THE HARWARD GIRLS is the second story in 'The Candy Box' collection. THE HARWARD GIRLS welcome you to a very special academy of music, where toys, tongues and nimble fingers are all part of the curriculum. Mistress Samantha Harward commands musical perfection from her girls, and her dutiful students lap up every lesson!
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"The Candy Box is a book styled like no other I’ve previously read. With two gloriously sticky stories inside, it manages to stay sensual throughout whist enticing the reader with some seriously naughty sex!" Annie Player, London's Erotic Awards judge Neither of these two novellas is what you would call hurried and yet the reader is drawn along a pace that gives this a true status as a page turner. It is a testament to the skilful writing that the descriptive elements of the narrative do not impede the flow of the story and the arousal of the reader but reinforce it and make the experience of enjoying the book’s series of scenes even more intense. You have to set time aside to read this book, but not too much, and the draw of what you find in it will make you want to spend that time in the rich and decadent erotic world that is The Candy Box., ETO Award Winners 2011 & 2012
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Sweetmeats Press / NA
- Publication Date December 2009
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781909181823
- FormatEbook
- Primary Price 1.99 USD
- Pages71
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Edition1st
- IllustrationNo
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