Wondrous Willow
by Horner, Christine
ONCE THERE WAS AN AUSPICIOUS LITTLE BUTTERFLY who lived on the side of a very steep mountain. How Willow had come to be born on the side of this particular mountain was a great mystery to her. Yet, she felt sure it was for a very special reason that she was there. “You don’t even do . . . whatever it is butterflies do. You sit around on bushes preening, or near the water’s edge looking at yourself all day!” yelled Percy. It was true. When she thought about it much, it brought her down. How could Willow be so silly as to think herself to be important when she didn’t even behave like other butterflies?
Christine Horner and Joey McGrellis take us on a courageous journey of the heart as Willow, marveling at her wondrous existence, explores life, death, unlikely heroes, and a miracle when a man-made fire changes her life and her mountain home forever.www.ChristineHorner.com

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5-Star Readers' Favorite Review
Willow's Wonders Club for Kids where you can nominate Everyday Heroes: www.WondrousWillow.com
I enjoyed this book so much I read it in one sitting. Ms Horner’s story is unique and had a good moral to it. It is very appropriate for boys and girls. A quick interesting read. I especially liked the illustrations by Mr. McGrellis he is very talented and has a great future in illustrating or any field he goes into. ~ RTamie, LibraryThing.com Early Reviewer
Horner’s debut story has action and adventure as well as nature lore as the animals have to contend with the ramifications of events created by people, but the story really shines in the bucolic meadows by the river where Willow and her friends live. Wondrous Willow is highly recommended. ~ Jack Magnus, Readers' Favorite 5 Star Review
Author Biography
Philosopher, humanitarian, and co-founder of What Would Love Do Foundation. Nominated for the 2014 Dayton Literary Peace Prize, Christine Horner offers a higher consciousness perspective on the human experience, and endeavors to awaken the miraculous within you. Visit www. ChristineHorner.com
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint In the Garden Publishing / Yugen Press
- Publication Date September 2015
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781941351147 / 194135114X
- Publication Country or regionUnited States
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 13.95 USD
- Pages118
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- EditionFirst
- Page size8x5 (8x5) inches
- IllustrationFull Color original art by 17-year-old debut illustrator
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