Reading Luxembourg

Promotiong books & literature from Luxembourg abroad

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Reading Luxembourg is Luxembourg's export programme.

Beyond the annual national stand at Frankfurt Book Fair, Reading Luxembourg is in charge of various missions, such as the presence at other fairs, festivals and literary events, a training offer for professionals of the book and publishing sector and strategic support to foreign rights sales.

Reading Luxembourg is linking up publishers and authors from Luxembourg with stakeholders on an international level and providing information on available translation and publication grants.

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To contribute to the international dissemination of literature and books made in Luxembourg, Reading Luxembourg is putting the foreign rights activities at the center of its activities. The export programme is organising professional training for the publishing houses and issues yearly a foreign rights catalog for the Frankfurt Book Fair.

These foreign rights brochures present recent titles with particular potential for translation and international distribution.

7 publishers from Luxembourg are digital exhibitors at the Special Edition of Frankfurt Book Fair 2020 and present on the Frankfurt Rights platform:

  • capybarabooks
  • Éditions Guy Binsfeld
  • Éditions Schortgen
  • Hydre Éditions
  • Kiwi E.L.G.
  • Kremart Edition
  • PersPektiv Éditions

Our brochures of 2019 are divided into three volumes of Books from Luxembourg according to the genres of fiction, non-fiction and children’s and youth literature, thus highlighting the richness and plurality of literature from the Grand Duchy.


  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Luxembourgish


  • Luxembourg

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