Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation
The Wonder of Unicorns
by Diana Cooper
In this new book, Diana Cooper shares her own experience of connecting with unicorns. She also discusses the ancient myths and legends surrounding unicorns and explains these from a higher spiritual perspective, enabling the reader to understand the amazing energetic beings that we perceive as unicorns. Reveals them to be similar in presence and power to angels.

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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint Findhorn Press
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781844091430 / 1844091430
- Publication Country or regionScotland
- FormatPaperback
- Pages206
- Publish StatusPublished
- ResponsibilityDiana Cooper.
- Page size22
- IllustrationIllustrations
- Reference CodeBDZ0008291374
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