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    • Language teaching & learning material & courseworkx
    • Teaching, Language & Reference
      December 2014

      Your Writing Well

      by Dr. Bob Davis

      Fifteen essays for anyone in any profession or academic level, Your Writing Well studies every aspect of the writing process, providing faster means to better products than do narrowly focused trade handbooks and academic texts. Having combed through writing pedagogy and cut through nonsense about composition and grammar, Dr. Davis provides an all-inclusive set of theory highlighting logic-based skills and practical strategies to create, develop, defend, and communicate coherently organized, well-expressed thoughts. Not marketed for dummies, Your Writing Well assumes readers have the smarts to follow mature common-sense guidance, grasp examples, and thus compensate for their existing lack of knowledge of what to do, how and why to do it, and where. Informed not by needless prohibitions but by relaxed, reassuring balances of freedom and prudent regulation, Your Writing Well is a comprehensive cure for all writers’ ailments and deficiencies.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      General Persian Language(1), Teaching Persian Language - Learning Skills

      by Ahmad Kolivandi, Ali Fatemi Manesh And Ali Poormand

      Persian is a good word and has a fixed principle and it is expected that it will develop day by day and the world will be able to make many uses of this language. Supreme Leader This book is related to teaching Persian language and has different parts that include reading, writing, listening and teaching Persian language. The use of the course of these books for learning Persian language is strongly emphasized.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      General Persian Language(2), Teaching Persian Language - Learning Skills

      by Ahmad Kolivandi, Ali Fatemi Manesh, Ali Poormandi

      Persian is a good word and has a fixed principle and it is expected that it will develop day by day and the world will be able to make many uses of this language. Supreme Leader This book is related to teaching Persian language and has different parts that include reading, writing, listening and teaching Persian language. The use of the course of these books for learning Persian language is strongly emphasized.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      Listening(4), Persian language teaching - listening skills

      by Ahmad Kolivandi And Ali Fatemi Manesh

      Persian is a good word and has a fixed principle and it is expected that it will develop day by day and the world will be able to make many uses of this language. Supreme Leader This book is related to teaching Persian language and has different parts that include reading, writing, listening and teaching Persian language. The use of the course of these books for learning Persian language is strongly emphasized.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference
      February 2013


      by Shiro

      Foreign language ability is an essential skill in our current era of globalization, but not everyone feels they can learn new languages easily. While it may come naturally to some, for most of us learning a language feels like drowning in a sea of new vocabulary, with no signs of progress in sight. For author Shiro, learning a language isn’t about sitting at your desk memorizing heaps of vocabulary — it emerges naturally from life experience. While driving through Myanmar he used a stack of flashcards to help him chat with gas station attendants and other drivers he met along the way. He immersed himself in Spanish by taking a cruise of Latin American ports for two months, seizing every opportunity to converse with locals. Designing his own personal “Language Immersion Camps” is Shiro’s passion, allowing him to experience foreign cultures as he masters a new language. Languages are tools for exploring the world, according to Shiro. Using the local language helps you forge stronger relationships with local people, and unlocks opportunities to more deeply engage with a culture. Foreign language ability allows you to choose your own adventure, far off the beaten path of the usual tourist destinations. For Shiro, learning languages is a hobby, like learning to play an instrument, or learning to cook, except the effort we put in is doubly rewarded: while we master a new skill we also expand our view of the world, making friends with people across the world. In this book, Shiro highlights ten important lessons about language learning. Backed by personal experience and a wealth of academic research, Shiro has constructed a comprehensive chart of the language learning journey to help guide readers. By learning to see language learning as a pursuit that transcends our traditional notions of classroom study, readers will be inspired to formulate their own adventurous plans for language mastery.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      Reading(1): Persian language teaching - reading skills

      by Ahmad Kolivandi and others

      Persian is a good word and has a fixed principle and it is expected that it will develop day by day and the world will be able to make many uses of this language. Supreme Leader This book is related to teaching Persian language and has different parts that include reading, writing, listening and teaching Persian language. The use of the course of these books for learning Persian language is strongly emphasized.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      Reading: Persian language teaching - reading skills 2

      by Masoomeh Kermani and Others

      Persian is a good word and has a fixed principle and it is expected that it will develop day by day and the world will be able to make many uses of this language. Supreme Leader This book is related to teaching Persian language and has different parts that include reading, writing, listening and teaching Persian language. The use of the course of these books for learning Persian language is strongly emphasized.

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      ВИД ГЛАЛОЛА : правилa и употреблениe

      by С. Х. ЗАХРАИ , М.Ю. СИДОРОВА

      ПредисловиеРаздел I. Общие правила образования и употребления видовых формРаздел II. Глагольный вид в инфинитивеРаздел III. Вид в глаголах движенияКлючи к заданиям

    • Teaching, Language & Reference

      Easy-to-Read Chinese Short Stories, Book 1

      by April Zhang and Jeff Pepper

      This is the first book in the series that is for Chinese learners and by Chinese learners. Early in 2021, Chinese learners worldwide were invited to participate in the first MSL Master Chinese Writing contest. Entries were limited to using 320 unique Chinese characters. Out of 82 submissions, 17 of them were ranked the highest in a public vote on Twitter. These top-ranked works are included in this book, a wonderful collection of very short stories, poems and a mini play. The 17 authors were from eight different regions and countries. Some were younger; some older. Some were still studying in schools; some were working professionals. Some had not studied Chinese for long; Some had put in many years of time and effort. Most of them were learning Chinese in a non-Chinese speaking environment. Most of them were learning Chinese as a second or a third language. Despite all their differences, they shared the passion for Chinese and they were brought together in this Chinese Writing Contest. Together, they had created worlds that were full of love, desire and ambition. From these entries, you’ll see that their Chinese language skills are varied. In their hands, the 320 characters were like a sheet of loose sand, some made a cute figurine; some made a magnificent castle; some made a powerful computer chip. Some writings were lyrical and simple, easy to understand; some used more literary language to present a complex picture. This unevenness, this natural spectrum often found in any Chinese classes, demonstrates necessary stages in learning progress. As a result, this book can be appreciated by both beginner students and advanced students. Don’t consider this book as a magnum opus. Instead, appreciate the sparkling minds and original thoughts from all these burgeoning authors. Their writing careers did not stop at 320 Chinese characters. Some of them may shine in the literary world in the future. We’ll be glad to claim the credit that we have had the first glimpse. Also, you may not like all 17 of them. That’s the way it is for everything. It’s like listening to radio. Different people prefer different songs. If you can be inspired by some, this book serves its purpose. A sample story and a free audio book are available here:

    • Teaching, Language & Reference
      November 2022

      Easy-to-Read Chinese Short Stories, Book 2

      by April Zhang and Carlton Cash

      This is the second book in the series that is for Chinese learners and by Chinese learners. Since 2021, MSL Master has invited Chinese language learners worldwide to participate in an annual event, Chinese Writing Contest. Entries are limited to using 320 Chinese characters only. In 2022, 58 entries were received. After a public vote on Twitter, the best 14 were included in this book. These are interesting stories and moving poems. Family, friendship and love are the main themes. The presence of nature is prominent. An element of inexplicable phenomena is also felt. The authors were from seven countries, Malaysia, China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The oldest one was 70 years old, while the youngest one only 13. They shared a passion for the Chinese language and the love of a good challenge! Their abilities of moulding these 320 characters were varied. While some were skilful, others were still feeling their ways and trying inventive combinations. While some relied on literary language, others preferred using simple expressions to express deep meanings. Because of its unique mixture of texts, this book has something for evereyone, regardless whether you are beginners or advanced Chinese language learners. Free audio and a sample story are available here:

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      Noise From The Writing Center

      by Elizabeth Boquet

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      Genre And The Invention Of The Writer

      Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition

      by Anis Bawarshi

      In a focused and compelling discussion, Anis Bawarshi looks to genre theory for what it can contribute to a refined understanding of invention. In describing what he calls "the genre function," he explores what is at stake for the study and teaching of writing to imagine invention as a way that writers locate themselves, via genres, within various positions and activities. He argues, in fact, that invention is a process in which writers are acted upon by genres as much as they act themselves. Such an approach naturally requires the composition scholar to re-place invention from the writer to the sites of action, the genres, in which the writer participates. This move calls for a thoroughly rhetorical view of invention, roughly in the tradition of Richard Young, Janice Lauer, and those who have followed them. Bawarshi is also keenly interested in the writing classroom. Instead of mastering notions of "good" writing, Bawarshi feels that students gain more from learning how to adapt socially and rhetorically as they move from one "genred" site of action to the next. He explores the major genres of the classroom (the syllabus, the writing prompt) as a way to introduce such an approach. He argues strongly and concretely for making the rhetorical art of adaptation central to first-year writing instruction, empowering students to navigate disciplinary and professional boundaries that await them beyond the writing classroom. A provocative and persuasive book, Genre and the Invention of the Writer will be of interest not only to genre theorists, but also to the writing teacher, the WPA, and those involved with WID/WAC programs.

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      A Field Of Dreams

      Independent Writing Programs and the Future of Composition Studies

      by ed. Peggy O'Neill, Angela Crow, & Larry Burton

      One of the first collections to focus on independent writing programs, A Field of Dreams offers a complex picture of the experience of the stand-alone. Included here are narratives of individual programs from a wide range of institutions, exploring such issues as what institutional issues led to their independence, how independence solved or created administrative problems, how it changed the culture of the writing program and faculty sense of purpose, success, or failure. Further chapters build larger ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of stand-alone status, covering labor issues, promotion/tenure issues, institutional politics, and others. A retrospective on the famous controversy at Minnesota is included, along with a look at the long-established independent programs at Harvard and Syracuse. Finally, the book considers disciplinary questions raised by the growth of stand-alone programs. Authors here respond with critique and reflection to ideas raised by other chapters—do current independent models inadvertently diminish the influence of rhetoric and composition scholarship? Do they tend to ignore the outward movement of literacy toward technology? Can they be structured to enhance interdisciplinary or writing-across-the-curriculum efforts? Can independent programs play a more influential role in the university than they do from the English department? O'Neill and company aim both to look closely at particular independent writing programs and to situate them broadly in the current scene of composition scholarship, administration, English studies, and the university.

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      (First Person)2

      A Study of co-authoring in the Academy

      by Kami Day

      In (First Person)2, Day and Eodice offer one of the few book-length studies of co-authoring in academic fields since Lunsford and Ede published theirs over a decade ago. The central research here involves in-depth interviews with ten successful academic collaborators from a range of disciplines and settings. The interviews explore the narratives of these informants' experience—what brought them to collaborate, what cognitive and logistical processes were involved as they worked together, what is the status of collaborated work in their field, and so on—and situate these informants within the broader discussion of collaboration theory and research as it has been articulated over the last ten years. As the study develops, Day and Eodice become most interested in the affective domain of co-authorship, and they find the most promising explorations of that domain in the work of feminist theorists in composition. Against a background of feminist theory, the reflections of these informants and authors not only provide a window into the processes of current scholarship in writing, but also come to stand as a critique of traditional practice in English departments. Throughout the book, the two co-authors interrupt themselves with reflections of their own, on the rejection long ago of their proposal to co-author a dissertation, on their presuppositions about their research, on their developing commitment to the framework of feminist theory to account for their findings, and on their own processes and challenges in writing this book. The result is a well-centered volume that is disciplined and restrained in its presentation of research, but which is layered and multivocal in presentation, and which ends with some provocative conclusions. A rewarding and challenging read, (First Person)2 will be much in request by composition scholars for use in their own research, in their teaching, and with their graduate students.

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      Process This

      by Nancy Dejoy

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      English Composition As A Happening

      by Geoffrey Sirc

      I once whimsically introduced Geoff Sirc as the most dangerous man in writing instruction. His new book proves me correct. —Victor Vitanza Almost everyone will be upset by this book. I feel that I'm a part of the audience he seeks, and I have been deeply disturbed—and prompted to careful thought—by Sirc's critique of the cultural studies tenets that I hold dear. Good books, of course, do upset people, and they should. —Patricia Harkin Sirc has accomplished an enviable stance in his theorizing, working not in direct opposition to materials and attitudes that have little bearing on learning to write, but outside those still-constraining models of it. He offers a different relational metaphysics that links the processes of composition to its various products, to the potential benefit of all students and many teachers. —Susan Miller Sirc makes me question my own teaching practices. He also stirs my imagination and opens doors to new (and old) possibilities. He even succeeds in persuading me that "the major cause of our current stasis has been Composition's professionalization." Perhaps living over "an academic cheese factory" is the price we have paid for increased credibility. —Robin Varnum from the Introduction: "Contemporary Composition is still inflected by the epistemic turn taken in the 1980s, convincing me that we need to remember what we've forgotten—namely, how impassioned resolves and thrilling discoveries were abandoned and why. I'd like to retrace the road not taken in Composition Studies, to salvage what can still be recovered... I want to inspect the wreckage, in order to show what was the promise of the Happenings for Composition, as well as the huge gray longueur of its pale replacement, Eighties Composition. In so doing, I hope to begin a reconfiguration of our field's pre- and after history." What happened to the bold, kicky promise of writing instruction in the 1960s? The current conservative trend in composition is analyzed allegorically by Geoffrey Sirc in this book-length homage to Charles Deemer's 1967 article, in which the theories and practices of Happenings artists (multi-disciplinary performance pioneers) were used to invigorate college writing. Sirc takes up Deemer's inquiry, moving through the material and theoretical concerns of such pre- and post-Happenings influences as Duchamp and Pollock, situationists and punks, as well as many of the Happenings artists proper. With this book, already a cult classic, began a neo-avant-garde for composition studies.

    • Language teaching & learning material & coursework

      What We Really Value

      by Bob Broad

    • Grammar & vocabulary
      January 2014

      Word Aware

      Teaching vocabulary across the day, across the curriculum

      by Speechmark Publishing Limited

      This comprehensive and practical book provides an ideal platform for the provision of effective vocabulary development in children of all abilities.This rigorously tried and tested approach is an outstanding resource that will be an essential addition to any school classroom and is also an important addition to the materials used by speech and language therapists. In particular it provides: A structured approach to promote vocabulary development in all children Comprehensive and structured approach to learning with a multitude of activities and lesson plans Adopts a whole school approach but is equally effective for specific classes and groups or individual learners An effective tool to teach children who speak English as an additional language. Particularly suitable for Key Stages 1 and 2.

    • Grammar & vocabulary
      May 2016

      Word Aware 2

      Teaching Vocabulary in the Early Years

      by Stephen Parsons, Anna Branagan

      Word Aware 2: Teaching Vocabulary in the Early Years is a comprehensive vocabulary enrichment tool for use by professionals in Early Years Foundation Stage settings. Based on sound theoretical principles, refined through years of observation and practice, this outstanding resource provides everything you need to create a word-rich environment that benefits every child in your care. Word Aware 2 gives you a structured process through which you can: Establish an environment in which all children are surrounded by words and are inspired to learn them Support vocabulary enrichment in children with Special Educational Needs and English as an Additional Language Offer training to colleagues so that the whole school becomes a word-rich environment Engage parents so that your efforts are reinforced at home Based on the proven success of the established Word Aware resource for primary schools, this is a fantastic vocabulary-teaching tool that you can use with complete confidence to help you deliver outstanding outcomes for the children in your Early Years setting.

    • Grammar & vocabulary
      April 2021

      Excel English Speaking Course Marathi (With Youtube AV)

      Learning Spoken English Intantly

      by Sahil Gupta

      Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee. Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Pustak kee visheshataen- Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book 'English Speaking Course' is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections - alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers

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