Harvard Education Press
We publish innovative and authoritative books covering critical issues in education

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Over the past two decades, Harvard Education Press has published innovative and authoritative books covering critical issues in education. These titles influence and inform education practice and administration, explore ongoing policy debates, and report on important research in the field.
In the fall of 2002, Harvard Education Press published its first book. Titled Racial Inequity in Special Education and edited by Gary Orfield and Daniel Losen of Harvard’s Civil Rights Project, it set the stage for a national discussion about special education and racial justice.
Since then, the Press has grown dramatically in size, in the range of topics it covers, and in its influence. It now has extensive lists on education reform, school leadership, climate science, special education, youth development, innovation and entrepreneurship, STEM education, learning and teaching, race and equity, higher education, trauma/learning loss, education management and finance, and numerous other crucially important fields. The Press has published groundbreaking books for school leaders and teachers and highly influential books on education policy.
Our books span the globe and have been translated into more than 21 languages including Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Harvard Education Press has fashioned for itself a singular and indispensable mission: to publish books by leading experts and scholars on behalf of education practice and policy. It is ideally situated to make unique and extensive contributions to the education world at a time of unprecedented change, challenge, and opportunity. The Press is committed to contributing to the knowledge and greater understanding of educational issues that are of central importance to our society today.
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