Alternative lifestyles
The Valbonne Monologues
by Chris France
Living the life of the idle rich on the Cote d'Azur, here are some of the things being said about the author and his writing:
- "The funniest book I have ever read."
- "As funny as Wilt by Tom Sharp."
- "50 shades of shite."
- "As intellectually challenging as reading Heat magazine with a hangover."
- "As appealing as sucking warm diarrhoea through a tramps sock."
- "This book makes those who suggest you should never stop trying look really stupid."
- "Somhow death seems a less daunting prospect after reading this book."
- "If you want a gripping tale delivered with fine turns of phrase and an evocative prose, read another book."
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Bibliographic Information
- Publication Date May 2013
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- Publication Country or regionEngland
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price £10
- Pages323
- Publish StatusSelf-Published
- ResponsibilityChris France
- Edition1st
- Illustrationyes
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