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      • Biography & True Stories

        Spirit Mates - The New Time Relationship

        by Anni Sennov, Carsten Sennov

        Most people have heard of the terms ‘soul mate’ and ‘twin soul’.  What most people may not yet know is that the concept of soul mate refers to a consciousness realm that is about to completely disappear from the Earth in order to be replaced by the purer and more powerful spirit energy. This is creating great changes in consciousness on Earth and it also means that we humans finally have the opportunity to join together with our spirit mate. In this book the co-authors and spirit mate couple Anni and Carsten Sennov describe with love and insight the different paths and circumstances that can lead you to your spirit mate.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Crystal Human and the Crystallization Process Part II

        About the Body Crystallization Phase and Children/Adolescents of the New Time

        by Anni Sennov

      • Health & Personal Development

        Crystal Human and the Crystallization Process Part I

        About the spirit's journey into our bodies and our everyday lives

        by Anni Sennov

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2012

        Balance on All Levels with the Crystal and Indigo Energies

        by Anni Sennov

        This book is an expanded and updated version of Anni Sennov’s previous book “Crystal Children, Indigo Children and Adults of the Future” and it gives you good all-round insight into what it means to be a New Time Indigo and Crystal child/person and how the Indigo and Crystal energies, now and in the future, will affect everyone’s lives, life values and day to day existence on Planet Earth.The Indigo and Crystal energies have already arrived on Earth. Not in the form of a strong white light or a great holy Angel descending from above but through all the children of the New Time born from the mid-1980s onwards and many more New Time children are yet to come. They are born with pure spiritual energy and total balance fully integrated in their bodies.However, for adults with a soul aura structure, the New Time energy does not appear by itself. It must be chosen consciously. You can achieve this through an AuraTransformation™, which is a permanent and radical expansion of your personal consciousness. It gives you more radiance, drive and intuition and also helps you to better define who you are and what you want.It is a condition of being aura-transformed that you read this book so that you are fully informed and aware of the effects of integrating the New Time energy into your aura.

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2013

        Get Your Power Back Now!

        by Anni Sennov and Carsten Sennov

        Dear parents,Read this book before your children do, then you will be able to guide them and give them good advice when they need it. Many parents have asked us whether it is possible to teach you young people to keep your energy in order, as every day you meet and interact with a lot of different people, which exposes you to many different energies. This happens at school, in your extracurricular activities, and when spending time with all your friends, whether it is physically, or through the Internet. And the answer to the question is YES, of course you can learn how to master your own energy! That is why we have written this energy guide. Its goal is to teach you how to stand on your own feet and stand strong in your own energy, both when you are with others and when you are on your own. So whether you are on your way to become a teenager, and have a lot of friends, or no friends at all, if you are splitting time between two homes, or you are about to reach adult life and have a girlfriend or boyfriend, or just have moved out of your parents’ home - this book is for you. This energy guide is perfect for you, if you want to learn more about yourself and others without having to use a lot of effort.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2011

        The Little Energy Guide 1

        Take care of your own energy

        by Anni Sennov and Carsten Sennov

        We spend most of our time with nice, happy people – people we care about and we’d like to help and support in the best way possible. Once in a while, however, we come across people who are not good for us. These are people who try to gain access to our energy in a variety of different ways, and who we should watch out for whenever they are near us. We need to take particular care of our energy as, subconsciously, that is what these people want to get hold of. This little pocket guide can teach you how to do that. By reading the energy guide and following the instructions, you will quickly experience how, consciously, you can hold onto your energy and so be in the best position to make the most of your life.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit
        May 2015

        Golden Age, Golden Earth

        by Anni Sennov

        For millions of years energy has been coming down from above to planet Earth, with the purpose of raising the frequencies of our planet. With the dawning of the Golden Age - which began with the end of the Mayan Calendar on the 21st December 2012 - and its Golden Energy, things are starting to change. The Golden Energy and its materialisation power have been hidden deep inside the Earth for millions of years, waiting for us humans to be ready to use them in a constructive and positive way, for the benefit of the Earth and of mankind. Planet Earth is the epicentre of the integration of all energies and knowledge coming from the other planets in our solar system. The time is now right for Earth itself to take on the responsibility for future development here – and this is where the Golden Energy will play a major role. By activating the Golden Energy, you will help contribute to the Whole in the way you were born to do, by successfully living out your life purpose on a daily basis, using your spirit energy. This book will give you essential new insight as to how you fit into the bigger picture. Scandinavian author, Anni Sennov, is highly clairvoyant on the spiritual level and she has, over the years, helped many spiritual seekers to find their different consciousness platforms in life, thanks to her books, courses, workshops, lectures, transformational webinars and personal consultations. With this, her 22nd book, Anni Sennov welcomes you to the Golden Age, where you, with all your power, have an important contribution to make ♥

      • Self-help & personal development
        August 2012

        The Art of Making Love

        His & Her Secrets

        by Horner, Christine

        It is through the mind, the body, and then the letting go of the mind and the body that we reconnect with Spirit, the three merging as the One. A few come to know the Secrets in later years, many never at all. What if you knew these Secrets now? Intrinsically, we sense the expression of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is the Dance of Creation. It is perpetually alive, not just in the bedroom, but beyond, if only we but pay attention. It is this noticing that is ... The Art of Making Love.

      • Poetry
        October 2013

        The Gift

        Revelations from the Heart

        by Horner, Christine

        It is in your darkest moments that you discover a candle burning brightly within, illuminating your way. If you sit quietly, you realize that the Universe is speaking to you; your sacred, two-way dialogue the breath of life. As humanity's Grand Awakening continues, dormant gifts and treasures once only bestowed upon masters, saints and sages are materializing in the everyday experience of ordinary lives. In this inspirational pictorial, you are invited to explore your vast nature as the Infinite. The exquisite images and accompanying poem meet you wherever you are, imparting wisdom, encouraging you to open your heart wider than you ever thought possible into the realm of unconditional love and acceptance, for yourself and the world…

      • Mind, Body, Spirit
        January 2013

        What Is God?

        Rolling Back the Veil

        by Horner, Christine

        Thousands of years into human history, though we’ve advanced technologically as a species, very little has been resolved in regard to humanity’s existential dilemmas . . . UNTIL NOW. Something miraculous is happening. The invisible is becoming visible. Human consciousness is taking a quantum leap into territory previously unknown. In this provocative book, you are asked to let go of your culture and conditioning. To understand our external world, it is time to inquire within and explore the mystery anew. WHAT IS GOD? MERGING SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY: • The Unifying Theory of Everything • Science, Religion and the Brain • Who You Are and Your Purpose • Evolution vs. Creationism • The Garden of Eden • About Adam & Eve • Heaven on Earth • The Story of Creation • The Big Bang Myth • Good and Evil • The Holy Trinity • Who’s In Charge • Heaven on Earth

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        The Findhorn Book of Community Living

        by Bill Metcalf

      • Self-help & personal development
        February 2012

        Spiritual Hunger

        Integrating Myth and Ritual Into Daily Life

        by Allan Hunter

      • Psychology

        Stories We Need to Know

        by Allan Hunter

        A combination of therapy and expertise in literature, this book explains the six archetypes derived from 4,000 years of literature and how they may guide unhappy people seeking meaning in their lives. Holding up the great books as the best way to understand these timeless story elements, the discussion devotes a chapter to each of the six archetypes: the innocent, the orphan, the pilgrim, the warrior-lover, the monarch pair and the magician. Story structures are shown to be particularly suited to therapy with adolescents, many of whom have never stepped away from television and the shopping centres long enough to understand their unmet spiritual needs.This book is special because it offers a genuine, reliable guide to help us make sense of the demands of spiritual growth. The Archetypes it describes were widely used as meaningful guideposts until the modern era and the Industrial Revolution helped to wipe out their credibility. Just as the rise of religion caused the demise of magic (and with it many of our folkways, most healing modalities and the rituals of psychic healing) so the advent of mass culture reduced literature to the level of entertainment.

      • Health & Personal Development

        A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino Finisterre

        Santiago, Finisterre, Muxiôa : A Practical and Mystical Manual for the Modern Day Pilgrim

        by John Brierley

        In their search for a deeper meaning to life and to balance the stress and anxiety of most Western lifestyles, increasing numbers are taking time out to go on a pilgrimage. Many of them choose the most famous pilgrim's route, the Camino de Santiago. But more and more continue from Santiago to the ocean or return to Santiago for this next pilgrimage. In fact the number of pilgrims along this path has increased tenfold over the past decade to an average of 44,000 per annum. This guidebook contains: Daily stage maps including contour guides Full information on all pilgrim hostels Details of alternative accommodation Numerous colour photographs Overview route planner Detailed town plans Notes to help us prepare for the outer and the inner journey The guide is, also, easy to use, featuring detailed, colour maps and clear directions and is of a size that can be carried comfortably in a pocket so as to reduce unnecessary weight on the journey. There is, also, detailed information throughout the book, from preparation for the trip to returning home afterwards as well as historical notes and details of the fascinating legends and mythology of finis-terre, considered to be the end of the world in the 15th century.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        Transition to the Golden Age in 2032

        by Diana Cooper

        Explaining what will happen after the spiritual changes predicted to occur in the year 2012, this handbook shows how to tap into the energies of the universe to gain understanding of the changes taking place. Exciting new spiritual energies will be coming into the planet and influencing specific areas and, economic, political and climatic shifts are, also, predicted to occur. Renowned cosmic scholar, Diana Cooper, includes a time frame for this massive transition that is anticipated to last until Earth moves fully into the fifth dimensional frequency in 2032. From what to expect to how to prepare, the teachings in this book serve as guidance for the next 20 years, so that people will be able to attune themselves to the spiritual forces that are coming. Readers will learn about the massive changes anticipated in the next 20 years Information to enable the reader to tap into the energies of the universe to gain understanding and expand consciousness

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking

        Secret Teachings from Jeshua Ben Joseph

        by James F. Twyman

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        The Last Adventure of Life

        Sacred Resources for Living and Dying from a Hospice Counselor

        by Maria Dancing Heart

      • Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

        Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings

        Working With the Intelligence in Nature

        by Marko Pogacnik

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