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      • Organization & management of education
        October 2014

        Good to Great to Innovate

        Recalculating the Route to Career Readiness, K-12+

        by Lyn Sharratt and Gale Harild

        Building on global conversations that are taking place worldwide, regarding what effective secondary education for students should look and feel like in the 21st century, the book will examine essential conditions to be considered. By examining ongoing practices from across continents the reader will be challenged to consider how one might reimagine our high school system, schools, and classrooms to reflect some of these identified conditions.

      • Organization & management of education
        January 2014

        Distributed Leadership Matters

        Perspectives, Practicalities, and Potential

        by Alma Harris

        Distributed leadership—engaging the many rather than the few in school improvement—has long been a promising theory. But it must be implemented effectively before educators and students can reap the rewards, including improved learner outcomes and stronger organizational performance. Distributed Leadership Matters offers pragmatic approaches for realizing these benefits. First, Alma Harris shows why harnessing educators’ collective expertise is an improvement strategy worth adopting. Then she details the collaborative processes that make it happen. Insights include: • How to translate the research on distributed leadership into tangible results for schools • Methods for building the social capital necessary for sustainable institutional change • How to distribute leadership widely and wisely through professional collaboration This book is the educator's guide to improving the learning outcomes of young people, whatever their context and whatever it takes, supporting teachers to be the very best they can be and ensuring that collaborative learning with impact is achievable and sustainable.

      • Education
        January 2013

        Thinking Through Project-Based Learning

        Guiding Deeper Inquiry

        by Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss

        Thinking Through Projects shows teachers how to create a more interactive classroom environment where students engage, learn, and achieve. Teachers will findA reader-friendly overview of project-based learning that includes current findings on brain development and connections with Common Core standardsNumerous how-to's and sample projects for every K-12 grade level Strategies for integrating project learning into all main subject areas, across disciplines, and with current technology and social mediaWays to involve the community through student field research, special guests, and ideas for showcasing student workWhether you are new to project-based learning or ready to strengthen your existing classroom projects, you'll find a full suite of strategies and tools in this essential book.

      • Organization & management of education
        January 2013

        The Multiplier Effect

        Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools

        by Lois Allen, Elise Foster, and Liz Wiseman

        Why are some leaders able to double their team’s effectiveness, while others seem to drain the energy right out of the room? In this engaging and highly practical book, leadership expert Liz Wiseman, leadership coach Elise Foster, and veteran principal Lois Allen team up to offer compelling research showing the overwhelmingly positive and exponential effect on schools getting more done without increasing the number of teachers and resources. Taking a deep dive with more than 100 of education’s best leaders, the authors explore the five disciplines that distinguish Multipliers from Diminishers and how these leaders attract and develop talent, as well as harness new ideas and energy to drive educational innovation. These five disciplines are not based on innate talent; indeed they are skills that every educator can learn to use – even when steeped in lifelong Diminisher settings. By practicing these disciplines, leaders learn how to - Attract top teachers to their school • Create an intense environment that demands people’s best thinking • Drive sound decisions by constructing debate and decision-making forums • Give their team a sense of ownership for responsibilities and results

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Getting Promoted in Academia

        Practical Career Guidance for Ambitious Academics and Aspiring Leaders in Higher Education

        by Graeme G Wilkinson

        Getting Promoted in Academia: Practical Career Guidance for Ambitious Academics and Aspiring Leaders in Higher Education offers sensible and practical advice to academics on how to rise to the top in the highly competitive world of higher education.   Drawing on the author’s wealth of experience in international universities, the book is filled with valuable tips, tactics, and strategies for building a successful academic career and growing a strong personal brand as a leading and highly respected academic.   Part of the Sunway Shorts series, this book is essential reading for every academic who wants a high-flying career, be it as a top professor, academic manager, or university leader.   Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Managing Effectively in Academia

        A Guide to Good Practice for Academic Managers and Leaders in Higher Education

        by Graeme G Wilkinson

        Managing Effectively in Academia: A Guide to Good Practice for Academic Managers and Leaders in Higher Education is a compact guide to good management practice in contemporary higher education aimed at academic managers at all levels.   It covers key topics in day-to-day academic management including managing academic staff, handling students as customers, thinking and acting entrepreneurially and strategically, and dealing with some of the most challenging issues faced by academic managers in 21st-century universities.   It is aimed at academic managers at all levels, from research group leaders and programme leaders to department heads and deans. It should be especially relevant to those who have been newly promoted into such roles. It will also be of value to those aiming ultimately for the most senior roles as provosts, presidents, and vice-chancellors.   Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        El currículo y la educación en el siglo XXI

        La preparación del futuro y el enfoque por competencias

        by Francisco López Rupérez

        ¿Está preparando la educación a nuestros niños y jóvenes para un mundo en permanente mutación? ¿Cuál es la respuesta internacional ante ese desafío de los sistemas educativos? ¿Cuáles son sus claves? ¿Cómo afecta ello al qué se aprende, al cómo se aprende y al para qué se aprende? ¿Qué exigencias traslada lo anterior a las políticas educativas y a sus prioridades?El libro pretende dar respuesta a esas preguntas y aportar a los profesores, a los directores, a los inspectores de educación, a las instancias políticas de decisión y a las familias, una visión suficientemente sencilla y, a la vez, suficientemente completa sobre el nuevo enfoque del currículo escolar que acompañará a todos los actores relevantes del mundo de la educación durante el siglo XXI. Para ello, el presente libro: • Introduce a los lectores en una aproximación conceptual a la noción de currículo, a su evolución histórica, y a su impacto sobre la preparación del futuro y el éxito de la educación escolar.• Aporta una visión internacional comparada del nuevo enfoque del currículo por competencias.• Aborda el concepto de competencia desde el lado de los aprendizajes y sobre el aprendizaje profundo.• Considera la problemática de las competencias desde la perspectiva de las enseñanzas, desde su personalización, mediante la integración de las tecnologías digitales y desde el fortalecimiento imprescindible de la profesión docente.• Se detiene en la evaluación y aborda la noción de inteligencia organizacional como instrumento potente para la mejora de la educación, en todos sus niveles organizativos.• Analiza la situación de España, extrae algunas lecciones de la experiencia y plantea orientaciones para su futuro.• Decanta todo lo anterior en una serie diferenciada de recomendaciones para los profesores, para los directores escolares y para los decisores políticos.En definitiva, facilita una perspectiva esclarecedora sobre el currículo del futuro, sobre sus reformas y sobre las políticas y prácticas educativas que condicionarán su grado de éxito.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        El Plan de Convivencia del Centro Educativo

        Pautas para su elaboración

        by Pedro Mª Uruñuela

        ¿Cómo puede un centro educativo actualizar su Plan de Convivencia? ¿Qué pasos son necesarios y en qué puntos debe fijarse? ¿Cómo puede trasladar los nuevos planteamientos al Documento de Organización de la Convivencia del propio centro?Tras un breve repaso a lo que es el Plan de Convivencia, su necesidad y objetivos fundamentales, el libro plantea un análisis del trabajo que está llevando a cabo el centro de cara a la convivencia. Y lo hace en torno a cuatro grandes temas.En primer lugar, la situación general, comprobando el grado de acuerdo sobre lo que se entiende por convivencia, el enfoque reactivo o proactivo de la misma y su presencia en los documentos institucionales, y en el día a día del centro. Seanalizan, en segundo lugar, las situaciones de quiebra de la convivencia que se están dando en el centro, desde el maltrato entre iguales hasta la violencia institucional, pasando por las conductas disruptivas y la violencia de género. En tercer lugar, se plantean cuatro actuaciones y trabajos imprescindibles para la convivencia, como son la gestión pacífica de conflictos, el protagonismo del alumnado y las familias, las normas y medidas correctoras, y el desarrollo de la inteligencia interpersonal o competencias necesarias para una convivencia positiva. Por último, se analizan los aspectos organizativos del Plan: las estructuras de apoyo, los tiempos y horarios, la elaboración del Plan y la formación del profesorado para todo ello.Cierra la obra un último capítulo dedicado a la elaboración y concreción del Documento de Organización de la Convivencia del centro, que es el resumen y concreción de todo lo tratado en el libro.Todos los capítulos cuentan con propuestas concretas de trabajo para poder analizar el desarrollo de cada apartado, valorar las alternativas y concretar las acciones que se recogerán en el Plan de Convivencia y en el Documento de Organización del Centro.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Prácticas restaurativas para la prevención y gestión de los conflictos

        20 Círculos de la palabra y una Asamblea en el aula

        by Maria Carme Boqué Torremorell

        La prevención y gestión de los conflictos cotidianos es fácil cuando se dispone de herramientas para el desarrollo de unas relaciones interpersonales seguras y saludables. Las prácticas restaurativas (PR) funcionan porque implican a todas las personas por igual en el mantenimiento del bienestar emocional individual y colectivo. Los Círculos de la palabra consiguen que cada persona se sepa y se sienta apreciada, necesaria, capaz y responsable de contribuir al logro de los objetivos comunes. Se celebran Círculos restaurativos con personas de cualquier edad, desde niños y niñas de tres años hasta adultos e, incluso, se pueden convocar círculos mixtos porque su estructura sigue un ritual bien marcado que genera confianza y seguridad a la hora de conectar unas personas con otras. Además, mediante el uso del guion restaurativo, basado en cinco o seis preguntas, se gestionan los conflictos de manera novedosa, ya que no se busca la sanción sino la reparación del daño producido con el acompañamiento de la comunidad. Esta visión humanizadora de la gestión de los conflictos es muy efectiva porque se ocupa de apoyar a la persona ofendida, de readmitir a la persona ofensora y de fortalecer al grupo. En el libro se desarrollan 20 Círculos, paso a paso, proporcionando ideas, estrategias, actividades e instrumentos que permiten comprender las prácticas restaurativas en profundidad y aplicarlas con seguridad. Finalmente, en el capítulo dedicado a la asamblea en el aula se avanza hacia el cultivo efectivo de la democracia y la paz como vía para alcanzar mayor justicia social.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        System Wise

        Continuous Instructional Improvement at Scale

        by Adam Parrott-Sheffer, Carmen Williams, David Rease Jr. and Kathryn Parker Boudett

        Actionable and adaptable guidance for extending the proven Data Wise process from the classroom to entire school systems.In System Wise, Adam Parrott-Sheffer, Carmen Williams, David Rease, Jr., and Kathryn Parker Boudett provide a blueprint to scale up the Data Wise process for continuous improvement, extending it from classrooms and schools to broader educational contexts. The System Wise approach highlights the adaptability of the Data Wise protocols, which promote agency among students and teachers, data literacy among educators, and capacity building within organizations to achieve better learning outcomes system-wide. Using real-world stories, the authors demonstrate how their data-driven model for system-level continuous improvement can respond to the specific needs and challenges of different learning communities and types of schools. They encourage team leaders, principals, and district administrators to root their leadership within the ACE habits of mind (which focus on action, collaboration, and evidence) and to work in partnership with teachers to bring coherence and symmetry to instruction throughout an educational system. The book includes detailed descriptions of strategic tasks, accompanied by examples, planning checklists, and implementation templates, to help educational teams manage continuous organization-wide improvement. This highly useful work empowers educators to align values, strategy, and resources to create the conditions in which equitable schools can be built and sustained. The practices and approaches of System Wise will be immediately applicable to any large-scale challenges educational leaders seek to solve.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Transformative Science Teaching

        A Catalyst for Justice and Sustainability

        by Daniel Morales-Doyle

        A call to action championing equity and social justice in K–12 science curriculum.Transformative Science Teaching reveals Daniel Morales-Doyle’s vision for science education that supports meaningful learning in the sciences. In this sensible and sensitive assessment of science instruction in the United States, Morales-Doyle outlines both what science education is and what it could be. He suggests that a judicious shift in the field's goals and methods—for example, incorporating practice-based teacher education, justice-centered science pedagogy, and youth participatory science—could give all students, not just those preparing for STEM careers, opportunities to be engaged with the sciences, with their communities, and in the world.Challenging science teachers to think differently about instructional priorities, Morales-Doyle draws on more than a decade's worth of teaching experience in high school science classrooms as well as recent studies in science curricula and instruction. He offers advice for middle and high school teachers on ways to center social justice science issues (SJSIs) within the context of Next Generation Science Standards and bring forward urgent topics, such as racial and environmental justice, that are relevant to students’ lives. The book features lesson plans, instructional materials, activities, and questions to help STEM educators develop their pedagogy.This thought-provoking work promotes science instruction as a venue to fuel students’ imaginations, complex thinking, and commitments to sustainability while also cultivating their sense of wonder about the world.

      • Organization & management of education


        A Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Sustainable Early Years Setting

        by Anthony. David

      • Teaching skills & techniques

        The Education Racket

        Who Cares About the Children?

        by Duncan Graham

      • Ethics & moral philosophy
        September 2010

        Of Good Character

        Exploration of Virtues and Values in 3-25 year-olds

        by Arthur, James, A01

        There has been across the world a resurgence of interest in ‘values education’ (values education is known internationally by a number of names) at school education, research and policy levels. In Australia the Australian Values Education projects led...

      • Philosophy & theory of education
        January 2008


        The Recovery of an Idea

        by Graham, Gordon, A01

        Research assessment exercises, teaching quality assessment, line management, staff appraisal, student course evaluation, modularization, student fees — these are all names of innovations (and problems) — in modern British universities. How far do they...

      • Primary & middle schools


        A Step-by-step Guide to Fundraising for Your Early Years Setting

        by Anthony. David

      • Organization & management of education

        Reinventing the University

        by Kathryn Mohrman

        “Business as usual" is no longer a viable way of running a 21st Century university. The impact of globalization, the growing complexity of the university mission and the still uncertain impact of the 2008/09 global recession all point towards a future characterised by uncertainty. Against the pessimistic scenario, however, we can discern some good reasons for optimism in regards to the university re-inventing itself for the new millennium. This book demonstrates the need for the modern university to move beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries and to become more socially embedded in order to succeed in the current competitive climate. The universities are uniquely positioned to bridge the needs of the citizen and the emerging technologies in a democratic and participatory manner. Science and technology is leaping ahead at an unprecedented pace due to globalisation, but often social needs and human ethics are not to the fore. While universities cannot retreat to an ‘ivory tower’ which no longer exists, they can engage with technology and the market to help make science serve social need and advance democratic citizenship in a most turbulent global era.

      • Organization & management of education

        On Location

        by Candace Spigelman

      • Examinations & assessment
        January 1992

        Research and Education Reform

        Roles for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement

        by Richard C. Atkinson and Gregg B. Jackson, Editors; Committee on the Federal Role in Education Research, National Research Council

        The Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) in the U.S. Department of Education has a mandate for expanding knowledge of teaching and learning and for improving education in this country. This book focuses on how OERI can better fulfill that mission in light of what is known about why prior education reforms have often failed, what is needed to enhance the effectiveness of such efforts, and what education research and development can contribute to better schools. The history, mission, governance, organization, functions, operations, and budgets of OERI are analyzed. Recommendations are made for restructuring OERI, expanding funding, involving scholars from many fields, and engaging teachers and school principals in improvement efforts.

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