Small Axe Books.

Books for free souls!

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A dream. Our publisher exists for the purest desire to be here and do things our way: rocker and insubstantial, but also professionally and creatively. 

Yes, because more than "selling things", we want to add value and make every adventure worth embarking on, inaugurating a new style in Brazilian literature. They are frank and pretentious longings, it is true, but they are not asking anyone for permission to exist: they already are.

Believe me, you didn't get here by chance ... so be welcome: take your seat and enjoy the trip!

"If you are the big tree, we are the small axe, sharpened to cut you down, ready to cut you down"

(Small Axe - music by Bob Marley)

Licensing Information

I am the author of the book and CEO of the publisher. I am able to negotiate all types of licensing.


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