Readers will be interested to know that this collection of short pastiches featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson has been written by a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, Edmund Hastie. In H.R.F. Keating's introduction to this unusual book he says, '... a triumph ... Sherlock Holmes is present in all his characteristic arrogance and all his inevitability of success'.
Edmund Hastie has been writing since the age of seven and was inspired to create this work when he discovered Doyle's great detective on the shelves of his public library.
In Sherlock Holmes and the Disappearing Prince, Sherlock Holmes is set four mysteries to solve. The title story is set in the university town of Cambridge and features the Crown Prince of Japan who apparently vanishes without trace from his rooms. As always Dr. Watson relates the stories and describes the events in his usual ripping style.
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Baker Street Studios / Breese
- Publication Date December 2010
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9780947533342 / 0947533346
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatPaperback
- Pages96
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- ResponsibilityEdmund Hastie.
- Page size22
- SeriesSherlock Holmes
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