Your Results(showing 1690)

      • Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG

        With over 120 years of experience Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG is a family owned, independent publishing company and has, as of now, 750 titles available. We specialize amongst others in the fields of psychology, education, gerontology and social work and publish an average of 45 new titles every year. Internationally known as quality research literature, our publications have been translated into over 30 languages.Reinhardt Publishing cooperates with professional institutions and associations such as the German Association for Psychology or the Association for Bodypsychotherapy and is a member of utb GmbH – a university-focused joint venture of 15 German academic publishers.

      • Clare Painter Associates Ltd

        Licensing digital rights can be complicated and time-consuming. For 15 years our digital licensing agency, founded by pioneering digital publisher David Attwooll (as Attwooll Associates), has guided publishers through rapid and complex digital change. Clare and her small team of digital rights experts take a personal approach to each publisher, recommending specific licences and digital business models. We attend the book fairs in London and Frankfurt each year, and deal regularly with over 50 e-vendors across all sectors of the market: professional, academic, educational, and consumer.

      • NordSüd Verlag AG

        From North to South – Founded in 1961, NordSüd is a tradition-steeped children’s book publisher based in Zurich, Switzerland. NordSüd publishes around 50 new publications every year, all of which are high-quality illustrated children’s books in German and English, focusing on fictional and non-fictional picture books, fairy tales and classics. It is our aim to work closely with artists and create new books together, which we represent worldwide and sell translation rights. Next to our own creations we buy German rights for well-known illustrators like Jon Klassen, Oliver Jeffers, Kazuo Iwamura, Sophie Blackall, Isabelle Arsenault and many more.

      • Royal Collection Trust

        The publishing programme at Royal Collection Trust aims to create the highest-quality books, exhibition catalogues, guides and children's books to celebrate the royal residences and the works of art found within them. Our list includes beautifully produced printed books, apps and online catalogues and symposia. We also publish scholarly catalogues raisonnés, which demonstrate the highest standards of academic research.

      • Getty Publications

        We produce exhibition catalogues, scholarly monographs, general interest titles, and children's books related to the collections and activities of the J. Paul Getty Trust.

      • SaltWay

        In addition to trade representation for a select group of independent publishers in international markets SaltWay Global provides Rights Sales and bespoke Marketing services.

      • INK PRESS GmbH

        Liebe Lesende Wir können immer wieder anfangen. Carolin Emcke hat mir bei ihrer Dankesrede für den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels aus dem Herzen gesprochen. Mein Verlag Ink Press ist ein Anfang, jedes Mal bei Erscheinen eines Buches aufs Neue, und so auch im März 2017 mit der neuen Ausgabe des ersten Gedichtbandes Die Untiefen des Verrats von Amanda Aizpuriete. Ich freue mich, mit dieser Dichterin in der Tradition von Ingeborg Bachmann und Emily Dickinson, die erste lyrische Perle, der viele weitere folgen werden, in die Kette zu fädeln. Hana, der Monolith von Elvira Dones, ist jetzt endlich auf Deutsch zu lesen. Tun Sie es! Da ich nicht Ärztin, sondern Verlegerin bin, verordne ich zur Heilung von jeglichen “Krankheiten” den Besitz und die Lektüre von Hana. Schliesslich mache ich weiter, um immer wieder anzufangen, und sage – auf bald, auf den Anfang, auch auf Ihren mit den Büchern von Ink Press! So lange es Menschen gibt, werden Geschichten erzählt. Bei manchen Geschichten lohnt es sich, sie festzuhalten. Sie kommen im ersten Programm aus Südosteuropa, genauer aus Bulgarien, dem Land, wo der älteste Goldschatz der Menschheit gefunden wurde. Es sind universelle Geschichten, die berühren und die uns im Innersten treffen. Die Bulgarische Reihe versammelt die aufregendsten Stimmen und beginnt mit dem biographischen Roman Alkohol von Kalin Terzijski und den trashigen Erzählungen Verfall von Vassil Georgiev. Beide gehören in ihrem Land zu einer ganz neuen Generation von Dichtern, die sich Gehör verschafft – erstmals auch im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die einzelnen Cover-Illustrationen gestalten Schweizer Künstlerinnen. Für Ink Press ist es wichtig, in steter Berührung mit den Künsten zu sein. Dies wird Bücher hervorbringen, die die Zeit überdauern, da es in der Kunst, die sie in sich tragen, um alles geht. Am Anfang steht Louise Bourgeois und Konstruktionen für den freien Fall. Weil ich gar nicht anders kann, als mit ihr zu beginnen – der Leitfigur der jungen Kunst und auch von Ink Press. Das Programm ist die Einladung an Sie, diese Geschichten weiterzuerzählen und zu fallen, ohne sich zu verletzen. Spread it if you like it! Ihre Susanne Schenzle

      • Chelsea Green Publishing

        Founded in 1984, Chelsea Green Publishing is recognized as a leading publisher of books on the politics and practice of sustainable living, publishing authors who bring in-depth, practical knowledge to life, and give readers hands-on information related to organic farming and gardening, ecology and the environment, healthy food, sustainable economics, progressive politics, and, most recently, integrative health and wellness. Chelsea Green has offices in Vermont and London and become 100% employee owned in 2020.

      • ZOOlibri di Rabitti Corrado

        ZOOlibri is an indipendent publishing house born in Reggio Emilia in 2001, that focuses its production in picture books and novels in pictures. Its purpose is both producing its own titles and translating other’s titles on the market taking care of bringing unknown and unpublished artists on Italian market first, and then on the international one. Now almost 70 titles appear on the catalogue. After more than 15 years of work on the international market ZOOlibri is known as one of the most active independent publishers, with productions translated worldwide in 18 languages, and for being the first in bringing together in the same catalogue Jon Klassen, Steve Antony and Oliver Jeffers.

      • Fiza Pathan Publishing OPC Private Limited

        We are interested in furthering the cause of education and in championing social issues. We have therefore embarked on a project to abridge the 'rare' classics, those rarely abridged before, and make them accessible to children of age group 7-12. The main content of our YA or adult books, whether fiction or nonfiction, is highlighting social issues.

      • Neue Erde GmbH

        Neue Erde is an independent mind, body, spirit publisher with the aim to express and promote an earth-connected and life-affirming way of life through a holistic approach to nature, health and spirituality. In over 35 years of publishing history, numerous authors of Neue Erde have made a name for themselves as respected experts in their fields. We would like to offer titles that may contribute to your personal development, now and in future, because our purpose is to provide books for people who are on their path.

      • National Publishing Company BICHIK

        In Yakutia, every winter day is a quest! Putting 10 layers of clothing on, before you go outside, says a lot. Well, that is the tip of the iceberg! The most difficult thing is to wait until a bus arrives when it is -50°C outdoors. Therefore, it is never boring here. Adults and children of the planet would be interested in such warm books from the Pole of Cold with funny facts about life in Yakutia, traditions, history, amazing people and their incredible adventures in the coldest place of the World. Every year, we publish more than 300 titles of various children’s, fiction, study and guidance, reference books, as well as digital and multimedia publications. Over the past 5 years, we won more than 20 international and Russian prizes wherein 14 are for children's book.

      • Enrich Publishing Limited

        Enrich Publishing 天窗出版 Founded in Hong Kong in 2004, Enrich Publishing Limited aims to publish fine books of high quality. With more than 300 books published so far, each of our titles has brought inspiration and enjoyment to our readers. We actively collaborate with renowned and insightful authors, experts, and scholars, to produce a series of influential titles on topics of interest in fields of society, business management, financial investment, humanities, and so on. Skywalker Press 天行者出版 Skywalker Press is on the cutting edge of publishing trends for younger generations. Believing in the value of storytelling, we partner with creative and popular authors to produce fascinating titles which have gained wide recognition in not only Hong King but also Mainland China and Taiwan. As part of our commitment to encourage local creative writing, we launched a creative writing contest — “Skywalker Fiction Award.” Each year, a distinguished panel of judges will select up to 2 winning manuscripts from hundreds of fantastic pieces of writing.Click here for more information

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