quality of life. The essential guide to functional breathing, learn techniques tried and tested by Olympic athletes and elite military. Clear your blocked nose, stress and relax your nervous system, improve lung function, prepare for competition and more. For use at home, in professional/amateur sports, by breathing instructors, dentists, doctors, physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, Pilates and yoga teachers, and anyone interested in health and fitness – from everyday wellbeing through to sporting excellence. Breathe Light: experience optimal blood circulation, peak oxygenation, maximal exercise performance, relief from respiratory symptoms and the best sleep you ever had. Breathe Slow: stress is a risk factor in 75 to 90 percent of all human diseases. Discover and apply the breathing rate scientifically proven to stimulate relaxation, reduce high blood pressure, boost your immune system, maximize HRV and improve blood glucose control. Breathe Deep: physical and emotional balance comes from within. Learn how to strengthen your diaphragm muscle to achieve greater endurance and resilience, calmness of mind, focused concentration and ease of movement. From the bestselling author of The Oxygen Advantage, The Breathing Cure: Exercises to Develop New Breathing Habits for a Healthier, Happier, and Longer Lifecovers new, ground-breaking topics such as how breathing techniques can support functional movement of the muscles and joints; improve debilitating conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, lower back pain, PMS and high blood pressure; how the nasal breathing technique can be a weapon against influenza and related infections especially Covid-19; and last but not least, help you to enjoy deeper sleep and improved intimacy. Tap into your innate resilience. Fire up your potential. Enhance your health. BREATHE BETTER NOW!

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