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      • Business competition

        Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

        How to Use Seminars and Public Speaking to Market and Promote Your Business, Profession, or Passion — Profitably

        by David R. Portney

        We are in an age where the battle to get your customers’ attention is fierce and advertising options are becoming more expensive and less effective. In Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, you will learn everything you need to know to market yourself and your business in the least expensive and most effective way possible — by using the power of seminars and public speaking. With seminar and public speaking expert David Portney as your guide, you’ll learn how to ▪ organize a seminar for little or no money, ▪ sell from the stage, ▪ write a presentation in four easy steps, ▪ brand yourself as the expert in your field, ▪ get your customers to come to you. Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is contains all of the information and know-how so that you can go from stage-wary beginner to awe-inspiring speaker in no time flat, including ▪ a 30-day fast-start action plan, ▪ a cornucopia of resources, ▪ tons of advice and methods for overcoming stage fright and fear of public speaking, ▪ how to combine your Internet strategy with your seminar strategy, ▪ and all the tips and techniques you need to market whatever you’re selling effectively, inexpensively—and profitably.

      • Public speaking guides

        The Science of Gaining Compliance

        by Franklin J. Boster, Christopher J. Carpenter, Michael R. Kotowski, and Allison Z. Shaw

        The Science of Gaining Compliance provides readers with an examination of key compliance-gaining techniques with the goal of making sense of their form, effects, mediators, and moderators. Readers learn how compliance-gaining differs from other forms of social influence, such as persuasion, because it takes place in the active communication context of interpersonal encounters. The text emphasizes how compliance-gaining techniques don’t rely on applying pressure and also focus on changing behavior, rendering them a unique form of interpersonal communication.Opening chapters introduce the concept of compliance-gaining and investigate multimessage techniques, including foot-in-the-door, door-in-the-face, and temptation techniques such as lowballing, bait-and-switch, and the lure. Later chapters present a set of single-message techniques, including pregiving, instilling guilt, direct requests, and confusion strategies. The final chapter summarizes each of the techniques as well as their similarities and differences.The Science of Gaining Compliance is an exceptional text for courses and programs in communication and social influence.

      • Popular psychology

        The Alchemy of Voice

        Transform and Enrich Your Life Through the Power of Your Voice

        by Stewart Pearce

      • Business strategy

        129 More Seminar Speaking Success Tips

        by David R. Portney

        Public speaking and seminars remain as the perfect marketing and advertising solution to promote any business, service, product, charity, issue, or cause. Hence, this book you’re reading right now. The title of this book is 129 More Seminar Speaking Success Tips because this is the follow up to 129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips. Taken together, these two books comprise 258 hard-hitting tips and techniques you can use right away to build relationships with prospects and potential customers and clients using the most powerful method remaining to date: public speaking and seminars. In 129 More Seminar Speaking Success Tips, you will find . . . ▪ tips that will motivate you to action ▪ life-saving tips that will help you conquer stage fright and overcome fear of public speaking ▪ tips that will allow you to organize your own seminars with ease ▪ tips that will allow you to prevent your seminar from becoming a chaotic disaster ▪ terrific marketing tips ▪ tips on how to get the “butts in the seats” ▪ tips on how to be a master of the stage ▪ tips on how to avoid deadly mistakes And much, much more.

      • Public speaking guides

        Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals

        Achieving Excellence

        by Naomi. Karten

        Expert advice for technical professionals looking to improve their presentation skills Your technical skills and professional expertise are evidence of your ability to accomplish difficult tasks. Strong presentation skills can help you further advance your career. The ability to present articulately to customers, management, peers and others can significantly enhance your credibility, clout, and professional status. Delivering presentations at work or professional events is an unbeatable way to gain a reputation as a valued employee and an expert in your field. If you have ever tried to get out of giving a presentation because of nerves, or if you feel there is room for improvement in your presentation techniques, thenPresentation Skills for Technical Professionalsis for you. Invaluable tips This book gives you invaluable tips on how to make your presentation clear and accessible, how to interact with your audience and how to retain their interest while keeping your anxiety under control. Naomi Karten has used her vast experience — both positive and negative — on the front lines of public speaking to provide key advice (and many chuckles!) in this engrossing read for the technical professional. By following the advice contained this book, you can take the stress out of the exercise and start delivering presentations that will engage your audience and make your ideas and arguments memorable.

      • Public speaking guides
        August 2012

        Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys

        by Dee Clayton

        A Godsend for anyone who’s ever suffered that dread of speaking in public!’ If, like almost everyone, you’re petrified of public speaking, the last thing you want is a lecture! And there lies the brilliance of this unique book’s genuinely innovative approach to the issue: Dee Clayton makes the process of overcoming those negative voices in your head (Your ‘Public Speaking Monkeys!’) and becoming an effective speaker lighthearted and fun! A Godsend for anyone who’s ever suffered that dread, Dee’s refreshingly simple yet amazingly effective multiawardwinning approach has already helped thousands to overcome their fears and become effective and confident public speakers. Significantly, the author’s keenly aware that for most of us, effective public speaking isn’t necessarily an end in itself but a means to other ends for example Dee has already helped company directors to persuade more successfully, doctors to win more funding, mediators to influence international decisions and all kinds of business people to fulfil their potential. What’s more, this is a genuinely practical guide! Unlike most ‘self help’ books on the topic (or any other), this one doesn’t just tell you what to do; in her chatty, good-humored style, Dee explains exactly how, sharing her own experiences and coaxing the reader through a programme that doesn’t just work it even makes public speaking enjoyable! Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys® works so well because its easy, enjoyable style is underpinned by Dee’s solid, real-life experience of speaking publicly to tens of thousands of people first in her highly successful twenty-year marketing career (communicating for UK household brands such as Jacob’s Creek, Pizza Hut and Jammie Dodgers to name but a few) and now as a public speaking training specialist. Equally vitally, the book draws heavily upon the NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) techniques and insights in which Dee is a highly experienced Trainer and Master Practitioner. Taming your Public Speaking Monkeys® is a rare find: a self-help book that really helps and best of all the results come to you quickly and stick with you for life!

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