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Management: leadership & motivation

My Fire's Gone Out! - Head Work

by Liam O'Connell


A contemporary motivational book – the new “Who Moved My Cheese!” Read it in an hour and change your life for good!   My fire’s gone out! is a simple, funny and yet profound story about coping with change. The fire is a metaphor for what is really important to you in your life or your work. In this fast-paced modern world we live in,we are faced with many challenges and complex choices. Sometimes our personal fire can go out and this book can help you get that spark back to relight your fire! Thoughts from the flames! • Change happens • React positively • Take action and the opportunity that change brings My fire’s gone out! can be applied to any type of change, from redundancy to starting a new relationship. It covers the universal themes of common sense and the reality of life in general! This book can... help you achieve positive success and enjoy your life and your work!
My Fire's Gone Out!

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