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      • Business, Economics & Law

        Go the Extra Inch

        By the inch its a cinch ... by the yard it's hard

        by Guy Arnold

        Go the Extra Inch is a simple powerful syatematic approach to continual improvement in systems, processes and behaviours, both at home and in the workplace. Using the principles of common sense, this process can help find solutions to life's most pressing problems, whilst at the same time reducing cost and stress.

      • Philosophy

        Simply Wittgenstein

        by James C. Klagge

        Born in Vienna into an extremely wealthy and highly cultured family, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) grew up surrounded by art, music, and a disturbing amount of dysfunctional behavior. After studying mechanical engineering and developing an interest in aeronautics, he became obsessed with mathematics and logic, which led to his life’s work exploring the relationship between language, philosophy, and reality.   In Simply Wittgenstein, James Klagge presents a fascinating portrait of this brilliant and troubled man, while exploring his two extraordinary books—the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Philosophical Investigations—in which he gave concrete form to his singular and perplexing ideas. Drawing on 30 years of teaching about Wittgenstein at both the undergraduate and graduate level, Klagge provides a clear and accessible introduction to these seminal works, helping the reader understand the revolutionary nature of Wittgenstein’s insights and the reason they continue to resonate in our own time.   Though Wittgenstein himself was convinced that he would never be properly understood, Simply Wittgenstein shows, with brevity and lucidity, that his ideas have had a profound and enduring effect on how we think about language and life.

      • Philosophy: logic
        November 2015

        The Logic of the Analects

        by Yang Zhaoxu,LiWenwen

        Logic of Confucian Analects: In China, it is said that the half content of Confucian can govern the country, some people think that there is no relation between the chapters of Confusion, is it true? Logic of Confucian Analects written by Yang chaoming and Li Wenwen is unique, the beginning and ending is echoing, the texts are related to each other, all chapters are in their correct size.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2020

        Context Dependence in Language, Action, and Cognition

        by Tadeusz Ciecierski, Paweł Grabarczyk

        The phenomenon of context dependence is so multifaceted that it is tempting to classify it as hetergenous. It is especially evident in the case of the difference between context dependence as understood in the philosophy of language and context dependence as understood in the philosophy of mind. One of the aims of the present volume is to show that as varied as the phenomenon of context dependence is, the similarities between its different manifestations are profound and undeniable. More importantly, as evidenced in a number of papers presented on the subsequent pages of this volume, a broad perspective on the phenomenon of context dependence helps us to re-apply theories devised for one of the subfields of philosophy to the other subfields. Since the connections and analogies between many uses of contextualism may not be initially obvious, keeping an open perspective and the willingness to learn from the work of others may sometimes be crucial for finding new, satisfactory solutions.

      • Philosophy of mind

        Materialistic Philosophy and Human Analysis

        by Abdel Wahab El-Messiri

        Material philosophy and human dismantling D.Abdel Wahab El-Messiri The Egyptian writer and famous thinker D.Abdel Wahab El-Messiri is one of the most important researchers and sociologists in the Arab world and the whole world has been touched by his influential ideas and analytical and critical ideas of all social, political, philosophical and psychological phenomena affecting the nature, requirements and needs of human beings. he was able to create a new scientific and objective view of the Jewish phenomenon and Western modernity in general. And also lived his whole life studying Arab and Western cultures then came out with a large number of literal works that shaped the consciousness of many after him. In this book we read about the concept of philosophy absent from many readers and its shortcomings and we will learn about a clear critical concept of it and its impact on the life of the individual in particular and society in general, We will go deeper into reading about the phenomenon of racism and differences of thought between humans in all parts of the world. and on the idea of equality and how different minds address it and seek to implement it, And about the nature of man's understanding of himself and the people around him away from the idea of comparing behaviors, attitudes and opinions, this rare book dives into how the world is seen from a physical perspective and changes how we understand things and human nature. In analytical studies of this book, it was shown that it is one of the best books that provided adequate explanation of man's needs and possibilities in the creation, development and even preservation of civilizations from decay and degradation And it's also one of the best critical studies that has talked about science and technology and their impact on societies and thought over modern times that are very different from before. This book is a true reflection of Arab thought in the past 20 years. and a great influence on the nature of Arab peoples and their perception of the end of history and the world, It is also an important picture of the concept of modernity, which has become one of the most important themes of the day. and the emergence of a new world order that has brought about historical developments that can never be ignored, and the depth of the world's cultural and economic crisis as a whole. .

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Women Are a Man-made Problem

        by Dr. Nabil Farouk

        Women are a man-made problem D. Nabil Farouk The Egyptian writer D.Nabil Farouk is a pioneer of Writing about spy secrets and nature in the Arab world, and one of the most important authors of science fiction novels, thriller, crime, mystery and suspense. He has the most unique novels series called "Man of Impossible", which was written in one hundred and sixty parts and received with great feedback and positive criticism among readers of different ages and tastes. He also has A number of influential books in Arab thought that discussed various issues of interest to the individual and society in their past, present and future as well. This book discussed an issue that has long preoccupied Arab and international public opinion which is the relationship between men and women or we can say the highest topic that does not fade with changing times, ideas and desires, Because their relationship affects the whole course of life and the evolution of man and society and hence the book addresses an important collection of articles discussing the relationship between men and women in multiple frameworks, including the main cause of gender disagreement, Differing thinking and dealing in different situations, discussing everything that affects their minds from education to different life conditions. This book has a great impact on societal awareness about the gender relationship, giving us special ways to achieve compatibility and complementarity between men and women, how to support feelings and love between them so that they persist and become stronger than we think. It also lays out solutions for discussion, exchange of views and acceptance of the other in a way that makes us more aware and better able to manage differences and differences above all else. .

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