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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Britannia's children

        Reading colonialism through children's books and magazines

        by Kathryn Castle

        Many European countries, their imperial territories, and rapidly Europeanising imitators like Japan, established a powerful zone of intellectual, ideological and moral convergence in the projection of state power and collective objectives to children. This book is an introduction to the 'imperial' images of the Indian, African and Chinese, created for the youth of Britain through their history textbooks and popular periodicals. Focusing on materials produced for children, by textbook historians and the popular press, it provides a study of both the socialization of the young and the source of race perceptions in 20th-century British society. Against a backdrop of promoting the 'wonderful development of the Anglo-Saxon race', textbook historians approached British India as the primary example of imperial achievement. Chinese characters continued to feature in the periodicals in a variety of situations, set both in China and the wider world. Africa was a favoured setting for adventure in the years between the world wars, and African characters of long standing retained their popularity. While much of the 'improving' material began to disappear, reflecting the move toward a youth-centred culture, Indian, African and Chinese characters still played an important role in stories and features. The images of race continued into the inter-war years. The book shows how society secures the rising generation in the beliefs of the parent society, and how the myths of race and nationality became an integral part of Britain's own process of self identification.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Empire's daughters

        Girlhood, whiteness and the colonial project

        by Elizabeth Dillenburg

        Girlhood and whiteness in the British empire traces the interconnected histories of girlhood, whiteness, and British colonialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through the study of the Girls' Friendly Society. The society functioned as both a youth organisation and emigration society, making it especially valuable in examining girls' multifaceted participation with the empire. The book charts the emergence of the organisation during the late Victorian era through its height in the first decade of the twentieth century to its decline in the interwar years. Employing a multi-sited approach and using a range of sources-including correspondences, newsletters, and scrapbooks-the book uncovers the ways in which girls participated in the empire as migrants, settlers, laborers, and creators of colonial knowledge and also how they resisted these prescribed roles and challenged systems of colonial power.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Youth and sustainable peacebuilding

        by Helen Berents, Catherine Bolten, Siobhan McEvoy-Levy

        Sustainable peace involves more than simply including youth in official peacebuilding mechanisms or recognizing their local peacebuilding work; it requires a transformation in thinking about the youth as actors in the world of security and peace. Using case studies from around the globe, the contributors to this volume analyse why states are afraid of their young people, why 'youth participation' in formal peace processes matters but is insufficient, and ways that young people are working outside of official systems to create and nurture peace on their own terms. The volume offers guidance for ways to bridge the disconnect that exists between institutional assumptions and expectations for youth as peacebuilders and the actual sustainable peace leadership of youth. Throughout, it emphasises a critical approach to peacebuilding with, for and by youth.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        November 2014

        The Egyptian Princess

        by Jane Waller

        Peter Philips, the time-traveller from 'Saving the Dinosaurs' (also by Jane Waller), now thirteen, is sent back 5,000 years to Ancient Egypt at the time of the Fourth Dynasty. There he finds a world where the wheel has not yet been invented, where the prayers of the Pharaoh alone guarantee that the Nile will provide sufficient water for the crops, and where Ra-Atum, the Sun God, has to travel by boat throughout the Underworld each night in order to rise next morning. Shortly after his arrival he is befriended by the Pharaoh's daughter, Princess Mer-tio-tess, who believes he is a spirit sent to help her. While increasingly attracted towards the Princess he finds himself drawn into a web of power struggle and rivalry. And things get worse when Peter, by accident, brings her back to present-day London, a cold place filled with sad-looking people which, she believes, must be the Underworld.

      • Biography & True Stories


        Real Dreams Really Make a Difference

        by Martha Cinader

        From ancient history to near-modern times, this collection of short stories and poetry is about fascinating people in history who followed their dreams and changed the world. The repertoire was developed in performance in clubs, schools, libraries, jazz festivals and at the International Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Included are stories about Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Josephine Baker, Queen Boedicea, Sacajawea and more.   Described as "a hip beatnick Sesame Street for grownups," the stories are engaging for middle schoolers and up, and would appeal to teachers and librarians for their educational and entertainment value. The collection would also lend itself to adaptation for an educational animated TV series.   Martha would like to see the life of this repertoire of biographical stories be extended to other mediums through licensing and permissions opportunities.   For a more detailed description please see the Supporting Information PDF.

      • Social & cultural anthropology

        The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica

        by Traci Ardren (Editor) , Scott R. Hutson (Editor)

        The first book to focus on children in ancient Mesoamerica, this vital reference offers a key methodological guide for archaeologists studying children and their roles not only in Mesoamerica, but also in ancient societies worldwide. Contributors examine material evidence, historical records, and iconography, productively criticising the claim that children are invisible in the archaeological record and elucidating an ancient childhood comprising multiple and complex identities. They explore the methodological and theoretical difficulties created when investigating childhood -- a category defined by each culture -- in the archaeological record. Sure to appeal widely to New World and Old World archaeologists and anthropologists, The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica will open up new avenues of research into the lives of this previously overlooked yet remarkably large population.

      • The environment
        May 2012


        A Collection of Short Stories

        by Tsehay Alemayehu Illustrations: Maya Bazzini Colour Waterpaint: Maria Vilardel

        Bee-Come! A call to help bees in a fun way. It connects both children and young at heart, with nature. About the book: Self-published with Balboa Press. Nature/Earth /Environment   This work was inspired by many who are taking positive action in whatever way they can to reverse the problem bees face to continue their existence on Earth.  The book, Bee-Come is a collection of short fiction stories on nature written for children.  It focuses on the plight of bees, highlights the inter-connectedness and co-existence on Earth.  Written in a very simple and unusual format it refreshes and entertains readers.     The book opens with one story that portrays children conversing with the moon about Bees.   The second story reflects on moral issue and highlights the questioning mind of young children to know and understand their surroundings and the actions of adults around them.   Stories three and four tries to remind the deep connection and oneness we have with earth and the world around us. The book is aimed for young children aged 4 and plus to facilitate connection with nature.  It  can also be an interest for people who appreciate bees contribution to the overall balance of eco-system and bio-diversity.  It also provides  list of few mainly UK based organizations that readers may want to know,  learn and participate in conserving Bees and working with nature for the overall ecological balance.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Piano Tuner's Daughter

        My Best Friend

        by Ingrid Silvian

        At a time when many of the suvivors of Nazi Germany are no longer with us, this story provides a valuable link to a new generation of children, who want to learn and read about how their grandparents grew up and survived this chilling chapter of history.   Though this book is primarily for children, the readership could be extended to young aduly and older readers.

      • Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals
        April 2014

        Fantastic Finds of Ann and Ron

        Stories in Verse for Bright Youngsters

        by Cedric Watts

        6 tales in verse of finds made by Ann and Ron.

      • Children's & YA

        The Fight Before Christmas

        by Chris McCormack

        It is the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature is stirring not even a mouse… Then out in the street a car alarm starts to beep, and Christmas Tree wakes from a deep dreamy sleep. And so begins the story of the true meaning of Christmas and whether it’s about Turkey and her trimmings, Santa and his presents or the sparkle of Christmas trees. As the Christmas things argue about the important role they play in Christmas, their excitement boils over. Will all the noise wake the children up in their beds, who are dreaming of presents towering over their heads? Rudolf and Santa, the Turkey, Christmas Tree, or the gang of presents – who or what best represents the spirit of Christmas? The Fight Before Christmas is both stylish and funny, simple in the telling, and warm in its message. A combination of read-along-rhyme by Chris McCormack and and colourful, fun illustrations by Naomi Lunn which perfectly capture the story’s playfulness. The Fight Before Christmas is an excellent picture book for parents to read to their children in the run of to our favourite festival, and is certain to become something of a Christmas classic.

      • Children's & YA

        The Curious Tale of the Dodo.

        by Anthony Cooper & Simon Kewer

        ‘The curious tale of the dodo’, is the first book in the series from the altruistic environmental brand Don’t do the Dodo. A fun introduction to conservation through the story of the dodo and written in an easy to read Dr Seuss rhyming style with fantastic color illustrations and….. the perfect length for a bedtime story! French translation available.   The second book “ Dodo and the importance of BEEing”is now in draft form following the same format and an introuction to bees and their plight.

      • Age groups: children
        August 2015

        Posie Pixie and the Copper Kettle

        Book 1 in the Whimsy Wood Series

        by Sarah Hill

        WINNER of the READER’S FAVORITE 5 STAR BOOK AWARD! Welcome to Whimsy Wood ! It’s autumn and Posie needs to find a new home in Whimsy Wood. She is battling to find something suitable. But hark! Whats this I hear jingling and jangling through the wood…..? This is a world of enchantment and wonder . Join Posie Pixie on her adventures in the 1st book of this delightful, multi award-winning series....... Book 1, Posie Pixie And The Copper Kettle, sets the scene for the rest of the series and explains why Posie Pixie finds herself in Whimsy Wood. How does the copper kettle come into it? I hear you ask! Aaaah well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out! 'From the very beginning, Sarah Hill transports her young readers to an enchanting, whimsical world, where the adventure of finding a cosy home for autumn becomes a way of making new friends...' Helen Prince-English and Literacy Advisor. 'In Whimsy Wood, Sarah Hill has created a vibrant world full of wonder and imagination that you will want to revisit again and again' Matthew Barnes author of 'The Maelstrom' 10% of the net profit from the sale of this book will be donated to The Wildlife Trusts. " The books in Sarah Hill's series are based in a woodland setting called Whimsy Wood. The series is divided into five sets, each containing seven books, making a total of thirty-five books in the series. Each book is written for a specific month in the year, so the flora and fauna change accordingly as you read through the series. Finally, there is a proverb hidden within each story for the reader to find, giving the story a real meaning. The majority of characters within the series are woodland creatures, with the occasional pixie or fairy and a dollop of humour thrown in! "

      • Age groups: children
        February 2016

        Fearne Fairy and the Dandelion Clocks

        Book 8 in the Whimsy Wood Series

        by Sarah Hill

        Meet Fearne Fairy! She loves to sing and fly but is hopeless at landing! Come on this next exciting adventure in Whimsy Wood with Fearne and the delightful woodland folk, in which sharing and teamwork play a crucial role in solving Fearne's dilemma.....   REVIEWS   "This is a warm and lyrical spring tale, in which Fearne Fairy teaches some mischievous bunnies an important lesson. Whimsy Wood is a magical setting, filled with perky woodland characters."- Sarah Hillier, County Children's Librarian, Wiltshire, UK.   "I loved Fearne's singing in this magical book. My new rabbit will be called Raspberry!" - Millie Westmacott, 5 years.   "A great bedtime story full of magical creatures and fluffy bunnies." - Freya Love, 8 years.   "I love Fearne Fairy as she's funny and friendly, clever and wise." - Ella Evans, 6 years.   "Fearne Fairy and the Dandelion Clocks is a hot, buttered crumpet of a read; full of coziness and kindness." - Beck Stubbs, Principal of Easton Royal Academy, Easton Royal, Pewsey, Wiltshire.

      • Warfare, battles, armed forces (Children's/YA)

        Beales Corner

        by Andy Frazier

        Beales Corner tells a compelling story of a young man growing up through the second world war in Bewdley, a lovely town in the heart of the West Midlands. The book actually follows two stories, that of old Jim during the war and of Tom, his grandson, who is staying in the town on holiday. However, when Tom starts to see things around the town that he cannot explain, the two stories interlock until they reach a thrilling conclusion.

      • Humour
        July 2013

        Christine Kringle

        by Lynn Brittney

        There is not just one Santa Claus, but many - each country has its own, and they are all members of the Yule Dynasty, and according to the Dynasty, the job of Christmas Gift Bringer has to be handed down from father to son. But Kriss Kringle of the USA only has a daughter - fourteen year old Christine. Ma and Pa Kringle think it's time the rules were changed, but before they can resolve the matter at the Yule Annual Conference, disaster strikes! A town in England decides to ban Christmas. Could this be an opportunity for Christine kringle to show the Yule Dynasty what she's made of? With a little help from some friends, a lot of Christmas Spirit and a flying Ferrari, she sets off to save Christmas from extinction. This is an hilarious satire about Christmas, loved by adults and children alike and perfect film/animation material. Intended as Book 1 of a series about the adventures of Christine kringle and her friends.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Bing & Nero


        by I.L. Williams

        Share a day with an inventive young boy in a story that celebrates creativity, friendship and fun.   Bing wants a dog. But his mother says a dog is out of the question. What´s a young boy in need of a friend to play with on a boring Saturday morning to do? Why, make his own friend! And what a friend his new creation is!   The product of Bing´s rich imagination and household junk from the basement, Nero is a metallic wonder. From the moment he is switched on, the house is filled with fun! And when they take to the sky for a late afternoon flight, boy and robot are in for a joyous ride that celebrates their friendship.   This debut book from I.L. Williams gives young readers an opportunity to share an exciting experience many dream of with a young boy in a story that showcases creativity, friendship and fun. An excellent book with vibrant illustrations, for parents and children to enjoy together.

      • Agriculture & farming

        The Right Colour

        by Andy Frazier

        This touching tale tells of a calf born in a pedigree Aberdeen Angus herd, an unusual calf that although is black in colour, is the wrong kind of black. Her times of hardship and degradation evolve her into a somewhat exceptional character. Now an old lady nearing the end of her life she tells her own extraordinary and comical tale of her exciting journey towards fulfilling her destiny.

      • Children's & young adult reference material
        July 2014

        Learn To Tie A Tie With The Rabbit And The Fox

        Story with Instructional Song

        by Sybrina Durant

        "Learn To Tie A Tie With The Rabbit and the Fox" is a cute story offering a fun and simple lesson for tying a "school boy knot" in a tie. It's a family activity book meant to make it fun for parents to teach their children the most popular method for tying a tie. It is so easy, in fact, that a very young child can quickly master it, especially with help of this little tale. If you are young at heart, you will be rooting for the little rabbit to escape the snapping jaws of the very hungry fox as they race through the forest mimicking the motions of tying a tie. The accompanying song can be heard for free at

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