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      • A Story Inside Books

        A Story Inside Books was formed when Book Coach to Best Sellers® Kim O'Hara launched client Allen Maxwell's book to #3 on the Wall Street Journal Best Business books in July 2020. She saw that her clients who self-publish need an avenue to sell foreign rights. She also saw her clients who wanted traditional publishing needing an extra forum to present their content. As a book coach, she has worked individually with each client for over a year on navigating their books to best sellers. She is now proud to present each special and unique titile at this marketplace.

      • Angelo Pontecorboli Editore Firenze - EDAP

        Angelo Pontecorboli Editore - Florence – ItalyAcademic Contents, Professional Editing, Premium Design, Online Distribution and Marketing. Editore indipendente con sede a Firenze. Le riviste e gli articoli pubblicati riguardano principalmente l’Antropologia, l’Architettura, il Giardino e le Scienze Umane. Independent publisher based in Florence (Italy). The Journals and Articles it publishes are concentrated mainly in the areas of Anthropology, Architecture, Gardens, and Human Sciences.

      • Pirates Publishing House

        PIRATES is a unique creative house that brings you the best of both books and films, the only one in India. Whether it is books or films, our only philosophy is STORY FIRST.

      • Art of Crow

        ART OF CROW is a brand that specializes in creating, featuring and publishing the Art of Books by the artist and writer CROW, and his curator and publisher Susanne M. Matz. The books are precious editions of prose or lyrics illustrated by artworks of paintings and photographic art. Titles are available as limited hardcover-editions, eBooks, and Audiobooks, designed by combining the spoken word and music. Order at

      • Ediciones Puro Chile

        Puro Chile creates unique, high-quality and personalized books of renowned creators in the fields of Art, Architecture, Photography and Design.

      • Photo Travel Editions

        Photo Travel Editions is an italian independent Publishing House founded in 2018 and directed by Giovanni Marino. Books and reading are necessary tools to communicate beauty and to transmit memory and identity. In this context, Photo Travel Editions, develops as a natural evolution of a complex reality with the aim of giving voice to the need to spread and share the cultural tool par excellence, the book. Photo Travel Editions combines aspects of traditional publishing with the new modern publishing of E-books and audiobooks. The publishing project offers nonfiction books, contemporary fiction, poetry, photographic books and the re-edition of rare books. Great attention is paid to emerging authors who will be offered the means to reach an increasingly important number of readers, giving them the opportunity to express themselves, communicate and excite through writing.

      • Global Collective Publishers

        Global Collective Publishers, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an independent publisher whose mission is to provide a platform for voices from around the world, crossing the borders of language, culture, religion, and gender, and to create a space where diverse communities can share and exchange stories that express their individual and shared sense of humanity through a variety of literary genres in fiction and non-fiction. In a world that feels increasingly more alienating, it is our aim to work towards dispelling the fear of the other and stand against literature of hatred, embracing the shared human experience in its myriad textures and voices through a curiosity-driven life. Global Collective is committed to publishing across a diverse landscape of fiction and non-fiction, in the areas of religion and spirituality, personal growth and self-transformation, gender and LGBT+ studies, social awareness, art and cinema. Global Collective takes to heart Booker Prize winner Ben Okri’s assertion that “stories can conquer fear… they can make the heart bigger.”Global Collective Publishers seeks unique and extraordinary literature that satiates our desire to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and to discover points of commonality amongst our differences where words have no borders.

      • Librosampleados

        Librosampleados is a publisher focused on Latin American literature. In the last years, we have interested in translation.


        Kleinworks Agency specializes in FOREIGN and SUBSIDIARY RIGHTS representation for a select group of publishers and writers

      • SalmaiaLit Literary Agency

        Launched in Barcelona in 2008 by Bernat Fiol SalmaiaLit represents world rights of individual authors as well as translation rights of publishers and other literary agencies.

      • Petra Schier

        Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

      • Kerstin Schulze

        Ein angesehener Privatbankier wird erpresst. In einem Luxushotel wird ein Escort-Girl brutal ermordet und die Vereinten Nationen sind Ziel eines Anschlagplans islamistischer Terrorristen. In dem ersten Teil der Thriller-Trilogie »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« geht es um Schwarzgeld, Mord und Terrorgefahr in einer der teuersten Städte der Welt: Genf. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht eine deutsche Praktikantin bei den Vereinten Nationen, die an Angststörungen und Klaustrophobie leidet, und zwischen die Fronten von Geheimdienst und Diplomatie gerät. Es handelt sich um eine brisante Mischung aus Psycho- und Politthriller. Die Idee zu dem Roman lieferte der nie aufgeklärte Tod des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Schleswig-Holstein Uwe Barschel im Genfer Hotel Beau-Rivage.

      • Howard J. Erlichman

        The Roman Century: How a Determined People Launched the Greatest Empire in World History should be of interest to anyone who ponders the increasingly intense competition among the United States, China and Russia. The book places the spectacular Roman advance during a single “long” century (323-188 BCE) in a much wider geo-politico-economic context than existing works; explains how the Romans perfected a three-pronged blueprint of imperial conquest which had been devised by Philip II of Macedon; and incorporates timeless observations from the likes of Appian, Arrian, Clausewitz, Diodorus, Livy, Machiavelli, Plutarch, Polybius, Sun Tzu and Thucydides. The book also explains how the Romans generated a host of lessons to be studied by anyone concerned with the processes through which overseas empires are won and lost. The ebook edition is currently available on Amazon Kindle, Apple iTunes, B&N Nook and Rakuten Kobo.

      • Fossil Rock Ltd

        Publishers of sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, historical, mystery, horror, suspense, crime, drama and modern fiction.

      • Christine Heimannsberg

        Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

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