Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice
The Findhorn Book of Guidance & Intuition
by Carly Newfeld
This title explores the many ways in which we can access spiritual guidance, heed intuition, and follow what we receive with diligence and joy. Through insightful narrative and spirited dialogue, the author tells the stories and defines the steps taken by people whose clear guidance and intuition is as integral to their daily lives as brushing their teeth.;The first chapters offer a glimpse as to how the Findhorn Community was brought into manifestation through the discipline of Eileen Caddy who heeded the "still small voice" of God within and followed her spiritual guidance impeccably. Also Dorothy Maclean, who discovered that inner listening led to inner joy and from there to rare communication and cooperation with the angelic realm of the Devas. And Peter Caddy, who matched his keen intuition with faith and action. Their very different forms of attunement have inspired thousands of people since the 1960s to seek spiritual guidance, to trust their own intuition, and to follow what is revealed to them.;The author aims to bring readers into her home and on adventures, meeting along the way colourful characters and ordinary people who show the many forms guidance takes in their lives. She offers a touchstone for inner listening and recognizing the voice and tone of wholeness amid the internal dialogue.

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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint Findhorn
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781844090082 / 1844090086
- Publication Country or regionScotland
- FormatPaperback
- Pages128
- ReadershipGeneral - Trade
- Publish StatusPublished
- ResponsibilityCarly Newfeld.
- Page size19
- Reference CodeBDZ0005615617
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