Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice
Stay in the White Light, and Dream
by Martin Brofman
"Stay in the White Light" is a progressive relaxation through your body. As each part of your body relaxes, you can imagine it glowing with white light. When your entire body is glowing, you can experience yourself being centred, enjoying a deep state of relaxation known to enhance the generation of beneficial alpha brain waves, and listening to affirmations encouraging self expression and self acceptance.;"Dream" aims to guide you to an experience of being a single point of consciousness, able to see your life as a dream, as the product of what is happening in your consciousness, as you see yourself moving toward the fulfilment of your goals.

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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint Findhorn Press
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781844090235 / 184409023X
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatPaperback
- ReadershipGeneral - Trade
- Publish StatusPublished
- Responsibilityby Martin Brofman.
- Page size15
- SeriesStay in the White Light and Dream
- Reference CodeBDZ0006039767
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