Complementary medicine
Anything Can Be Healed
by Martin Brofman
This title offers a healer's tutorial and reference. It is also a user's manual for the body/mind interface through the chakras (energy centres) described in Eastern traditions, as explained with Western concepts of psychology. The physical body is seen as a mirror of the consciousness within, and specific tensions on the physical level are seen as reflecting correspondingly specific tensions in the conscious about specific issues in the life of the individual experiencing the symptoms.;Each symptom is associated with a particular way of being, a particular personality profile, in the same way that heart disease is associated with type "A" behaviour. The "way of being" reflects as stressed way in which the individual interacts with his or her environment and which is actually the inner cause to the outer symptom. Healing the symptom, then, involves not only releasing the tension on the physical level, but also the cause, by letting go of the stressful way of interacting with the environment. The process of healing thus implies a process of transformation.;This book deals with the various elements of the healing process, including transformation, and is of interest to those wishing to be healed, as well as those wishing to use these concepts to understand and help others. The methods used are compatible with all philosophies and all religions. This is a Westernized system, in that there are no secret symbols and no one to call "master" - only tools that anyone can easily use.

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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint Findhorn
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781844090167 / 1844090167
- Publication Country or regionScotland
- FormatPaperback
- Pages207
- Publish StatusPublished
- Responsibilityby Martin Brofman.
- Page size23
- IllustrationIllustrations
- Reference CodeBDZ0005814473
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