Industrial applications of scientific research & technological innovation
Progress in Nanomaterials for Food Packaging
by Jong Whan Rhim
Food packaging has developed greatly over recent years, mainly due to the increased demands on product safety, shelf-life extension, cost efficiency, environmental issues and consumer convenience. In order to meet such varied demands of consumers, manufacturers and society, various innovative packaging systems, such as active and intelligent packaging systems, are emerging. Active packaging is able to modify the condition of the packaged food without provoking any substantial variation in its quality and nutritional value, while improving its shelf life and, ultimately, its safety. Intelligent packaging is meant to monitor features of the packed food to provide an indication of the quality status of the packaged product during storage and handling. Such innovative packaging systems are possible with the aid of newly developed packaging materials, with improved packaging performance. This book covers selected topics and technologies in the food packaging sector, as well as innovative new packaging materials and their properties.

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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint FS / Progress in Nanomaterials for Food Packaging
- Publication Date January 2014
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781909453258
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatEbook
- Primary Price 155 GBP
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
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