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      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2017

        Henry Dresser and Victorian ornithology

        Birds, books and business

        by Henry A. McGhie

        This book explores the life of Henry Dresser (1838-1915), one of the most productive British ornithologists of the mid-late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and is largely based on previously unpublished archival material. Dresser travelled widely and spent time in Texas during the American Civil War. He built enormous collections of skins and eggs of birds from Europe, North America and Asia, which formed the basis of over 100 publications, including some of the finest bird books of the late nineteenth century. Dresser was a leading figure in scientific society and in the early bird conservation movement; his correspondence and diaries reveal the inner workings, motivations, personal relationships and rivalries that existed among the leading ornithologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Ellen N. La Motte

        Nurse, writer, activist

        by Lea Williams, Christine Hallett

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Ellen N. La Motte

        Nurse, writer, activist

        by Lea Williams, Christine Hallett

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Ellen N. La Motte

        Nurse, writer, activist

        by Lea Williams, Christine Hallett

        Ellen La Motte: nurse, writer, activist, is a biography of La Motte that traces the arc of her life, from her birth in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1873 to her death in Washington, D.C. in 1961. It integrates original unexamined sources such as diaries, unpublished manuscripts, and publishing contracts along with primary sources-letters, newspaper articles, health department reports, and public records-with an examination of her prolific published writings, about topics as diverse as tuberculosis nursing, women's suffrage, nursing during the Great War, and the opium trade. It considers of how she developed as a nurse, writer, and activist once she entered the Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses in 1898 and grew into a potent force in the anti-tuberculosis campaign. Gaining experience speaking and writing on behalf of controversial causes, La Motte put her talents to use on behalf of the fight for the vote for women, nursing during World War I and the anti-opium campaign.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2025


        The true story of Hannah Beswick, the Manchester Mummy

        by Hannah Priest

        The macabre tale of an eighteenth-century woman immortalised in folklore as the 'Manchester Mummy'. In 1835, the Manchester Natural History Society opened the doors of its museum. Taking pride of place in its collection were three mummies: one was Egyptian, one was Peruvian and one was a woman from Cheetham Hill. This is the first time the true story of Hannah Beswick, the so-called 'Manchester Mummy', has been told. Over the years, explanations for the Manchester Mummy have ranged from the chilling - Hannah's fear of being buried alive - to the downright bizarre - the legend of her buried gold - but the truth is more complex. Exploring this fascinating episode from museum history, Unburied sheds light on the Victorian turn to the macabre and changing attitudes to the display of human remains. It debunks the legends and asks what Hannah Beswick can tell us about death and dying, mummies and museums.

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2020

        Namen und Werke. Auf 12 Bände erweiterte Neuausgabe!

        Biographien und Beiträge zur Soziologie der Jugendbewegung

        by Hinrich Jantzen ; Alexander Glück

        Nach 35 Jahren umfassend erweitert: Die maßgebliche Personendokumentation zur deutschen Jugendbewegung. Neuausgabe mit allen (überwiegend bisher unveröffentlichten) Personenakten im Faksimile. Zusammen zwölf Bände. Gefördert von der Deutschen Stiftung Denkmalschutz. Faksimile der fünf Originalbände, ergänzt um hunderte bio-/bibliographische Fragebögen, meist in Originalhandschriften! Das gesamte verbliebene Fragebogenmaterial der Redaktion. Studienausgabe: fünf Bände mit je ca. 360 S. Ergänzungen, Manuskripte und Fragebögen: sieben Bände mit je ca. 360 S. und einem umfangreichen Nachwort im letzten Band. Namenliste: Abetz, Otto; Aff, Johannes; Ahlborn, Knud; Ahlemann, Joachim; Ahrens, Heinrich; Aigles, Alma de l‘; Alfken, Hans; Althaus, Richard; Altmann-Reich, Hilde; Altpeter, Werner; Alverdes, Paul; Amanshauser, Helmut; Apel, Fritz; Avenarius, Ferdinand; Bahner, Georg; Bahrs, Hans; Baldes, Hermann; Ballerstedt, Kurt; Ballerstedt, Walther; Barthel, Max; Baumann, Hans; Bayer, Maximilian; Becker, Marie-Luise; Behrends, Ernst; Berghäuser, Ernst; Bergstraesser, Arnold; Berthold, Jörg; Blüher, Hans; Blunck, Hans Friedrich; Böhme, Herbert; Bohnenkamp, Hans; Bojarzin, Otto; Bondy, Curt; Borinski, Fritz; Bösche, Hermann; Bötel, Fritz; Brandt, Willy; Brauns, Friedrich; Brehm, Bruno; Bresgen, Cesar; Breuer, Hans; Brües, Otto; Brundert, Willi; Brunner, Heinz; Brunotte, Heinz; Bryk, Kurd; Buber, Martin; Burger, Fritz; Burgstaller, Ernst; Burkart, Hans; Buske, Ernst; Caesar (Keyser), Julius; Chester, Richard; Christaller, Walter; Claudius, Hermann; Claussen, Wilhelm; Conti, Leonardo; Copalle, Siegfried; Cornelius, Friedrich; Cramm, Walter; Daur, Rudolf; Deckart, Martin; Degenhard, Franz Josef; Dehmel, Hans; Diederich, Werner; Diederichs, Eugen; Diehl, Guida; Dienel, Kurz; Diete, Kurt; Dietrich, Karl; Dombrowski, Hermann; Droste, Johannes; Duis, Ernst; Dwinger, Edwin Erich; Ege, Clara; Ehlen, Nikolaus; Ehrenthal, Lutz-Günther; Ehrentreich, Alfred; Eichelberg, Max; Eichen, Heinrich; Eimermacher, Harald; Engelhardt, Emil; Ewald, Otto; Fabricius, Wilhelm; Fallada, Hans; Finckh, Ludwig; Fischer, Karl; Fischer, Walter; Fitz, Oskar; Flach, Jakob; Flex, Walter; Flitner, Wilhelm; Fort, Gertrud Freiin von le; Frank, Ernst; Frank, Karl Hermann; Franz, Günther; Friederichsen, Roland; Fulda, Friedrich Wilhelm; Fulda, Leopold; Gambke, Gotthard; Gardiner, Rolf; Gast, Lise; Gättke, Walter; Geiger-Hof, Anna; Geißler, Wilhelm; Gerber, Kurt; Gerber, Walther; Gerlach, Dankwart; Gerlach, Kurt; Gerlach, Richard; Gerstner, Hermann; Geyer, Wilm; Gilardoni-Hildebrand, Hannes; Gneist, Werner; Goebel, Ferdinand; Gollwitzer, Gerhard; Gollwitzer, Helmut; Görres, Ida Friederike; Götsch, Georg; Götze, Rudolph; Gräff, Otger; Gregori, Ellen; Greiff, Walter; Groß, Julius; Grünewald, Ernst; Grzimek, Bernhard; Guardini, Romano; Haase, Hugo; Habbel, Franz Ludwig; Hachtmann, Rüdiger; Hammer, Walter; Harhammer, Leopold; Harmsen, Hans; Hauck, Ernst; Hauer, Jakob Wilhelm; Hausmann, Manfred; Heeren, Hanns; Heinrich, Fritz; Heise, Heinrich; Heisenberg, Werner; Heister, Bernhard; Hellmuth, Fritz; Helwig, Werner; Hensel, Walther; Hesse, Gerda; Hesse, Kurt-Werner; Heybey, Wolfgang; Heyck, Hans; Hockl, Hans Wolfram; Hoffmann, Adolf; Hoffmann, Fritz Hugo; Hoffmann-Fölkersamb, Hermann; Hoheisel, Will; Holtorf, Hans; Höppener, Hugo (Fidus); Horstmann, Erwin; Hubatsch, Walther; Hübotter, Wilhelm; Hüser, Fritz; Hüttenmeister, Josef; Illgen, Walter; Inderfurth, Wilhelm; Italiaander, Rolf; Iwowski, Klara; Jacob, Max; Jahn, Willie; Jannasch, Hans-Windekilde; Jansen, Willie; Jantzen, Walther; Jarmuth, Kurt; Jöde, Fritz; Jünger, Ernst; Jüngling, Eberhard; Just, Herbert; Kauenhoven, Kurt; Keil, Georg; Keil, Theo; Kistner, Albrecht; Kittel, Helmuth; Klages, Ludwig; Klönne, Arno; Klose, Werner; Kneip, Rudolf; Knoch, Willi; Knothe, Elisabeth; Köbel, Eberhard; Koch, Rudolf; König, Franz; Körber, Normann; Kötschau, Georg; Kotzde-Kottenrodt, Wilhelm; Krauss, Friedrich Emil; Krebs, Albert; Kreisky, Bruno; Kreppel, Friedrich; Kroeber-Keneth, Ludwig; Kröher, Heinrich und Oskar; Kroug, Wolfgang; Kügler, Hermann; Kuhn, Martin; Küppers-Sonnenberg, Gustav Adolf; Kurella, Alfred; Kutzleb, Hjalmar; Kynast, Karl; Lampel, Peter Martin; Laß, Werner; Lehmann, Wilhelm; Lehnartz, Emil; Leibl, Ernst; Leip, Hans; Lenk, Rudolf; Lensch, Otto; Lenzen, Heinrich Jacob; Leut geb. Buch, Dora; Licht, Ernst; Lienhard, Ludwig; Lietz, Hermann; Linz, Armin; Linz, Bernhard; Lion, Alexander; Lippe, Ferdinand v. d; Lischke, Kurt; Lißner, Hans; Löns, Hermann; Losch, Sebastian; Löwe, Hans; Luntowski, Adalbert; Luserke, Martin; Lüth, Erich; Mahraun, Artur; Manstein, Bodo; Matthes, Erich; May, Werner; Medau, Hinrich; Mehnert, Klaus; Mehnert, Rudolf; Melchers, Georg; Menzel, Wilhelm; Merkel, Heinrich Georg; Messerschmid, Felix; Metzger, Ludwig; Meusel, Anton; Mewes, Fritz; Meyer, Kurt; Meyer, Werner; Mirbt, Rudolf; Mitgau, Hermann; Mittelstraß, Gustav; Mülhause, Therese; Müller, Karl Christian; Münker, Wilhelm; Nasarski, Peter E; Nawothnig, Walter; Neuendorff, Edmund; Nitsche, Ernst; Noack, Helmut; Nöldeke-Christaller, Erika; Nolte, Heinrich; Nopitsch, Antonie; Oberländer, Theodor; Oelbermann, Karl; Oelbermann, Robert; Oertel, Hans Joachim; Ollenhauer, Erich; Oppenberg, Ferdinand; Oschilewski, Walther G; Paasche, Hans; Pabst, Helmut; Paetel, Karl O; Paetow, Karl; Perleberg, Gilbert; Pfannenstiel, Ekkehart; Pfeiffer, Hermann; Pleyer, Wilhelm; Pohl, Werner; Popert, Hermann; Poppe, Richard; Prellwitz, Gertrud; Prütz, Siegfried; Rabe, Hanns-Gerd; Rasmus, Claus Friedrich; Rehm, Max; Reichwein, Adolf; Reinemann, John Otto; Richter, Hans; Ritter, Heinz; Roßberg, Martin; Roth, Eugen; Roth, Fritz; Schafft, Hermann; Schierer, Heinz; Schirrmann, Richard; Schmid, Carlo; Schmitz, Heinz; Schneehagen, Christian; Schoeps, Hans-Joachim; Scholz, Erich (Olka); Schomburg, Burkhart; Schönfelder, Otto (Cölner); Schottky, Ernst; Schrammen, Bertchen; Schriefer, Werner; Schröcke, Helmut; Schubmehl, Emma; Schulze, Harry Paul; Schumann, Gerhard; Schumann, Heinrich; Schütte, Hermann; Schweitzer, Horst; Sckerl, Else; Sckerl, Lucie; Seidelmann, Karl; Seidler, Georg; Seiler, Karl-Günther; Severing, Adolf; Shaltiel, David; Sievers, Johannes; Sinkwitz, Paul; Sohnrey, Heinrich; Sonntag, Karl; Sperling, Erich; Springenschmid, Karl; Stachowitsch, Alexej; Staebler, Johannes; Staffen, Rudolf; Stählin, Wilhelm; Stark, Leonhard; Steglich, Arno; Stengel-v. Rutkowski, Lothar; Steudtner, Fritz; Stoehr geb. Maladinski, Marianne; Strüver, Erwin; Süßmuth, Richard; Sydow, Kurt; Tegtmeier, Wilhelm; Thomas, Joachim; Thon, Alfred; Thums, Karl; Tormin, Helmut; Uhsadel, Walter; Voelkel, Martin; Vogel, Theodor; Voggenreiter, Ludwig; Völker, Wolf; Vötterle, Karl; Walter, Theo; Weber, A. Paul; Wecke, Gerhard; Weichmann, Herbert; Weidemann, Magnus; Weismantel, Leo; Welter, Günther; Wendland, Heinz-Dietrich; Werner, Karl; Wilker, Karl; Wittek, Erhard; Wolf, Hans; Wolff, Günther; Wurche, Ernst; Wyneken, Gustav; Zacharias, Alfred; Zadek, Walter; Zaese-Fell, Johanna; Zastrau, Alfred; Ziemer, Gerhard; Zimmer, Erich; Zimmermann, Werner; Zimprich, Richard; Zinserling, Heino; Zombat von Zombatfalva, Gyula; Zuckmayer, Carl

      • Biography & True Stories


        by Chintamani Deshmukh

        The present concise biography not only gives the glimpses of the works of the great scientist but also presents him as an administrator, painter, music lover and above all a humanist.

      • Biography & True Stories

        Nihao, Zhong Nanshan

        by YE Yi

        In 2003, Zhong Nanshan lead a panel of leading experts and saved many lives. 17 years later, he took up the battle again. Read this book and find all about the person he is and the spirit of his.

      • Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Oppenheimer: Portrait of an Enigma

        by By Jeremy Bernstein

        A Revealing Profile of the Father of the Atomic Bomb Highly praised by New York Review of Books, The Spectator, Los Angeles Times, Booklist, & More J. Robert Oppenheimer was a puzzle to everyone. The nuclear physicist most responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb, he was a genius both scientifically and otherwise. His standards were impossibly high. He read widely in many languages, wrote poetry, and did superb science. Yet in Jeremy Bernstein's intensely interesting biographical memoir, Oppenheimer emerges as a man unsure of his identity and captive to an element of self-destructiveness in his makeup. Oppenheimer is the long-awaited book that many people feel Mr. Bernstein was almost born to write. As a former colleague of Oppenheimer's, he has composed a book that is both personal and historical, bringing the reader close to the life and workings of an extraordinary and controversial man. Oppenheimer once told the author that during the now-famous hearing in which he lost his security clearance

      • Biography & True Stories

        Kurt Tank II. La verdadera historia del constructor del Pulqui II. Tomo II

        by Mauricio Bossa

        La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha terminado y Kurt Tank se encuentra a merced de los británicos. Solo podrá continuar en la industria aeronáutica si trabaja para ellos. Además, está bajo sospecha y sus movimientos han sido restringidos. El futuro parece ominoso. Pero sus aviones lo han convertido en una celebridad y son muchos los poderosos que necesitan de sus servicios. Algunos muestran sus cartas y lo obligan a tomar decisiones peligrosas en las narices de los Aliados. Si acierta, volverá al vuelo y al diseño de aeronaves de avanzada; de lo contrario, las consecuencias podrían ser irreparables.Este segundo tomo de Kurt Tank, la verdadera historia del constructor del Pulqui II se sumerge de lleno en el torbellino de acontecimientos que rodean al protagonista desde 1945 y que lo llevarán tan lejos como a la Argentina o la India, luego de que Joseph Stalin intentara reclutarlo para servir en la Unión Soviética. Espionaje, tecnología y aventuras se entrelazan en un vívido relato que recurre a fuentes hasta hoy desconocidas y que develan una personalidad tan fascinante como polémica, convertida en referencia de la aviación mundial por derecho propio.

      • Biography & True Stories


        Real Dreams Really Make a Difference

        by Martha Cinader

        From ancient history to near-modern times, this collection of short stories and poetry is about fascinating people in history who followed their dreams and changed the world. The repertoire was developed in performance in clubs, schools, libraries, jazz festivals and at the International Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Included are stories about Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Josephine Baker, Queen Boedicea, Sacajawea and more.   Described as "a hip beatnick Sesame Street for grownups," the stories are engaging for middle schoolers and up, and would appeal to teachers and librarians for their educational and entertainment value. The collection would also lend itself to adaptation for an educational animated TV series.   Martha would like to see the life of this repertoire of biographical stories be extended to other mediums through licensing and permissions opportunities.   For a more detailed description please see the Supporting Information PDF.

      • Medicine: general issues

        Suburban Shaman

        Tales from Medicine's Frontline

        by Cecil Helman

        'To be a good doctor you have to be a compassionate chameleon, a shape shifter - a shaman. Even if your adaptation to your patients' world happens at an unconscious level you should always work within their system of ideas, never against it...' So writes Cecil Helman after 27 years as a family practitioner in the suburbs of North London interlaced with training and research as a medical anthropologist, comparing a wide variety of health systems. This unique combination of frontline health worker and detached academic informs the many stories that make up this fascinating book. It also informs the author's shared insights into what these stories can teach us about ourselves and our own attitudes to health and illness, whether we are deliverers or recipients of health care. With humour and gentle humaneness, Helman's colourful stories take the reader on a journey from apartheid South Africa, where he did his initial training, to the London of the early 1970s, where for a short time he foreswore medicine to become an anthropologist and poet; from ship's doctor on a Mediterranean cruise to family practitioner in London; from observer of curative trance dances in the favelas of Brazil to consulting with sangomas in South Africa. While trained in the Western tradition and with many years of practice in that system, Helman's anthropological insight leads him to view illness in a wider personal, social and cosmic context, considering elements beyond the purely physical, as do shamans and other traditional doctors. In pleading for this age-old holistic approach, he celebrates family medicine which 'in its quiet and unassuming way, and every day of the week, is still at the very frontline of human suffering'.

      • Biography: science, technology & engineering

        Charles Doolittle Walcott, Paleontologist

        by Ellis Yochelson (author)

        Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850–1927) is one of the most important and highly respected figures in the history of geology. This in-depth biography documents his career and life from birth to retirement from the U.S. Geological Survey in 1907, when he became Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.With very little formal education (he did not complete high school), Walcott became special assistant to James Hall, State Paleontologist of New York, and made a fundamental contribution to the study of trilobites by describing their limbs. He joined the new U.S. Geological Survey in 1879 and rose through the ranks to become its director in 1894, a position he held for 13 years. Walcott is known best for having documented in detail the “Cambrian,” the oldest richly fossiliferous rocks in the world. His primary efforts for the U.S. Geological Survey were in keying fossils to the sequence of rocks, and he brought new precision to the biostratigraphy of the older rocks of North America.A talented and productive scientist, he also applied his talents to administration and made the USGS the most successful scientific organization in the world. At one time he was Director of the USGS, Chief of the Reclamation Service (effectively in charge of national forests), Secretary of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and chairman of two committees appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt. The publication of his biography will serve to illuminate the life of an important but little-known American scientist.[tab:Author]Ellis Yochelson is past-president of the Paleontological Society and cofounder and past-president of the History of Earth Sciences Society. He is the author of The National Museum of Natural History: Seventy-Five Years in the Natural History Building and editor of the two-volume Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention.“Ellis Yochelson leads us to a new, much deeper understanding of Charles D. Walcott and the institutions with which he was associated. He captures an era of geology that is gone, and in so doing may help educate modern readers about the goals and rigors of geoscience in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.”—Kennard Bork, past editor of History of Earth Science

      • Biography: science, technology & engineering

        Charming The Bones

        A Portrait of Margaret Matthew Colbert

        by Anne Brimacombe Elliot (author)

        Born in 1911 to an unconventional, free-spirited artist mother and an eminent paleontologist father, Margaret Matthew chose a career as an artist specializing in restorations of extinct animals. She began her career at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City drawing fossil bones, and there she met her husband, the noted paleontologist Edwin (Ned) Colbert.Charming the Bones portrays Margaret’s life as the wife of a famous man and the mother of five sons and, later in her life, as a respected restoration artist, illustrator, and sculptor.Margaret Matthew Colbert’s paintings, drawings, and sculptures grace museums worldwide and enable the general public, as well as professional paleontologists, to visualize extinct creatures.

      • Biography: science, technology & engineering

        Smithsonian Institution Secretary, Charles Doolittle Walcott

        by Ellis Yochelson (author)

        Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850-1927) is a highly respected figure in the history of geology and paleontology. Perhaps his most notable contribution to his field was his discovery of the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, one of the most important fossil discoveries ever made. In addition to his distinguished field work, Walcott’s career included years of service as an administrative leader in the scientific community: as director of the U.S. Geological Survey, as secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, as organizer of the National Space and Aeronautics Administration, as a founding member of the National Academy of Sciences.Smithsonian Institution Secretary continues the story Ellis L. Yochelson began in Charles Doolittle Walcott, Paleontologist (1998). Using Walcott’s letters and journals and the recollections of friends and colleagues, Yochelson discusses Walcott’s life and career as secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.Accompanied by illustrations and photographs from private collection

      • Biography: general

        Doctors and Discoveries

        Lives That Created Today's Medicine

        by John Galbraith Simmons

      • Biography: general

        The American Cockerell

        A Naturalist's Life, 1866-1948

        by William A Weber

        In The American Cockerell: A Naturalist's Life, botanist William A. Weber pulls together pieces of the life of T D A 'Theo' Cockerell, a man who was an internationally known scientist, a prolific writer, and a highly regarded teacher at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The elder brother of the noted scholar Sir Sydney Cockerell, Theo laboured in relative obscurity in America while his brothers and their families were basking in the limelight of smart British society. His contribution to the understanding of wild bees is monumental-he catalogued over 900 species in Colorado alone, and he assiduously collected them wherever he travelled. By 1938 he had published the names and descriptions of 5,480 new species and subspecies. He was also an early supporter of women's rights, a Morrisian socialist, an avid reader, and author of almost 4,000 published scientific papers, book reviews, and discussions of social issues.

      • Biography: science, technology & engineering

        Dr. Charles David Spivak

        A Jewish Immigrant and the American Tuberculosis Movement

        by Jeanne Abrams

        Part biography, part medical history, and part study of Jewish life in turn-of-the-century America, Miracle Man tells the story of Dr Charles David Spivak -- the Jewish immigrant from Russia who became one of the leaders of the American tuberculosis movement. Born in Russia in 1861, Spivak immigrated to the United States in 1882 and received his medical degree from Philadelphia's Jefferson Medical College by 1890. In 1896, his wife's poor health brought them to Colorado. Determined to find a cure, Spivak became one of the most charismatic and well-known leaders in the American tuberculosis movement. His role as director of Denver's Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society sanatorium allowed his personal philosophies to strongly influence policies. His unique blend of Yiddiskeit, socialism, and secularism -- along with his belief in treating the "whole" patient -- became a model for integrating medical, social, and rehabilitation services that was copied across the country. Not only a national leader in the crusade against tuberculosis but also a luminary in the American Jewish community, Dr Charles Spivak was a physician, humanitarian, writer, linguist, journalist, administrator, social worker, ethnic broker, and medical, public health, and social crusader. Abrams's biography will be a welcome addition to anyone interested in the history of medicine, Jewish life in America, or Colorado history.

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